1. ColorGard
ColorGard® is manufactured from mill
nished high quality aluminum. It
comes in 8' long sections, in punched or
unpunched congurations. Splices are
included with ColorGard for adjacent
sections. For use with S-5!® standard
clamps, VersaBracket™ and CorruBracket™.
2. Punched Crossmember
Punched ColorGard is slotted every
4" on center for seams that are spaced
accordingly, i.e. divisible by 4". The
slotted conguration works well with
S-5! clamps.
3. Unpunched Crossmember
Unpunched ColorGard is the most
versatile and easy to install, when used
with the S-5! VersaClip™. Unpunched
does not need holes, as the VersaClip
accommodates any seam spacing. The
unpunched conguration works well
with VersaBracket, and is the right
choice when the roof is laid out with
untrue seam width or when the seam
width is not divisible by 4. If in any
doubt, use unpunched.
4. VersaClip
(25.40 mm)
(305.00 mm)
(11.80 mm)
(305.00 mm)
SnoClip III
(101.60 mm)
(102.00 mm)
S-5! Clamp
(55.00 mm)
(38.10 mm)
(55.00 mm)
(38.10 mm)
Purchased separately. VersaClip
makes installation easy as it simply
slides on the ColorGard crossmember.
It can be used with all S-5! clamps
(one per clamp), and is optional with
CorruBracket. VersaClip is not needed
with VersaBracket. VersaClip is also
(38.10 mm)
handy when installing ColorGard
askew, such as is required in the valleys
The right way to attach almost anything to metal roofs!
between intersecting rooines.
Please note: Bars come in 8' lengths, but shown here in 12" diagrams.
All measurements are rounded to the second decimal place.
(63.50 mm)
888-825-3432 | www.S-5.com
ColorGard® dramatically reduces the risks associated with rooftop avalanches
and maintains the clean colorful appearance of the roof with perfect color
and nish matching, which lasts as long as the roof itself! ColorGard is the
only snow retention system designed and engineered on a site-specic basis.
Included with crossmembers. Use the Splice
to join two pieces of ColorGard® together,
ensuring continuous, unbroken protection.
The dimple in the center is designed to provide a gap, allowing
for expansion and contraction of the ColorGard sections.
SnoClip™ is added to retard the migration of snow and ice
beneath the crossmembers. See the SnoClip brochure for more
Not included. The ColorStrip should be supplied in 2" wide strips
by the manufacturer of the roong material in order to ensure a
perfect color match for the life of the roof system.
(58.10 mm)
(38.10 mm)
(50.80 mm)
For use with all these S-5!® products
Note: Do not use ColorGard with attachment spacing greater
than 32" (81.30 cm). Custom ColorGard, Splice, and SnoClips
are available for seam spacing greater than 32" (81.30 cm).
Please inquire through a distributor.
*See optional Limited Lifetime Warranty information at www.S-5-ColorGard.com
S-5!® Warning! Please use this product responsibly!
Produc ts are protecte d by multip le U.S. an d foreign patents . Visit th e website at www.S -5.com fo r
complete information on patents and trademarks. For maximum holding strength, setscrews should
be tensio ned and re -tensioned as the s eam mater ial compr esses. Clamp set screw ten sion should be
verie d using a calibr ated torque wr ench betwee n 160 and 180 inch poun ds when used on 22 ga steel,
and bet ween 130 and 150 inch pou nds for all oth er metals and t hinner gaug es of steel. Co nsult the S-5!
website at www.S-5.com for published data regarding holding strength.
Copyrig ht 2011, Metal Roof I nnovations, L td. S-5! produ cts are paten ted protec ted.
S-5! aggressively protects its patents, trademarks and copyrights.
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