Enfocus software PITSTOP SERVER 09 User Manual

User Guide


1. Copyrights.........................................................................4
2. About this User Guide...........................................................5
3. Getting Enfocus PitStop Server up and running...........................6
4. Looking at Enfocus PitStop Server............................................8
5. Setting up a hot folder.........................................................9
Enfocus PitStop Server
3.1 Installing Enfocus PitStop Server ...........................................................6
To install PitStop Server from DVD.....................................................6
To install PitStop Server from the Enfocus Web site...............................6
3.2 Starting Enfocus Enfocus PitStop Server ..................................................6
3.3 Registering Enfocus PitStop Server ........................................................7
3.4 Setting up Enfocus PitStop Server ..........................................................7
5.2 Summary.......................................................................................10
6. Folder setup......................................................................11
6.1 To create a basic setup.......................................................................11
7. Adding Action Lists and/or a PDF Profile....................................12
7.1 To add one or more Action Lists to a hot folder:.......................................12
To add a PDF Profile to a hot folder:.................................................12
8. Certified PDF.....................................................................13
8.1 About Certified PDF...........................................................................13
8.2 Action on incoming documents before processing...................................13
Incoming non-Certified PDF documents:...........................................13
Incoming Certified PDF documents:..................................................13
8.3 Allow rollback to previous version........................................................13
9. Color Management.............................................................15
9.1 Hot folder specific color management...................................................15
10. Fonts.............................................................................16
10.1 Hot folder specific Font folders...........................................................16
10.2 Font preferences.............................................................................16
11. E-mail notification.............................................................17
11.1 Setting up E-mail notification in a hot folder.........................................17
11.2 E-mail preferences...........................................................................17
Outgoing SMTP Server....................................................................17
Personal Info..............................................................................18
PitStop Server Administrator ..........................................................18
E-mail test notification.................................................................18
12. Running jobs through Enfocus PitStop Server ...........................19
12.1 Dropping files or folders in the input folder...........................................19
How often is an input folder checked ?.............................................19
Creating subfolders in the input folder..............................................19
13. Monitoring active jobs.......................................................20
13.1 To sort the active jobs......................................................................20
13.2 To pause all active jobs....................................................................20
13.3 To resume all active jobs..................................................................20
13.4 To delete active jobs........................................................................20
14. Viewing finished jobs in the History tab .................................22
14.1 History Logging...............................................................................22
14.2 Managing the History List..................................................................22
14.3 Exporting History............................................................................22
14.4 Statistics.......................................................................................22
14.5 Special Events Log...........................................................................23
Enfocus PitStop Server

1. Copyrights

2009 Enfocus NV all rights reserved.Enfocus is an EskoArtwork company.
Certified PDF is a registered trademark of Enfocus NV; patent pending.
Enfocus PitStop Pro, Enfocus PitStop Server, Enfocus Instant PDF, Enfocus StatusCheck, Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net, Enfocus Instant Barcode, Enfocus PitStop Extreme, Enfocus PDF Workflow Suite, Enfocus LightSwitch, Enfocus FullSwitch, Enfocus PowerSwitch, Enfocus SwitchClient and Enfocus SwitchScripter are product names of Enfocus NV.
Acrobat, Distiller, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, FrameMaker, PDFWriter, PageMaker, the Adobe logo, the Acrobat logo and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Macintosh, Mac, Mac OS and ColorSync are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
PANTONE®Colors displayed here may not match PANTONE-identified standards. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color.
PANTONE®and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc.©Pantone, Inc.,
OPI is a trademark of Aldus Corporation.
Quark, QuarkXPress, QuarkXTensions, XTensions and the XTensions logo among others, are trademarks of Quark, Inc. and all applicable affiliated companies, Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. and in many other countries.
This product and use of this product is under license from Markzware under U.S.Patent No. 5,963,641.
Other brand and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. All specifications, terms and descriptions of products and services are subject to change without notice or recourse.

2. About this User Guide

Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with this User Guide. It is the best way to get off to a speedy start with Enfocus PitStop Server.
These are the logical steps to take before starting to process jobs with PitStop Server:
Install the software (see Installing Enfocus PitStop Server on page 6 and “Installing Enfocus PitStop Server” in the PitStop Server Reference Guide)
Register or run in trial mode (see Registering Enfocus PitStop Server on page 7 and “Registering Enfocus PitStop Server” in the PitStop Server Reference Guide)
Set up a hot folder (see Setting up a hot folder on page 9 and “Setting up hot folders” in the PitStop Server Reference Guide)
Check if preferences are set according to your needs (see “Enfocus PitStop Server Preferences” in the PitStop Server Reference Guide)
You will then be able to drop files in the input folder and to monitor the job progress (see “Active jobs in Enfocus PitStop Server” in the PitStop Server Reference Guide). The input files will be processed; output files will end up in the appropriate output folders.
Enfocus PitStop Server
The History will give an overview of all completed jobs for which History logging was enabled (see “Enfocus PitStop Server History” in the PitStop Server Reference Guide).
Enfocus PitStop Server

3. Getting Enfocus PitStop Server up and running

3.1 Installing Enfocus PitStop Server

To install PitStop Server from DVD

1. Insert the Enfocus DVD into your DVD drive.
2. In Microsoft Windows, the flash movie will start automatically if the AutoPlay function is
enabled for that DVD drive. On Mac OS, you need to open the DVD, and double-click the “Start” flash movie.
3. A flash movie will guide you to the installer.
4. Follow the installation instructions on your screen.

To install PitStop Server from the Enfocus Web site

1. Go to the Enfocus Web site (www.enfocus.com).
2. Download the Enfocus PitStop Server installer from the site.
3. Start the appropriate installer
4. Follow the installation instructions on your screen

3.2 Starting Enfocus Enfocus PitStop Server

The PitStop Server application can be used to define and edit hot folders, monitor active jobs, and view the job history. PDF Profile and Action List control panels, as well as Help documents can be accessed.
The actual processing is done by software components running in the background, managed by the PitStop Server Watchdog.
On startup, Enfocus Enfocus PitStop Server will check if the Enfocus PitStop Server Watchdog is running. If not, you will get the option to start the Enfocus PitStop Server Watchdog and thus the processing of files.
When quitting Enfocus PitStop Server, you get the choice to keep processing files. This means PitStop Server doesn't need to be running in order to process files.

3.3 Registering Enfocus PitStop Server

When you start Enfocus PitStop Server for the first time after it has been installed, a dialog box appears, which offers you the following options:
You can use Enfocus PitStop Server for evaluation purposes during a 30-day trial period.
You can use the fully licensed and registered version of Enfocus PitStop Server.
To register Enfocus PitStop Server, you need a Product Key. You receive this Product Key when you purchase Enfocus PitStop Server. To qualify for product upgrades and free technical support, you must register Enfocus PitStop Server.

3.4 Setting up Enfocus PitStop Server

Enfocus PitStop Server
When setting up Enfocus PitStop Server, it can be important to consider setting the Enfocus WatchDog user and permissions, locking the user interface, etc. It is also possible to setup Enfocus PitStop Server as a Service on Windows.
For more information, please read the “Introduction” and “Concept” chapter in the PitStop Server
Reference Guide.
Enfocus PitStop Server

4. Looking at Enfocus PitStop Server

The work area of PitStop Server basically consists of a main dialog box with 3 tabs: the Hot Folders tab, the Progress tab and the History tab. The Hot Folders tab in combination with the Hot Folder Editor can be used to set up and manage your hot folders. The Progress tab provides you with an overview of the active jobs and the History tab holds a summary of all finished jobs.
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