Techni cal Speci cat ions............................................................... 9
Ch a p t e r 3 Co n guring Your Access Point .......................... 23
Wireless Set tings........................................................................ 3 9
2 .4 GHz/ 5 GHz SSI D Pr o l e...................................................... 4 2
WDS Link Set t ings....................................................................... 4 9
Wi-Fi Scheduler............................................................................... 59
FCC Int er f erence St at ement .................................................. 6 9

• High transmit pow er, enabling long range connectivit y
• Su p po r t s I EEE8 0 2 .1 1 a c/ b / g / n w i r e l es s st a n da r ds w i t h u p t o 4 5 0
• Three int ernal 5 dBi (2.4 GHz) and t hree 5dBi (5 GHz) omni-direct ional
• Can be monit ored aft er deployment with EnGenius EZ
(Free online dow nload)
• Can be used wit h included pow er adapter or via PoE with PoE
•AdvancedTraf c shaping can be assisted users to cont rol upload/
• BandSteering shiftsdual bandclientsto the5 GHz band for torelieve
• Secured Guest Net work
large les. The EAP1750H is an 802.11 ac 3x3 Indoor
capable swit ches or inject ors
tCcetdecestcabecogu ed as a ccess
Point, Repeater and WDS(AP & Bridge) and f eat ures a high
an enhanced receive sensitivit y MIMO(Multiple In / Multiple

Out ) integrat ed sectorized 3D antenna array. It’s an ideal
homes, small and medium-sized businesses, multiple- oor
buildings, hotels, hospitals, and ot her venues.
order con gure the device:
• Comput er with an Ethernet interface or w irelessnetwork
• Windows OS(7, 8, 10),Mac OS, or Linux-based operating
• Web-Brow sing Applicat ion (i.e. : Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox,
Chrome, Safari,or anot her similar browser application)
it ems (all it ems must be in package to issue a refund):
• 12 V Power Adapt er
•RJ-45 Et hernet Cable
• QuickInstallation Guide
• Ceiling and Wall Mount Screw kit
The EAP1250 package contains t he following items (all
it ems must be in package to issue a refund):
• 12V Pow er Adapter
• QuickInstallation Guide
• Wall Mount screw set
• T-Rail Mounting kit (9/16” and 15/16”)

• High transmit pow er, enabling long range connectivit y
• Su p po r t s I EEE8 0 2 .1 1 a c w a v e2 / b / g / n w i r e l es s st a nd a r ds w i t h u p t o 4 0 0
• Tw o int ernal 4 dBi (2 .4 GHz) and t wo 5 dBi (5 GHz) omni-direct ional
MIMO ant ennas(EAP1300)
• T wo RP-SMA 6 d Bi ( 2.4 GHz) and t w o RP- SMA5d Bi ( 5 GHz) omni directional MIMOantennas(EAP1300EXT)
• Support Wave 2 MU-MIMO funct ion on 5 GHz radio.
• Support Tx Beamforming t o enlarge t he t ransmit t ing distance.
• Can be monit ored af t er deployment w it h EnGeni us ezMaster f rom
• Can be used with included power adapter or via PoE wi th PoE
•AdvancedTraf c shaping can be assisted users to cont rol upload/
• Band Steering shiftsdual bandclientsto the5 GHz band for to relieve
• Secured Guest Net w ork opt ion available
on 5GHz band. It can be con guredasanAccessPoint,
Repeat er or WDS (AP, St at ion & Bridge). The AP is an
a growing number of wireless users. Wit h Wave2 features,

• High transmit pow er, enabling long range connectivit y
• Su p po r t s I EEE8 0 2 .1 1 a c w a v e2 / b / g / n w i r e l es s st a nd a r ds w i t h u p t o 4 0 0
• Support Wave 2 MU-MIMO funct ion on 5 GHz radio.
• Support Tx Beamforming t o enlarge t he t ransmit t ing distance.
• Can be monit ored af t er deployment w it h EnGeni us ezMaster f rom
• Can be used with included power adapter or via PoE wi th PoE
•AdvancedTraf c shaping can be assisted users to cont rol upload/
• Band Steering shiftsdual bandclientsto the5 GHz band for to relieve
• Secured Guest Net w ork opt ion available
5GHz band. It can be con gured as an Access Point , or WDS
(AP, Stat ion & Bridge). The AP is an aff ordable solution
of wireless users. Wit h Wave2 feat ures, t he Access Point

802.1X Authenticat or (MD5/TLS/TTLS/PEAP)
WMM (WirelessMultimedia)
Web int erf ace (HTTP/HTTPS)
CL I ( T e l n e t / S S H )
Sav e Con guration as Default
E- mai l A l er t / Sy s lo g No t i cat ion
Temperature: 32°F to 104°F (0°Ct o 40°C)
Humidit y (Non-condensing): 90% or less
Temperature: -4°Fto 140°F(-20°Cto 60 °C)
Humidit y (Non-condensing): 90% or less
1 x 10/100/1000 Gigabit Et hernet Port
1 x Reset Button
WLAN (Wireless Connect ion)
Ext ernal Power Adapter
DC IN, 12V / 2A
Active Et hernet (Power-over-Et hernet)
WEP (64/128bit)
MAC add ress ltering, up to 32 elds per SSID
Technical Speci cations - EAP1750H

MACaddress ltering, up to 32 el ds per SSID
802.1X Authenticat or (MD5/TLS/TTLS/PEAP)
WMM (WirelessMultimedia)
Web int erf ace (HTTP/HTTPS)
CL I ( T e l n e t / S S H )
Sav e Con guration as Default
E- mai l A l er t / Sy s lo g No t i cat ion
Temperature: 32°F to 104°F (0°Ct o 40°C)
Humidit y (Non-condensing): 90% or less
Temperature: -4°Fto 140°F(-20°Cto 60 °C)
Humidit y (Non-condensing): 90% or less
1 x 10/100/1000 Gigabit Et hernet Port
1 x Reset Button
WLAN (Wireless Connect ion)
Ext ernal Power Adapter
DC IN, 12V / 1A
Active Et hernet (Power-over-Et hernet)
WEP (64/128bit)
Technical Speci cations - EAP1300(EXT)

Web int erf ace (HTTP/HTTPS)
CL I ( T e l n e t / S S H )
Sav e Con guration as Default
E- mai l A l er t / Sy s lo g No t i cat ion
Temperature: 32°F to 104°F (0°Ct o 40°C)
Humidit y (Non-condensing): 90% or less
Temperature: -4°Fto 140°F(-20°Cto 60 °C)
Humidit y (Non-condensing): 90% or less
1 x 10/100/1000 Gigabit Et hernet Port
1 x Reset Button
Ext ernal Power Adapter
DC IN, 12V / 1A
Active Et hernet (Power-over-Et hernet)
WEP (64/128bit)
MAC add ress ltering, up to 32 elds per SSID
802 .1X Authenticator (MD5/TLS/TTLS/PEAP)
WMM (Wireless Multimedia)
Technical Speci cat ions - EAP12 5 0

Diameter: 6.36”
Height : 1.64 ”
We i gh t : 0 .6 5 l b s.
LED l i g h t s f o r WP S, WL AN 5 GHz , WLA N 2 . 4 GH z,
Et hernet port , and Pow er
Et hernet port f or RJ-4 5 cable.
Using t he provided hardware, t he
Toprot ect your EAP1750H,use the
. (EAP1750H
On l y )

Height : 37.4mm (1.47”)
Weight: 220g (0.49 lbs.)
Et hernet port for RJ-45 cable.
Using the provided hardware, t he

In order to use the Access Point, you must rst con gure the
Windows XP Windows 7
Wi nd ow s 8
Windows 10

For example:APIPaddress:
PCSubnet mask: 2 55.255.25 5.0

(Which can be opened in t he
Applications folder or select ing it in the Apple Menu).
Co n gure IPv4, select
For example: A device IPaddress:
PCSubnet mask:

Co n t r o l l e r p o r t ( R J-45 Et hernet Port). For more
inf ormation, verify wit h your computer’s user manual.
the RJ-45 port of the EAP1750H and the other end to
the RJ-45 port of t he comput er. Ensure t hat t he cable
secure, verify the following:
a) Ensurethat the
light is on (it will be ).
b) Ensurethat the 2.4 GHz/5 GHzWLANlight is on (it will
for 2.4G,and for 5G).
c) Ensure
(Comput er Connect ion)
light is on (it will be ).
d) Once all three light s are on, proceed t o set up t he
This diagram depicts the hardware con guration.
Et h e r n e t
Po w e r
Out l et
Ca b l e

Using the provided hardware, t he EAP1750H/EAP1300 Leave enough of t he screws exposed to ensure t hat the
If extra space is required, uset he provided spacers and long
unit clockw ise about 9 0 degrees t o secure it in place.
Wa l l
Mounting Screw
Lock the EAP1750H by revolvi ng
Mounting Bracket
P2. 6 * 1 2 Scr e w
P3.5*32 Screw

mounting hardware kit: 15/16in (2.38cm) and 9/16in
(1.43cm).If extra spaceis required to accommodate drop
ceiling t iles,use the provided spacers and long screws.
To prot ect your EAP, use the Kensingt on Securit y
Slot t o at tach a cable lock (cable lock i s not included).
P2. 6 * 1 0 Scr e w
Cl i p
T- Ra i l
Cl i p
Cl i p s
P2.6*25 Screw

Cont inue from A, determine t he where t he Access Point
. Screw t he anchors unto the holes until they are ush
(2.38cm) and9/16in (1.43cm). If extraspaceisrequired
to accommodate drop ceiling t iles, use the provided