The contents of this document may be wholly or partially, reproduced, transferred, distributes or stored in any form without prior written approval by Enertex® Bayern GmbH.
Enertex® is a registered trademark of Enertex® Bayern GmbH. Other product- and company names mentioned herein
can be names of trademark or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
This manual may be changed without notifications or notice and makes no claim to completeness or accuracy.
Model Variants......................................................................................................................................... 5
Display of numerical Values.....................................................................................................................................9
Display of Symbols.................................................................................................................................................10
Text Messages.......................................................................................................................................................11
Menu Structure....................................................................................................................................... 17
Selection of Keywords.....................................................................................................................................37
Value Commands...................................................................................................................................................41
Not KNX compliant Extensions..............................................................................................................................42
Color Choice....................................................................................................................................................42
Background on the Functioning.............................................................................................................................45
List of Changes.......................................................................................................................................... 49
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For the operation the Enertex® SynOhr MultiSense KNX there is no need for an external voltage
supply. The device gets the power supply from the bus (depending on the lighting max. 850 mW)
Please note the installation and commissioning instructions on page 6.
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This document is linked. When you read a page number, simply click on the page number and
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•The installation and assembly of electrical equipment may only be performed by
qualified electricians.
•When connecting KNX/EIB-interface specialists skills are required by KNX™-training.
•Failure to observe the instructions may cause damage to the unit, fire or other hazards
may occur.
•These instructions are part of the product and must remain with the end user.
•The device must not be used for applications with potential danger (malfunction).
•The measurement of the sound pressure is not suitable for monitoring hazardous sound
•The photometry of the built-in sensors depends on the site and the incident light. For the
monitoring of relevant building this measurement is only conditionally suitable.
•The built-speech operates with high reliability. Safety-critical operations may still use the
speech recognizer not be executed (improper user). Due to noise in the enviroment and
the unclear speech of the speaker, it may be misinterpreted. For security-related of
hazardous applications to humans this product is not suitable.
•The manufacturer is not liable for any costs or damages incurred by the user or third
parties through the use of this device, misuse or malfunction of the connection,
malfunction of the device or the subscriber equipment.
•Unauthorized changes and modifications to the unit will void the warranty!
^SynOhrMultiSenseKNX-Eng-13.odt, 2014-05-06 Page 5 of 49
SynOhr MultiSense KNX is the world's first KNX room
controller with integrated voice recognition. The room
controller measures the temperature, humidity and coler
With the aid of a dot-matrix KNX-compliant 14-byte strings
can be displayed.
A built-in speaker outputs the audio signals that can be
stored by the user on the included SD card. The output is
initiated via a 14-byte group address from the KNX bus
representing the file name on the SD card. The SD card is
formatted in the FAT file system. The data in the delivery
state are listed in Table 1.
The vocabulary of the built-in speech includes about 250
words and must not be taught separately.
The parameterization of the triggered commands is done
via ETS . Thus commands such as „COMPUTER LIGHT
30 PERCENT“ are realized. The word sequence can be
changed by the user via the free software SynOhrStudio.
The central button is illuminated in color and gives also a
visual feedback for the detected sequence (see page 36).
At the lateral edges a colored ambient lighting is installed.
The brightness of the lighting can be adjusted
automatically via built-in brightness sensor to the ambient
light be adjusted or turned off. The same applies for the
display backlight.
SynOhr MultiSense KNX is fed directly from the KNX Bus and requires no external power
The three available models of SynOhr MultiSense KNX enable the use of the following
Room controller heating and coolingYesYesYes
Measurement of temperature and humidityYesYesYes
Measuring of the light color and light incomingYesYesYes
Two touch buttons and one push buttonYesYesYes
Output of a 14-byte text message on the dot matrixYesYesYes
Speech with number of commands61240
Freely definable colors of the luminous ring-YesYes
Playing of WAV files from SD card-YesYes
Monitoring of noise levels e.g. for use as a „baby monitor“--Yes
Display of 28 characters with auto-scrolling on the dot matrix--Yes
^SynOhrMultiSenseKNX-Eng-13.odt, 2014-05-06 Page 6 of 49
Use of the dot matrix for the display of symbols (from Q3/2014)--Yes
Speech wildcard commands
One command „DIMMER_PERCENT“ can control in this way the
brightness of a KNXTM Dimmers completely
Conversion of the color change--Yes
Master/Slave mode, if multiple switching points in larger rooms
available (Enertex® EibPC required)
The variants are software options that are enabled on the serial number of the device and have
to be licensed for the device.
This device is a product of the KNX-system and complies with the KNX directives. Detailed
technical knowledge obtained in KNX training courses is a prerequisite to understanding. The
software for the KNXTM part is in the product data base. Planning, installation and commissioning
are carried out with the help of KNX-certified software. The built-in speech is parameterized
using the freely available program SynOhrStudio. You will find the required data under The device is powered only from the bus and does not require additional
auxiliary power supply.
If reducing the bus voltage below 23V, then a flicker of light occurs if this is set to maximum
value. Reduce in this case the illumination (s. p.11).
In the installation box (Picture 2), which is installed in a standard hollow wall box, the bus
coupler is integrated. This is in addition to the communication to KNXTM bus also produces the
power to the SynOhr MultiSense KNX main module. The exact procedure in the assembly, refer
to the Quick Start Guide.
Picture 2: Dimensions of the Installation Box – Bus Coupler
^SynOhrMultiSenseKNX-Eng-13.odt, 2014-05-06 Page 7 of 49
The max. range of speech recognition is 7 m at normal volume. The range is specified in
SynOhrStudio via the parameter slider (see page 36). Increased range means that under certain
circumstances also a reduced quality of the speech recognition e.g. if additonal noise sources
are close to the SynOhr MultiSense KNX and the speaker is a few meters away. For larger living
rooms we therefore recommend the master-slave operation with multiple stations which are set
to a standard range of about 4 m. The ideal placement is between 1.1 m and 1.5 m in height, so
that radios and televisions etc. are as far away from SynOhr MultiSense KNX but close to the
„normal“ location of the speaker.
Picture 3: Placement Examples
Picture 3 shows examples of placement for SynOhr MultiSense KNX. Place 1 is optimal from the
perspective of speech recognition. Assuming that the TV emits sounds directly and not via
sound system, is at No. 1 the distance to the most probable location of the users (sofa) the
lowest. If there is no possibility behind the sofa place 2 should be preferred instead of place 3,
because at the door are presumed noises or speaking people.
The max. range depends on room acoustics, the place of installation (e.g. acoustic shadow
behind the wall), the speaker volume, and (to a lesser extent on) the number of used words. Up
to a distance of 4 m it is possible under difficult conditions to have a every day suitable
parameterization. In addition the similarity of the selected commands and the room acoustics
plays a large role in theses distances. If noise sources (radio) on SynOhr are louder and closer
than the speaker, a detection is not possible. If larger areas in an open building are acoustically
to be „listened“ you need more slaves.
The parameter „Sensitivity“ in SynOhrStudio (comp. p. 36) sets the range. Because in hallways
or in tiled rooms and without wallpapers resonances or hall are present, you have to work with
smaller „room size“ as in rooms with sound-absorbing elements (wood walls, wallpaper,
Recommendation: In difficult conditions – do not change any other parameters – but choose the
range small in order to gradually bring this to the desired sensitivity. It the sensitivity is set too
high the key word recognition reacts on wrong words or is not responding robust.
^SynOhrMultiSenseKNX-Eng-13.odt, 2014-05-06 Page 8 of 49
Picture 4 Shows the arrangement of the two capacitive touch buttons and their sensitivity fields
and the central pressure button. The touch keys are equipped with a repeat function which ends
after about 8 seconds. After that key must be „released“ and pressed again. Optimal operation is
achieved by gentle pressure with the thumb on the pad.
Picture 4: Controls
The optimum pressure point of the central button is as indicated in Picture 4 at the top of the
The parameterization of the speech is on the SC card. For the parameterization the free
software SynOhrStudio is required. The software is under for download.
The current German language data record („Sprachschatz”) you will find under
Sound-Output On delivery the speech of SynOhr
MultiSense KNX is parameterized as shown in Table 1.
For changing the card insert the card vertically with the printed side to the visible side, comp.
Picture 5.
Picture 5: SD Card Placement
There is a file *.key on the supplied card. This file defines with which model variant (see page 5)
SynOhr MultiSense KNX is operated and might not be deleted. The data contained in the file
represent a software key for the features that are enabled for the device with that serial number.
Please be sure to make a backup copy of the key file. If you lose the key file, the
regeneration is not free.
After placing the aperture (see installation instructions) the capacitive touch keys must be
calibrated. This is done automatically by the reboot of SynOhr MultiSense KNX. After the
installation you press the central button for 10 seconds. The reset process can be detected on
the short-term disappearance of the numeric display.
The speaker is installed directly below the central button.
The volume of the sound output is via the ETS or the internal menu parameterized (comp. p. S.
16). It is also possible to control them by group addresses.
The built-speech operates with high reliability. Safety-critical operations should not be performed
(non-intended use) with speech.
^SynOhrMultiSenseKNX-Eng-13.odt, 2014-05-06 Page 9 of 49
Picture 6: The SynOhr MultiSense KNX Display
The display options of the SynOhr MultiSense KNX room controller are shown in Picture 6 in the
overview. The display can be devided into the following areas:
•Display of numerical values, time
•Dot matrix to the text display
Display of
In addition to time up to five different values can be displayed alternately (time is parameterized)
are shown.
–Time display: Colon
–Numerical value/temperature „.“ (Dot) according to the
numerical value
–For display of °C or °F: internally measured or externally
measured temperature, at external temperature additionally
–Clock symbol for indicating a time
–Lux display o the brightness value in Lux
–kLux display of the brightness in Kilolux
–W: Display of the measured value for white light
–R: Display of the measured value for red light
–G: Display of the measured value for green light
–B: Display of the measured value for blue light
–%: Display of humidity
–dB: Display the measured sound pressure
Note: This measurement is not suitable for the monitoring of
hazardous noise
Display of
The display of symbols is partly set due to the operating mode (heating, cooling, standby, etc.)
some are switchable via this group address.
^SynOhrMultiSenseKNX-Eng-13.odt, 2014-05-06 Page 10 of 49
Room controller is in standby mode
Room controller in comfort mode
Room controller in night mode
The internal controller of the room controller indicates a heating size greater than 0% to the bus.
The height of the bar indicates the value of the controller quantized on 5 levels (20% steps).
The internal controller of the room controller indicates the cooling size greater than 0% to the bus.
The height of the bar indicates the value of the controller quantized on 5 levels (20% steps).
Text Messages
Weather symbols. These can be controlled separately by group address.
If the speech is in active mode the microphone is automatically displayed. If the speech is
deactivated the microphone is displayed by „strikeout“-symbol.
–Plus (+) for the operation/adjustment value
–High-symbol for usage the menus
–Speaker symbol will be turned on automatically while sound output (playing a song)
–Minus (-) for the operation/adjustment value
–Down-symbol for usage the menus
–Enertex symbol and @ symbol for displaying errors
The lamp symbol is switched on if switched off automatic dimming of the LCD-displays, the ring or
ambient light.
In the dot matrix can be displayed any text. However, the representation of 14 bytes (14
characters) long text messages are not always possible in one line depending on the characters
used, in this particular SynOhr MultiSense KNX scrolls the text message.
In addition, the Premium-Edition can also process 28 bytes long messages. These are
automatically scrolled.
The built-in SynOhr MultiSense KNX temperature sensor is used as input to the room controller,
the cooling and heating mode.
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SynOhr MultiSense KNX allows the measurement of the humidity.
The measurement of sound pressure takes place via the built-in microphones and is relative to
the selected „room size“ (comp. p. 36).
The built-in light measurement is taken in four areas: red, green, blue and white. The
measurement in performed as shown in Picture 7 (clear = white).
Picture 7: Light Measurement
For each of the three lights (ambience, ring, display) an automatic lighting control depending on
the ambient lighting, can be turned on. Starting from the max. illumination is specified via the
ETS or the internal menu (comp. page 16), will increase the backlight with increasing ambient
light to the maximum.
The intensity of the display backlight can be set by the user in steps from 0 to 100 %. This will be
parameterized by the ETS or the internal menu (comp. page 16). It is also possible to regulate
the brightness of light on the sensor automatically.
The intensity of the ring illumination of the central speaker button can be specified by the user in
^SynOhrMultiSenseKNX-Eng-13.odt, 2014-05-06 Page 12 of 49
steps from 0 to 100 %. This will be parameterized by the ETS or the internal menu (comp. page
16). It is also possible to regulate the brightness of light on the sensor automatically. The color
can be changed via a group address. If the speech recognizer is active the color changes
automatically to the fixed values.
The color of the ring illumination can be set via a group address if the recognizer is not active
(not in Starter Edition).
In the Premium-Edition the brightness of the ring illumination and the lighting effects can be
changed via a group address. The pulsation of the color can be converted into a pulsation of the
brightness or the pulsation can be completely deactivated.
If the pulsation of the color is selected only the green component of the illumination is changed.
The intensity of the side ambient lighting of the center speaker button can be specified by the
user in steps from 0 to 100 %. This will be parameterized by the ETS or the internal menu
(comp. page 16). It is possible to regulate the brightness of light on the sensor automatically.
The color can be specified via a group address.
Each operation of the speech must be initiated with predetermined command word (see page
36). Is the keyword recognized, a confirmation sound is output depending on the parameterization. The speech remains for about three seconds in this mode and waits for speaking the
actual command e.g. to turn on the light. During this waiting period the ring flashes in yellow. The
operator must necessarily wait to speak until the ring lights in yellow (respectively the sound was
played). The ambient lighting is turned off during this phase.
If this active state of the speech a command is spoken and recognized a confirmation sound is
output depending on parameterization. The ring will light green for a moment. The ambient
lighting then turns on and the ring illuminates in the selected primary color.
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In the following section we show you how the speech parameterization of SynOhr MultiSense
KNX is implemented.
In a few steps to the individual language data set.
1. Speech commands parameterized via ETS
2. With the SynOhrStudio assigning to each speech command a command sequence
1. Load vocabulary
2. Choose keyword
3. Define command sequences
4. Create SD-data
5. License key
6. Restart
Picture 8: ETS Parameterization
In the ETS each speech command is assigned to an action and linked to the corresponding
group address (see page 39).
At the first start of SynOhrStudio it will be asked for the vocabulary (see picture 9). This is
contained in the same zip-file, in which the SynOhrStudio is to be found.
Select the appropriate directory.
Picture 9: Select ETS Vocabulary
After the file was successfully loaded the possible commands are located in the left side (see
picture 10).
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If all required command sequences are specified, they must be compiled (see picture 13).
Picture 13: Compile Data
Here a directory „SD“ is created and filled with all for the SynOhr MultiSense KNX necessary
Then copy the contents of this directory into the top level directory of the supplied already preconfigured SD card. The configuration in the SynOhrStudio can be saved and reloaded.
There is a file*.key on the supplied card. This file defines with which model variant (see page 5)
SynOhr MultiSense KNX is operated and might not be deleted. The data contained in the file
represent a software key for the features that are enabled for the device with that serial number.
Please be sure to make a backup copy of the key file. If you lose the key file, the
regeneration is not free.
Insert the SD card into the the SynOhr MultiSense KNX and restart while pressing the central
button for about 10 seconds.
Your SynOhr MultiSense KNX can now be addressed by keyword – command sequence and
executes the parameterized switching commands.