energy sentry 9212 Series 3 Owners & Installation Manual

Computerized Energy
Model 9212 Series 3 Owner’s/Installation Manual
Helping you to use energy more effi ciently
Operating Instructions
Notice to Users ...............................................................................................................................1
Introduction and Overview of Demand Control ................................................................................. 2
Superior Features of the 9212 .........................................................................................................4
System Description ........................................................................................................................ 5
System Operation ........................................................................................................................... 6
Control Panel Settings & Displays .......................................................................................6
Basic Operations .................................................................................................................7
If You Need Service ............................................................................................................12
Appendix A ...................................................................................................................................13
Installation Instructions
1.0 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 14
2.0 Tools and Materials Required ............................................................................................. 14
3.0 Pre-Installation System Check List .................................................................................... 14
4.0 Locating the Control Unit....................................................................................................15
5.0 Locating and Mounting the Relay Unit ................................................................................ 16
6.0 Running the Control Cable ................................................................................................. 16
7.0 Wiring the Control Cable to C/D Unit ..................................................................................17
8.0 Mounting the C/D Unit ........................................................................................................18
9.0 Wiring the Control Cable to the Relay Unit ......................................................................... 18
10.0 Wiring the 120 VAC Power Supply to the Relay Unit ......................................................... 18
11.0 Installing and Wiring Current Transformers ......................................................................... 19
12.0 Making up a Load Schedule & Load Assignments ............................................................. 19
13.0 Wiring the Power Relays to Heat Circuits and Hot Water Heater ....................................... 20
14.0 Wiring the Power Relays to Dryer ...................................................................................... 21
15.0 Wiring the Power Relays to Heat Pumps and Air Conditioners .......................................... 22
16.0 System Checkout .............................................................................................................. 23
17.0 System Programming ........................................................................................................ 24
18.0 Wrap-Up .............................................................................................................................29
Warranty Information ..................................................................................................................... 30
Model 9212 Series 3 Owner/Installation Manual
P/N 09212-94100E Rev. 2/1/07
© 2007 Brayden Automation Corporation
Brayden Automation Corporation 6230 Aviation Circle Loveland, CO 80538 PHONE (970) 461-9600 FAX (970) 461-9605
The installation of the Energy Sentry® Demand Controller is required to be done by a duly licensed and qualified electrician or electrical contractor.
Notice to Users
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, it may cause interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifica­tions in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interfer­ence in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
1. Reorient the receiving antenna.
2. Relocate the computer with respect to the receiver.
3. Move the computer away from the receiver.
4. Plug the computer into a different outlet so that computer and receiver are on different branch circuits.
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The user may find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission helpful: “How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems.” This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402, Stock No. 0004-0000-00345-4.
Operating Instructions
Introduction and Overview of Demand Control
Congratulations on your decision to purchase the Energy Sentry Model 9212 Series 3 Electric Demand Controller. As the owner of an all-electric home metered under the Demand Billing rate, you are now one of a growing number of consumers who can lower their monthly electric bills by reducing energy demand peaks. The Energy Sentry 9212 Demand Controller enables you to reduce these peaks while maintaining efficient use of energy. Your decision to purchase a 9212 repre­sents a sound and intelligent investment which will repay you for years to come in reduced electric bills, added convenience and peace of mind. The 9212 is without question the finest, most versatile electric demand controller on the market today.
The Demand Billing Rate
Not all electricity costs the same. The reason for this is the billing rates which your utility makes available to you. The most common are the Energy and Block Rates. Under the Energy Rate, you are billed for total energy used per month (total Kwh use) regardless of how you use this energy. Owner A in Figure 1 illustrates a typical daily energy use pattern. Notice the demand peaks in the morning and evening. Under the Energy Rate, these peaks do not affect Owner A’s bill since he pays for the total Kwh use only.
Utility companies are concerned about these demand peaks since they increase the costs of supplying elec­tricity to their customers. As a result, some utilities offer a Demand Billing Rate which is a preferred rate to reward customers who control their peak usage of electricity. Billing under the demand rate works like this: Suppose you are heating or cooling your home, washing dishes, drying clothes and cooking the family dinner all at the same time. Chances are your home is at peak energy usage or drawing electricity from the electric company at a maximum rate. This peak energy usage is illustrated by Owner A of Figure 1. Under the Demand Rate you pay for both total energy use (in Kwh like the Energy Rate) and for your highest average peak energy usage during the billing period (highest average KW demand). When compared to the Energy Rate, the Demand Rate offers a much lower charge for total Kwh use. But, since there is also a demand charge for the highest average peak energy usage during the billing period, the savings could be offset if this demand peak is high.
Now refer to Owner B in Figure 1. In this case, Owner B is billed under the Demand Rate but has controlled his peak demand and has correspondingly reduced his demand charge. The result will be a lower electric bill for using the same amount of electricity as Owner A. The key to his savings is in controlling his peak demand and leveling out his energy usage.
Figure 1. The graph shows identical energy consumption over a one day period, but at two different peak demand levels.
12am 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12pm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Different Meters
Demand rates incorporate the use of a special electric meter which registers not only the total energy con­sumed, just like the standard watt-hour meter, but also has a separate needle, dial or a register which records and indicates the highest average peak energy usage or demand peak as recorded over a 15, 30 or 60-minute demand interval (depending on the utility). Once this demand peak is registered on the meter, a corresponding demand charge results even if this peak occurred only once during the billing period.
To benefit from your Energy Sentry 9212 Demand Con­troller you must have a demand measuring electric meter and be billed on a demand billing electric rate from your utility. Obtain a free booklet or rate sheet from your power company that describes your electric rate and how to read your electric meter. We recommend that you read your metered demand on the day prior to when the meter is read by the power company, to verify that your setting matches the meter’s reading.
Where Energy Sentry 9212 Technology Comes In
If it were humanly possible to go through your home continuously and manually turn off heating or cooling circuits and major appliances to level out peak demand whenever necessary, you wouldn’t need an electric demand controller to take advantage of the demand rate offered by your utility company. But remember, one slip in any one demand interval and your utility bill would reflect a high demand charge.
The 9212 takes over this difficult, continuous burden for you. The 9212 is one of the most sophisticated products available for controlling electric peak demand. When properly used, it can result in average monthly savings of up to 35% and as much as 50% during heavy-use months. The sole purpose of the 9212 is to efficiently allocate electricity usage of electrical loads so that demand peaks are kept below the level you set without changing your lifestyle.
How the 9212 Works
The 9212 contains a microprocessor-based computer which turns certain circuits on and off to keep peak demand below a limit that you preset. Not all circuits need to be controlled by the 9212. Circuits controlled usually include the air conditioner or heat pump, all heating zones, the dryer, the water heater or any other load with some thermal storage capacity.
In a typical all-electric home, the morning routine may involve turning up some thermostats, operating the range, water heater and other appliances. Normally, operation of these loads causes a morning peak (such as that illustrated by Owner A in Figure 1) which registers on the demand meter.
Now, let’s put the 9212 to work. There are several optional load control strategies available, but a typical strategy could involve the 9212 recognizing higher pri­ority loads, such as the dryer, thus cutting back on loads of less priority, like the heating or cooling loads for a short period of time, while the higher load or uncon­trolled load is on. When the dryer turns off, the power it had been using is channeled back to the heating or cooling loads, thus maintaining comfort but reducing peak demand. The end result is that while you have still used the amount of energy normally called upon by your lifestyle, this usage has been leveled out to reduce the peak demand. This is illustrated by Owner B in Figure 1.
How the 9212 Saves
Now that we’ve examined how the 9212 enables you to use the energy you are accustomed to, but spreads this usage out by turning off non-critical loads for short periods of time, let’s look at how this saves you money. Remember the utility company helps you save by offer­ing the Demand Rate which is a lower rate per unit of total power consumed (Kwh). You can save money under this
rate if you control your peak energy usage so as to keep the corresponding demand charge low.
The following hypothetical example illustrates how the Energy Sentry 9212 helps you save. Three cases are presented for a single residence. In all three cases the total energy consumption is the same. The differences are in the utility rate structure and whether or not an Energy Sentry 9212 is installed.
Case I is an all-electric home billed under the Energy Rate. This differs from the Demand Rate, in that there is a higher charge for total energy used. Most homes not under the Demand Rate are billed under the Energy Rate. Reference to Table 1 shows a monthly energy use of 3000 Kwh. Although rates vary from utility to utility, the example electric bill based on actual utility rates for this energy usage level would be $214.80 with 3000 Kwh being a typical usage for a high use month.*
Case II is the same all-electric home billed under the Demand Rate. In this case, peak energy usage plays an important part in determining the total bill. Although energy use peaks will vary from month-to-month, a typical value for a high-use month might be 18 KW. Based on a total usage of 3000 Kwh, the example electric bill based on actual utility rates would be $211.00**. Compared to Case I, use of the Demand Rate results in savings of approximately 2% for the same energy usage. The reason is the demand charge for the high demand peak offsets the savings on energy costs.
* Based on Black Hills Power Schedule RTE-14 Energy Rate, effective January 1, 2007. Does not include fuel cost adjustment and taxes.
Table 1. Customer Bill Comparison
Case I Case II Case III
Energy Sentry
Uncontrolled Uncontrolled All-Electric Home
All-Electric Home All-Electric Home Demand
Energy Rate Demand Billing Rate Billing Rate
Energy Use per Month 3000 Kwh 3000 Kwh 3000 Kwh
Peak Demand per Month N/A 18 KW 8 KW
Electric Bill $214.80 $211.00 $154.50
Savings Over Energy Rate ———— $3.80 $60.30
(1.8%) (28.1%)
Savings Over Uncontrolled ———— ———— $56.50 Demand Rate (26.8%)
Case III again uses the same all-electric home billed under the Demand Rate. The energy usage is 3000 Kwh which is the same as in Case I and Case II. The difference is that an Energy Sentry 9212 is now installed and peak demand is reduced to a maximum of 8 KW. Based on this peak demand and energy consumption, the electric bill is reduced to $154.50**. This means a savings of 28.1% over the Energy Rate in Case I and a savings of 26.8% over the uncontrolled Demand Rate in Case II. For your home, installing an Energy Sentry 9212 could result in a savings of up to 40% off your monthly utility bill during the heavy-use months with an average annual savings of up to 35%. The added bonus is that you don’t have to reduce your overall consumption to save. Rather, just let your Energy Sentry 9212 level out your usage.
Note: Depending on the application of the 9212 in a residence, the savings are based on the utility rates in effect and by how low the Demand Limit is set. Contact the utility company for the actual rate schedules that apply to your home.
Superior Features of the 9212
Budgeting and Energy Control Display
The 9212 gives you a continuous digital readout of both the demand limit you have set and your actual demand. Your actual demand may be displayed as instantaneous demand, average demand, or your peak demand (similar to what your meter records) over a period of time determined by you. This information enables you to more accurately set your demand limit, monitor your consumption and budget for your future utility expenditures.
The 9212 displays the demand limit in .5 KW increments, while instantaneous, average and peak modes display KW in .1 KW increments.
Eight Separate Control Points
High peak demand occurs when electrical loads are used simultaneously. The 9212 can control up to sixteen indi­vidual electrical loads on eight separate control points, usually air conditioning, heating circuits, the clothes dryer and water heater - loads which can be turned off for brief periods with little or no interruption of your lifestyle. On the average, these loads are responsible for 60% to 80% of your electrical consumption. With eight separate control points, the 9212 provides maximum utilization of energy within your chosen demand limit. That’s because the loads which are turned on and off are smaller permitting a more
** Based on Black Hills Power Schedule RD-5 Demand Rate, effective January 1, 2007. Does not include fuel cost adjustment and taxes.
regular and even demand level.
Microprocessor for Maximum Accuracy and Reliability
Use of a microprocessor allows the 9212 to precisely measure KW power demand and accurately compute the average KW demand. In addition, by using a micropro­cessor, the 9212 can be tailored to the user's unique reqirements by allowing virtually unlimited flexibility in choosing load control strategies and minimum on/off times.
Light and Sound Control
The 9212 lets you control the volume of the warning alarm and the light intensity of the Control/Display Unit. For example, you may wish to increase alarm volume during the times when you will be away from the area where the Control/Display Unit is mounted, or you may wish to turn the alarm completely off. The light intensity of the display can also be adjusted for maximum read­ability in different ambient lighting conditions.
EEPROM Non-Volatile Memory for Maximum Flexibility
Energy Sentry’s EEPROM memory “remembers” all system settings you have entered even when power is lost to your unit. In this way utility power interruptions do not affect the settings in your 9212.
Choice of Load Control Strategies
The choice of load control strategies, made possible by the use of a microprocessor, offers unlimited flexibility as to how loads may be controlled. This means the 9212 can be adapted to almost any application, requirement or user lifestyle.
The 9212's unique programming method allows the user to assign a priority level from 1 through 8, to each control point. For a Rotating Strategy, all control points are programmed with the same priority level. For a Fixed Priority Load Strategy, a different priority level is as­signed to each control point. For Combination Strate­gies, fixed priority loads have a unique priority level assigned to them and rotating loads of equal priority have the same priority level assigned to them.
Your Energy Sentry 9212 Electrical Demand Controller consists of three basic components: these include the Control/Display Unit, the Relay Unit and the Current Transformers. The systems diagram in Figure 3, page 15 of the installation section of this manual, shows how these components are connected to control loads at the load center. One circuit and controlled load is shown.
Your 9212 controls only those loads to which it is connected. Typically, only deferrable loads such as electric heaters, heat pumps, air conditioners, water heaters and clothes dryer heating elements are con­trolled. These loads will vary depending on application and should be listed in the space provided inside the door of the Control/Display Unit and in the back of this manual. If you are in doubt as to what loads are controlled, you should ask the electrician who installed your 9212.
The basic function of your 9212 in controlling these loads is to keep the total electrical demand below a peak value which is set according to your desired level of comfort and minimum load requirements. Each of the three components which make up the 9212 has a sepa­rate and unique function in accomplishing this task.
Minimum On and Off Times to Protect Heat Pump and Air Conditioning Compressors
All eight control points of the 9212 can be programmed with minimum on and off times, each variable from zero to 20 minutes. This feature allows the 9212 to be used with heat pump and air conditioning motor loads by providing compressor time delay protection.
Tamperproof Control Settings
To protect against someone unintentionally increasing your preset demand limit, the 9212 will only register a demand limit setting change when two particular buttons are held down together.
Control/Display Unit
The Control/Display Unit, mounted at a convenient location within your home, contains the 9212’s micro­processor-based computer which automatically con­trols loads connected through the relays in the Relay Unit. Commands to switch these loads originate here and are based on the user-set demand limit and the actual demand as measured by the Current Transform­ers. The way in which the loads are switched is based upon the load control strategies programmed into your unit according to your requirements. These strategies will be discussed in more detail later.
If power is lost due to utility power interruptions, the 9212’s EEPROM non-volatile memory will remember the demand limit that you have set as well as all other system settings and will continue to perform demand control within that limit when power is restored.
Figure 2. 9212 Control/Display Unit
Relay Unit
The Relay Unit, normally mounted near the load center, contains up to eight power relays, capable of switching 16 electrical circuits, which turn the loads controlled by the 9212 on and off. These relays get their commands to turn on and off from the computer in the Control/Display Unit by means of the connecting control cable shown in Figure 3 on page 15.
Current Transformers
Two Current Transformers, usually mounted inside the load center, monitor total electrical load. They tell the computer in the Control/Display Unit how much electricity you are using for all loads, not just those controlled by the 9212. By monitoring the total load, controlled loads may be turned on and off to keep total demand below the limit you set.
System Operation
Control Panel Settings & Displays
Figure 2 shows the front panel of the Control/Display Unit. Each indicator and key serves a specific purpose in providing you with the necessary information and control needed to minimize peak energy usage. Each of these indicators and keys have been numbered and are described on the following pages.
KW Demand Limit (1): This indicator displays user-set kilowatt demand limit in .5 KW increments. The value may be changed from month-to-month depending on sea­sonal energy use requirements. Typical residential set­ting ranges are given in Table 2.
KW Demand Actual (2): This indicator displays total household demand in .1 KW increments, which includes both controlled and uncontrolled loads. Actual KW demand may be displayed as Instantaneous, Average or Peak, depending upon the desired display mode. See display key (13).
Instantaneous KW Demand (3): When this mode is selected, the Actual KW Demand display will indicate Instantaneous Demand showing real-time changes in demand of the total load as it occurs. This is useful for determining how much energy is required to operate various loads so that an understanding of your energy requirements may be achieved. Your actual demand may be compared to the typical residential appliance ratings given in Table 3. The Instantaneous LED light will be on when in this mode, as shown above.
Average KW Demand (4): In this mode, the Actual KW Demand display will indicate your Average Demand over
a running 15, 30 or 60 minute interval depending on the interval selected in the system programming mode. This interval is the same as the demand averaging interval used by your utility meter. Therefore the average de­mand shown on your 9212 is, approximately equal to the demand level your meter is presently recording. The
Average LED light will be on when in this mode.
Peak KW Demand (5): In this mode the Actual KW Demand display will indicate the highest actual average
(peak) demand-since-reset. This indicator is intended to allow you to monitor your daily, weekly, or monthly peaks in order to gain an understanding of how and when these peaks occur. In this way, energy use patterns may be modified, if desired, to minimize these peaks. It should be noted that if this indicator is reset only when the utility meter is reset, the value displayed should be approximately the same as the reading on the meter. A slight difference between the utility meter's peak and the Peak KW Demand on the 9212 may be observed. This is due to different demand averaging methods, varying line voltages, power outages, measurement accuracy and other factors. The utility meter will remain the final determinate in your electric bill's demand charge. The Peak LED light will be on when in the Peak KW Demand mode.
Reduce Load (6): The Reduce Load indicator will come on and the alarm buzzer will sound when all controlled loads have been turned off, but instantaneous demand is still above the limit. When this occurs, you must either reduce uncontrolled demand (or increase the limit) as suggested in the operating instructions. You will not hear the alarm buzzer sound if the volume is set to OFF.
Circuits On (7): These LED indicators, when lit, tell you which control circuits are enabled. A Circuits On indication does not necessarily mean that the controlled load is on, but rather the load is free to go on if the thermostat calls for it.
Decrease Key (8): This key operates in conjunction with the Demand Limit Key (10), Display Bright Key (11) and the Buzzer Volume Key (12) and is used to decrease the functions controlled by these keys.
Increase Key (9): This key operates in conjunction with the Demand Limit Key (10), Display Bright Key (11) and the Buzzer Volume Key (12) and is used to increase the functions controlled by these keys.
Demand Limit Key (10): This key is used to set the demand limit and is used in conjunction with the De- crease Key (8) or Increase Key (9) and allows you to adjust the demand limit up or down to the level which best suits your particular energy requirements.
Display Bright Key (11): This key is used to adjust the display brightness and is used in conjunction with the Decrease Key (8) or Increase Key (9) to set the display brightness for the best visibility under existing lighting conditions.
Buzzer Volume Key (12): This key is used to control the alarm buzzer volume in conjunction with the De- crease Key (8) or Increase Key (9) and allows you to adjust buzzer volume to meet various sound conditions.
Display Key (13): This key allows you to display Actual KW Demand as an Instantaneous, Average or Peak
Reset Peak Key (14): When in Peak Demand mode, this key allows you to reset the highest average (peak) demand recorded since reset, as described above. This can be reset at any time and is for owner information only.
Control Panel Instruction (15): These instructions, printed on the front label of the Control Panel, instruct you how to make all appropriate control settings.
Circuit Assignments (16): This space is used to record the loads controlled by the 9212 and is filled in using the load schedule supplied by the installing electrician on page 31 of this manual.
Basic Operations
Your 9212 has been designed for ease of operation and to provide efficient energy use. Please carefully read the following instructions concerning basic system operation as they will enable you to maximize efficient energy use and minimize your electric bill.
Step 1, Turning On the Unit: Your 9212 should already have been turned on by the installing electrician. If not, there should be a breaker in your electrical load center labeled “9212 Energy Sentry Demand Controller” or similar. If this breaker is off, it should be turned on. If you cannot locate a breaker labeled “9212,” you should call your installing electrician.
Step 2, Setting Your Demand Limit: Please refer to the Control/Display Unit pictured in Figure 2 for this and all succeeding steps. To set demand limit:
1. Press and hold the Demand Limit Key (10).
2. Simultaneously press the Decrease Key (8) or the Increase Key (9) until the desired demand limit is reached. The numbers in the Limit Display (1) will count up or down.
3. Release keys at the desired setting.
Because of the way you are billed by your utility com­pany under the demand rate, you should change the KW Demand Limit on your Control/Display Unit once a month or seasonally as appropriate. For best results, you should set the lowest practical demand limit within the suggested range for your home or lifestyle. Typical demand limit ranges, by month, for an average all­electric home are listed in Table 2.
Table 2. Typical KW Values by Month*
Summer Winter
Month (A/C) Area (Heating) Area
January 4–6 KW 7–10 KW February 4–6 7–10 March 5–7 6–9 April 5–8 5–7 May 6–10 5–6 June 6–10 5–6 July 6–10 5–6 August 6–10 5–6 September 6–8 5–7 October 5–7 6–8 November 4–6 7–9 December 4–6 7–10
Settings will vary with lifestyle, home construction and climate. * Typical settings for heat pumps may be 10–40% higher.
Step 3, Monitoring Your Actual Demand: To select
Instantaneous, Average or Peak readout of Actual KW Demand:
1. Press Display Key (13) once for each display change desired.
2. The Actual KW Demand Display (2) will show which mode - the Instantaneous (3), Average (4) or Peak (5) mode - is being displayed and the corresponding indicating LED light will confirm the mode that is being displayed.
Step 4, Reset Peak: This step is optional depending upon the time interval for which a record of your highest average (peak) is desired. To reset peak:
1. Place Actual KW Demand display on the Peak mode — (See Step 3).
2. Press and release the Peak Reset Key (14). A zero will briefly be displayed in the Actual KW Demand Display (2). This value will then jump to the current average (peak) which becomes yous new peak. As the average (peak) increases, the peak demand will also increase and be recorded.
Step 5, Adjusting Display Brightness: Display bright­ness may be varied according to existing lighting con­ditions as follows:
1. Press and hold the Display Bright Key (11).
2. Simultaneously press the Decrease Key (8) or the Increase Key (9) until the desired intensity is reached.
3. Release keys at the desired display intensity.
Step 6, Adjusting Buzzer Volume: Buzzer volume may be varied depending upon the desired alarm level as follows:
1. Press and hold Buzzer Volume Key (12).
2. Simultaneously press the Decrease Key (8) or the Increase Key (9). The buzzer will come on and beep about 6 times at each volume level.
3. Release keys at the desired volume.
Note: If the user desires to turn off the Buzzer, hold the Buzzer Volume and Decrease keys down until the buzzer stops.
Step 7, If the Alarm Buzzer Sounds: The alarm buzzer in your Control/Display Unit sounds and the Reduce Load Indicator (6) will come on when the 9212 has done all it can do to reduce your electrical demand and actual demand is still greater than the demand limit. That means all circuits that your 9212 has control over have been turned off, but due to high base load, this is not enough. In this situation, your demand limit may be unrealisti­cally low for the level of comfort or appliance use you desire. Loads with minimum on times may cause the buzzer to temporarily sound until the particular "on" time has elapsed.
To silence the buzzer, turn off some unnecessary appli­ance or load or, if necessary increase the KW Demand Limit one number at a time until the buzzer stops. If you choose to turn off an uncontrolled load, you may monitor your actual demand in the Instantaneous mode in order to see the effect of each load on overall demand (see Table 3).
Table 3. Typical Residential Appliance Ratings
Stove: Large Burner 1.5-3 KW
Small Burner 1-1.4 KW Oven or Broiler 5 KW Self Clean (Bake &
Broil on together) 10 KW Refrigerator 1.5-2 KW Dryer 4.5-6 KW Freezer 1.5-2 KW Water Heater 3-6 KW Lighting 0-1.4 KW Dishwasher 1.2 KW Waffle Iron 1.2 KW Toaster 1.1 KW Hair Dryer 1 KW Room Air Conditioner 0.9 KW Vacuum 0.7 KW Blender 0.3 KW Mixer 0.15 KW Television 0.12-0.2 KW
(instant on is consumption 0.3 KW
continuously) Central Air Conditioning 3-8 KW
(depending on home size)
If the alarm buzzer sounds too often, or if heating or cooling levels are inadequate, you may have to increase your demand limit or change your load control strategy. Increase the KW Demand Limit by one and note whether that change solves the problem before increas­ing the limit further. It may take as long as one hour for the new level to be reached.
one minute. This strategy is particularly useful where low priority loads may be turned off without signifi­cantly interrupting energy use requirements. Minimum on and off times may be assigned to each circuit if required.
Rotate Strategy: Under this strategy, all eight circuits are assigned an equal (the same) priority, which turns off loads sequentially every one minute as required to maintain demand below the limit. Generally speaking, the first load turned off will be the first one turned back on in one minute intervals. In this way, off time of rotating loads is minimized and roughly equal.
The Rotate Strategy is particularly useful where equal priority rotation may serve several heating loads, mini­mizing the off time of each load during rotation. Thus, the reduction in demand is shared by several loads and the desired comfort level is maintained throughout the home. Minimum on and off times, usually not required under this strategy, may be assigned to each circuit if required.
Combination Strategies: The 9212 allows the user to program a priority independently for each control level. One or more groups of rotating loads, with or without fixed priority loads are possible. There are virtually an unlimited number of possible combinations.
Changing Load Control Strategies: When your 9212 was installed, the strategy most appropriate to your existing load requirements was selected. If your load requirements have since changed, or if you would like to change your load control strategy, refer to the Installation section of this manual for detailed instruc­tions or contact your Energy Sentry dealer.
Load Control Strategies
Your Model 9212 is a versatile electric demand cont­roller offering a virtually unlimited number of load control strategies, allowing you to maximize adaptability to load requirements and user lifestyles. These strategies include the Fixed Priority Strategy, the Rotate Strategy and a wide range of Combination Strategies.
In addition to these strategies, all circuits may be as­signed minimum on and off times, variable up to 20 minutes. This is a particularly attractive feature because heat pump and air conditioning compressors requiring time delay protection may be controlled under a strategy to best fit your application, lifestyle or use pattern.
Fixed Priority Strategy: When this strategy is selected, up to eight circuits are turned on and off in order of priority from 1 through 8, where loads controlled by priority level 1 have the highest priority. Loads con­trolled by priority level 8 are the first off and the last on. The on decision is made and implemented every
Load Shedd ing Sequence
When your total power consumption starts to exceed the demand setting, the controller sheds the first load. If necessary, additional loads will be shed to keep the average demand below the demand setting. Loads are shed according to the priority strategy selected: the fixed priority strategy, the rotating strategy, or a combi­nation, as described above. See the 9212 Installation section of this manual for an explanation on how to select the load control strategy.
The load shedding strategy selected is based on the type of heating and cooling equipment and the design of your house. If desired, the priorities may be easily changed by you, your dealer or an electrician.
Chart A shows typical priorities for a house with baseboard heating. Chart B shows priorities for a house with heat pump/air conditioning.
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