1. safety instructions
To ensure your saf ety and the saf ety of others , please ensure th at you read all the sa fety inform ation
before op erating this pro duct.
Keep this in formation in a saf e place for futur e reference.
This sym bol indicates that t his product incor porates double ins ulation betwe en hazardous
mains volt age and user acces sible parts.
WARNING: To reduce t he risk of fire or elec tric shock, do no t expose this appar atus to rain or
Safety Considerations.
≥ Positio n the cables so that t hey cannot be walke d on or pinched by items pl aced on or against
≥ Do not use th e Mobile D9 Wireless G ame in humid or damp condi tions.
≥ Do not allow t he Mobile D9 Wireles s Game to get wet.
≥ Do not expo se the Mobile D9 Wirele ss Game to dripping o r splashing.
≥ Do not place w ater filled object s such as vases on top o f the Mobile D9 Wirele ss Game.
≥ Do not place n aked flame source s, such as candles, o n the top of the Mobile D9 W ireless Game.
≥ To prevent dire ct exposure to t he laser beam, do not op en the enclosure.
The slot s and openings on the Mobil e D9 Wireless Game a re for ventilati on. Do not cover or block
them as it ma y cause overheat ing.
NEVER le t children push any thing into the hole s or slots on the case .
Battery Disposal
Please en sure batteri es are disposed of s afely.
Never disp ose of batterie s in a fire or with ot her household wast e.
Check wit h your local author ity for dispos al regulations .
ALWAYS unplug the pr oduct before you c lean it.
Do not use liqu id or aerosol cleane rs.
Clean the Mo bile D9 Wireless Ga me with a soft, dam p (not wet) cloth.

2. HealtH and safety information
Exces sive video g ames play can cause repet itive motio n injuries and eyestrain. Other sy mptoms you
can experience due exc essive play are: eyes irritation, headache or vi sual acui ty, discom fort in the
hand and wr ist for tendinit is development.
While play ing if you or your childrens fee ls symptons such as tin gling, numbness , burning or stiffn ess,
we recomm end you to stop playi ng: To avoid any of these sy mptons always tr y to:
≥ Stay as fa r as possible from t he Mobile D9 screen.
≥ Do not play if y ou or your children are t ired or need sleep.
≥ Always p lay in a well-lit room .
≥ Take a 10 to 15 minute bre ak per every gam e hour.
If you cont inue to have any of the ab ove symptoms or o ther discomfor t stop playing and s ee a doctor.
3. accesories
Ítem Function
Wireles s game controller
Use the wire less game controll er that provides an unique g ame
experie nce more realisti c and intuitive.
Padded Headphones
Connect th em to the earphones outp ut of your Mobile D9 Wireless
Game to enjoy an imp roved stereo sound mo re personal with noi se
A/V C able Use the A/ V cable to connect your Mobil e D9 Wireles s Game to a TV.
AC/DC Ada pter Exte rnal power adapte r.
Remote Control
To controll your Mobile D9 Wir eless Game.
Car Kit
Includes eas y mounting carry c ase adjustable to the ca r headrest and
12V car adap ter.
5. controls and connections
5.1. Panel illustration
2 2
1. Screen.
2. Stereo speakers.
3. Power ON/OFF in dicator.
4. Infrared S ensor to receiv e the remote contr ol signals.
5. Battery-charge indica tor