*None-use periods: if th e unit is left unused for a long period, plea se turn it off in
order to a v oid b eing c orroded b y th e seepa g e. P lea se c h a rg e th e unit a t lea st one
tim e w ith in a m onth , in order th a t th e b a ttery w on't b e used up.
*D o not use th e unit in pla c es th a t a re ex trem ely h ot, c old, dusty , or h um id.
*A v oid th e unit b eing dropped.
*T h e b a ttery serv ic e life m a y differ under different usa g e c onditions a nd m odels
*P lea se repla c e th e b a ttery w h en a ny of th e follow ing c a ses oc c ur:
T h e log o a ppea rs a nd displa y s: low b a ttery plea se c h a rg e it
T h e k ey s b ec om e ina c tiv e
T h e unit stops running under norm a l c ondition.
*No matter it is p ow er on or of f; th e u n it c an b e c h arg ed on c e is c on n ec ted
w ith th e U S B p ort on th e c omp u ter.
I mp ortan t in formation :
P lea se rea d a nd reta in a ll th e opera ting instruc tions b efore opera ting th e unit, w e do
not a ssum e a ny lia b ility a rising out of im proper opera tion or inc identa l da m a g es.
B e note to opera te th is unit w ith c a re a nd b a c k up a ny files if nec essa ry .

65,000 full color OLED display
S upport M ulti form ats as M P 1 , M P 2 , M P 3 , W M A, W M V, AS F , W AV, M T V
J P EG picture display fun ction
“ S pe cial S pace ” disk fun ction , th e capacity of e n code d part can b e adjuste d,
in div idual priv acy can b e g uaran te e d.
Ov e rall b an d of F M ste re o radio, 2 0+ 2 0 station s can b e sav e d in total.
S upport doub le scre e n lyric syn ch ron iz e d display an d th e h um an iz e d fade in /out play
C om ple te fig ure in te rface ope ration , portab le disk file folde r m an ag e m e n t
B uilt-in m icroph on e , H i- fi re cord, con tin uous re cord for 3 5 h ours @ 1 2 8 M flash
U S B 2 .0 (F S ) port, m ax . S pe e d is 1 000K B yte /S
S tron g fun ction e x pan sion , upg rade v ia in te rn e t firm w are
C on v e n ie n t lan g uag e le arn in g fun ction , re al dig ital re pe at de v ice , se g m e n t A-B re pe at,
orig in al con trast re pe at, 1 6 b an ds g e arsh ift play
S upport W in dow s 9 8 /M E/2 000/X P , an d M ac OS 1 0X an d Lin ux K e rn e l 2 .4 .2 ab ov e ,
n o n e e d of driv e r
N in e le v e ls of pre cision e le ctricity le v e l m on itor display
S e v e n tim b e rs e q ualiz e r

LCD Display
* Volume
* Battery level display
* Play music or REC name, track no., time display
* Repeat modes select
Repeat modes include seven modes: Normal, Repeat One, Directory Play,
Directory Repeat, Repeat All, Shuffle, Intro.
* EQ Select
EQ effects include seven modes: Normal, Rock, Pop, Classic, Soft, J az z and DBB.
1 2 8
M p 3
00 : 08
02 : 21

Basic Operation
1.Power Supply
The player equips built-in lithium battery and supports USB power supply and can be
charged in the player directly.
The player equips nine levels electricity level monitor.
When the battery electricity will be over, LCD will display “ ”.
2 .Power Switc h
The player equips built-in lithium battery. The power is on when the POWER key is in
ON position and is off when in OFF position.
3 .Power O n /O ff
Please confirm the POWER key is in ON position before you turn on the player.
A.Long press “ ” key to turn on the player, LCD display LOGO of this player.
B.In Play and Stop (Pause) state, long press “ ” key to turn off the player.
4 .W ork in g M od e
When turning on the player, long press MENU key to enter the
main menu, there are six working modes include Music mode,
R EC mode, Voice mode, R EC mode, Figure Scan and System
Setting. As shown in the above figure:

Music ModeBasic Operation
Select the corresponding modes by pressing “ ” key and
Short press “ ” key enter.
5.LCD, as shown in the right figure
Music Mode and Voice Mode
1.Description of Keys Function
Opera tion skills: Y ou ca n ex it from the m enu or the select interfa ce
Q uickly b y short pressing PL A Y key.
Do not shift too quickly when pressing the keys, please operate one by one.
N otes:
When a djusting the v olum e, the v olum e v a lue in L C D will cha nge within 1-31, the
recorded v olum e lev el is 31.
00 : 08
02 : 21

Action Stop State Play State Play Submenu Stop
Main Menu
Power off Power off Power off Same as in
Power off
Play Stop Exit of menu Confirm to
Enter main menu Enter main
Enter main menu Same as in
Enter main
Enter stop
Enter play
Confirm the
option or enter
more further
Push Next Next and play M ove submenu Same as in
Next mode
Hold Continue
Fast forward Move forward
Move forward
Push Previous Previous and
Move submenu Same as in
Previous mode
Hold Continue
Fast reverse Move backward
Move backward
Volume increase
in one step
increase in one
Hold Volume increase
Volume decrease
in one step
decrease in one
Hold Volume decrease
Enter REC
interface and
start to record
Enter A-B
repeat state
Enter REC
interface and
start to record
Start to record
Enter REC
interface and
start to record
Enter A-B
repeat state
Enter REC
interface and
start to record
Start to record

2.Stop Menu
In Stop state, short press MENU key to enter Stop menu,
three options available include main directory, file delete
And exit. Select the corresponding options by pressing “ ”
As shown in the figure:
1)Directory Select
This play supports the recognition of 99 submenu of level 1. Users may put the different
files in different directories (the directory should be created in computer before
operation), for you can play and manage the files in classifications.
Note: 1. Music mode, R E C mode, V oice mode can set its own “ Main directory” , i.e.,
the “ Main directory” of three modes might not match the same direcoty.B asic
11. T here should be files which can be recogniz ed by this mode in directory, and the
directory can only be seen when setting the “ Main directory” .
2) File Delete
Select “File Delete” and “Delete All” to delete the current file and all files in current
directory correspondingly.
Short press MENU key to enter Delete interface, push “ ” key or “ ” key to
select the desired track to delete, further press MENU key to confirm the deletion.
Notes: “ Delete All” will delete all the corresponding files in current mode of current
Main directory
File delete

directory (e.g., if you want to delete all in Music mode, you can only delete the
music files, the recorded files can not be deleted)
3)Select “Exit”, short press MENU key to exit the Stop menu.
3.Play Menu
Long press “ ” key to start the player, enter “Music mode” or
“Voice mode”, further short press “ ” key to start to play. In
Play state, short press MENU key to enter Play menu including
options of Repeat mode, EQ mode (only for Music mode),
play speed, repeat mode, repeat times (only for music mode) and
Exit. Select the corresponding option by press “ ” key as shown in the figure:
Enter options by short pressing MENU key, select the functional options by pressing
“ ” key, press MENU key to confirm the exit.
1)Cycle Mode:
When playing music and REC files, you can select different cycling modes (e.g., Repeat
mode, etc.)
When confirming your selection, the player will play the set rules. The play modes
Cycle mode
Play mode
Repeat mode
EQ mode

available include: Normal, Repeat One, Folder, Repeat Folder, Repeat All, Random and
Normal: After the music in the current directory have been played fully, the player
will play the music in the next directory till all files are played and then it will stop.
Repeat One: Repeat playing a single piece of music.
Folder: Play all the music in the folder.
Repeat Folder: Repeatedly play all the music in the folder.
Repeat All: Repeatedly play all the music.
Random: Play randomly the music in the current folder.
Intro: Play all the music of the first ten seconds in the current folder.
2) EQ Mode (Only available in Music mode)

2)Tempo Rate
When playing the music (only applicable for MP3 files), the user can select different
tempo rate (-8-8 levels), but the sound will not be changed.
Note: When the tempo rate has been set, it will take effect on each file till the setting
changes next time.
3)Repeat Mode
(1) A-B Repeat
When entering, letter “A” in the repeat icon will flash, wait for confirming the starting
point A. Push the“ ” key to confirm the starting point A. letter “B” in the repeat icon
will flash, wait for confirming the starting point B, push “ ” key to confirm the
starting point B, the repeat icon is fixed. Then the player will repeat playing between A
and B. When reaching the set times, short press MENU key to exit Repeat mode. During
the mode, the user can short press PRE to reset A point.
(2) Follow function (the voice mode doesn't have this function)
In A-B repeat, push “ ” key to enter the follow mode, the repeat icon “ ” is
changed into the follow icon “ ”. Then the player will begin to record the voice of
the user. The time length is the same as the A-B repeat.
When the set time comes, the player will play the original voice and the icon will be

changed into “ ”. Then the user can press “ ” to enter the contrast function.
Note: In this state, press “ ” key to return to the state of “A-B repeat”.
(3) Contrast function (the voice mode doesn't have this function)
After entering the contrast function, the repeat icon will be changed to “ ”. At the
time, the player starts to play the following voice. After the following voice has been
fully played, the icon will be changed to “ ”, at the time, it plays the original voice.
After the original voice has been fully played, it starts to play the record repeatedly
without stop (no limits of the “Repeat Times” setting) till you press MENU key to exit.
Notes: In this state, short press “ ” key to return to the state of “Follow
function”. In the above three states, short press MENU key to exit from the repeat
Note: In Music or Voice play state, short press R/A-B key to achieve each function
of repeat mode.
(5 )Repeat Times (only music mode has this function)
Press “ ” key to adjust the repeat times, the repeat times will determine it will exit
after how many times of A-B repeat it plays.
(6 ) Repeat Intervals (only music mode has this function)
Press “ ” key to adjust the repeat intervals, the repeat intervals will determine the