he EN-4000 is the newest member of Encore Networks’ family of routers. It
provides wireless and cabled connections to a local area network (LAN) and to
peripheral devices and remote devices.
Follow the procedures in this discussion to configure the EN-4000:
• Using the EN-4000’s Management System
• Navigating the EN-4000’s Management System
• Basic Configuration
• Configuration for the Network
Also see the following documents:
• Configuring Chassis Ports in the EN-4000
• Configuring the EN-4000’s Serial Ports
• Configuring a MultiWAN for the EN-4000
See the following discussions in this document:
• Connecting to the EN-4000
• Logging In
• Ending the Session
Using the
’s Management System
4.1.1Connecting to the EN-4000
The EN-4000’s management system displays in a browser window. A management
terminal (a computer) connects to the EN-4000. That management terminal can run
on any platform (for example, a Windows, Mac, or Linux platform) that supports a
web browser.
For information on trademarks, safety, limitations
of liability, and similar topics, see
Note: Y ou can also use a command line interface (CLI) to manage the EN-4000.
However, we recommend using the web interface to manage the EN-4000.
Figure 4-1. EN-4000 Rear Panel
The LAN ports on the EN-4000’s rear panel (Figure 4-1) are on a single private
network. The EN-4000 software includes a DHCP server that assigns IP addresses
to devices connected to those LAN ports. Devices co nnected to those LAN ports
see the gateway address representing the EN-4000.
The EN-4000’s WAN port (also on the rear panel) is on a separate network from
its LAN ports. The EN-4000’s WAN port is a DHCP client, by default.
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of Contents
4.1.2Logging In
1Make sure you have a terminal available to manage the EN-4000, and make
sure the terminal’s power is on.
2Connect the EN-4000 to an AC power adaptor or a DC power source.
❖ The EN-4000 powers on.
3Use an Ethernet cable to connect y our management terminal to an Ethernet
LAN port (in the set labeled eth1) on the EN-4000’s rear panel.
Caution: Do not connect the management terminal to the EN-4000’s WAN
port (labeled eth0). ❖ The LAN port assigns an IP address to your management terminal.
4On the management terminal, open a web browser.
5In the browser's address field, type the EN-4000’s gateway IP address (or, if you prefer, type, and press the
console’s Enter key (Figure 4-2).
Figure 4-2. Browser Address Field
Note: If the browser asks whether the EN-4000 router (19 may
set cookies, answer Yes, or Yes for the Session, or something similar.
Configuring General Settings for the EN-4000Page 4-3
Caution: Do not block coo kies for the EN-4000. Otherwise, you might not
be able to manage the EN-4000.
❖ The browser navigates to the specified IP address and displays the
EN-4000 Log-In Screen (Figure 4-3).
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of Contents
Note: The Username field might display the user name. (Figure 4-3 shows the default user name root.)
Caution: The EN-4000 management system uses JavaScript in its
browser-based display. A message to enable JavaScript (similar to the
message in Figure 4-4) might display in your browser.
JavaScript required!
You must enable JavaScript in your browse r or the management syst em wil l no t wo rk pr op erly.
Figure 4- 3. EN-4000 Log- In Screen
Figure 4-4. Message to Enable JavaScript
If you see the message in Figure 4-4, do the following:
• On the browser menu, open Tools or Options (or an equivalent menu
item in your browser).
• In the browser’s menu system, Enable JavaScript, and Save that setting.
• Right-click on the browser screen, and select Refresh, Rewrite, or
Reload (or the equivalent for your browser).
❖ The EN-4000 Log-In Screen is redisplayed, without a message to enable
6Type your user name and password in the appropriate fields of the EN-4000
Log-In Screen. Use the default log-in valu es:
• The default user name is root.
• Its associated default password is encore!1.
Note: You may wish to change the user name and password in the future.
Check with your network administrator for all names and passwords.
7Then press the console’s Enter key or select the screen’s Login button (to
the lower right of the Log-In Fields).
Page 4-4EN-4000™ Reference Manual, Document 4
❖ The system accepts your log-in. Then the EN-4000 Status Overview
Screen is displayed (Figure 4-5). This screen provides an overview of the
EN-4000’s status.
Note: If the EN-4000’s WAN port is connected to a network, you may see
the WAN port’s assigned IP address. (The WAN port is a DHCP client.) In
Figure 4-5, the IP address assigned to the WAN port is
Figure 4-5. EN-4000 Status Overview Scree n
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On the EN-4000 management screens, the top row of tabs indicates the
management areas.
There is a second row of tabs under each management area. The second row
provides detail for the selected management area. (The EN-4000 senses its
hardware configuration and displays tabs to represent that configur ation.) In
Figure 4-5, the Status management area shows the following detail tabs:
System Log
Kernel Log
Realtime Graphs
Configuring General Settings for the EN-4000Page 4-5
An Auto Refresh button (to the right of the Encore Networks logo) is
displayed on several screens. You can select this button to turn automatic
screen refreshment on or off.
8To manage your EN-4000, do the following:
a To set values for the EN-4000’s IP address and other parameters, see
Navigating the EN-4000’s Management System.
b To review the EN-4000’s settings and performance, see the document
Monitoring the EN-4000.
4.1.3Managing the Browser Display
Sometimes a browser lets part of a display bleed off the screen (as in Figure 4-6).
In that case, hold down the Control key (sometimes marked Ctrl) and press the
Minus key (-, also called the Hyphen key) until all the information displays
within the browser (Figure 4-7).
Figure 4-7. Browser Screen without Bleeding (Configure Custom Commands Screen)
Page 4-6EN-4000™ Reference Manual, Document 4
4.2Navigating the EN-4000’s Management
4.2.1Saving or Discarding Changes
Buttons to Reset, Save, or Save & Apply are displayed in the lower righthand
corner of EN-4000 configuration screens. You can use them as described below:
• Select the Save & Apply button to save changes that take effect immediately.
• Select the Save button to save changes that will take effect after the EN-4000
is rebooted.
• Select the Reset button to discard changes you have made but have not ye t
saved, and to see the screen with its values before you made those changes.
Note: The browser will display a message in the upper right corner of its
screen when there are unsaved changes in the configuration (Figure 4-8).
Figure 4-8. Message about Unsaved Changes
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of Contents
Note: The browser will also display a message if you use the EN-4000
screens to reboot the chassis before you ha ve saved changes in the
configuration (Figure 4-9).
Figure 4-9. Message to Save Configuration before Rebooting
Caution: If you use a rebooting process that is not under the control of the
EN-4000 management system’s screens—for example, if you close the
browser or if you manually reboot the chassis—you will not see a message
about unsaved changes in the configuration. If you wish to save changes,
make sure you select the Save button or the Save & Apply button before
you close the browser window, or manually reboot the chassis, or use the
screens to reboot.
Note: If you close the browser without saving changes in the configuration,
the previous configuration is used when you reopen the EN-4000
management system in the browser.
Configuring General Settings for the EN-4000Page 4-7
The most recently saved configuration will be used only after the EN-4000
chassis has been restarted (rebooted). For that reason, the message
“Unsaved Changes” will persist in the upper right corner of the EN-4000
management system screens until the EN-4000 chassis has been restarted.
4.2.2Restarting (Rebooting) the EN-4000
There may be times when the EN-4000 needs to be restarted. We recommend
using the menu system to restart the EN-4000, because that provides a
controlled approach to restarting. Any processes that are running will be shut
down properly before the router restarts.
Caution: In general, do not manually restart the EN-4000 by disconnecting
it from its power source and then reconnecting it to power. That method of
rebooting might interrupt processes running on the EN-4000.
1To restart the EN-4000, select the System management area.
2Then select the Reboot tab.
❖ The System Reboot screen is displayed (Figure 4-10).
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of Contents
Figure 4-10. EN-4000 System Reboot
3On this screen, select Perform Reboot.
❖ The menu system restarts the EN-4000. During the reboot, a message
similar to one of the messages in Figure 4-11 might be displayed.
Figure 4-11. Message while Rebooting
Waiting for
Please wait. Device rebooting.
4After a few seconds, select the tab for the Status management area.
❖ The EN-4000 Log-In Screen is displayed (Figure 4-12).
Page 4-8EN-4000™ Reference Manual, Document 4
Figure 4-12. EN-4000 Log-In Screen
4.2.3Ending the Session
1When you wish to log out, select the Logout tab.
❖ The system logs out, and the EN-4000 Log-In Screen is redisplayed (recall
Figure 4-12).
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of Contents
4.3Basic Configuration
Basic configuration includes assigning the EN-4000 its IP address, device name,
and similar items. See the following:
• Revising Lists in the EN-4000’s Management System
• Configuring the Management System Language
• Configuring the Device Name and Time of Day
• Synchronizing the EN-4000’s Time of Day
• Configuring System Logging
• Overriding the MAC Information
4.3.1Revising Lists in the EN-4000’s Management
For lists in the EN-4000 management system:
• To add an item to a list, click on [+] (the line-item add button).
• To delete an item from a list, highlight the item and press the Delete key on
your keyboard.
Note: Some items can be deleted by clicking on [x] (the line-item delete
• When you have finished modifying items, click the Save & Apply button on
the screen.
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