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ENFOCUS PitStop Extreme Quick-Start Guide 3
5. About this Quick-Start Help
5. The PitStop Extreme Working area
6. The PitStop Extreme Toolbox
6. The Job Window
7. The PitStop Extreme Palettes
8. Editing a job
9. Editing Objects
11. Running a preflight check
13. Viewing and interpreting Errors & Warnings
4 ENFOCUS PitStop Extreme Quick-Start Guide
ENFOCUS PitStop Extreme Quick-Start Guide 5
About this Quick-Start
Take a few minutes to familiarize
yourself with this Quick-Start
Guide. It is the best way to get off
to a speedy start with
PitStop Extreme. Create a new,
blank PDF document in
PitStop Extreme by choosing File >
New, or use some sample PDF
documents, and feel free to
experiment and play around with
the tools described in this QuickStart Guide. You will quickly get an
idea of the essentials of Enfocus
PitStop Extreme.
For detailed, complete descriptions
of all the features and concepts of
PitStop Extreme, please refer to the
User Guide or Help.
The PitStop Extreme
Working area
You can find the following elements
in the PitStop Extreme Working
• The PitStop Extreme Toolbox
• The Job Window
• The PitStop Extreme Palettes