CorruBracket™ can be used to mount
almost anything to corrugated metal
roong and is compatible with 7/8"
and 3/4" corrugated roong. No messy
sealants to apply! No chance for leaks!
The CorruBracket comes with factoryapplied butyl sealant already in the
base, and the S-5!® patented reservoir
conceals the sealant from UV exposure,
preventing drying and cracks.
Installation is simple! CorruBracket is
mounted directly into the supporting
structure of the roof, i.e. roof decking,
wood or steel purlins, or trusses. No
surface preparation is necessary; simply
wipe away excess oils and debris, peel
the release paper, align, and apply.
Secure through the pre-punched holes
using the appropriate screws for the
supporting structure.
CorruBracket is so strong, it will even
support heavy-duty applications like
snow retention. For corrugated proles,
the CorruBracket is the perfect match
for our ColorGard® snow retention
system. CorruBracket is economical and
facilitates quick and easy installation.
S-5!® CorruBracket™ is the
right way to attach almost
anything to 7/8" and
3/4" corrugated roong;
including PV through
DirectAttach™ or Rail
The right way to attach almost anything to metal roofs!
888-825-3432 | www.S-5.com
CorruBracket™ is extremely versatile. It can be used for almost
any attachment need on 7/8" and 3/4" corrugated metal roong.
No messy sealants to apply. The factory-applied butyl sealant
waterproofs and makes installation a snap!
Each CorruBracket™ comes with factory-applied butyl
sealant in the base. CorruBracket is compatible with most
common metal roong materials. For design assistance,
ask your distributor, or use our web-based calculator at
www.S-5.com for job-specic system engineering and
design of your next snow retention project. Also, please
visit our website for more information including CAD
details, metallurgical compatibilities and specications.
The CorruBracket has been tested for load-to-failure
results on wood decking, and metal and wood purlins.
The independent lab test data found at www.S-5.com can
be used for load-critical designs and applications. S-5!®
holding strength is unmatched in the industry.
Example Prole
M8-1.25 Threaded Hole
M10-1.5 Threaded Hole
(51.00 mm)
Please note: All measurements are rounded to the second decimal place.
Contact your distributor for information about hardware requirements.
(21.00 mm)
(68.00 mm)
Factory-Applied Butyl
(25.00 mm)
(13.00 mm)
(20.00 mm)
(43.00 mm)
(25.00 mm)
(13.00 mm)
(13.00 mm)
S-5!® Warning! Please use this product responsibly!
Produc ts are pro tected by m ultiple U. S. and for eign pate nts. For pu blished d ata regarding hol ding
streng th, bolt torque , patents and trad emarks visi t the S-5! website at w ww.S-5.co m.
Copyrig ht 2011, Metal Roof I nnovations, L td. S-5! produ cts are paten t protecte d.
S-5! aggressively protects its patents, trademarks and copyrights.
S-5-PV Kit (DirectAttached™ or Rail)
Distributed by