Thank you f or purchasing the En ergizer® Power & Play™ Flat Pa nel 2X
Induct ion Charging System f or Wii Remotes.
1 Flat Panel 2 X Induction Char ging Base for Wii Re motes
2 Recharg eable batter y packs for Wii R emotes / batter y door units
1 AC power cord
Using th e Charging Sys tem
1) Plug the smalle r end of the AC cord into the b ack of the charge do ck and plug the other e nd into an AC
outlet .
2) Remove st andard AA batte ries from your Wii R emote. Next, i nsert the Induc tion Batter y Pack / battery
door unit i nto your Wii Remote . (If you are using Wii Re mote Jacket or othe r sleeve on your Wii R emote,
you must r st remove it.)
3) If you must s ync your Wii Remot e to your Wii Console u pon your rst use of t he Energizer® Inducti on
Batter y Pack, press th e small button abo ve the Energizer lo go on the Inducti on Battery Pac k. This will
activa te the Wii Remote’s sy nc functiona ltiy. Afterwar ds, press the sync b utton on your Wii c onsole.
4) Replace th e Wii Remote Jacke t on your Wii Remote. I nduction tech nology allows en ergy to transfer
through th e Jacket wireless ly
5) Attach W ii MotionPlus add -on to Wii Remot e if desired. The Energizer® Flat Pane l Induction Char ging
System for W ii can charge Wii Re motes with or witho ut the MotionPlus a dd-on and Sili cone Jacket
attach ed.
6) Look for th e Wii Remote outli nes on the surfac e of the Energizer® Flat P anel Inductio n Charger and then
place your W ii Remote on the sur face accordingl y, so that it lines up with o ne of the outlines (th e Wii
Remote’s c amera should fac e the Energizer® logo on t he charger.)
7) Magne ts in the Energizer® Flat Panel Induct ion Charger will he lp ensure a perfe ct charging pos ition. Take
note of the at traction you f eel when placin g the Wii Remote on th e Flat Panel Induct ion Charger and le t
the magne ts guide the Wii Re mote to optimal pla cement.
8) When char ging begins the cha rge indicator lig hts for each Wii Rem ote charging posi tion will shine nea r
the Energizer ® logo on the Energ izer® Flat Panel In duction Charge r. Red indi cates charging is in p rogress. `
Green in dicates that chargi ng is complete.
Freque ntly Asked Qu estions
Can I charge my W ii Remote with the W ii Remote Silicone J acket attache d?
- Yes. Induct ion technolo gy allows char ging through t he Silicone Ja cket.
Can I charge my W ii Remote with a Ninte ndo MotionPlus at tached?
- Yes. The Motio nPlus and the Mo tionPlus Sil icone Jacket do n ot interfe re with chargin g. This is one of t he great bene ts of Induction Technol ogy.
Can I use my Wii Re mote if the charge in dicator light is re d?
- Yes. Your Induct ion Batter y pack may not b e fully charge d if the charge in dicator ligh t is red when you re move the Wii Rem ote, but
this will no t harm the batt ery. If your Wii R emote runs ou t of charge, sim ply return it to t he Energizer ® Flat Panel Indu ction Charg er
for more cha rging.
Can I leave my Wii R emote on the charge d ock after the cha rge light turns gre en?
- Yes. The Energ izer® Flat Pane l Induction C harger feat ures trickle ch arging techn ology that en sures your Ind uction Bat tery Pack is
never over- charged and wi ll remain rea dy to play at all t imes.
The charge l ight went from gree n to red when I remove d my Remote for just a min ute – can I still use it?
- Yes. Communi cation takes pl ace between t he Inductio n Battery Pac k and the Energi zer® Flat Pane l Induction Ch arger. If the
Inducti on Batter y Pack is fully- charged when p laced on the Ind uction Char ger, the charge in dicator ligh ts will change f rom red to
green in a fe w moments.
How long wil l it take to charge the ba ttery pack(s)?
- Approxi mately 4-h ours from a ful ly discharge d condition.
My Induct ion Battery Pa ck feels a little w arm after chargi ng. Is this a proble m?
- No. A small d egree of heat d issipation i s a natural bypr oduct of the In duction Cha rging process . The heat shou ld be no more tha n
you might fe el after cha rging a cell pho ne or laptop com puter.
Can I use the Energizer® Flat Panel I nduction Charg er to charge other ba tteries?
- No. The Ene rgizer® Indu ction Base is o nly intende d for charging E nergizer Re mote Inducti on rechargea ble batter y packs for Wi i
Remotes . Standard bat tery pack s lack Inducti on Technology re quired for the E nergizer® Fl at Panel Induc tion Charge r to function .
Can I use the AC cor d on other applianc es?
- No, this AC cord i s to be used only wi th the Energiz er® Flat Panel In duction Cha rger.
Care and M aintenanc e
Keep away fro m extreme temp eratures and humi dity, including dir ect sunlight.
Never subme rge any parts of th e product in liqu id.
To clean, wipe ge ntly with a soft dr y cloth.
Store in a cool, d ry place when not i n use.
Opening th e charging dock wi ll automatically v oid the warrant y.
WARNING: Ch arge only Ene rgizer® NiM H Battery pa cks in this Cha rging System fo r Wii Remotes . Charging any ot her types o f
batteri es or batter y packs may cau se them to leak , rupture or e xplode. Do n ot open batt ery, dispose o f in re, put in ba ckwards,
mix with use d or other batt ery type s or short circu it – may ignite , explode, l eak or get hot ca using injur y.
Flat Panel 2X Induction Charging System
For Nintendo Wii®
Energizer and other marks are trademarks of Eveready Battery Company, Inc. and are used by Performance Designed Products LLC under license. All other brand names
are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Neither Performance Designed Products LLC nor Eveready Battery Company, Inc. is aliated with the
respective owners or their trademarks. This product is not designed, manufactured, sponsored or endorsed by Nintendo of America, Inc.
For technical questions please visit or call: 1-800-331-3844
*See manufacturer’s manual and follow all instructions and warnings for use of Wii Remotes.