To ensure problem -free in stallat ion ensu re that an unu sed CO M po rt is av ailabl e. T he SM5 6 instal l
program interrogates lower COM ports (below COM 5) and installs the modem on the first
available and unused port. Altho ugh the SM56 functio ns perfectly on any available COM port,
some communications applications may not be able to use the modem if it gets installed above
COM 4. Refer to the T roubleshooting sect ion in thi s do cu ment for information on ho w to force the
modem onto a COM port below COM 5 after install is complete.
You can check which C OM ports are on your computer as follows:
1. Open the Window s 95/98 Control Panel.
2. Double click the
3. Choose the
Device Manager
4. Expand the
Ports (COM and LPT)
branch to see which COM ports are already installed.
3 Installing The Modem Hardware
1. Power dow n the computer.
2. Locate the connector (AC-Link, CNR, PCI. Mini PCI , etc.) on the motherboard, and carefully
insert the SM56 modem board.
3. Connect the
jack on the mo dem board to an analo g phone jack using an RJ- 11 pho ne cab le.
If y our modem board also has a telephone handset jack, make sure to not plug the telephone
line into that jack. The jacks will be labeled with a little icon and/or text indicating which is
4. Power ON the computer.
Important: When using the SM56 modem, or any modem for that matter, you should always
connect the modem line input to a direct analog telephone line. This will maximize modem
performance by avoiding any problems introduced by internal PBX systems, etc.
4 Installing the Modem on Windows 9x, Millennium, Windows 2000
and Windows XP
: The Install Wizard may vary slightly with diff eren t v ersion s of the O S and diff erent se rv ice
On starting Windows f or the first time after installing the modem Plug an d Play (PnP) detects the
new hardware and begins an install wizard for the modem. The modem is detected as a new
or new
PCI Communications Device
. The wizard fist looks for the modem information
(INF) file, which is included on Motorola's distribution disk or CD-ROM. This file contains
information about the modem, including device type, device driver information, as well as the AT
command/response sets that it supports.
Browse to the SM56 m odem files on the Motorola disk/CD-ROM. Window s will find the
information on the disk. On Windows 95 and older versions of Windows 98 you may get an error
message Cannot Locate File...... If you do, simply re-poin t the install wi zard to the Motorola
disk/CD-ROM and it will find the file the second time around.
Windows copies the necessary modem files to the computer and transparently runs the necessary
installation rout i ne s .