Enablia TitanSDR User Manual

TitanSDR Receiver
User Manual
Enablia S.r.l. (Italy) 2012 Before using the receiver, read carefully the Installation Manual and the User Manual.
The symbol of the crossed out wheelie bin indicates that in the European Union this product, and all items marked with this symbol, cannot be disposed of as unsorted waste but must be disposed of separately at the end of their useful life
TitanSDR – User Manual 3
1. Introduction .................................................................................. 5
1.1 User interface architecture ....................................................................... 6
1.2 Panoramic Scope, Wideband Scope and Narrowband Scope ....... 8
1.3 Software startup .......................................................................................... 9
2. Receiver Mode .......................................................................... 11
2.1 Panoramic Scope .................................................................................... 12
2.1.1 Front End settings ...................................................................................... 12
2.1.2 Spectrum settings ...................................................................................... 13
2.1.3 Management of wideband channels .................................................. 17
2.2 Wideband Scope ..................................................................................... 20
2.2.1 Spectrum settings ...................................................................................... 20
2.2.2 Management of narrowband channels ............................................... 23
2.2.3 Recording of wideband channels ......................................................... 27
2.3 Narrowband Scope ................................................................................. 29
2.3.1 Spectrum settings ...................................................................................... 30
2.3.2 Tuning of narrowband channel .............................................................. 34
2.3.3 Demodulation settings ............................................................................. 36
2.3.4 Listening demodulated audio ................................................................ 39
2.3.5 Gain control ............................................................................................... 41
2.3.6 Audio streaming through Virtual Audio Cables (VAC) ....................... 42
2.3.7 Audio streaming by LAN .......................................................................... 43
2.3.8 Recording of narrowband channels ..................................................... 47
3. Player mode ............................................................................... 49
4. Advanced Operations .............................................................. 52
4.1 Session saving and loading .................................................................... 52
4.1.1 Session saving ............................................................................................ 52
4.1.2 Session loading .......................................................................................... 54
4.2 NB Channels List ........................................................................................ 55
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4.3 Memory of narrowband channels ......................................................... 57
4.3.1 Memorization ............................................................................................. 58
4.3.2 Allocation of memorized channels ........................................................ 61
4.3.3 Memory settings modifications ............................................................... 62
4.3.4 Removal of memorized channels .......................................................... 63
4.4 Scheduling of recordings ........................................................................ 64
4.4.1 Scheduling of a new wideband\narrowband channel .................... 64
4.4.2 Task Editor window ................................................................................... 67
4.4.3 Managing scheduled channels ............................................................ 71
4.4.4 Allocation of scheduled channels ......................................................... 73
4.5 Options ....................................................................................................... 78
4.5.1 Independent View.................................................................................... 78
4.5.2 Panoramic ................................................................................................. 79
4.5.3 Wideband .................................................................................................. 79
4.5.4 Narrowband .............................................................................................. 81
4.5.5 Output Files Name .................................................................................... 83
4.5.6 Storage ....................................................................................................... 85
4.5.7 Session ......................................................................................................... 86
5. Appendix .................................................................................... 88
TitanSDR – User Manual 5
1. Introduction
This manual describes the TitanSDR user interface and its mode of use.
Before using the product, make sure to have correctly performed all the steps in the Installation Manual.
TitanSDR is an HF multi-channel receiver allowing up to four independent wideband channels within the 0-40MHz band and several narrowband channels (up to 8, 16 and 40 in the TitanSDR_8, TitanSDR_16 and TitanSDR_40 versions of the product, respectively), which can be tuned within wideband channels.
Each narrowband channel supports, at the same time, demodulation, recording (onto WAV files) and streaming of demodulated signals to: VACs (Virtual Audio Cables), sound cards and Hoka Electronic CODE300 decoders (via LAN).
Figure 1 exemplifies diagrammatically the operation described above.
Figure 1 - Functional diagram
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1.1 User interface architecture
Figure 2 shows schematically the user interface architecture.
Figure 2 - User interface architecture
The user interface is composed of:
Main Toolbar Panoramic Scope Wideband Scope Narrowband Scope
On the Main Toolbar (Figure 3) there are a series of drop-down menus (File, Mode, NB List, Memory, Schedule, View, Options) that allow to access the features described in detail in Chapters 2, 3, 4 of this manual.
Figure 3 - Main Toolbar
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Panoramic Scope, Wideband Scope and Narrowband Scope are windows in which visualization and control of panoramic spectrum, wideband channels and narrowband channels, can be performed, respectively. As illustrated in Figure 2, Wideband Scope and Narrowband Scope are positioned under the Panoramic Scope, which in turn is just under the Main Toolbar.
In order to make resize of windows possible, these are separated by splitters, namely graphics draggable separators, which allow to increase (or decrease) the size of the window of interest, to the detriment (or advantage) of the others. Clicking on a splitter, its position can be moved by mouse dragging (with the left mouse button hold down).
Figure 4 - Splitters drag directions
Figure 4 shows directions in which splitters can be dragged inside the user interface. Note the presence of splitters also within windows of Wideband and Narrowband Scope (see Chapter 1.2 for a detailed description). Figure 5 shows a screenshot of the user interface during typical operation.
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Figure 5 - TitanSDR user interface
1.2 Panoramic Scope, Wideband Scope and Narrowband Scope
In this paragraph, the high-level structure of Panoramic Scope, Wideband Scope and Narrowband Scope is described.
Panoramic Scope:
It is composed of its own toolbar, a panoramic spectrum window and a reference bar representing the frequency axis. The toolbar contains commands that allow to:
control front-end settings
manage spectrum settings
allocate and deallocate wideband channels
The panoramic spectrum window shows spectrum of the 0 - 32MHz band managed by the receiver (see par. 4.5.2 to show up to 40MHz). The reference bar is draggable horizontally, after at least one frequency zoom-in step (see Chapter
TitanSDR – User Manual 9
Wideband Scope:
The Wideband Scope shows the spectrum of the wideband channel which is currently selected on the Panoramic Scope, at a higher resolution and its “waterfall" representation. The frequency bar (placed below the spectrum plot) is draggable horizontally after at least one frequency zoom-in step (see Chapter
Spectrum plot and waterfall display are separated by a splitter, which allows to vary the vertical dimension of the two windows (Figure 4).
Narrowband Scope:
The Narrowband Scope shows the spectrum of the narrowband channel which is currently selected within the Wideband Scope, with a higher resolution and its “waterfall” representation.
Spectrum plot and waterfall display are separated by a splitter, which allows to vary the vertical dimension of the two windows (Figure 4).
Panoramic Scope, Wideband Scope and Narrowband Scope can be possibly shown or hidden by selecting or deselecting the corresponding items of the "View" drop-down menu on the main toolbar (Figure 6).
Figure 6 - View menu
1.3 Software startup
The user interface, shown in Figure 8, appears by double-clicking on the TitanSDR software icon (see Figure 7).
Figure 7 - TitanSDR software icon
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Figure 8 - User interface of TitanSDR
TitanSDR can be operated in the following two modes:
Receiver Mode Player Mode
with the ability to switch between them without restarting the software.
Receiver Mode: software allows to control the receiver and to manage all operations on radio channels (all of the functions of this mode are described in Chapter 2).
Player Mode: software allows to playback files (written in a proprietary format) which resulted from previous recording of wideband channels in Receiver Mode (see Section 2.2.3) and to perform the same operations allowed on wideband channels in Receiver Mode (allocation and recording of narrowband channels, demodulation, listening of demodulated audio, data streaming by VAC, LAN, ...). All Player Mode functions are described in Chapter 3.
Mode choice is made through the menu "Mode" (Figure 9) on the Main Toolbar. The default setting is Receiver Mode.
Figure 9 - Mode setting
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2. Receiver Mode
After selecting the Receiver Mode (from menu "Mode" on the Main Toolbar), as shown in Figure 9, press the connect USB button illustrated in Figure 10.
Figure 10 - USB button before connection
This button is used to start communication between the software and the receiver. If connection is successful, the button symbol changes color (from red to green, see Figure 11) and the input 0-32MHz spectrum appears on the Panoramic Scope (Figure 12).
Figure 11 - USB button after connection
Figure 12 - User interface after successful connection with receiver
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2.1 Panoramic Scope
2.1.1 Front End settings
Receiver Front-end settings can be changed by the Front End controls group of the Panoramic Scope toolbar (Figure 13).
Figure 13 - FrontEnd controls group
Settings may regard:
• Selection of a preselection filter
Change of input attenuation value
Receiver input selection
Selection of preselection filters:
The list of possible sixteen preselectors appears by clicking on the first drop-down menu of the FrontEnd controls group (Figure 14). Each preselector/filter is characterized by its own passband, whose frequency extremes are indicated in the list. The All Pass choice is also possible (default), causing the receiver to perform no preselection on RF input signal.
Figure 14 - Preselection filters list
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Setting of the RF attenuation value:
RF attenuation can be set from 0dB to 30dB, in steps of 10 dB. Clicking on the second drop-down menu of the FrontEnd controls group, a list appears of attenuation values that can be selected (Figure 15). Default value is 0dB.
Figure 15 - List of selectable attenuation values
Receiver input selection:
By clicking on the third drop-down menu of the FrontEnd controls group, selection can be made of the receiver input (Figure 16). The “IF” choice corresponds to the SMA connector marked "IF IN" on the receiver rear panel, whilst the “HF” choice corresponds to the BNC connector marked "ANT. IN ". Default receiver input is “HF”.
Figure 16 - Receiver input selection
2.1.2 Spectrum settings
The graphical settings of the Panoramic Scope spectrum can be changed by the Spectrum controls group of the Panoramic Scope toolbar (Figure 17).
Figure 17 - Spectrum controls group
The actions that can be performed are:
• selection of windowing (for FFT)
• selection of spectrum averaging time period
• spectrum zoom/dezoom
Furthermore, in order to shift the displayed frequency interval, dragging of the frequency axis bar is also possible.
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Selection of windowing (for FFT):
By clicking on the first drop-down menu of the Spectrum controls group, a list appears of the four possible windows that can be selected (Figure 18). Default window is “Blackman”.
Figure 18 - Windowing alternatives
Selection of spectrum averaging time period:
By clicking on the second drop-down menu of the Spectrum controls group, a list appears of possible averaging time periods that can be selected (Figure 19). Default setting is "NO AVG", meaning that spectra are plotted on the Panoramic Scope without any averaging.
Figure 19 - Spectrum averaging time periods
Spectrum zoom\dezoom
Spectrum can be zoomed/dezoomed with respect to :
frequency (Horizontal zoom)
amplitude (Vertical zoom)
Horizontal (frequency) zoom/dezoom
Horizontal zoom/dezoom allows to halve/double the frequency spectrum span, aiming at a specific center frequency value, corresponding to a vertical white line which can be placed by left clicking on the wanted position (Figure 20). After
TitanSDR – User Manual 15
mouse click a hint label appears near the vertical line indicating the corresponding frequency.
Figure 20 - Panoramic Scope spectrum
Buttons for horizontal zoom/dezoom are shown in Figure 21 and are positioned within the Spectrum controls group of the Panoramic Scope toolbar.
Figure 21 - Horizontal zoom/dezoom buttons
Figure 22 shows the Panoramic Scope after zooming the spectrum of Figure 20, by clicking on the horizontal zoom button (the one marked with a “+”).
Figure 22 - Panoramic Scope after horizontal zoom
Vertical (amplitude) zoom/dezoom:
In order to perform also amplitude zoom/dezoom, it is necessary to make corresponding buttons visible in the Spectrum controls group. To this aim, click on the menu item "Centered zoom", after selecting “Panoramic” in the Main Toolbar “Options” menu (Figure 23).
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Figure 23 - Centered Zoom option
This operation will cause a white horizontal line to appear also on the Panoramic Scope spectrum (Figure 24) and the vertical zoom/dezoom buttons to appear within the Spectrum controls group (Figure 25). Vertical zoom/dezoom allows to halve/double the amplitude spectrum range, aiming at a specific center amplitude value, corresponding to the horizontal white line, which can be set by left clicking or selecting and dragging it on the wanted position.
Figure 24 - Centered zoom horizontal and vertical target lines
Figure 26 shows the Panoramic Scope after zooming the spectrum of Figure 24, by clicking on the vertical zoom button (the one marked with a “+” and a “V”).
Figure 25 - Vertical zoom/dezoom buttons
Figure 26 - Panoramic Scope after vertical zoom
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The position of the horizontal and vertical white lines can be changed by left clicking or selecting and dragging them to the desired position. After clicking, hint labels appears near the vertical and horizontal lines indicating the corresponding frequency and amplitude, respectively.
Dragging of the frequency axis bar
After having zoomed once (at least), the displayed frequency interval can be shifted downwards or upwards by simply left clicking on the frequency axis bar of the Panoramic Scope (Figure 27) and dragging it leftward or rightward, respectively.
Figure 27 - Frequency axis bar of the Panoramic Scope
2.1.3 Management of wideband channels
The WB Channels controls group of the Panoramic Scope toolbar (Figure 28) allows to perform the following operations:
allocation of a wideband channel selection of a previously allocated wideband channel tuning of a wideband channel (by mouse dragging and dropping its
shaded area)
deallocation (removal) of a wideband channel
Figure 28 - WB Channels controls group
Allocation of a wideband channel:
By clicking on the "ADD" button of the WB Channels controls group, a list appears of available bandwidth sizes (Figure 29) for the new wideband channel to allocate (see Appendix).
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Figure 29 - List of available bandwidth sizes
A new wideband channel is allocated by clicking on one of the available bandwidth sizes. Its position and frequency extent is represented by a colored shaded area on the Panoramic Scope spectrum (Figure 30), whilst its center frequency is indicated in the edit box of the WB Channels controls group (Figure
Figure 30 - Wideband channel shaded area
By default the new wideband channel is allocated within the Panoramic Scope at the far left of the displayed spectrum. The allocated channel is assigned one of the following names: WB1, WB2, WB3, WB4.
To facilitate identification of wideband channels and to distinguish them from one another, their shaded areas are assigned a color, based on the following color convention:
- WB1: RED shaded area
- WB2: GREEN shaded area
TitanSDR – User Manual 19
- WB3: BLUE shaded area
- WB4: PURPLE shaded area
Selection of a wideband channel
When more than one wideband channel has been allocated (Figure 31), a specific wideband channel can be selected by clicking on its name in the first drop-down menu of the WB Channels controls group (Figure 32).
Figure 31 - Sample scenario with four wideband channels
Figure 32 - WB Channels drop-down menu
For each allocated wideband channel, both center frequency and bandwidth are provided in the same drop-down menu. By selecting a wideband channel, its shaded area becomes brightly colored.
Tuning of wideband channels
Tuning of the selected wideband channel within the Panoramic Scope spectrum can be obtained by dragging its shaded area, after having clicked on it. While dragging, the wideband channel center frequency is modified accordingly in the frequency edit box of the WB Channels controls group (Figure 33).
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Figure 33 - Center frequency edit box
The unit of measurement of the wideband channel center frequency can be selected by the second drop-down menu of the WB Channels controls group (Figure 34). Possible choices are: Hz, KHz or MHz .
Figure 34 - Unit of measurement of WB channel center frequency
Deallocation of wideband channels
The selected wideband channel can be deallocated by clicking on the trash button (Figure 35) of the WB Channels controls group (Figure 33).
Figure 35 - Trash button
As a result of this action, its shaded area disappears from the Panoramic Scope spectrum and its name is removed from the wideband channels drop-down menu (of Figure 32).
In order to perform deallocation of a wideband channel, it must be empty”, i.e. no narrowband channel must be present (allocated) inside it (see par. 2.2.2).
2.2 Wideband Scope
2.2.1 Spectrum settings
The graphical settings of the Wideband Scope spectrum can be changed by the Spectrum controls group of the Wideband Scope toolbar (Figure 36).
Figure 36 - Spectrum controls group
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The following operations are possible:
• selection of spectrum averaging time period
frequency zoom/dezoom
Furthermore, in order to shift the displayed frequency interval, dragging of the frequency axis bar is also possible.
Selection of spectrum averaging time period:
By clicking on the drop-down menu of the Spectrum controls group, a list appears of possible averaging time periods that can be selected (Figure 37). Default setting is "NO AVG", meaning that spectra are plotted on the Wideband Scope without any averaging.
Figure 37 - Spectrum averaging time periods
Frequency zoom/dezoom
Zoom/dezoom allows to halve/double the frequency spectrum span, aiming at a specific center frequency value, corresponding to a vertical white line which can be placed by left clicking on the desired position (Figure 38). After mouse click a hint label appears near the vertical line indicating the corresponding frequency.
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Figure 38 - Wideband Scope spectrum and waterfall
Buttons for horizontal zoom/dezoom are shown in Figure 39 and are positioned within the Spectrum controls group of the Wideband Scope toolbar.
Figure 39 - Zoom/dezoom buttons
Figure 40 shows the Wideband Scope after zooming the spectrum of Figure 38, by clicking on the zoom button (the one marked with a “+”).
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Figure 40 - Wideband Scope after zooming
Dragging of the frequency axis bar
After having zoomed once (at least), the displayed frequency interval can be shifted downwards or upwards by simply left clicking on the frequency axis bar of the Wideband Scope (Figure 41) and dragging it leftward or rightward, respectively.
Figure 41 - Frequency axis bar
2.2.2 Management of narrowband channels
The NB Channels controls group of the Wideband Scope toolbar (Figure 42) allows to perform the following operations:
allocation of a narrowband channel selection of a previously allocated narrowband channel tuning of a narrowband channel (by mouse dragging and dropping its
shaded area)
deallocation (removal) of a narrowband channel
Figure 42 - NB Channels controls group
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Allocation of a narrowband channel:
By clicking on the "ADD" button of the NB Channels controls group, a vertical yellow line appears on the Wideband Scope spectrum (Figure 43), representing the carrier frequency of the narrowband channel to be allocated. Near to the yellow line, a hint label appears also, indicating the corresponding frequency value.
Figure 43 - Carrier frequency (yellow line) of narrowband channel to allocate
The carrier frequency can be set by mouse dragging the yellow line to the wanted position and clicking the mouse left button. After clicking, the narrowband shaded area appears on the Wideband Scope spectrum (Figure 44), to the right of the yellow line, being USB the default mode.
Figure 44 - Allocated narrowband channel
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As a consequence of the same mouse click, the Narrowband Scope (Figure 45) becomes ready to operate on the newly allocated narrowband channel, displaying its spectrum and waterfall with higher resolution than the Wideband Scope.
Figure 45 - Wideband Scope and Narrowband Scope
In order to set another mode (as written above, every new narrowband channel is allocated as USB, by default), it must be selected from the modes drop-down menu of the Narrowband Scope (within the Mode controls group, as specified in par. 2.3.3).
Every narrowband channel is assigned a unique name, consisting of a prefix for the name of its wideband channel (for instance, WB1), a separator “-” and a suffix given by the string “NB” followed by the channel number, which is the first available integer starting from 1. For example the fourth narrowband channel of the second wideband channel will be assigned the name WB2-NB4.
Narrowband channels inherit the same color of their wideband channels, which in turn is assigned according to the color convention indicated in par. 2.1.3.
Selection of a narrowband channel
In order to operate on a specific narrowband channel by the Narrowband Scope, that channel must be previously selected. By selecting a narrowband channel, its shaded area becomes brightly colored.
Selection of a narrowband channel can be done in three ways:
Selecting it in the narrowband channels drop-down menu of the Wideband
Scope toolbar (within the NB Channels controls group)
Left clicking on its shaded area (in the Wideband Scope spectrum)
TitanSDR – User Manual 26
Opening the NB Channels List (see par. 4.2) and clicking on the
corresponding line
Selection in the narrowband channels drop-down menu
A narrowband channel can be selected within the list of allocated channels, which appears (Figure 46) by clicking on the narrowband channels drop-down menu of the Wideband Scope toolbar (within the NB Channels controls group).
Figure 46 - Narrowband channel selection by drop-down menu
Selection by left clicking on shaded area:
A narrowband channel can be selected by left clicking on its shaded area (Figure
Figure 47 - Narrowband channel selection by mouse click
TitanSDR – User Manual 27
Selection by NB Channels List
First of all, the NB Channels List must be opened by clicking on menu "NBList" (Figure
48) of the Main Toolbar. Each row of the NB Channels List, which is structured as a table, contains data concerning a specific narrowband channel.
Figure 48 - Menu NB List
Selection of a narrowband channel can be accomplished by clicking on the corresponding row of the NB Channels List.
Detailed information on how to employ the NB Channels List may be found in par.
Tuning of narrowband channels
Tuning of a narrowband channel can be modified by left clicking on its shaded area (within the Wideband Scope spectrum) and dragging it to the wanted position (frequency).
Deallocation (removal) of narrowband channels
The selected narrowband channel can be deallocated (removed) by clicking on the trash button of the NB Channels controls group (Figure 49).
Figure 49 - NB Channels controls group
In order to deallocate all narrowband channels of the selected wideband channel (regardless of them being selected or not), click on the trash button labeled “ALL”.
2.2.3 Recording of wideband channels
TitanSDR allows to record a wideband channel in a binary file (proprietary format) with extension .bin, which is accompanied with a file having the same name, but
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