Enfocus software PITSTOP PRO 09 User Manual

User Guide


1. Copyrights........................................................................10
2. Getting started..................................................................11
Enfocus PitStop Pro
2.1 The PitStop Pro documentation set........................................................11
The PitStop Pro User Guide .............................................................11
The PitStop Pro Reference Guide.......................................................11
To access the PitStop Pro Documentation............................................11
2.2 System requirements.........................................................................11
To check the system requirements on the Enfocus Web site....................11
2.3 Installing PitStop Pro ........................................................................11
PitStop Pro and Adobe Acrobat ........................................................11
To start PitStop Pro .......................................................................12
First use of PitStop Pro 09...............................................................12
Troubleshooting: PitStop Pro is not accessible in Adobe Acrobat .............13
2.5 Licensing........................................................................................13
Creating an activation account........................................................13
Starting a trial.............................................................................14
Activating licenses........................................................................15
Moving licenses between computers................................................16
2.6 Getting support...............................................................................16
Free technical support..................................................................16
To report a problem......................................................................17
3. Looking at the PitStop Pro work area......................................18
3.1 Looking at the PitStop Pro work area in Adobe Acrobat .............................18
Where to find the PitStop Pro menus................................................18
Where to find the PitStop Pro toolbars..............................................18
3.2 Specifying the language of the PitStop Pro interface.................................19
To specify the language of the PitStop Pro user interface.......................19
3.3 The PitStop Pro View settings..............................................................20
Viewing a PDF document in wireframe view.......................................20
Showing or hiding annotations.......................................................21
Speeding up image display using alternate images..............................21
3.4 Workspaces.....................................................................................22
The Enfocus Workspace Panel..........................................................22
Using Workspaces........................................................................23
Preset Databases.........................................................................26
Managing Presets........................................................................28
4. Working with PDF documents................................................31
4.1 Copying and pasting object attributes....................................................31
About copying object attributes.......................................................31
To copy and paste an object’s attributes............................................31
4.2 Undoing or redoing actions................................................................31
About undoing and redoing actions:................................................31
To undo or redo an action.............................................................32
4.3 Measuring the distance between two points..........................................32
To replace an object.....................................................................33
4.4 Viewing object attributes...................................................................33
Viewing object attributes using the Eyedropper tool............................33
Using the Enfocus Inspector ..........................................................34
4.5 Design Layouts................................................................................35
The Design Layout Toolbar..............................................................35
The Enfocus Design Layout Panel.....................................................37
Using Design Layouts....................................................................37
Defining a Design Layout...............................................................39
Page boxes.................................................................................40
Using guides...............................................................................43
4.6 Working with Layers.........................................................................45
About Layers...............................................................................45
Change Layer settings in the Enfocus Inspector ..................................46
5. Working with Certified PDF documents....................................47
5.2 The Certified PDF workflow explained...................................................47
A conventional PDF workflow.........................................................47
The Certified PDF workflow: incremental save.....................................47
Roll-back mechanism..................................................................48
5.3 What is an Enfocus Certified PDF document?..........................................49
Acrobat metadata........................................................................49
Enfocus metadata........................................................................49
5.4 Checking the Certified PDF status of a PDF document ..............................49
To check the Certified PDF status of a PDF document ...........................49
The aspects of the Certified PDF Status..............................................50
5.5 Setting the Certified PDF user identification...........................................51
Two types of user identification.......................................................51
To set the personal identification.....................................................51
To view the system information.......................................................51
Stamping a PDF document ............................................................52
To start a Certified PDF workflow.....................................................52
5.7 Preflight and Verify...........................................................................52
Enfocus PitStop Pro
5.8 Certified PDF Preflight.......................................................................53
5.9 Verifying the original source document................................................53
To verify the original source document.............................................54
5.10 Certified Preflight Profile Comparison..................................................54
The Enfocus Preflight Compare Panel................................................55
Setting a Preflight Profile Compare Configuration................................55
About job information..................................................................56
To provide a Certified PDF document with job information....................56
5.12 Adding a session comment...............................................................56
To add a session comment.............................................................57
5.13 Viewing the edit log file...................................................................57
About the edit log file...................................................................57
To view the Edit Log File................................................................57
5.14 Viewing the document history...........................................................57
To view the document history.........................................................57
Saving snapshots........................................................................58
Comparing sessions......................................................................59
5.15 Saving an optimized Certified PDF document........................................62
What is an “optimized” Certified PDF document?................................62
To save an optimized Certified PDF document.....................................62
5.16 Checking for updated Specifications on CertifiedPDF.net .........................63
CertifiedPDF.net: An Online Resource for PDF Specifications...................63
CertifiedPDF.net Community...........................................................63
Checking for updated Specifications.................................................64
To set the updating preference options............................................64
To check the status of your CertifiedPDF.net account............................65
6. Preflighting and checking PDF documents...............................66
Managing Preflight Profiles............................................................66
To run a preflight check................................................................66
Difference between a Certified and a regular preflight check.................67
Categories of properties................................................................68
6.3 Problem reporting...........................................................................68
Problem severity levels defined......................................................68
Problem severity levels: example....................................................69
6.4 To edit or create a Preflight Profile .....................................................69
About adding Action Lists to Preflight Profiles.....................................70
To add Action Lists to a Preflight Profile ...........................................70
6.6 Locking a Preflight Profile ..................................................................71
About locking..............................................................................71
To lock a Preflight Profile with a password.........................................71
6.7 Using the Enfocus Navigator ...............................................................72
Navigating through errors, warnings, fixes and failures........................72
To use the Enfocus Navigator .........................................................72
6.8 Viewing and interpreting reports........................................................74
Content of a report.......................................................................74
To view and interpret a report........................................................75
6.9 Annotated Reports...........................................................................75
About Annotated Reports...............................................................75
Creating Annotated Reports............................................................76
To view and interpret an Annotated Report.......................................76
Remove the Report information......................................................76
6.10 Automating preflighting...................................................................76
Enfocus PitStop Server ..................................................................76
Enfocus Switch............................................................................77
7. Editing objects..................................................................78
7.1 Selecting objects...............................................................................78
Object selection tools...................................................................78
Selecting one specific object..........................................................78
To select an object.......................................................................78
To select similar objects................................................................79
7.2 Hiding and showing selected objects....................................................80
Reasons for hiding objects............................................................80
To hide selected objects................................................................80
To make all hidden objects visible..................................................80
7.3 Changing the stacking order of objects..................................................81
Stacked objects...........................................................................81
To change the stacking order of objects.............................................81
7.4 Replacing an object..........................................................................81
About replacing objects.................................................................81
To replace an object.....................................................................82
7.5 Changing or removing the OPI information of objects...............................82
About OPI..................................................................................82
To change or remove the OPI information of objects............................82
7.6 Changing the transparency of objects...................................................83
To change the transparency of objects..............................................83
To remove transparency................................................................83
7.7 Changing the color of text or line-art objects.........................................84
Change the color, and specify the fill and stroke attributes...................84
Fill attributes.............................................................................84
Stroke attributes.........................................................................84
To change the color of text or line-art objects...................................85
Converting color using the Enfocus Convert Color panel........................86
Enfocus PitStop Pro
Using User Swatches.....................................................................87
To build User Swatches..................................................................87
To apply a color from the User Swatches to text or objects....................88
To remove colors from the User Swatches..........................................88
7.9 Rotating an object...........................................................................89
Rotation point of origin................................................................89
To rotate an object by dragging......................................................89
To rotate an object by specifying a rotation angle...............................90
7.10 Scaling an object............................................................................90
To scale an object by dragging........................................................91
7.11 Moving an object.............................................................................92
To move an object or a copy of an object by dragging..........................92
7.12 Shearing an object..........................................................................95
About shearing...........................................................................95
To shear an object.......................................................................95
7.13 Transforming an object by specifying exact values...................................97
To transform an object by specifying exact values...............................97
7.14 Creating new shapes........................................................................98
Drawing ellipses and rectangles......................................................98
To create a new shape..................................................................98
To create a new path....................................................................99
7.16 Editing a path...............................................................................100
To edit a path............................................................................100
7.17 Adding or removing an anchor point...................................................101
Reasons for adding or removing anchor points..................................101
To add an anchor point................................................................101
To remove an anchor point...........................................................102
7.18 Masking objects.............................................................................103
To mask an object.......................................................................103
7.19 Viewing the properties of a pixel image..............................................103
Pixel image properties.................................................................103
To view the properties of a pixel image...........................................103
7.20 Resampling pixel images.................................................................104
About resampling.......................................................................104
Reasons for downsampling an image..............................................104
Interpolation methods................................................................104
Average Resampling....................................................................105
Bicubic Resampling.....................................................................105
Bilinear Resampling....................................................................105
Bicubic B-Spline Resampling.........................................................105
To resample a single image...........................................................105
To resample multiple images.........................................................105
7.21 Compressing pixel images................................................................106
About compression.....................................................................106
Compression methods.................................................................106
ASCII filters................................................................................106
To compress a single image..........................................................106
7.22 Viewing statistics of selected objects...................................................107
About statistics...........................................................................107
To view statistics of selected objects................................................107
7.23 Viewing the halftone information of an object......................................107
About halftone information..........................................................107
To view the halftone information of an object...................................107
7.24 Selecting text................................................................................108
Text or text segments?.................................................................108
To select a single text segment......................................................108
To select multiple adjacent text segments........................................109
To select multiple nonadjacent text segments...................................109
To select text segments with similar properties..................................110
To select text on a single text line...................................................110
To select text on multiple lines in a paragraph...................................111
7.25 Editing a single text line...................................................................111
To create or edit a single text line....................................................111
Paragraphs as logical text entities...................................................112
To edit a text paragraph................................................................112
7.27 Editing vertical text.........................................................................113
About vertical text.......................................................................113
To edit a vertical text line..............................................................113
7.28 Changing the font properties of text...................................................114
What are font properties?.............................................................114
To change the font properties of text...............................................114
7.29 Converting text to outlines...............................................................115
About converting text to outlines....................................................115
Reasons for converting text to outlines............................................115
Implications of converting text to outlines........................................115
To convert text to outlines.............................................................116
Splitting a text segment into words or characters................................117
To split a text segment..................................................................117
7.31 Placing PDF documents in PDF documents............................................117
About placing PDF documents in PDF documents................................117
To place a PDF document in a PDF document:....................................117
Enfocus PitStop Pro
7.32 Editing forms.................................................................................118
About forms...............................................................................118
To edit forms.............................................................................119
To edit individual objects inside a form...........................................119
To edit the form itself and/or the complete content of a form...............119
Line-work (LW) and continuous-tone (CT) layers................................120
To edit PDF2Go documents.............................................................121
8. Global Changes................................................................124
8.1 Making Global Changes.....................................................................124
Managing Global Changes.............................................................124
To make a Global Change..............................................................124
8.2 Global Changes in practice................................................................125
Examples of Global Changes..........................................................125
8.3 Changing the size, position or orientation of the page content.................125
Manipulating page content...........................................................125
Move the page content................................................................126
Scale the page content.................................................................127
Scale the page content to fit..........................................................127
Scale the entire page...................................................................128
Flip the page content..................................................................128
Rotate the page content...............................................................129
8.4 Removing text or objects inside or outside a selected area......................130
About removing objects: example of usage.......................................130
To remove objects inside or outside a selected area............................130
8.5 Adding text...................................................................................131
About adding text.......................................................................131
Structure of a variable..................................................................132
9. Automating tasks with Action Lists........................................133
9.1 About Action Lists............................................................................133
Automating repetitive tasks...........................................................133
Example: changing the properties of line-art objects..........................133
9.2 Action types..................................................................................135
About action types......................................................................135
9.3 Running an Action List.....................................................................135
Managing Action Lists..................................................................136
To run an Action List....................................................................136
9.4 Creating or editing an Action List .......................................................136
Ways to create or edit an Action List ...............................................138
Guidelines for creating Action Lists.................................................138
To create or edit an Action List ......................................................139
To create an Action List by recording...............................................140
9.5 Locking an Action List ......................................................................141
About locking.............................................................................141
To lock an Action List with a password.............................................141
9.6 Action Lists in practice.....................................................................141
Example of an Action List .............................................................141
Example: Creating an Action List that changes the page layout..............142
9.7 Using QuickRuns.............................................................................144
About QuickRuns........................................................................144
When to use QuickRuns?..............................................................144
To create a QuickRun ..................................................................144
To use a QuickRun ......................................................................146
To manage your QuickRuns...........................................................146
9.8 Further automation........................................................................146
Enfocus PitStop Server ................................................................146
Enfocus Switch...........................................................................147
Enfocus PitStop Pro

1. Copyrights

2009 Enfocus NV all rights reserved.Enfocus is an EskoArtwork company.
Certified PDF is a registered trademark of Enfocus NV; patent pending.
Enfocus PitStop Pro, Enfocus PitStop Server, Enfocus Instant PDF, Enfocus StatusCheck, Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net, Enfocus Instant Barcode, Enfocus PitStop Extreme, Enfocus PDF Workflow Suite, Enfocus LightSwitch, Enfocus FullSwitch, Enfocus PowerSwitch, Enfocus SwitchClient and Enfocus SwitchScripter are product names of Enfocus NV.
Acrobat, Distiller, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, FrameMaker, PDFWriter, PageMaker, the Adobe logo, the Acrobat logo and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Macintosh, Mac, Mac OS and ColorSync are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
PANTONE®Colors displayed here may not match PANTONE-identified standards. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color.
PANTONE®and other Pantone, Inc. trademarks are the property of Pantone, Inc.©Pantone, Inc.,
OPI is a trademark of Aldus Corporation.
Quark, QuarkXPress, QuarkXTensions, XTensions and the XTensions logo among others, are trademarks of Quark, Inc. and all applicable affiliated companies, Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. and in many other countries.
This product and use of this product is under license from Markzware under U.S.Patent No. 5,963,641.
Other brand and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. All specifications, terms and descriptions of products and services are subject to change without notice or recourse.

2. Getting started

2.1 The PitStop Pro documentation set

The PitStop Pro User Guide

The PitStop Pro User Guide explains the main PitStop Pro concepts and provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to work with PitStop Pro. Moreover, you learn about other Enfocus core technologies that are integrated into PitStop Pro, such as Preflight Profiles, Action Lists and Certified PDF.
All the information in the PitStop Pro User Guide is also available as online Help.
Enfocus PitStop Pro

The PitStop Pro Reference Guide

The PitStop Pro Reference Guide gives detailed information on specific settings and options.
It is meant as a reference book, to look up specific settings.

To access the PitStop Pro Documentation

Choose Help > Plug-In Help > Enfocus PitStop Pro Help and select the appropriate documentation.

2.2 System requirements

The system requirements are displayed in the installer and they are also listed on the product pages on the Enfocus Web site.

To check the system requirements on the Enfocus Web site

1. Go to www.enfocus.com, and choose Products > PitStop Pro > Learn more .
2. Click System requirements in the Support section.

2.3 Installing PitStop Pro

PitStop Pro and Adobe Acrobat

PitStop Pro is a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat Professional, and therefore, Adobe Acrobat should be closed before installing PitStop Pro.
To install PitStop Pro:
Enfocus PitStop Pro
1. Do one of the following:
Insert the Enfocus Software CD-ROM or DVD into your CD-ROM/DVD-ROM drive.
Download PitStop Pro from the Enfocus Software Web site (www.enfocus.com)
Note: If you install PitStop Pro from a DVD or CD-ROM, check the Enfocus Web site to see whether you have the latest version. Updates may be available.
2. Select the Enfocus product which you want to install.
3. If necessary, double-click the installer.
4. Follow the on-screen installation instructions.

2.4 Starting PitStop Pro

To start PitStop Pro

PitStop Pro is a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat, so you must start the program from within Adobe Acrobat.
1. Start Adobe Acrobat.
2. Open a PDF document.
3. Click any button on one of the PitStop Pro toolbars.

First use of PitStop Pro 09

When using PitStop Pro 09 for the first time after installation, the About Enfocus PitStop Pro window will open automatically. This window shows you information about the software, and allows you to either start a trial or activate your copy of PitStop Pro 09.
The About tab shows the version of your software, contact information for Enfocus, and allows you to view the copyright (by clicking the View Copyrights button).
The Trial tab allows you to start a trial or activate your software and will show your license information after activation.
Click the Activate button to open the Activate License Wizard that will help you activate your software.
See Activating licenses on page 15.
Note: You can also activate your license at any time using Help > Plug-In Help > Enfocus PitStop Pro Help > License > Activate .
Click the Start Trial button to open the Activate License Wizard that will help you start a trial of your software.
Support info
The Support info tab shows information about your system, that you should communicate to Enfocus support in case you encounter a problem with your software.
To copy and paste this information, use the Copy to Clipboard button first, then paste the information in a text file or the body of an email.

Troubleshooting: PitStop Pro is not accessible in Adobe Acrobat

If you start Adobe Acrobat and you do not see the PitStop Pro toolbars or menus ( Plug-ins > Enfocus ), check the following:
Make sure you did not hold down the SHIFT key immediately after you started Adobe Acrobat. If you did, Adobe Acrobat will start without loading any plug-ins.
Choose Edit > Preferences > General > Startup and make sure that the option Use only certified plug-ins in the Application Startup area is not selected.
Enfocus PitStop Pro

2.5 Licensing

From the About Enfocus PitStop Pro window, you can:
start a 30-day trial (see Starting a trial on page 14),
activate your license (see Activating licenses on page 15),
deactivate your license (see the PitStop Pro Reference Guide for more information),
repair your license (see the PitStop Pro Reference Guide for more information).
For easiest configuration, the machine running your copy of PitStop Pro should be online with full Internet access while performing licensing tasks.
However, if the machine you are using does not have full Internet access, you can perform licensing tasks off-line if you:
have access to Internet e-mail and use of a Web browser on another machine,
can copy a file received in an Internet e-mail message to the machine you are using (using a USB flash memory drive, a diskette, an internal network...).
For more information on the off-line procedures, see the PitStop Pro Reference Guide.
Before you can activate or deactivate licenses, you should set up an activation account using the Enfocus website (http://www.enfocus.com/CreateAccount).

Creating an activation account

1. Go to http://www.enfocus.com/CreateAccount.
2. Enter the appropriate information in the fields.
3. If you would like to receive news from Enfocus or be contacted by an Enfocus Certified Partner,
leave the two bottom checkboxes selected; otherwise, clear them.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
4. Click Create my Account.
5. After a few minutes, check your e-mail program for a new message from Enfocus regarding
activating your new account.
If you do not receive this e-mail message, you might have to check any spam folders in your e-mail program as well.
6. Once it arrives, open the message and click the link to confirm your e-mail address.
You should receive a message that your account was confirmed successfully in your default web browser.

Starting a trial

Once you have created and confirmed your activation account (see Creating an activation account on page 13), you can start a 30-day trial for your copy of PitStop Pro.
If the computer running your copy of PitStop Pro is connected to the Internet, you can start a 30-day trial from that machine.
See Starting a trial on-line on page 14.
Otherwise, you must create a trial request file and use a computer that is connected to the Internet to upload it to an activation server.
See the PitStop Pro Reference Guide for more information.
Starting a trial on-line
You can start a 30-day trial on-line if the computer where your copy of PitStop Pro is installed is connected to the internet.
To start a 30-day trial on-line, do the following:
1. Go to the Trial tab of the About Enfocus PitStop Pro window and click Start Trial.
This opens the Activate License Wizard (on PC) or the Activate License Assistant (on Mac).
2. Click Next (on PC) or Continue (on Mac) in the first screen of the Activate License Wizard/Assistant dialog box.
3. Select On-line activation and click Next / Continue.
4. Enter the name and password of your activation account and click Next / Continue.
You should have created this activation account in Creating an activation account on page
If you haven’t created an activation account yet, click the Create a new Enfocus Account link in the Wizard/Assistant and see Creating an activation account on page 13 for instructions.
After you click Next / Continue, a status bar appears while the system communicates with the activation server. Do not cancel or close the Wizard/Assistant.
A message will appear saying that the trial was completed successfully and that you can now use the product(s) on your computer.
5. Click Finish / Done.
You will see the number of trial days remaining in the Trial tab of the About Enfocus PitStop
Pro window.

Activating licenses

Once you have created and confirmed your activation account (see Creating an activation account on page 13), you can start activating the licenses using your software’s product keys.
Product keys come from online stores, from product key files you receive from Enfocus, or you can find them inside product boxes.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
Note: Product key files are HTML files. You can double-click them to see what product keys they contain.
If the computer running your copy of PitStop Pro is connected to the Internet, you can get licenses for the product keys and activate them from that machine.
See On-line activation on page 15.
Otherwise, you must create an activation request file and use a computer that is connected to the Internet to upload it to an activation server.
See the PitStop Pro Reference Guide for more information.
On-line activation
You can activate your product key(s) on-line if the computer where you will use your software is connected to the internet.
To activate a product key on-line, do the following:
1. Open the Activate License Wizard (on PC) or the Activate License Assistant (on Mac) by either:
going to the Trial tab of the About Enfocus PitStop Pro window and clicking Activate,
going to Help > Plug-In Help > Enfocus PitStop Pro Help > License > Activate .
2. Click Next (on PC) or Continue (on Mac) in the first screen of the Activate License Wizard/Assistant dialog box.
3. Select On-line activation and click Next / Continue.
4. In the Your product keys screen, choose the number of product keys you have to activate and click Next / Continue.
5. Depending on what you chose in the previous step:
a) If you chose I have one product key, enter the product key in the fields provided. The
cursor automatically advances to the next field as you type.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
b) If you chose I have more than one product key, enter each product key on a line, followed
c) Then click Next / Continue.
6. Enter the name and password of your activation account and click Next / Continue.
You should have created this activation account in Creating an activation account on page
If you haven’t created an activation account yet, click the Create a new Enfocus Account link in the Wizard/Assistant and see Creating an activation account on page 13 for instructions.
After you click Next / Continue, a status bar appears while the system communicates with the activation server. Do not cancel or close the Wizard/Assistant.
A message will appear saying that the activation was completed successfully and that you can now use the product(s) on your computer.
by a comma.
7. Click Finish / Done.
The product and its license will appear in the License tab of the About Enfocus PitStop Pro window (previously called Trial tab).

Moving licenses between computers

To move licenses between computers, do the following:
1. Deactivate the licenses on the computer that will not use them anymore.
See the PitStop Pro Reference Guide for more information.
2. Copy the product keys file to the computer that will use the licenses.
3. On the computer acquiring the licenses, activate the licenses using the product keys file.
See Activating licenses on page 15.

2.6 Getting support

Free technical support

When you work with registered Enfocus products, you are entitled to free technical support to assure the products work as they should work. When contacting Enfocus Support, it is important that you can provide our support engineers with the necessary information about the configuration of your computer system and the Enfocus product(s) you are using. To this end, we have included this support information in the dialog box about PitStop Pro which you find in the Help menu. You can easily copy this information and paste it in a text file or an e-mail message which you can then send to Enfocus Support.
Furthermore, you can also consult the Enfocus Knowledge Base or use the Support section on the Enfocus Web site to report a problem.
You can also contact your local reseller or expert. A complete list of all Enfocus resellers and experts can be found on the Enfocus website http://www.enfocus.com

To report a problem

1. Choose Help > About Third-Party Plug-Ins > About Enfocus PitStop Pro .
The About Enfocus PitStop Pro dialog box appears.
2. Click the Support Info tab.
You can now view all the details of the version of PitStop Pro installed on your system, and of your system configuration.
3. Click Copy to Clipboard.
4. Paste the information in a text file or e-mail message and send it to: support@enfocus.com.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
Enfocus PitStop Pro

3. Looking at the PitStop Pro work area

3.1 Looking at the PitStop Pro work area in Adobe Acrobat

Where to find the PitStop Pro menus

Integrated menus
As in previous versions, the PitStop Pro menus are integrated in the Adobe Acrobat menus, for example in the Edit, Tools or Window menu. You can easily find the PitStop Pro menus because they all start with the word “Enfocus”, for example Edit > Preferences > Enfocus PitStop Pro
Preferences .
Dedicated menus
PitStop Pro also has dedicated menus. You can find these in the Adobe Acrobat menu bar:
Certified PDF
Plug-Ins > Enfocus PitStop Pro
Context menus
If the Select Objects tool is active, the context menu, accessible by control-clicking or right-clicking, will show PitStop Pro options and actions relevant to the current selection. For example, if a text object is selected, you can select “text > convert to outlines” from the context menu.

Where to find the PitStop Pro toolbars

You find the PitStop Pro toolbars next to or below the Adobe Acrobat toolbars. To show or hide an Enfocus toolbar, choose View > Toolbars , and then select a toolbar preceded by the word “Enfocus”, for example Enfocus Control Panels.
A. Adobe Acrobat File toolbar B. Enfocus Edit toolbar C. Enfocus Workspace and View Settings D. Enfocus Design Layout toolbar E. Enfocus QuickRun toolbar F. Enfocus Control Panels toolbar G. Enfocus Undo & Redo toolbar
Enfocus PitStop Pro
You can select a tool by clicking the respective button. To the right of some of these buttons, you see a black inverted triangle, which means that there are more tools available “behind” this button.
To select one of the “underlying” editing tools, click the triangle and select the tool of your choice.
If you will use some of these “underlying” tools frequently, you can click the triangle and select the option Expand this button.

3.2 Specifying the language of the PitStop Pro interface

As in multiple-language versions of Adobe Acrobat, you can specify the language of the PitStop Pro user interface. You can have all PitStop Pro menus and dialog boxes appear in your native language.

To specify the language of the PitStop Pro user interface

You can set the language in Preferences > Enfocus PitStop Pro Preferences > Language
A restart of Adobe Acrobat is required to apply the newly selected language.
Enfocus PitStop Pro

3.3 The PitStop Pro View settings

Viewing a PDF document in wireframe view

What is a wireframe view?
You can view a PDF document in either one of the following modes:
Preview mode. This is how you normally see PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat. You see the pages, objects and text in the PDF documentas they will print.
Wireframe view mode
If you look at a PDF document in wireframe view mode, the document will be displayed as follows:
The objects will appear in outline form.
Text can be shown in outline, with a black fill, or “greeked”, i.e. it can appear on-screen as a gray bar, rather than displaying the individual characters. You can select this option in the
Enfocus PitStop Preferences.
Figure 1: Wireframe view of a PDF document: objects are outlined (A) and text can be greeked (B).
When to use wireframe view
You may want to look at a PDF document in wireframe view in order to:
View and select objects which are (partly) covered by other objects. See also Changing the
stacking order of objects on page 81
View and edit masks. See also Masking objects on page 103
Make pages display more quickly if they contain many or large pixel images.
To view a PDF document in preview or wireframe view mode
1. Open a PDF document.
2. Click the View Wireframe button to switch between preview mode and wireframe view

Showing or hiding annotations

Annotated PDF documents
A PDF document may contain annotations, which can be created with Adobe Acrobat or with third-party plug-ins. You can look at a PDF document with annotations shown or hidden. You
can use the Hide Annotations button to show or hide all annotations in a single step.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
Figure 2: PDF document with annotations shown (A) or hidden (B).
To show or hide all annotations in a document
1. Make sure you don’t have any annotation selected using the Adobe Acrobat Hand tool .
2. Click the Hide Annotations button to show or hide annotations.

Speeding up image display using alternate images

Displaying alternate, low-resolution images
If you work with PDF documents which contain high-resolution images, you may want Adobe Acrobat to display these images faster. You can do this by clicking the Speed Up Image Display
button , provided that the images in your PDF document have alternate images at a lower resolution. If they don’t, you can easily add alternate images using an Action List.
Figure 3: Speed Up Image display off: the high-resolution image
is displayed
Figure 4: Speed Up Image display on: a lower-resolution
preview of the image is displayed.
To create alternate images in your PDF document
1. Open your PDF document which contains high-resolution images.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
2. Choose Window > Show Enfocus Action List Panel .
3. In the Action List and Preflight Profile Control Panel, click Manage > New .
4. Fill in the General Information for the Action List.
5. Click the button to add a new action.
6. In the New Action Type dialog box select the change Add Alternate Images.
7. Click Add.
8. In the Enfocus Action List Editor, specify the attributes for this action:
The resolution of the alternate images
Whether or not the alternate images have to be in RGB colors
9. Click OK.
10. In the Action List and Preflight Profile Control Panel, select the option Document, and then click Run.
To speed up image display
Click the Speed Up Image Display button in the Enfocus PitStop View Buttons toolbar to switch between high-resolution and low-resolution image display.

3.4 Workspaces

A workspace allows you to customize PitStop Pro’s user interface (for example by showing or hiding Enfocus panels), so you can see as much or as little of it as you want.
Workspaces also include other settings from Adobe Acrobat and Enfocus PitStop Pro, like windows’ positions, view and color settings, Design Layouts, etc.
You can use default workspaces, or create workspaces adapted to the different tasks you perform with PitStop Pro. You can also quickly switch between workspaces as needed.

The Enfocus Workspace Panel

The Enfocus Workspace Panel allows you to manage your workspaces.
To open it:
Go to Window > Show Enfocus Workspace Panel...
Use the Alt + Ctrl + W shortcut (on Windows), or the Option + Command + W shortcut (on Mac).
Click the Enfocus Workspace button in the toolbar.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
Managing Workspaces
In the Workspaces panel, you can manage your workspaces using the Preset Manager: see The
Enfocus Preset Manager on page 26
This Preset Manager allows to organise, search, duplicate and manage your workspaces.
Default Workspaces
PitStop Pro contains three default workspaces, with which you can start working immediately.
Hide PitStop Pro
This workspace hides as much as possible from the PitStop Pro user interface. This allows you to work with Adobe Acrobat without unnecessary interference from PitStop Pro.
Manual Editing
This workspace opens the control panels typically used to edit PDF files (such as the PitStop Inspector).
This workspace opens the Enfocus Processing panel, and contains settings typically used when performing semi-automated processing tasks (such as preflighting a document).

Using Workspaces

Creating a Workspace
To create a workspace from scratch, do the following:
1. Right-click in the Enfocus Workspace Panel and choose New > New...
This opens the Enfocus Workspace Editor.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
2. Enter a Workspace Name.
3. For each of the Categories, choose the Settings you want to use and their values.
You can also grab settings from your current Acrobat / PitStop Pro interface and use them in your workspace:
• click the button and select Grab All Categories to grab all the current settings for your
• select a category, click and select Grab Current Category to grab the current settings
related to this category (for example, all Acrobat View settings).
4. When you are done, click OK.
Your new workspace is saved as a Local workspace.
Editing a Workspace
1. If the workspace you want to edit is a Standard workspace, you need to first drag it to the Local database to duplicate it there.
2. In the Local database, double-click the workspace to edit.
This opens it in the Enfocus Workspace Editor.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
3. Edit the workspace as needed.
4. When you are done, click OK to save it in the Local database.
Applying a Workspace
To use a workspace for your current work:
Select it in the Enfocus Workspace Panel and click the Apply button.
In your toolbar, click the arrow beside the Enfocus Workspace button and select the workspace to use.
Select it in the Window > Enfocus Workspace menu.
Selecting a Startup Workspace
To use a workspace by default next time you start Acrobat Professional up:
1. Select the workspace in the Enfocus Workspace Panel.
2. Click the action button and choose Apply selected workspace at startup.
You can see the startup workspace you selected at the bottom of the panel.
Enfocus PitStop Pro

3.5 The Enfocus Preset Manager

When settings in PitStop Pro can be saved, created, managed or selected, the Preset Manager is used.
A Preset can be a Workspace, a Design Layout, an Action List, a Global Change or a Preflight Profile. In all the corresponding panels, the Preset Manager is used. All of these are here referred to as a "Preset".

Preset Databases

You can see three databases, Favorites, Standard and Local.
You can add categories / Databases in the Enfocus PitStop Pro Preferences or directly in the Preset Manager. See Creating a Database on page 27 or the PitStop Pro Reference Guide for more
This database contains shortcuts to Presets in the Standard and / or Local database that you added to your favorites.
To add a Preset to your favorites, see Adding a Preset to your Favorites on page 28.
This database contains the default Presets installed with PitStop Pro.
You can edit these Presets, but you cannot save an edited Preset to the Standard database.
If you want to save an edited Preset, duplicate it from the Standard to the Local database first, then edit the duplicate.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
This database contains the Presets you edited or created, and that are only accessible to you.
You can edit and rename these Presets as you wish. You can also organize them into groups (see
Sorting and grouping Presets on page 28).
Creating a Database
You can import an existing folder on your hard disk or in a shared folder as a database in the
Preset Manager, either in the Enfocus PitStop Pro preferences. or directly from the Preset Manager.
1. Right-click in the Preset Manager and select New > New Database...
2. In the browser dialog that opens, select the folder that you want to import as a database and
click OK.
You can see that folder as a database in the Preset Manager.
If that folder contains any subfolder and / or workspaces, you will also be able to see them as groups in the Preset Manager.
Showing the Properties of an Imported Database
1. After importing a database, right-click it in the Preset Manager and choose Show Properties...
This opens the Properties dialog.
2. If needed, use the Properties dialog to:
change the database’s Display name (its name in the panel),
browse to a different folder to use as database,
make the database Read-only or editable again.
3. Click OK to save your changes.
Refreshing the panel
The Preset Manager panel auto-refreshes, but you may need to refresh it manually in some specific cases (for example, if instructed to do so by Enfocus support).
Enfocus PitStop Pro
Click the action button and choose Refresh.

Managing Presets

Creating a new Preset
To create a new Preset, you can
click the action button and choose New to create a new Preset from scratch
click the action button and choose New from ... to create a new Preset based on an existing Preset.
A list of the existing Presets will appear, allowing you to select the Preset you want to use as starting point for the new Preset.
click the action button and choose New from selected to create a new Preset based on the selected Preset
click the action button and choose New from file to create a new Preset based on a Preset file on disk.
Adding a Preset to your Favorites
To add a Preset to your favorites, you can either:
Drag it into the Favorites database.
Right-click it and select Add to Favorites.
Select it, click the action button and choose Add to Favorites.
Sorting and grouping Presets
You can only sort Favorites and Local Presets. Standard Presets have a fixed order.
To move a Preset up or down in the tree structure, you can either:
drag it up or down,
select it, click the action button and choose Move up or Move down.
To keep your Presets sorted alphabetically, click the filter arrow and select Keep Sorted.
To create a group:
a) Select the database (or group) in which you want to create your group. b)
Click the action button and choose New Group...
c) Give your group a name.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
Finding a Preset
To search for a Preset, you can either browse through the databases, or use the filter at the top of the panel.
1. Click the arrow in the filter to search either by Preset name or by Preset description.
2. Enter your search text in the filter.
You can use the blue cross to delete your search text after searching.
Note: Your past searches are saved in the filter.
Deleting a Preset
You can only delete Presets from the Local and Favorites databases.
Right-click the Preset and select Remove.
Select it, click the action button and choose Remove.
Note: You can also remove groups. This removes all Presets that were in this group.
Importing a Preset
1. Right-click in the Preset Manager and select Import/Export > Import...
2. In the browser dialog that opens, select the file you want to import.
The file to be selected depends on the panel in which you use the Preset Manager: .ppws for Workspaces, .eal for Action Lists, etc.
This adds the Preset to your Local settings.
Enfocus PitStop Pro
Importing a Preset Group
1. Right-click in the Preset Manager and select Import/Export > Import Hierarchy...
2. In the browser dialog that opens, select the folder containing the Preset files you want to
This adds the imported Presets in a group (called after the folder you selected) into your Local Presets.
Exporting a Preset
1. Right-click the Preset you want to export and select Import/Export > Export...
2. Save it in your desired location as a file.
The file type depends on the panel in which you use the Preset Manager: .ppws for Workspaces, .eal for Action Lists, etc.
You can now distribute your Preset by making the file available to others.
Exporting a Preset Group
1. Right-click the Preset Group you want to export and select Import/Export > Export Hierarchy...
2. Save it in your desired location.
This creates a folder containing a file for each Preset from the group.
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