Instructions for Battery Replacement - Apple iPod™ 4th Generation Video
These instructions come with no warranty or guarantee. Improper assembly or use of excessive force
may result in damage to your iPod™. The buyer assumes full responsibility for damages or problems
caused by use of these instructions. Installing this battery requires a moderate level of technical ability
and proficiency in the use of hand tools as well as a general understanding of electronic components.
Step 1
Use the included plastic tool and start at a point in line with the ffwd button. Carefully pry open
the bottom corner of the iPod™.
Step 2
With the tool wedged inside the case, carefully work towards the top of the iPod™, undoing the
case clips as you go.
Step 3
Once all of the clips on this side are loose, gently open the case and flip the main section of the
iPod™ face down. Be careful not to damage the ribbon cable connected to the back case cover.
Steps 4a and 4b
4a. Disconnect the power connector from the socket while paying attention to the orientation of
the battery in the case (you may need the tool to help.)
4b. Using the included screwdriver, remove the two screws at the end of the main board next to
the power cable, then slide the power cable around the main board.
Step 5
Hold the hard drive with one hand and starting at the corner of the battery, use the plastic tool to
carefully pry the old battery from the glue spots (since there are ribbon cables underneath the
battery, starting at the corner will reduce the risk of damaging them). Secure the new battery to
the glue spots in the original orientation. Move the power cable around the main board to the
original spot and insert the connector in the socket, then replace the two screws using the
included screwdriver. While supporting the hard drive with your fingers, flip the main section
back over and snap the case back in place.
Your new battery will need a minimum of three hours charge time before its first use.