Certified PDF is a registered trademark of Enfocus Software; patent
pending. Enfocus PitStop Professional, Enfocus PitStop Server, Enfocus Instant PDF and Enfocus StatusCheck are product names of Enfocus
To help protect our - and our customer's - investment in that
respect, we applied for a U.S.
patent covering certain elements of
the Enfocus Certified PDF technology. This patent has recently been
published (but not yet issued) by
the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office as application number
20020116399, and is titled "Ensured
workflow system and method for
editing a consolidated file". For
more information, please visit the
patent office's web site at
www.uspto.gov/patft and perform
a "quick search" for the above document number in the "patent
applications" section.
Mac OS is a registered trademark of
Apple Computer Inc. Adobe and
Acrobat are registered trademarks
of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other brand and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their
respective holders. All specifications, terms and descriptions of
products and services are subject to
change without notice.
Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net User Guide 3
Chapter 1:Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net ....................... 7
What Is CertifiedPDF.net?..........................................8
PDF Specifications ...................................................9
Types of PDF Specifications and Their Usage ................. 11
Statuses of PDF Specifications ...................................12
Becoming a Member of the CertifiedPDF.net Community .15
Logging on to CertifiedPDF.net ..................................18
Setting Your Preferences..........................................19
Changing Your CertifiedPDF.net Account Details ............22
Finding a Contributor or a Specification ......................23
Consulting the CertifiedPDF.net Resources .................. 24
Viewing the List of Contributors or Specifications:
Filtering and Sorting.............................................. 25
C h a p t e r 1 :
Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
About this Chapter
This chapter is your entry point into
CertifiedPDF.net: it gives you a brief
introduction into CertifiedPDF.net
and shows you how to become a
member of the CertifiedPDF.net
community. It also describes common tasks for both contributors and
In this chapter:
•What Is CertifiedPDF.net? 8
•PDF Specifications 9
•Types of PDF Specifications
and Their Usage 11
•Statuses of PDF
Specifications 12
•Becoming a Member of the
Community 15
•Logging on to
CertifiedPDF.net 18
•Setting Your Preferences 19
•Changing Your CertifiedPDF.net Account
Details 22
•Finding a Contributor or a
Specification 23
•Consulting the CertifiedPDF.net Resources 24
•Viewing the List of Contributors or Specifications:
Filtering and Sorting 25
•Interaction between CertifiedPDF.net and Enfocus
Software Products 27
8 Chapter 1: Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
What Is CertifiedPDF.net?
CertifiedPDF.net: An Online
Resource for PDF Specifications
CertifiedPDF.net is an online
resource for PDF Specifications.
Online resource
CertifiedPDF.net is a Web site for
professional PDF users. The primary
goal of CertifiedPDF.net is to provide graphic arts professionals with
a centralized hub to exchange PDF
specifications. Through integration
with Enfocus' desktop products you
stay up-to-date with changes that
happen to these specifications.
CertifiedPDF.net also provides a
wealth of supporting resources such
as white papers, tips and tricks and
a database of explanations and
solutions on the feedback you get
from your preflight report.
PDF Specifications
See “PDF Specifications” on page 9.
CertifiedPDF.net Highlights
•Facilitated sharing of specifi-
cations between members of
the graphic arts and
publishing industry.
•Online repository for PDF
quality specifications.
•Automatic notification of
changes to specifications on
CertifiedPDF.net. This notification can be triggered from
within the application or sent
by e-mail.
•Automatic synchronization of
PDF Queues in Enfocus Instant
PDF 3.x.
•Information related to public
standards and specifications.
•Integration of Certi-
fiedPDF.net pages in the
contributor’s own corporate
Web site.
PDF Specifications
Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net User Guide 9
PDF Specification Defined
A PDF specification is a collection of
components (files) which the PDF
document creator can use to create
and deliver Certified PDF documents which have to be up to the
PDF document receiver’s expectations.
Components of a PDF Specification
A PDF specification can have essen-
tial and optional components.
Essential components of a specification
Essential components of a specification are files which a specification must have in order to be
“publishable”. A contributor can
only publish a specification if it
contains at least one of the following essential components:
•An Enfocus PDF Queue, i.e. a
complete Enfocus Certified
PDF creation and quality
assurance workflow. You can
create an Enfocus PDF Queue
in Enfocus Instant PDF 3.x to
convert your source documents to output-ready Certified PDF documents in a
single step. A PDF Queue
contains at least an Enfocus
PDF Profile, but can also
include one or more optional
subcomponents such as
Action Lists, Adobe PDF
settings files (*.joboptions), a
PostScript Printer Description
(*.ppd), Adobe InDesign
presets or QuarkXPress print
styles or PDF export options.
•An Enfocus PDF Profile, i.e. a
collection of criteria which a
PDF document should meet to
be outputworthy. Each criterion corresponds to a given
property of the PDF document.
Optional components of a specification
A specification can also include
optional components. These are
files which are, strictly speaking,
not required to publish the specification, but which can help the
subscriber to create output-ready
Certified PDF documents.
Optional components of a specification can be:
•Enfocus Action Lists, i.e. a
series of Enfocus actions
grouped together as a single
command to carry out tasks
automatically in a PDF document. It is similar to a
“macro” in other applications.
•PostScript Printer Description
(*.ppd) Files
•Q uarkX Press pr int style s or PD F
export options
10 Chapter 1: Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
•Adobe InDesign CS print
presets or PDF presets (called
printer styles and PDF styles
respectively in Adobe
InDesign 2.x)
•Adobe PDF Settings (*.joboptions)
•ICC Profiles
Usage of PDF Specifications on
The usage of PDF specifications on
CertifiedPDF.net is as follows:
1Contributors are typically PDF
document receivers, e.g.
printers or publishers. They
create PDF specifications and
publish them on CertifiedPDF.net to distribute them to
their PDF document providers
because they expect to receive
output-ready PDF documents.
2Subscribers are typically PDF
document creators. They subscribe to and use the specifications of their PDF document
receivers to create and deliver
output-ready PDF documents.
Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net User Guide 11
Types of PDF Specifications and Their Usage
You find the following types of specifications on CertifiedPDF.net:
Specification typeMeaningUsage
Personal specificationsSpecifications which you,
Subscribed specificationsSpecifications to which you
Linked specificationsSpecifications which your
Linked specifications with
broken links
being a contributor, have
published on CertifiedPDF.net. You may have
created these specifications
have subscribed on CertifiedPDF.net.
fellow contributors have
published and which you
have made available to
your subscribers by linking
through to them.
Specifications to which you
have linked but whose
original specification has
been deleted or unpublished by your fellow
You can perform the
following tasks with this
type of specification:
• Edit
• Delete
• Publish
• Unpublish
• Revert
You can perform the
following tasks with this
type of specification:
• Confirm
• Unsubscribe
You can perform the
following tasks with this
type of specification:
• Edit
• Confirm
• Update or Ignore
• Unlink
You can perform the
following tasks with this
type of specification:
• Delete
• Inherit
12 Chapter 1: Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
Statuses of PDF Specifications
Different Statuses Per Account Type and Specification Type
The status which your specification
can have depends on:
•The type of your CertifiedPDF.net account, i.e.
contributor vs. subscriber
AccountSpecification TypeStatus
ContributorPersonal specification• Unpublished
Linked specification• Read
SubscriberSubscribed specification• Read
•The type of specification itself,
i.e. subscribed, personal or
A specification can have either one
of the following statuses:
• Public
• Modified
• Confirmed
• Changed
• Confirmed
• Changed
To check the status of your specifications:
1Make sure that you are logged
on to CertifiedPDF.net.
You can see this at the top of each
page on CertifiedPDF.net.
2Go to Setup > My specifica-
3Click the respective type of
specification of which you
want to check the status:
•Personal specifications
•Linked specifications
•Subscribed specifications
You can now check the statuses of
your specifications and change
them, if necessary.
A specification can have the
unpublished status in the following
•You have added the specification to CertifiedPDF.net but
you haven’t published it yet.
•You have published the specification before on CertifiedPDF.net, but you have
now unpublished it.
Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net User Guide 13
You, being a contributor, can view
and edit your unpublished specifications but they are not publicly
available. This means that:
•Other members of CertifiedPDF.net cannot subscribe
to unpublished specifications.
•Other contributors cannot link
through to unpublished specifications.
Your specification is publicly available on CertifiedPDF.net:
•Other members can subscribe
to them.
•Fellow contributors can link
through to them.
You, being a contributor and owner
of the specification, have modified
your specification since you last
published it but you haven’t made
it publicly available yet. You can
now either:
•“undo” your modifications
and Revert to the previously
published version
•Publish the modified version
of the specification
The status read of a specification
means that you have “read” the
specification: you have seen the
specification data and all related
files and documentation at the
time when you subscribed to or
linked through to the specification.
However, you still need to confirm
the actions of subscribing or linking
through to this specification.
You have linked through to or subscribed to a specification, read it
and you have installed its files and
documentation. You need to manually confirm you did so by clicking
confirm link in the Actions column
of that specification. Its status will
then change from read to con-
See also:
•“Subscribing to a Specifica-
tion” on page 32
14 Chapter 1: Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
You have subscribed or linked
through to a specification, but this
specification has been changed and
republished by the owner in the
mean time. You can read the publication message by clicking the
icon and then decide what you
want to do:
Specification typeOptions
• You can accept the changes: you download and install the
updated files of the specification and click confirm that you
did so.
• You can reject the changes and unsubscribe from this specification.
Linked specification• You can click update to accept the changes and to change
your linked specification correspondingly. Its status will then
become confirmed.
•You can click ignore if you think that the changes are not
relevant or not required for your subscribers. The specification
will no longer be linked and will therefore move to your
Personal specifications section, where you can edit and
publish it as one of your own specifications.
See also:
•“Publishing or Unpublishing a
Specification” on page 47
•“Revert” on page 62
Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net User Guide 15
Becoming a Member of the CertifiedPDF.net
Types of Members of the CertifiedPDF.net Community: Contributors and Subscribers
CertifiedPDF.net is a public Web site
and is accessible to anyone. You
can freely visit the CertifiedPDF.net
Web site and browse through the
list of specifications. You can also
see who is already a contributor of
CertifiedPDF.net or take a look at
the available resources.
However, if you wish to use CertifiedPDF.net effectively, you need to
become a registered member of the
CertifiedPDF.net community. You
can register:
•As a Subscriber
•As a Contributor
Subscribers, or “subscribing Members”, are typically people who create and deliver PDF documents.
Once registered as a subscriber, you
can download and subscribe to PDF
specifications. You can manage
your specifications on CertifiedPDF.net and you will also be notified automatically if one of these
specifications is updated.
Subscribers can use CertifiedPDF.net free of charge.
Contributors, or “contributing
Members”, are typically:
•People who receive PDF documents, for example printers
and publishers
•Industry associations
Once registered as a contributor,
you can publish your own PDF
specifications on CertifiedPDF.net or
link through to PDF specifications
for standards such as PDF/X or specifications published by (other)
industry associations. You are considered the owner of the specifications which you add to and publish
on CertifiedPDF.net yourself.
In case you too have to deliver Certified PDF documents to other parties, you are able to subscribe to
PDF specifications published by
other contributors.
Contributors pay a yearly fee for the
right to publish their specifications
on CertifiedPDF.net. Please read the
contributor licensing conditions.
You find these licensing conditions
in the Setup > License section on
16 Chapter 1: Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
Creating a CertifiedPDF.net Account
Becoming a member of the CertifiedPDF.net community implies that
you create a contributor or subscriber account on CertifiedPDF.net.
You do this in the following steps:
1Register on CertifiedPDF.net
2Activate Your Account
Register on CertifiedPDF.net
You register on CertifiedPDF.net to
apply for an account. You can register as:
•A subscriber if you just wish to
use specifications
•A contributor if you wish to
create and publish specifications
Even if you have registered as a
subscriber at first, you can always
upgrade your account to become a
contributor later.
See also:
•“Upgrading Your Account” on
page 37
To register on CertifiedPDF.net:
1Go to www.certifiedpdf.net.
2Click the New user button on
the CertifiedPDF.net home
3If you wish to register as a
contributor, click the condi-tions hyperlink and read the
terms and conditions carefully, and then click the Back
4Decide whether you wish to
register as a contributor or a
subscriber and click the
Register button below the
respective tab.
5Fill out the registration form
and then click the Submit
Make sure you fill in all text
boxes marked by an
asterisk (*).
A new page appears, confirming
that your account has been created.
6Click Continue to return to the
CertifiedPDF.net home page.
Activate Your Account
Once your account has been created
on the CertifiedPDF.net Web site,
you need to activate it. As soon as
you have completed the registration process, you will receive an email message which you can use for
this purpose.
To activate your account:
1Check your e-mail and search
for a message which confirms
your registration on CertifiedPDF.net.
2Open the e-mail message and
click the hyperlink to activate
your account.
Make sure you activate your
account by clicking the hyperlink in the e-mail message.
You will not be able to use
your CertifiedPDF.net account
until you do this.
You will go to the CertifiedPDF.net
Web site and see a page confirming
that your account has been activated.
Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net User Guide 17
18 Chapter 1: Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
Logging on to CertifiedPDF.net
Members Only
You need to be a member of the
CertifiedPDF.net community, i.e. a
contributor or a subscriber, to be
able to log on to CertifiedPDF.net
and effectively use specifications.
But even if you haven’t logged on
to CertifiedPDF.net, you will still be
able to access some of the pages of
the CertifiedPDF.net Web site. You
may wish to do this, for example,
•Find a specification and check
its contents
•Find and contact a contributor
in the Community section
•Check out the Resources
To log on to CertifiedPDF.net:
1Go to www.certifiedpdf.net.
2Locate the Login section at
the right-hand side of the
CertifiedPDF.net home page.
3Fill in your e-mail address
and password and click the
Go button.
4Go to the section of your
choice by clicking the corresponding tab:
•Home, to get tips, latest news
or an introduction into CertifiedPDF.net. You can also find
contributors or specification
instaneously by doing a Quick search.
•Specifications, to see the list
of new and updated specifications on CertifiedPDF.net
You can sort the list of specifications, or any other list on
CertifiedPDF.net, by clicking
the column heading, for
example Name, Version or
•Community, to see the list of
•Resources, to access the CertifiedPDF.net Help and other
valuable background information.
•Search, to quickly find a specification or a contributor
•Setup, to view or change the
settings specific to your CertifiedPDF.net account, for
example your Specifications,
Account Details and Preferences
Setting Your Preferences
Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net User Guide 19
CertifiedPDF.net Preferences
You can set and save your preferences for CertifiedPDF.net in a similar way as you can do for a common
software program.
If you change your preferences, you
have to log off from CertifiedPDF.net
and then log on again to see the
To set or edit your CertifiedPDF.net
1Log on to CertifiedPDF.net.
2Click Setup > Preferences.
3Select the options of your
Both subscribers
and contributors
Subscribers only• Show E-mail
Contributors only • New
4Click Submit.
5Log off from CertifiedPDF.net
and then log on again to see
your changes reflected.
• Updated
• Default
• Keep Pages
• Allow Enfocus
Updated Specifications
You can select the option to receive
an e-mail message as soon as one
of the specifications to which you
are subscribed has been updated.
This e-mail message will contain a
hyperlink to the detail page of the
updated specification.
Default Language
At the top of each page on CertifiedPDF.net, you can see the various
codes of the languages in which
the Web site is available, e.g. DE for
German or FR for French.
You can immediately switch the
current language of the CertifiedPDF.net Web site by clicking the
language code of your choice. All
the text on tabs, menus and buttons of CertifiedPDF.net will be displayed in the language of your
choice. This language will be used
temporarily, i.e. until you log off
from CertifiedPDF.net or until you
click another language code.
The language which you can select
in Setup > Preferences is the one
which will be used by default each
time you log on to CertifiedPDF.net.
Show E-mail Address
You, being a subscriber, can select
the option to allow contributors to
see your e-mail address, for example when they look at their list of
subscribers (Setup > My subscribers) or when they send
their subscribers an e-mail message.
20 Chapter 1: Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
New Subscribers
Select this option if you wish to
receive an e-mail message each
time when a new subscriber has
subscribed to one of your specifications.
Keep Pages Private
As a contributor, you can integrate
the following pages in your own
Web site:
•Specification overview pages.
You and other members or
even visitors can see these
pages on CertifiedPDF.net by
clicking your name in the list
of contributors in the
Community section. These
pages can include a list of
your Personal specifications
and/or your Linked specifica-tions.
•Specification detail pages.
This is the page which you get
to see if you click the name of
a specification. You will then
see the Specification data, Files and Documentation.
If you use the integration feature of
CertifiedPDF.net, you can specify
how you want the specification
overview and detail pages to
•If you select Keep pages private, your specification
overview and detail pages
will be visible in your own
corporate look and feel only,
not in the CertifiedPDF.net
style. Also your name will not
appear in the list of contribu-
tors in the Community section
of CertifiedPDF.net. Therefore,
you may want to select this
option if you want your
subscribers to have the
impression that they stay on
your Web site only to
subscribe to and use your
personal and/or linked specifications.
Do not select the option to
Keep pages private if you
haven’t integrated the specification overview and detail
pages in your own Web site
(yet). Otherwise, your specification pages will not be
displayed in any way: not in
the CertifiedPDF.net style and
not in your own corporate
•If you do not select the option
to Keep pages private, your
specification overview and
detail pages will be visible in
both the standard CertifiedPDF.net style and your
own corporate style.
See also:
•“Integrating Your Specifica-
tion Overview and Detail
Pages” on page 77
•“Examples of Integrated
Specification Overview and
Detail Pages” on page 82
Allow Enfocus Cross-Linking
There may be subscribers who do
not only want to use one or more of
your specifications, they also want
to find the related Enfocus products
to use the components of the
specification. For example, if a
subscriber wants to use a specification with a PDF Queue, he or she
will also need Enfocus Instant
PDF 3.x to be able to use this PDF
Queue in his PDF creation and
delivery process.
Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net User Guide 21
To help your subscribers to quickly
find the relevant Enfocus products
or solutions, you can select the
option to Allow Enfocus cross-linking. If you do so, (potential)
subscribers will get to see references to these Enfocus products
and solutions on the detail pages of
your specifications, even if you
have integrated these specification
detail pages in your corporate look
and feel.
Enfocus cross-linking includes references to Enfocus products and solutions on the specification detail pages.
See also:
•“Integrating Your Specifica-
tion Overview and Detail
Pages” on page 77
22 Chapter 1: Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
Changing Your CertifiedPDF.net Account Details
Why Change Your CertifiedPDF.net
Account Details?
Your CertifiedPDF.net account
details include:
•Your name and title
•The e-mail address and password which you use to log on
to CertifiedPDF.net
•Information for your personal
page on CertifiedPDF.net
(contributors only)
At some point in time, you may
want to, or have to change one or
more of your CertifiedPDF.net
account details. For example, your
e-mail address may have changed.
You will then have to change your
CertifiedPDF.net account details
correspondingly because you’re
using this e-mail address to log on
to CertifiedPDF.net and maybe to
receive notifications of changes to
To change your CertifiedPDF.net
account details:
1Log on to CertifiedPDF.net.
2Click Setup > Account Details.
3In the My profile tab, change
the account details of your
4Click Submit.
To see your changes reflected, you
need to log off from CertifiedPDF.net and then log on again.
See also:
•Using CertifiedPDF.net As a
Contributor > “Completing or
Editing Your Personal Page”
on page 43
If you wish to change your
password, you have to select
the Change password check
box first and then type your
new password twice in the
respective text boxes.
Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net User Guide 23
Finding a Contributor or a Specification
Using the Search Section on CertifiedPDF.net
CertifiedPDF.net has a Search sec-
tion, which enables you to quickly
find a contributor or a specification.
To find a contributor or a specification:
1Click the Search tab.
2Do one of the following:
•Type a keyword in the Quick
search section to find this
word in the names and
details of the contributors
and the specifications. You
may find contributors and
You can also use this Quick search function on the CertifiedPDF.net home page and in
the following sections:
> Specifications
> Community
•Type a keyword or select the
appropriate search criteria in
the Search contributor and Search specification sections,
3Click the Search button in the
respective section.
See also:
•“Viewing the List of Contribu-
tors or Specifications: Filtering
and Sorting” on page 25
24 Chapter 1: Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
Consulting the CertifiedPDF.net Resources
Help, and More
The CertifiedPDF.net Help explains
the main concepts and provides
you with step-by-step instructions
on how to use CertifiedPDF.net.
In addition to this Help, you find
valuable information in the following subsections:
•Implementing workflows
•PDF & PDF standards
Purpose and key concepts of CertifiedPDF.net
You may want to read about the
basics of CertifiedPDF.net if the
concept is totally new to you. You
will learn about the aim of CertifiedPDF.net and why Enfocus Software has taken the initiative to
build this online service. You also
find the key concepts and roles
explained in this section.
a couple of good reasons why and a
model to calculate your return on
investment. It also lists and
describes the practical steps for a
successful implementation of a Certified PDF workflow.
PDF & PDF standards
PDF standards and specifications,
the Ghent PDF Workgroup and you
Here, you can learn why standardization is important in a PDF workflow and why organizations such as
the Gent PDF Workgroup are
involved with this issue. This section is a must-read for anyone
who’s wondering why he or she
should bother about PDF specifications and standards.
Implementing workflows
Roadmap for implementing Certified PDF workflows
You may want to read this “white
Web paper” if you are a manager
who’s considering introducing Certified PDF as a standard exchange
format for digital files, both within
your company or organization and
with external partners. It gives you
Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net User Guide 25
Viewing the List of Contributors or
Specifications: Filtering and Sorting
Filtering vs. Sorting
When you view the lists of contributors or specifications, you will
notice that these lists can become
quite extensive. Besides searching,
you can filter or sort the lists to
quickly find the relevant information:
•Sorting the list will rearrange
it by the criterion of your
choice. You find these criteria
in the column heading of the
lists, for example Name,
Version, Date or Category.
•Filtering a list displays only
the rows that meet the
criteria which you specify.
Unlike sorting, filtering does
not rearrange a list. Filtering
temporarily hides the rows
which you do not want to see
To sort the list of contributors or
1Do one of the following:
•To see the list of contributors,
click the Community tab.
•To see the list of specifications, click the Specifications
•To search for a collection of
contributors or specifications,
click the Search tab and select
the search criteria of your
The list of contributors or specifications is presented in tabular form.
2Click the column heading to
sort the list by a criterion of
your choice, for example Pro-duction process for specifications or Category for
You can click the column
heading twice to change the
sort order from ascending to
descending or vice versa.
To filter the list of contributors or
1Do one of the following:
•To see the list of contributors,
click the Community tab.
•To see the list of specifications, click the Specifications
2Locate the Filters section at
the left-hand side of the
3Click a filter of your choice
and, if necessary, refine your
search by selecting:
•A Region of interest for speci-
•The Country of a contributor
26 Chapter 1: Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
For example, suppose you’re looking for specifications of commercial
sheet offset printers in the United
Kingdom, you can filter the list of
specifications as follows:
Market segmentCommercial
Production process Sheet offset
Region of interestEurope > United
See also:
•“Finding a Contributor or a
Specification” on page 23
Enfocus CertifiedPDF.net User Guide 27
Interaction between CertifiedPDF.net and
Enfocus Software Products
Checking Your CertifiedPDF.net
Status from within the Enfocus
Software Products
All Enfocus Software products interact with CertifiedPDF.net. This
interaction means that you can do
the following from within the Enfocus programs and plug-ins:
•Visit CertifiedPDF.net at a click
of a button
•Check the status of the specifications you have subscribed
Instant PDF and PDF Queue-based
In Instant PDF 3.x, you can use PDF
Queues from specifications on CertifiedPDF.net and manage these as
•Subscribe to a PDF Queuebased specification
•Create a new PDF Queue
which is based on a specification on CertifiedPDF.net
•Create a new PDF Queue and
publish it in a specification on
•Keep your PDF Queues
synchronized with the corresponding specifications on
How to Interact with CertifiedPDF.net from within the
Enfocus Software Products
Refer to the documentation of the
respective Enfocus Software products.
28 Chapter 1: Getting Started with CertifiedPDF.net
+ 67 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.