Encore EN-4000 Configuring General Settings

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EN-4000™ Reference Manual
Document 4
Configuring General Settings for the EN-4000
he EN-4000 is the newest member of Encore Networks’ family of routers. It provides wireless and cabled connections to a local area network (LAN) and to
peripheral devices and remote devices. Follow the procedures in this discussion to configure the EN-4000:
Using the EN-4000’s Management System
Navigating the EN-4000’s Management System
Basic Configuration
Configuration for the Network
Also see the following documents:
Configuring Chassis Ports in the EN-4000
Configuring the EN-4000’s Serial Ports
Configuring a MultiWAN for the EN-4000
See the following discussions in this document:
Connecting to the EN-4000
Logging In
Ending the Session
Using the
’s Management System
4.1.1 Connecting to the EN-4000
The EN-4000’s management system displays in a browser window. A management terminal (a computer) connects to the EN-4000. That management terminal can run on any platform (for example, a Windows, Mac, or Linux platform) that supports a web browser.
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Note: Y ou can also use a command line interface (CLI) to manage the EN-4000.
However, we recommend using the web interface to manage the EN-4000.
Figure 4-1. EN-4000 Rear Panel
The LAN ports on the EN-4000’s rear panel (Figure 4-1) are on a single private network. The EN-4000 software includes a DHCP server that assigns IP addresses to devices connected to those LAN ports. Devices co nnected to those LAN ports see the gateway address representing the EN-4000.
The EN-4000’s WAN port (also on the rear panel) is on a separate network from its LAN ports. The EN-4000’s WAN port is a DHCP client, by default.
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4.1.2 Logging In
1 Make sure you have a terminal available to manage the EN-4000, and make
sure the terminal’s power is on.
2 Connect the EN-4000 to an AC power adaptor or a DC power source.
The EN-4000 powers on.
3 Use an Ethernet cable to connect y our management terminal to an Ethernet
LAN port (in the set labeled eth1) on the EN-4000’s rear panel. Caution: Do not connect the management terminal to the EN-4000’s WAN
port (labeled eth0). The LAN port assigns an IP address to your management terminal.
4 On the management terminal, open a web browser. 5 In the browser's address field, type the EN-4000’s gateway IP address (or, if you prefer, type, and press the console’s Enter key (Figure 4-2).
Figure 4-2. Browser Address Field
Note: If the browser asks whether the EN-4000 router (19 may set cookies, answer Yes, or Yes for the Session, or something similar.
Configuring General Settings for the EN-4000 Page 4-3
Caution: Do not block coo kies for the EN-4000. Otherwise, you might not
be able to manage the EN-4000.
The browser navigates to the specified IP address and displays the
EN-4000 Log-In Screen (Figure 4-3).
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Note: The Username field might display the user name. (Figure 4-3 shows the default user name root.)
Caution: The EN-4000 management system uses JavaScript in its
browser-based display. A message to enable JavaScript (similar to the message in Figure 4-4) might display in your browser.
JavaScript required!
You must enable JavaScript in your browse r or the management syst em wil l no t wo rk pr op erly.
Figure 4- 3. EN-4000 Log- In Screen
Figure 4-4. Message to Enable JavaScript
If you see the message in Figure 4-4, do the following:
• On the browser menu, open Tools or Options (or an equivalent menu item in your browser).
• In the browser’s menu system, Enable JavaScript, and Save that setting.
• Right-click on the browser screen, and select Refresh, Rewrite, or Reload (or the equivalent for your browser).
The EN-4000 Log-In Screen is redisplayed, without a message to enable
6 Type your user name and password in the appropriate fields of the EN-4000
Log-In Screen. Use the default log-in valu es:
• The default user name is root.
• Its associated default password is encore!1.
Note: You may wish to change the user name and password in the future. Check with your network administrator for all names and passwords.
7 Then press the console’s Enter key or select the screen’s Login button (to
the lower right of the Log-In Fields).
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The system accepts your log-in. Then the EN-4000 Status Overview
Screen is displayed (Figure 4-5). This screen provides an overview of the EN-4000’s status.
Note: If the EN-4000’s WAN port is connected to a network, you may see the WAN port’s assigned IP address. (The WAN port is a DHCP client.) In
Figure 4-5, the IP address assigned to the WAN port is
Figure 4-5. EN-4000 Status Overview Scree n
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On the EN-4000 management screens, the top row of tabs indicates the management areas.
There is a second row of tabs under each management area. The second row provides detail for the selected management area. (The EN-4000 senses its hardware configuration and displays tabs to represent that configur ation.) In
Figure 4-5, the Status management area shows the following detail tabs:
System Log
Kernel Log
Realtime Graphs
Configuring General Settings for the EN-4000 Page 4-5
An Auto Refresh button (to the right of the Encore Networks logo) is displayed on several screens. You can select this button to turn automatic screen refreshment on or off.
8 To manage your EN-4000, do the following:
a To set values for the EN-4000’s IP address and other parameters, see
Navigating the EN-4000’s Management System.
b To review the EN-4000’s settings and performance, see the document
Monitoring the EN-4000.
4.1.3 Managing the Browser Display
Sometimes a browser lets part of a display bleed off the screen (as in Figure 4-6).
Figure 4-6. Browser Screen Bl eeding (Configure Custom Commands Screen)
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In that case, hold down the Control key (sometimes marked Ctrl) and press the Minus key (-, also called the Hyphen key) until all the information displays
within the browser (Figure 4-7).
Figure 4-7. Browser Screen without Bleeding (Configure Custom Commands Screen)
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4.2 Navigating the EN-4000’s Management System
4.2.1 Saving or Discarding Changes
Buttons to Reset, Save, or Save & Apply are displayed in the lower righthand corner of EN-4000 configuration screens. You can use them as described below:
• Select the Save & Apply button to save changes that take effect immediately.
• Select the Save button to save changes that will take effect after the EN-4000 is rebooted.
• Select the Reset button to discard changes you have made but have not ye t saved, and to see the screen with its values before you made those changes.
Note: The browser will display a message in the upper right corner of its screen when there are unsaved changes in the configuration (Figure 4-8).
Figure 4-8. Message about Unsaved Changes
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Note: The browser will also display a message if you use the EN-4000
screens to reboot the chassis before you ha ve saved changes in the configuration (Figure 4-9).
Figure 4-9. Message to Save Configuration before Rebooting
Caution: If you use a rebooting process that is not under the control of the
EN-4000 management system’s screens—for example, if you close the browser or if you manually reboot the chassis—you will not see a message about unsaved changes in the configuration. If you wish to save changes, make sure you select the Save button or the Save & Apply button before you close the browser window, or manually reboot the chassis, or use the screens to reboot.
Note: If you close the browser without saving changes in the configuration, the previous configuration is used when you reopen the EN-4000 management system in the browser.
Configuring General Settings for the EN-4000 Page 4-7
The most recently saved configuration will be used only after the EN-4000 chassis has been restarted (rebooted). For that reason, the message “Unsaved Changes” will persist in the upper right corner of the EN-4000 management system screens until the EN-4000 chassis has been restarted.
4.2.2 Restarting (Rebooting) the EN-4000
There may be times when the EN-4000 needs to be restarted. We recommend using the menu system to restart the EN-4000, because that provides a controlled approach to restarting. Any processes that are running will be shut down properly before the router restarts.
Caution: In general, do not manually restart the EN-4000 by disconnecting
it from its power source and then reconnecting it to power. That method of rebooting might interrupt processes running on the EN-4000.
1 To restart the EN-4000, select the System management area. 2 Then select the Reboot tab.
The System Reboot screen is displayed (Figure 4-10).
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Figure 4-10. EN-4000 System Reboot
3 On this screen, select Perform Reboot.
The menu system restarts the EN-4000. During the reboot, a message
similar to one of the messages in Figure 4-11 might be displayed.
Figure 4-11. Message while Rebooting
Waiting for
Please wait. Device rebooting.
4 After a few seconds, select the tab for the Status management area.
The EN-4000 Log-In Screen is displayed (Figure 4-12).
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Figure 4-12. EN-4000 Log-In Screen
4.2.3 Ending the Session
1 When you wish to log out, select the Logout tab.
The system logs out, and the EN-4000 Log-In Screen is redisplayed (recall
Figure 4-12).
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4.3 Basic Configuration
Basic configuration includes assigning the EN-4000 its IP address, device name, and similar items. See the following:
Revising Lists in the EN-4000’s Management System
Configuring the Management System Language
Configuring the Device Name and Time of Day
Synchronizing the EN-4000’s Time of Day
Configuring System Logging
Overriding the MAC Information
4.3.1 Revising Lists in the EN-4000’s Management System
For lists in the EN-4000 management system:
• To add an item to a list, click on [+] (the line-item add button).
• To delete an item from a list, highlight the item and press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Note: Some items can be deleted by clicking on [x] (the line-item delete button).
• When you have finished modifying items, click the Save & Apply button on the screen.
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