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Enfocus PitStop Automate User Guide3
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................... 3
This chapter introduces you to the software and describes its functions and objectives.
It also guides you through this documentation.
About PitStop Automate
PitStop Automate allows design studios, ad agencies, printers and publishers to
increase productivity and output consistency by introducing advanced automation at
an affordable price. Built to streamline graphic arts processes, PitStop Automate
extends the power of Enfocus’ automation-enabling technologies such as PDF preflight
& editing and the award-winning Certified PDF®. On top of all that power lays an
intuitive graphical user interface, making it straightforward to translate your complex
production requirements into a complete automation workflow design.
A natural upgrade from PitStop Server, PitStop Automate goes beyond PDF preflight and
editing. The application closely integrates with Acrobat® Distiller® and features file
sorting and conditional workflows based on file type, size and other file or document
PitStop Automate combines powerful internal capabilities while at the same time
controlling third party applications, forming the glue between the different steps in
your production process. Any hot-folder-based application can be integrated through
the “Generic Application” Gateway. PitStop Automate will hand the job over to the
applications and pick it up again after it has been processed. Another way of driving
external applications is through Apple Script integration. Finally, third-party developers can use the PitStop Automate SDK plug into their solution into PitStop Automate.
Content of this User Guide
This User Guide has been subdivided into the following chapters :
Chapter 1 : Introduction
Contains a general overview of the software, its functions and objectives, and a general
overview on the different chapters of the User Guide.
Chapter 2 : Installation
Contains set-up requirements and describes the installation process for successful
Pitstop Automate operation. It also gives an overview of the installed items, and basic
terms used in the software and this User Guide.
See “Installation” on page 13
Chapter 3: The Canvas Working Area
Describes how to handle Canvases, the working area in Pitstop Automate. It explains
how to save and open Canvases, how to navigate through a Canvas, and how to set up
workflows based on the components. It also gives an overview of the Sample Canvases.
See “The Canvas Working area” on page 23
Enfocus PitStop Automate User Guide9
Chapter 4: Running Jobs
Shows how to handle files in a Pitstop Automate system, either through hot folders or
on the Canvas itself. It also explains the use of file tags.
See “Processing Jobs” on page 33
Chapter 5: Gateways
Shows the settings of all individual workflow Components. These are split up in 3 kinds:
workflow Gateways, defining how a file is run through a workflow; Process Gateways,
which actually process the file, and File Gateways, which allow the handling of files
(Copy, Archive, FTP, ...)
See “Gateways” on page 41
Chapter 6: Preflighting and Checking PDF Documents
The core of PitStop Automate is the PitStop Gateway, allowing to run Action Lists and
certify a PDF document to a PDF Profile. These are explained in this chapter. The PDF
Profile Editor is also included here.
See “Preflighting and Checking PDF Documents” on page 65
Chapter 7 : Canvas Manager
Gives a detailed overview of all functions in the Canvas Manager, the User Interface to
define and manage Canvases and their files.
See “Canvas Manager” on page 75
Enfocus PitStop Automate User Guide13
C h a p t e r 2 :
About This Chapter
This chapter contains set-up requirements and describes the installation process for
successful Pitstop Automate operation. It also gives an overview of the installed items,
and basic terms used in the software and this User Guide.
In this Chapter :
•“Installation” on page 14
•“General Terms” on page 18
Minimum Configuration
•The System Requirements are displayed in the Installer, and they can also be
found on the Enfocus Web site, at http://www.enfocus.com/systemreq
•In order to run the “Distill” Gateway, Acrobat® Distiller™ Server 6 or 7 is required
Installation of PitStop Automate is done using an installer application. It can be found
on the Enfocus DVD, or it can be downloaded from the Enfocus Web site
To install from DVD:
1Insert the Enfocus PitStop Automate DVD into your DVD drive
2Open the Enfocus PitStop Automate DVD
3A Flash animation will lead you through the DVD. Choose Install PitStop Automate
4Click Install
To download & install:
1Download the Compressed file (.gz) to your computer.
2If the compressed file is not expanded automatically, double-click it to expand.
The compressed file contains a disk image (.dmg).
3If not mounted automatically, double-click the disk image (.dmg) to mount the
4Open the mounted volume, and double-click the installer to start installation.
5Follow the installation instructions on your screen.
Enfocus PitStop Automate User Guide15
After installing the software, it needs to be activated.
When started for the first time, a warning will be shown, stating that you are running
the software in trial mode. You have a number of days left to enter the Product Key.
You can enter the Activator application here, or you can enter the Activator application
using the Activate / Deactivate button in the About screen of the Canvas Manager.
Without a Product Key, you can use the trial version for a period of 30 days.The warning
will indicate how many days of this trial period is left. By clicking Continue, you can
continue using the Trial Version.
After entering a Product Key, you have 5 days to activate it. In that case the warning will
say the Product Key has not been activated yet.
First Time Activation
To activate PitStop Automate after installing it for the first time :
1Start the Canvas Manager
2Click Enter Product Key to open the Activator
3Enter the Product Key, which is included with the DVD.
4Choose Automatic Activation and click Activate Now
5Wait until activation is done, and click Continue.
To move the software from one computer to another
If you want to move the software from one computer to another, you cannot simply
copy the software, as the Activation connects a Product Key to be used on a specific
computer. To move the software, follow these steps :
1Open the Activator at the original computer
2Click Deactivate to deactivate the software on that computer, and choose Auto-
matic deactivation.
3Install the software on the target computer
4Use the same sequence as for First Time Activation (see above)
To activate using a fi le
It is also possible to activate using a file, e.g. to activate the software on a computer
without Internet connection. In that case, use the following steps :
1Open the Activator
2Select Create Activation Request File to start manual activation. A Browse dialog
will allow to define name and location for the Activation Request file. Copy this
file to a computer with internet access.
3Browse to http://activation.enfocus.com and upload the Activation Request file
into the Activation section. You will receive an Enfocus Activation file, to be copied
to the other computer.
4Select Read Activation file and click Activate Now. Browse to the Enfocus Activa-
tion File.
Installed Components
To deactivate using a file
It is also possible to deactivate using a file, e.g. to deactivate the software on a computer without internet connection. In that case, use the following steps :
1Open the Activator
2Click Deactivate. Select Create File for Manual DeActivation. A Browse dialog will
allow to define name and location for the DeActivation Request file. The software
will immediately be deactivated as well
3Copy this file to a computer with internet access.
4Browse to http://activation.enfocus.com and upload the DeActivation Request file
into the De-Activation section.
After installation, the following components can be found on your hard disk :
Administrator Software
The Administrator Software contains the Canvas Manager, the main application to set up
and define workflows and Canvases.
See also:
•“Canvas Manager” on page 75
•“The Canvas Working area” on page 23
Enfocus Data
Contains all available documentation, both in PDF as in HTML version.
Server Software
The Server Software folder contains all Gateways and the Watchdog application.
see “Gateways” on page 41
The Enfocus Data folder is a folder that, if it doesn’t exist yet, will be created automatically next to the PitStop Automate applications folder, as soon as the Watchdog is
started. Two folders can be created in that folder automatically : the Server Software
folder, and the Canvases folder.
The Server Software Folder
The Server Software Folder contains a folder for every Gateway that has been run at
least once. It contains the Job Ticket file, maintaining the connection between the
Gateways and Process Folders on the Canvases, and the actual Gateway applications (in
the Server Software folder).
Enfocus PitStop Automate User Guide17
The Canvas Folder
This is the default location where Canvases will be saved and opened from. It is advisable to save all Canvases inside this folder.
Since the Enfocus Data folder is not inside the PitStop Automate applications folder, it
allows to keep Canvas, Workflow and Gateway settings even when updating to another
version of PitStop Automate, by installing the new version next to the original one.
General Terms
Canvas Manager
The Canvas Manager, the user interface for defining workflows by setting up Canvases,
changing settings and running jobs, can be found in the Administrator Software folder.
See also:
•“Canvas Manager” on page 75
•“The Canvas Working area” on page 23
The Watchdog is an application in the Server Software folder, that starts all Gateways
that are not running, and keeps checking if all necessary applications are up and
running. It can also be used to quit all Gateways at once, without having to quit them
individually. The Watchdog (and thus all individual Gateways) should be running in
order to process a Job.
A Gateway is a single application, found in the Server Software folder. It will execute a
single operation on a job, according to the settings made in the Canvas Manager. A
Gateway is shown in the upper part of the Canvas Manager. When dragging a Gateway
onto a Canvas, a Process Folder for the Gateway is created.
See also:
•“Gateways” on page 41
•“Gateways Overview” on page 28
•“Creating and Editing a workflow” on page 26
A Canvas is a working space in the Canvas Manager. On disk, it’s a bundle, containing all
Process Folders and job folders.
See also:
•“Creating and Editing a workflow” on page 26
•“The Canvas Working area” on page 23
Canvases should always be saved in the Canvas Folder in the Enfocus Data folder!
If files need to be output on another location, use the File Copy Gateway.
Process Folder
Enfocus PitStop Automate User Guide19
A Process Folder is a folder on a Canvas, connected to a Gateway. If a job is dropped on
a Process Folder on the Canvas, the job will be processed by the Gateway application
provided that this Gateway application is up and running (see Watchdog). By selecting
a Gateway in the Gatewaybar, the link with the corresponding Process Folders on the
Canvas is visualized by a gray arrow, called “tube”.
See also:
•“Creating and Editing a workflow” on page 26
Enfocus PitStop Automate User Guide23
C h a p t e r 3 :
The Canvas Working area
About this chapter
The Canvas is the working area of the Canvas Manager. On the Canvas, workflows can be
defined or edited, files can be run, options and settings can be set, results can be seen
etc. This chapter gives an overview on the Canvas Working area, and how to create and
edit Canvases and workflows.
New Canvas
A new Canvas can be started in different ways :
To Create a new Canvas based on a Template:
Select New Canvas in the File menu of the Canvas Manager
Select one of the Enfocus templates. To create a completely new, empty Canvas,
select the Empty Canvas template.
Define the name for the new Canvas. By default, this will be “New [template
name]”. The Canvas will be saved in the “Canvases” folder in the Enfocus Data
Folder (see “Enfocus Data” on page 16)
If necessary, add or remove Process Folders or change their Parameters
You can also start a new Canvas based on a Canvas that already existed on the same or
on another computer, by restoring a .odcfg archive file:
Select New from Canvas Archive in the File menu of the Canvas Manager
Define the name for the new Canvas. The Canvas will be saved in the “Canvases”
folder in the Enfocus Data Folder (see “Enfocus Data” on page 16)
Redefine the location of all external files, if necessary
If necessary, add or remove Process Folders or change their Parameters
The Canvas Archive can be used to reuse existing Canvases, or to move Canvases from
one computer to another.
The Canvas Archive can be used to reuse existing Canvases, or to move Canvases
from one computer to another, by creating a .odcfg file, using the Save Canvas
Archive function, and restoring it on another computer.
A Canvas example
A. GatewayB. Gateway BarC. Process Folder
D. Connection TubeE. Job in End FolderF. Job on Canvas
G. Progress BarH. Output Connection
Navigating through the Canvas
Zooming can be done by using the zoom in and zoom out function in the view menu,
using the zoom tools in the tool bar, or by dragging in the Canvas, holding the
Command key. Dragging up or to the right will zoom in, dragging down or to the left
zooms out.
The Reset Zoom (in the view menu) returns to the default zoom factor.
The Canvas can be moved inside the window, by holding down the Command and the
option key, and dragging. The same function can be used in the Gatewaybar
Open Settings
Command-Double clicking a Process Folder on the Canvas, will open the settings dialog.
This can also be done from the contextual menu (control-click - Edit Settings)
Open Log
Option-Double clicking a Process or File Folder on the Canvas will open the corresponding Log file
Enfocus PitStop Automate User Guide25
Open in Finder
Contextual Menus
Double-clicking a Process or File Folder on the Canvas will open the corresponding
folder in the Finder.
By control-clicking any item on the Canvas, the contextual menu for that item opens.
The contextual menus give access to a number of settings for the selected process or file
folder : Settings, hiding or showing links, etc.
See also:
•“Canvas Manager” on page 75
Creating and Editing a workflow
A workflow is built by connecting Process Folders in a logical order.
Creating a Process Folder
By dragging a Gateway from the Gatewaybar onto the Canvas area, a Process Folder is
A Process Folder is a part of a workflow that can process files. Process Folders can be
renamed very easily, to represent exactly what it does.
When selecting a Gateway in the top part, all links to Process Folders are visualized by
gray arrows, called “tubes”.
In the Gatewaybar, the default settings for the Gateways can be set. These settings will
be applied when creating a new Process Folder.
See also:
•“Preferences” on page 76
•“Navigating through the Canvas” on page 25
Connecting Process Folders
The Canvas Area contains all defined Process Folders and jobs. Process Folders can
be linked into a workflow, represented by
green arrows called “tubes”.
Every Process Folder (except for End Folders) has one or more outputs, represented by green dots. The output from a
Process Folder can be connected to another Process Folder:
Click the output dot you wish to connect
Drag it away from the Process Folder. A green tube will show.
Drag it on top of the Process Folder you wish to connect. The Process Folder will
Release the mouse button. The connection tube will now end in an arrow instead
of a dot, showing that the connection is made.
End Folders
Enfocus PitStop Automate User Guide27
If a job is in a Process Folder, selecting it will show the flow it followed in yellow
See also:
•“Gateway” on page 18
•“Process Folder” on page 19
End Folders can be renamed very easily on the Canvas. The corresponding End Folder in
the Canvas Folder will be renamed as well.
To get the output file outside the Canvas, a File Copy can be used to copy the file to an
external folder.
Failure Folder
Every Gateway has a Failure output, used in case the processing itself goes wrong (e.g.
invalid configuration). For example, the PitStop Gateway will have 4 outputs:
•success: preflighted, no warnings, no errors
•warning: preflighted, warnings, no errors
•error: preflighted, errors, possibly warnings,
•failure: not preflighted: the file could not be processed
To set up a Failure folder:
Create a new End folder, and rename it “Failure Folder”
Hide the Incoming Connections using the contextual menu on the Failure Folder.
Apply Set Failure Folder in the same contextual menu
Switch on automatically link new folders in the contextual menu of the Canvas
If a new Process Folder is created after these steps, its failure output will automatically
be connected to the Failure Folder
Gateways Overview
The components that can be used to build a workflow, the Gateways, can be divided in
3 types :
Workflow Gateways
The Gateways that define the handling of a job without changing it
GatewayWhat it doesoutputs
ReceiveTakes in jobs, either from a Hot Folder (an external folder in which files to be
processed can be dumped) or from a Virtual Printer.
HoldStalls jobs, until a user either accepts or rejects it.Accept, Reject, and
ScheduleHold or release incoming jobs until a specified time or interval. Success and Failure
RouteAllows to define the path a job will follow, based on a defined criteria, such as
file type, file name, ...
Send MailSends an e-mail notification if a file passes this Gateway. Files (e.g. Pitstop
Reports) can be attached
Success and Failure
Fai lure .
One for every criteria, one
“No Match” and failure
Success and Failure
Process Gateways
The Gateways that actually change the job
GatewayWhat it doesoutputs
DistillSend files to the (external) Distiller application, which will convert PostScript files
into PDF files. This can be done using Watched Folders or using Apple Events
PitStopChecks a job to a PDF Profile or to apply an Action ListSuccess, Warning, Error
PrintSend the file to a printer or proofer on the network, or to save as PostScript. The
printers are to be defined in the Gateway itself.
Split PagesSplits a multipage PDF file into multiple single page documentsSuccess (for the original
Generic ApplicationSends the job to be processed by any external hot folder based application, and
takes in the result from that application
Success and Failure
and Failure.
Success and Failure
PDF), Single Pages, Failure
Success and Failure
Enfocus PitStop Automate User Guide29
File Management Gateways
The Gateways that handle moving, copying, deleting and archiving files.
GatewayWhat it doesoutputs
ArchiveAllows to move finished files to a central location. You can archive the complete
job, or only their Job Tickets.
CompressCompress the job or files belonging to the job, either in Stuffit or Zip mode.Success and Failure
Copy FileCopies files from one location to another, in one of 3 ways :
1. duplicate a file inside job folder
2. bring an external file into the job folder
3. copy a file (e.g. output) to an external location.
Copy JobDuplicates the entire job, allowing to send the job through 2 different workflow
branches at once.
Delete FileDelete one or multiple files from the Job FolderSuccess and Failure
FTPLets you transfer files from the Job Folder over FTP. This can be used to send files
to a proofer or to a file server.
RenameAllows to rename one of the files in the JobSuccess and Failure
The settings for every Process Folder (and also for jobs, see later) can be found by
opening the Settings.
These can be opened by command-double-clicking the Process Folder, by selecting the
Process Folder, and click Edit Configuration in the Folders menu, or by control-clicking
the Process Folder, and choose Edit Configuration in the contextual menu.
It is user definable where settings are shown.
To make a setting visible on the Canvas :
Open the Configuration Dialog for the Process Folder
Control-click on the label of a Setting to open its contextual menu
Set it to On Canvas
Fai lure
Success and Failure
Original Job, Duplicate
Job, and Failure
Success and Failure
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