Englert S5 S5PV User Manual

S-5-PV Kit
The concept of combining photovoltaic arrays with standing seam metal roong is growing—
and for good reasons. A standing seam metal roof has a life expectancy consistent with that of framed PV modules. A 30-year power source on a 40-year roof, along with zero-penetration technology creates the most sustainable roof system available with alternative power generation, all without compromising the roof's warranty!
The new S-5-PV Kit boasts an important breakthrough in PV mounting technology. It is one
of the rst solar module mounting solutions in the industry to be listed to the new UL subject
2703, a standard that covers both bonding and mounting. Furthermore, the S-5-PV Kit has
gained an ETL Listing to UL 1703.
The S-5-PV Kit features a groundbreaking new stainless steel mounting disk with twelve nodes
designed to ensure the module-to-module conductivity of anodized aluminum module frames. This means the module is simply anchored with the kit and is automatically bonded. No lugs or wire required except to connect one string of modules to another and to ground the system. This connection detail represents installed electrical cost savings of $6-$12 per unit. In most cases, the savings in time and materials is sucient to pay for the entire S-5-PV Kit and clamp setup.
S-5-PV Kit
The right way to attach almost anything to metal roofs!
888-825-3432 | www.S-5.com
The S-5-PV Kit is a revolutionary new solution to attach solar
PV panels to standing seam metal roofs!
The S-5-PV Kit is furnished with the hardware shown at right, excluding the attachment clamp, which is supplied separately. Additional nuts will need to be ordered for use on end applications. The S-5-PV Kit is compatible with most common metal roong materials, including brass. Providing exibility, S-5! oers one kit to accommodate all PV frame thicknesses from 1.3" (33 mm) to 2.5" (64 mm).
The embossed panel guide makes the module placement easier. The mounting disk is multi-directional and rails are not required. Flat mounting disks are available for use with the S-5! VersaBracket™ for exposed-fastened trapezoidal proles.
Four strategically placed under-disk hooks assist in wire management. The PV grab ears that hold the solar panel in place are broader to allow for ease of installation and precise module engagement.
The S-5-PV Kit ts the majority of solar panels on the market. Using the S-5! mini clamps, it also ts the majority of metal roofs on the market, including exposed-fastened and corrugated. It is designed to universally t both eld (two adjacent panels) and end conditions.
S-5-PV Kit
(38.00 mm)
Hold Min/Max
(33.00-64.00 mm)
(76.00 mm)
(1.50 mm)
(68.00 mm)
(12.00 mm)
(25.00 mm)
Friction Reducing Coated Stainless Steel Universal PV Stud
M8 Integral Hex Drive
Embossed Panel Guide
(22.00 mm)
(18.00 mm)
Wire Ziptie Slots
Wire Management Retainer Clips
Wind dynamics are complex, thus, each system should be reviewed by a qualied licensed professional who understands wind eects on metal roof design and
Please note: All measurements are rounded to the second decimal place.
construction prior to purchase and installation. For more detailed information including specications, installation instructions and CAD drawings, visit www.S-5.com or your S-5-PV Kit distributor.
Break an arm off
and add a ange nut for edge
M8 Integral Hex Drive
The S-5-PV Kit continues to be the easiest, most cost­eective way to install solar panels directly to standing seam metal roofs, remaining the most popular choice worldwide.
1 2 3
S-5!® Warning! Please use this product responsibly!
Produc ts are pro tected by m ultiple U. S. and foreign pate nts. Vis it the website at www.S-5.com for complete information on patents and trademarks. For maximum holding strength, setscrews should be tensio ned and re -tensio ned as the se am materi al compresses. Clamp setscr ew tension should be verie d using a calibr ated torque wr ench betwee n 160 and 180 inch poun ds when used on 22 ga steel, and bet ween 130 and 150 inch pou nds for all oth er metals and t hinner gaug es of steel. Co nsult the S-5! website at www.S-5.com for published data regarding holding strength.
Copyrig ht 2011, Metal Roof I nnovations, L td. S-5! produ cts are paten ted protec ted. S-5! aggressively protects its patents, trademarks and copyrights.
Listed to UL subject 2703. ETL Listed to UL 1703.
PV Kit with edge condition
Patents pending. Due to the variety of attachment needs, S-5-PV Kits are sold separately from S-5! mini clamps. The S-5-PV Kit ts only S-5! mini clamps, NOT standard clamps.
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