Encore ENMVG-2 User Manual

© 2011 Encore Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.COVER
Product specifications, s iz e, an d sha pe a re subject to change w ithout not ice, an d act ua l p roduc t appe aranc e may differ from that dep icte d here in.
All trademarks and brand names are the properties of their respective holders.
© 2011 Encore Electronics, Inc.
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 2
FEATURES ............................................................................................................... 3
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................... 3
SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................................... 4
PACKAGE CONTENTS ............................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2: GETTING STARTED .................................................................................. 5
DEVICE DRIVER INSTALLATION .................................................................................. 5
INSTALL THE TOTALMEDIA SOFTWARE ....................................................................... 8
CHAPTER 3: USING THE ENMVG-2 ............................................................................. 10
CAPTURE VIDEO .................................................................................................... 10
TRIM VIDEO ........................................................................................................... 14
BURN VIDEO DISC .................................................................................................. 15
CHAPTER 4: TECHNICAL SUPPORT ........................................................................... 17
APPENDIX A: USER’S NOTICE .................................................................................... 17
Product specifications, size, and shape are subject to change without notice,
and actual product appearance may differ from that depicted herein.
All trademarks and brand names
are the properties of their respective holders.
© 2011 Encore Electronics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1: Introduction
USB Audio/Video Grabber II lets you convert all your old videos and family memories to current video formats and standards — and what’s mor e, once they’ve been converted to digital format, you can easil y edit and copy them wi th no quality l oss. In fact, w ith simple, inexpensive s oftware that’s avai lable now, you can even enhance the quality t o be better than the original !
Here’s a short list of some video sources you can us e:
Pre-recorded tapes of your favorite movies and TV shows
Home videos on VHS and Beta
Tapes fr om Video-8 and Hi-8 video recorders
Any video input that you can connec t to using S-Video or C om posite Video connectors
Video created with foreign video standards that your player supports!
Save the video i n a state-of-the-art format, make the edits you want with the software we’ve include d, and finally s tore everything to your computer drive, or on DVDs or Video CDs.
1.1 Features
Turn PC into Digital Video Recorder : captures video from any device with S-Video
or composite AV output such as VHS/Hi8/DVD video players, camcorders and game consoles
Preserves your memories on DVDs : digitize your analog video collection before the
tapes are no longer viewable
Edit & exports video to other mobile devices such as iPod®, iPhone® or Sony PSP®  Free ArcSoft® TotalMedia Software 3. 5  Simple to Use
1.2 System Requirements
Microsoft Windows® 7 / XP; Windows Vista®  IBM
PC or compatible, with Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU running at 2.0 GHz or fast er
Minimum 128 MB memory  Minimum 100 MB free hard disk space, 5400 RP M or greater  One free USB 2.0 port  1024x768 Graphic Card, DirectX
9.0 compatible or higher
Notes: Video recording can use several gigabytes an hour (the higher the quality of the video you record , the more space it takes on the disc) so a hard drive spinning at 5400 RPM or fast er and with plenty of free space is advisable for r ecording.
1.3 Specifications
PC connection USB 2.0 Video inputs composite vi deo, S-video Audio inputs stereo audio (R C Ax2) Output file format MPEG-2 Supported dis c format DVD, VCD Dimension 93 x 30 x 15 mm (excluding cables)
1.4 Package Contents
ENMVG-2  Installati on C D  User manual  USB extension cable
Chapter 2: Getting Started
2.1 Device Driver Installation
Insert the provided CD into the CD-ROM drive, and t hen follow the on-screen instructions below.
1. Insert the pr ovided CD into the CD-ROM drive. The set up screen should automatically appe ar.
2. Click the” Software
Driver” icon.
3. Click “Next” to continue.
4. Click “Next” to start install ation.
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