Emulex LP1150-F4 User Manual

Solaris SFS Driver
User Manual
Last Updated June 14, 2007
Copyright© 2007 Emulex Corporation. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document may be reproduced by any means nor translated to any electronic medium without the written consent of Emulex Corporation.
Information furnished by Emulex Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Emulex Corporation for its use; or for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Emulex Corporation.
Emulex, AutoPilot Installer, BlockGuard, cLAN, FabricStream, FibreSpy, Giganet, HBAnyware, InSpeed, IntraLink, LightPulse, MultiPulse, SAN Insite, SBOD and Vixel are registered trademarks, and AutoPilot Manager, EZPilot, SLI and VMPilot are trademarks, of Emulex Corporation. All other brand or product names referenced herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Emulex provides this manual "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Emulex Corporation may make improvements and changes to the product described in this manual at any time and without any notice. Emulex Corporation assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result. Periodic changes are made to information contained herein; although these changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual, Emulex Corporation disclaims any undertaking to give notice of such changes.
Last Updated June 14, 2007
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page ii
Installation ..............................................................................................1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
Compatibility............................................................................................................ 1
Known Issues .......................................................................................................... 2
Minimum Driver for Firmware Installation on LPe11000 and LPe11002 HBAs... 2 Special Circumstances for Installing Solaris SFS Driver Version 2.12 or later ... 2
Installing the Solaris SFS Driver............................................................................................. 3
Downloading and Installing the Driver for Solaris 8 or 9 .......................................... 3
Method 1: Using the Install_it Script (recommended) ....................................... 3
Method 2: Using Individual Patches .................................................................. 3
Downloading and Installing the Driver for Solaris 10 (Sparc, X64 and x86) ............. 4
Installing the FCA Utilities and the HBAnyware Utility.......................................................... 5
Unpacking the Utility Files ....................................................................................... 5
Installing the FCA Utilities........................................................................................ 5
Installing or Updating the FCA Utilities Using the emlxu_install Script............... 5
Installing the HBAnyware Utility, Web Launch and Security Configurator ................ 7
Installing the HBAnyware Utility......................................................................... 7
Installing the HBAnyware Utility with Web Launch............................................. 8
Installing the HBAnyware Utility Security Configurator ...................................... 9
Installing or Updating the Utilities Package Manually ........................................ 9
Removing the Utilities Using the emlxu_remove Script ................................... 10
Removing the Utilities Package Manually........................................................ 11
Configuration .......................................................................................12
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 12
Driver Parameters ................................................................................................. 13
Solaris SFS and lpfc Driver Parameter Cross-Reference Table............................. 14
Using the HBAnyware Utility ................................................................................................. 18
Starting the HBAnyware Utility............................................................................... 18
Starting HBAnyware with Web Launch .................................................................. 18
Starting the HBAnyware Security Configurator ...................................................... 18
Prerequisites ................................................................................................... 18
Procedure........................................................................................................ 18
Starting the HBAnyware Utility from the Command Line.................................. 19
Changing Management Mode................................................................................ 19
The HBAnyware Utility Window Element Definitions.............................................. 20
The Menu Bar.................................................................................................. 20
The Toolbar ..................................................................................................... 20
The Toolbar Buttons ........................................................................................ 21
The Discovery-Tree......................................................................................... 21
Property Tabs .................................................................................................. 22
Status Bar........................................................................................................ 22
Using the HBAnyware Utility Command-Line Interface .......................................... 22
Using the CLI Client ........................................................................................ 23
Discovering HBAs.................................................................................................. 38
Configuring Discovery Settings ....................................................................... 39
Sorting HBAs ......................................................................................................... 40
Sorting by Host Name ..................................................................................... 40
Sorting by Fabric Address ............................................................................... 40
Sorting Local HBAs Only ....................................................................................... 40
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page iii
Viewing HBA Information....................................................................................... 41
Viewing Discovery Information ........................................................................ 41
Viewing Host Information................................................................................. 42
The Host Information Tab ................................................................................ 42
The Host Driver Parameters Tab ..................................................................... 43
Viewing General HBA Attributes ............................................................................ 44
Adapter Summary Field Definitions ................................................................. 44
Adapter Status Area Field Definitions.............................................................. 45
Viewing Detailed HBA Information......................................................................... 46
Adapter Details Field Definitions ..................................................................... 46
Port Attributes Field Definitions ....................................................................... 46
Loop Map Table Definitions ............................................................................. 47
Viewing Fabric Information .................................................................................... 47
Discovery Information Field Definitions ........................................................... 48
Viewing Target Information .................................................................................... 48
Viewing LUN Information................................................................................. 49
LUN Information Field Definitions.................................................................... 49
Viewing Port Statistics ........................................................................................... 50
Port Statistics Field Definitions........................................................................ 51
Viewing Firmware Information ............................................................................... 52
Firmware Field Definitions ............................................................................... 52
Viewing Target Mapping ........................................................................................ 53
Target Mapping Field Definitions ..................................................................... 53
Resetting HBAs ..................................................................................................... 54
Updating Firmware ................................................................................................ 55
Prerequisites ................................................................................................... 55
Procedure........................................................................................................ 55
Updating Firmware (Batch Mode) .......................................................................... 58
Prerequisites ................................................................................................... 58
Procedure........................................................................................................ 58
Enabling or Disabling the BIOS ............................................................................. 59
Prerequisites ................................................................................................... 59
Procedure........................................................................................................ 59
Setting Driver Parameters ..................................................................................... 60
Setting Driver Parameters for an HBA............................................................. 61
Setting Driver Parameters for a Host............................................................... 62
Creating the Batch Mode Driver Parameters File ............................................ 64
Assigning Batch Mode Parameters to HBAs ................................................... 64
Setting Up Persistent Binding ................................................................................ 65
Adding New Targets Using sd.conf for Solaris 8, 9 and 10.............................. 68
Changing Parameters or Bindings for Solaris 8, 9 and 10 ............................... 68
Setting Up Target/LUN Blocking Using sd.conf................................................ 69
No-Reboot Firmware Updates ......................................................................... 69
Loading or Unloading the Driver Without Rebooting........................................ 69
Performing Diagnostic Tests .................................................................................. 70
Running a Quick Test ...................................................................................... 70
Running a POST Test...................................................................................... 71
Using Beaconing ............................................................................................. 71
Creating Diagnostic Dumps............................................................................. 72
Displaying PCI Registers and Wakeup Information ......................................... 72
Running Advanced Diagnostic Tests ............................................................... 73
Running Loopback Tests ................................................................................. 74
Running End-to-End (ECHO) Tests ................................................................. 75
Saving the Log File.......................................................................................... 76
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page iv
Out-of-Band SAN Management ............................................................................. 77
Adding a Single Host....................................................................................... 78
Adding a Range of Hosts................................................................................. 79
Removing Hosts .............................................................................................. 80
HBAnyware Security.............................................................................................. 80
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 80
Starting the Security Configurator for the First Time: Creating the First ACG,
Designating the MSC and Selecting Systems in the FC Network .......................... 82
Prerequisites ................................................................................................... 82
Procedure........................................................................................................ 82
Access Control Groups.......................................................................................... 84
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 84
Adding a Server to the ACG ............................................................................ 86
Deleting a Server from the ACG ...................................................................... 87
Removing Security from all Servers in the ACG .............................................. 88
Generating New Security Keys........................................................................ 89
Restoring the ACG to Its Last Saved Configuration......................................... 90
Accessing a Switch ......................................................................................... 91
Access Sub-Groups............................................................................................... 92
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 92
Creating an ASG ............................................................................................. 93
Adding a Server to an ASG ............................................................................. 95
Deleting an ASG.............................................................................................. 95
Restoring an ASG to Its Last Saved Configuration.......................................... 96
Editing an ASG................................................................................................ 97
About Offline ASGs ......................................................................................... 98
Backup Masters..................................................................................................... 99
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 99
Creating a Backup Master ............................................................................. 100
Reassigning a Backup Master as the New MSC from the Old MSC .............. 101
Reassigning a Backup Master as the New MSC from the Backup Master..... 103
Using the emlxadm Utility ................................................................................................... 104
Modes of Operation (emlxadm) ........................................................................... 104
Interactive Mode (emlxadm) .......................................................................... 104
CLI Mode (emlxadm) ..................................................................................... 105
Command Descriptions (emlxadm)...................................................................... 107
get_num_devs............................................................................................... 107
get_dev_list ................................................................................................... 107
get_logi_params <wwpn>.............................................................................. 108
get_host_params........................................................................................... 108
get_sym_pname............................................................................................ 109
set_sym_pname <"string">............................................................................ 109
get_sym_nname............................................................................................ 109
set_sym_nname <"string">............................................................................ 109
dev_login <wwpn>......................................................................................... 109
dev_logout <wwpn> ...................................................................................... 110
get_state <wwpn> ......................................................................................... 110
dev_remove <wwpn> .................................................................................... 110
link_status <d_id> ......................................................................................... 110
get_fcode_rev ............................................................................................... 110
download_fcode <filename>...........................................................................111
download_fw <filename>................................................................................111
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page v
get_boot_rev ................................................................................................. 112
download_boot <filename> ........................................................................... 112
get_dump_size .............................................................................................. 112
force_dump ................................................................................................... 112
get_dump <-t filename.txt or -b filename.bin> ............................................... 112
get_topology.................................................................................................. 113
reset_link <wwpn or zero for local link>......................................................... 113
reset_hard ..................................................................................................... 113
reset_hard_core ............................................................................................ 114
diag <test [parameters]> or diag code <cmd_code (hex)> ............................ 114
ns .................................................................................................................. 115
parm_get_num .............................................................................................. 115
parm_get_list................................................................................................. 116
parm_get <label> .......................................................................................... 118
parm_set <label> <value> ............................................................................. 118
msgbuf all or <number> [-i interval] ............................................................... 119
get_host_attrs ............................................................................................... 119
get_port_attrs <index>, <wwn> or all............................................................. 120
get_path <index>........................................................................................... 121
get_vpd ......................................................................................................... 122
boot_code [enable or disable] ....................................................................... 122
q .................................................................................................................... 122
h .................................................................................................................... 122
hba ................................................................................................................ 123
p .................................................................................................................... 123
Using the emlxdrv Utility ..................................................................................................... 124
Modes of Operation (emlxdrv) ............................................................................. 124
Interactive Mode (emlxdrv) ............................................................................ 124
CLI Mode (emlxdrv)....................................................................................... 125
Command Descriptions (emlxdrv)........................................................................ 126
set_emlxs <alias>.......................................................................................... 126
set_emlxs_sun .............................................................................................. 126
set_emlxs_all ................................................................................................ 126
set_lpfc <alias> ............................................................................................. 127
set_lpfc_nonsun ............................................................................................ 127
clear_dev <alias> .......................................................................................... 127
clear_lpfc....................................................................................................... 128
clear_emlxs ................................................................................................... 128
clear_sun....................................................................................................... 129
clear_nonsun................................................................................................. 129
clear_all......................................................................................................... 130
q .................................................................................................................... 130
Troubleshooting .................................................................................131
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 131
Situations That Involve HBAnyware ................................................................................... 131
General Situations......................................................................................... 131
Security Configurator Situations - Access Control Groups (ACG) ................. 133
Security Configuration Situations - Access Sub-Groups (ASG) ..................... 134
HBAnyware Security Configurator Situations - Backup Masters.................... 135
Error Message Situations .............................................................................. 136
Master Security Client Situations................................................................... 137
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page vi
Console and Log Messages ................................................................................................ 139
Introduction.......................................................................................................... 139
Severity Levels.............................................................................................. 140
Message Log Example .................................................................................. 140
Miscellaneous Events .......................................................................................... 141
Driver Events ....................................................................................................... 142
HBA Initialization Events...................................................................................... 143
Memory Management Events .............................................................................. 145
Service Level Interface (SLI) Events.................................................................... 146
Mailbox Events .................................................................................................... 148
Node Events ........................................................................................................ 148
Link Events.......................................................................................................... 150
ELS Events.......................................................................................................... 151
General I/O Packet Events .................................................................................. 152
FCP Traffic Events............................................................................................... 154
IP Traffic Events .................................................................................................. 154
Solaris SFS Events.............................................................................................. 155
IOCTL Events ...................................................................................................... 157
Firmware Download Events ................................................................................. 158
Common Transport Events .................................................................................. 159
Appendix .............................................................................................161
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 161
Use Cases ........................................................................................................... 161
Migrating from the Solaris lpfc Driver to the Solaris SFS Driver...................................... 162
Operational Differences Between lpfc and SFS................................................... 162
Sample Script File Details.................................................................................... 162
start_emlxs_migration.sh .............................................................................. 162
finish_emlxs_migration.sh ............................................................................. 163
Migrating a Configuration without FC Boot .......................................................... 164
Migrating Automatically ................................................................................. 164
Prerequisites ................................................................................................. 164
Procedure...................................................................................................... 164
Migrating Manually ........................................................................................ 165
Migrating a Configuration with FC Boot ............................................................... 166
Migrating Non-emlxs HBAs to emlxs HBAs ................................................... 166
Migrating an lpfc Configuration to emlxs – Adding Sun-Branded HBAs......... 168
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page vii




The StorEdge SAN Foundation Software (SFS) driver and utilities support the following operating systems:
Solaris 8 SPARC
Solaris 9 SPARC
Solaris 10 SPARC
Solaris 10 x64 and x86
The following table specifies the host bus adapters (HBAs) supported by the Solaris SFS driver and the Emulex Fibre Channel Adapter Utilities (FCA Utilities).
Table 1: HBA Compatibility
FCA Utilities
HBA Solaris SFS Driver HBAnyware Utility emlxadm emlxdrv
* Special driver and firmware installation considerations may apply. See the Known Issues sec-
tion of this manual for more information.
** Special firmware installation considerations apply. See
Updating Firmware on page 55 for more
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 1

Known Issues

Minimum Driver for Firmware Installation on LPe11000 and LPe11002 HBAs
You cannot install firmware version 2.70 or later on an LPe11000 or an LPe11002 HBA that is running a driver version earlier than 2.11i (Sun patch revision -12). (If you are installing driver version 2.12 [Sun patch revision -15] or later, continue reading the next section.)
Special Circumstances for Installing Solaris SFS Driver Version 2.12 or later
If you want to update the driver to version 2.12 (Sun patch revision -15) through 2.20h (Sun patch revision -18) and both of the following conditions are true, follow one of the sets of special installation procedures in this section.
An LPe11000 or an LPe11002 HBA is installed
A firmware version earlier than 2.70 is installed
If the above conditions are true and you do not want to enable support for multiple interrupt MSI mode, follow the instructions in Procedure 1 to install the driver and, optionally, to update the firmware.
If the above conditions are true and you do want to enable support for multiple interrupt MSI, follow the instructions in Procedure 2 to install the driver and update the firmware (you must update the firmware to version 2.70 or later for multiple interrupt MSI support).
Procedure 1
1. Download and install the driver version 2.12 or later patch from the Sun Web site. Do not reboot the server after the installation is finished.
2. Add "msi-mode=1;" to the /kernel/drv/emlxs.conf file. This step enables single interrupt MSI mode.
3. Perform a reconfiguration reboot of the server.
4. If desired, download firmware version 2.70 or later from the Emulex Web site and install it on each HBA port. No reboot is required. (Installing firmware version 2.70 or later is not mandatory.)
Procedure 2
1. Download and install the driver version 2.12 or later patch from the Sun Web site. Do not reboot the server after the installation is finished.
2. Add "msi-mode=1;" to the /kernel/drv/emlxs.conf file. This step enables single interrupt MSI mode. (You will enable multiple interrupt MSI support later.)
3. Perform a reconfiguration reboot of the server.
4. Download firmware version 2.70 or later from the Emulex Web site and install it on each HBA port (this step is not optional for multiple interrupt MSI support). No reboot is required.
5. Remove the "msi-mode=1;" entry from the /kernel/drv/emlxs.conf file to enable multiple interrupt MSI support.
6. Perform a reconfiguration reboot of the server.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 2

Installing the Solaris SFS Driver

Caution: Before installing the Emulex utilities package, you must first install the Sun StorEdge SAN
Foundation Software package and all the recommended patches as described in the Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Software Installation Guide provided by Sun.

Downloading and Installing the Driver for Solaris 8 or 9

The Emulex FCA driver and the Solaris SFS prerequisites can be acquired in two ways. Method 1, Using the Install_it Script (the recommended method) or method 2, Using Individual Patches.
Method 1: Using the Install_it Script (recommended)
Note: Install_scripts may be available a few days after the individual patches are available.
To obtain and install the Install_it script:
1. Go to http://www.sun.com/download/index.jsp?tab=2, scroll down and click StorageTek SAN 4.4.
2. Log in with your user name and password, and accept the license agreement.
3. Select and download "Install_it Script SAN 4.4.12, English".
4. Select and download "Install_it Script SAN 4.4.x Readme, English", and follow the instructions.
Method 2: Using Individual Patches
To obtain and install individual patches:
1. Go to http://www.sun.com/download/index.jsp?tab=2, scroll down and click StorEdge SAN 4.4.
2. Log in with your user name and password, and accept the license agreement.
3. For Solaris 8:
a. Select "Solaris 8 SFS Base Packages, English" and follow the instructions.
b. Go to http://sunsolve.sun.com/pub-cgi/show.pl?target=patchpage. Enter and download the fol-
lowing required patches:
c. Follow the instructions to install each patch.
d. For additional functionality, install the following optional patches:
111096 (FCIP)
111412 (mpxio)
113767 and 113766 (Common HBA API)
114475 (FCSM)
For Solaris 9: a. Select "Solaris 9 SFS Base Packages, English" and follow the instructions.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 3
b. Go to http://sunsolve.sun.com/pub-cgi/show.pl?target=patchpage. Enter and download the fol-
lowing required patches:
c. Follow the instructions to install each patch.
d. For additional functionality, install the following optional patches:
113041 (FCIP)
113039 (mpxio)
114478 and 114477 (Common HBA API)
114476 (FCSM)

Downloading and Installing the Driver for Solaris 10 (Sparc, X64 and x86)

If the Solaris SFS driver is not already installed, obtain and install the Solaris 10 packages.
To obtain and install the Solaris 10 packages:
1. Go to http://www.sun.com/download/products.xml?id=42c4317d and click Download.
2. Log in with your user name and password, and accept the license agreement.
3. Select and download the driver package.
4. Select and download the readme file, and follow its instructions.
To finish the installation (or if the Solaris SFS driver was already installed), install the driver by obtaining and installing individual patches:
1. Go to http://sunsolve.sun.com/pub-cgi/show.pl?target=patchpage. Enter and download the
following required patches:
For SPARC systems:
For x64 and x86 systems:
2. Follow the instructions to install each patch.
3. For additional functionality, install the following optional patches:
For SPARC systems
119470 (Sun Enterprise Network Array firmware and utilities)
119715 (scsi_vhci patch)
For x64 and x86 systems:
119471 (Sun Enterprise Network Array firmware and utilities)
119715 (scsi_vhci patch)
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 4

Installing the FCA Utilities and the HBAnyware Utility

Unpacking the Utility Files

The FCA Utilities and the HBAnyware utility are packaged together in one application kit tar file.
To unpack the tar file:
1. Log in as root, or su to root.
2. Copy the application kit tar file from your distribution medium into a directory, referred to here as
<directory>. The .tar file is named something similar to Solaris-3.2a13-1.01c-1a.tar.
3. Change to the directory where you put the kit tar file by typing:
cd <directory>
4. Extract and unpack the FCA Utilities and the HBAnyware utility files from the tar by typing:
tar xf Solaris-3.2a13-1.01c-1a.tar
Both of the following tar kits will be placed in the specified directory:
Each of these .tar files contains the following:
emlxu_kit-1.01c-<platform>.tar - The emlxu_kit files contain the FCA Utilities.
EmlxApps300b-12-Solaris.tar - This file contains the HBAnyware utility.
5. Untar the Solaris-3.2a13-1.01c-1a-<platform>.tar:
tar xvf Solaris-3.2a13-1.01c-1a-<platform>.tar

Installing the FCA Utilities

The FCA Utilities are comprised of the emlxadm utility and the emlxdrv utility.
The emlxadm utility provides an interface to the Fibre Channel input/output (FCIO) interface provided by the Sun StorEdge SFS.
The emlxdrv utility temporarily associates or binds the Emulex emlxs Solaris SFS driver and the Solaris lpfc driver to the various models of Emulex FC HBAs during migration from the Solaris lpfc driver to the Solaris SFS driver.
Installing or Updating the FCA Utilities Using the emlxu_install Script
Although it is possible to install emlxu onto one or more clients from a server, that procedure is not covered in this document; refer to the Solaris documentation.
Note: If an earlier version of the emlxu utilities package is already installed on the system,
the emlxu_install script will remove the old version before installing the new version.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 5
Before installing the Emulex emlxu utilities package, you must completely install:
The Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Software package.
All the recommended patches as described in the Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Software
Installation Guide provided by Sun.
The Emulex-Sun Fibre Channel adapter SUNWemlxs driver package.
To install the utilities kit using the emlxu_install script:
1. Untar the emlxu_kit-1.01c-<platform>.tar file.
tar xvf emlxu_kit-1.01c-<platform>.tar
The emlxu_install script is available.
2. Install the FCA Utilities by typing:
3. The script removes any earlier version of the emlxu utilities package. (If an earlier package is not found, this fact is indicated; skip to step 9.) The following text is displayed:
<Removing old EMLXemlxu package>
4. If an old package is installed, you are prompted to remove it:
Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]
5. Enter y. The following message is displayed:
Removal of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.
6. The script expands the utilities kit .tar file and begins installing the new package. A message similar to the following message will be displayed:
<Expanding emlxu_kit-1.01c-sparc.tar>
<Adding new package>
7. The script installs the emlxu utilities package. The package is prepared for installation and you are prompted for confirmation by the following message:
Do you want to continue with the installation of <EMLXemlxu> [y,n,?]:
8. Enter y. The installation package provides running commentary on the installation process.
9. Examine the output for any errors or warnings. If the installation is successful, the following message is displayed near the end of the process:
Installation of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.
10. The script performs some cleanup and displays the following messages:
<Cleaning directory>
<emlxu_install complete>
<Execute "emlxu_remove" when ready to uninstall>
11. The script leaves a copy of the emlxu_remove script in your working directory with the original utilities kit tar file. You can remove this script, or leave it in the directory if you may want to uninstall the emlxu utilities from your system in the future. See
Package Manually
on page 9 for more details.
Installing or Updating the Utilities
The emlxu utilities installation is complete. The utility package's programs are located in the /opt/EMLXemlxu/bin directory.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 6
You do not need to reboot your system to run a utility program, but you must either enter the program’s full path name, or add the package's bin directory (/opt/EMLXemlxu/bin) to your environment’s search path. To use the man pages provided by the package, you must also add the package's man directory (opt/EMLXemlxu/man) to your environment's man path.
For further information on installing and removing packages, consult the Solaris system administration documentation and the pkgadd(1M) and pkgrm(1M) manual pages.

Installing the HBAnyware Utility, Web Launch and Security Configurator

Known Issues
Starting with the HBAnyware utility version 3.2, Emulex provides support for LightPulse adapters that are reprogrammed with WWPNs outside the typical Emulex range, such as Hewlett­Packard’s upcoming Virtual Connect for Fibre Channel on the BladeSystem c-Class platform. In such environments, the HBAnyware utility version 3.2, must be deployed across all servers on the SAN, as well as any other management console used for out-of-band management, so that all adapters appear in the Discovery Tree.
Installing the HBAnyware Utility
The FCA Utilities must be installed prior to installing the HBAnyware utility.
Java Runtime Environment:
Version 5 of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed. The HBAnyware utility will not run under earlier versions of the JRE.
Caution: The utilities require the java runtime binaries and libraries, so their path must be
included at the beginning of the PATH environment variable to avoid conflicts with possible earlier versions of java that may still be installed on the system. For example, if the java runtime binaries are in /usr/java/bin, then include this path in the PATH environment variable.
For example: (bash> export PATH="/usr/java/bin:$PATH")
The JRE and instructions for installation can be found at http://java.sun.com/downloads/index.html.
To install the HBAnyware utility from the tar file:
1. Untar the EmlxApps tar file:
tar xvf EmlxApps-300b12-Solaris.tar
2. Run the unpack script to obtain the correct package version. Type:
3. Unzip the HBAnyware package file. Type:
gunzip HBAnyware-<version>-<platform>.tar.gz
4. Untar the HBAnyware package file. Type:
tar -xvf HBAnyware-<version>-<platform>.tar
5. Run the pkgadd utility. Type:
pkgadd -d .
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 7
6. When prompted by pkgadd, choose to install the HBAnyware utility.
7. When prompted by pkgadd, answer the HBAnyware installation questions.
Installing the HBAnyware Utility with Web Launch
Before installing the HBAnyware utility with Web Launch, ensure your systems meet the following requirements.
The system on which you are installing the Web Launch services package (the server) requires that the HTTP Web server be configured to handle the JNLP MIME file type. Follow these steps:
a. Change your working directory to the directory containing the Apache configuration files for
example: /etc/apache or /etc/apache2).
b. Edit the file “mime.types”.
c. Add the following line to the file:
application/x-java-jnlp-file jnlp JNLP
d. Save the file.
e. Stop and restart the HTTP Web server (to enable the Web server to detect this change).
The system on which you are running the browser (the client) requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 or later must be installed on the browser host. Below are the specific requirements:
Sun 32-bit JRE 5.0 or later for Intel based systems (x86 and IA64)
Sun 32-bit JRE 5.0 or later x86-64
Refer to the appropriate vendor documentation for detailed instructions about configuring and starting the HTTP server and installing the JRE.
The HBAnyware utility must be installed before installing HBAnyware with Web Launch.
To install HBAnyware with Web Launch:
1. Log on as ‘root’.
2. Navigate to the HBAnyware directory. Type:
cd /usr/sbin/hbanyware
3. Run the install script. Type:
4. When prompted, enter the Web server's document root directory. For example:
5. You are provided with the IP address of the host and asked if that is the IP address that is being used by your Web server. Answer Y or N as appropriate. If you answer N, you are prompted for the IP address you wish to use.
6. You are asked if your web server listening on the normal default HTTP port (80)? Answer Y or N as appropriate. If you answer N, you are prompted for the port you wish to use.
You are notified the installation of the HBAnyware Web Launch package has completed.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 8
Installing the HBAnyware Utility Security Configurator
Follow these instructions to install the Security Configurator on your system.
The HBAnyware utility must be installed on the system.
Java Runtime Environment:
Version 5 of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed. The lputil and HBAnyware utilities will not run under earlier versions of the JRE.
The JRE and instructions for installation can be found at: http://java.sun.com/downloads/index.html.
To install the HBAnyware utility Security Configurator from a tar file:
1. If you have not already done so, untar the EmlxApps tar file and run the unpack script to obtain the correct package version:
tar xvf EmlxApps-300b12-Solaris.tar
2. Unzip the HBAnywareSSC package file:
gunzip HBAnywareSSC-<version>-<platform>.tar.gz
3. Untar the HBAnywareSSC package file. Type:
tar xvf HBAnywareSSC-<version>-<platform>.tar
4. Run the pkgadd utility. su to ‘root’.
pkgadd -d
5. When prompted by pkgadd, choose to install HBAnywareSSC.
6. If prompted by pkgadd, answer the HBAnywareSSC installation questions.
Installing or Updating the Utilities Package Manually
The HBAnyware utility can be used with Solaris 10 Update 4 or later, or with SFS driver version
2.20i (Sun patch revision -19) or later
Before installing the Emulex utilities package, you must completely install:
The Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Software package.
All the recommended patches as described in the Sun StorEdge SAN Foundation Software
Installation Guide provided by Sun.
If an earlier version of the emlxu utilities package is already installed on the system and you want to install a different version, follow the instructions in on page 11, then return to this section to install the new utilities package.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 9
Removing the Utilities Package Manually
To install the emlxu utilities package manually:
1. Log in as root, or su to root.
2. Copy the utilities kit from your distribution medium into a directory, referred to here as <directory>. The utilities kit is a .tar file named something similar to emlxu_kit-1.01c-sparc.tar.
3. Change to the directory where you put the kit tar file by typing:
cd <directory>
4. Extract the installation images from the tar file by typing:
tar xvf emlxu_kit-1.01c-sparc.tar
5. Install the EMLXemlxu utilities package by typing:
pkgadd -d . EMLXemlxu
6. The package is prepared for installation, and you are prompted to confirm the installation with the following message:
Do you want to continue with the installation of <EMLXemlxu> [y,n,?]
7. Enter y. The installation package provides running commentary on the installation process.
8. Examine the output for any errors or warnings. If the installation is successful, the following message is displayed near the end of the process:
Installation of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.
The emlxu utilities installation is complete. The utility package's programs are located in the /opt/EMLXemlxu/bin directory.
You do not need to reboot your system to run a utility program, but you must either enter the program’s full path name, or add the package's bin directory (/opt/EMLXemlxu/bin) to your environment’s search path. To use the man pages provided by the package, you must also add the package's man directory (opt/EMLXemlxu/man) to your environment's man path.
Removing the Utilities Using the emlxu_remove Script
You can uninstall the utilities kit using the emlxu_remove script. If you do not have the emlxu_remove script and you do not have the original emlxu utilities kit tar file, you must uninstall the emlxu package manually; follow the instructions in the emlxu utilities to a newer version and you have the new utilities kit tar file, you do not need to use the emlxu_remove script; the emlxu_install script removes any old version as it installs the newer version; see
Installing or Updating the FCA Utilities Using the emlxu_install Script on page 5 for more details.
To uninstall the utilities package (without updating them):
Note: All emlxu files are removed.
1. Go to the directory where the emlxu_remove script is located, or to the directory where the original utilities kit tar file is located, by typing:
cd <directory>
2. If you have the emlxu_remove script, skip to step 4. If you do not have the emlxu_remove script but you do have the original emlxu utilities kit tar file, extract the emlxu_remove script from the tar file by typing:
tar xf emlxu_kit-1.01c-sparc.tar emlxu_remove
Removing the Utilities Package Manually on page 11. If you are updating
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 10
3. Remove the emlxu utilities package by typing:
4. The script locates the EMLXemlxu utilities package, and the following message is displayed:
<Removing EMLXemlxu package>
Note: If no package is installed, the following message is displayed:
pkgrm: ERROR: no package associated with <EMLXemlxu>
5. You are prompted to remove the package with the following message:
Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]
6. Enter y. The following message is displayed:
Removal of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.
7. The script performs some cleanup and displays the following message:
<Removing emlxu scripts>
<emlxu_remove complete>
The utilities package has been removed. If you want to install another version of the emlxu utilities package, do so now by following the instructions in one of the following sections:
Installing or Updating the FCA Utilities Using the emlxu_install Script on page 5
Installing or Updating the Utilities Package Manually on page 9
For additional information on installing and removing packages, see the Solaris system administration documentation and the pkgadd(1M) and pkgrm(1M) manual pages.
Removing the Utilities Package Manually
To remove the emlxu utilities package:
1. Remove the EMLXemlxu utilities package by typing:
pkgrm EMLXemlxu
2. You are prompted to confirm the removal by the following message:
Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]
3. Enter y. The package is prepared for removal, and you are prompted again for confirmation:
Do you want to remove this package? [y,n,?,q]
4. Enter y. The following message is displayed:
Removal of <EMLXemlxu> was successful.
The utilities package has been removed.
For additional information on installing and removing packages, see the Solaris system administration documentation and the pkgadd(1M) and pkgrm(1M) manual pages.
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The HBAnyware utility is launched directly from your Web browser. The utility is client/server based and allows you to perform configuration, update and management tasks locally and remotely (inband - host systems on the same FC SAN or out-of-band - from IP addresses of remote machines). The HBAnyware Web Launch feature enables you to download and launch the HBAnyware user interface by specifying the URL of a server that is hosting the HBAnyware Web Launch software. You only need a standard web
browser, or some other application capable of making HTTP requests.
Note: Only the HBAnyware Web Launch GUI is being exported to the requesting client. All
HBA discovery and remote management operations are performed by resources running on the remote host that served up the GUI component. Therefore, the SAN "view" displayed by the GUI is not from the perspective of the client running the GUI, but rather from the perspective of the host from which this GUI was retrieved.
Use the HBAnyware utility to do any of the following:
Discover local and remote hosts, HBAs, targets and LUNs
Reset HBAs
Set HBA driver parameters locally, simultaneously to multiple HBAs (using Batch Update) and globally
Update firmware on a single HBA or multiple HBAs using Batch Update
Update FC boot code (BootBIOS, OpenBoot or EFIBoot) on the local HBA or on remote HBAs
Enable or disable the system BIOS
Run diagnostic tests on HBAs
Manage local, in-band remote and out-of-band remote HBAs
Note: Remote in-band capabilities of the HBAnyware utility are subject to fabric zoning
configuration. Remote hosts you want to discover and manage using the HBAnyware utility must be in the same zone or discovered and managed out-of-band through an Ethernet connection.
Locate HBAs using beaconing
The Solaris SFS utility allows you to make changes to the driver initialization.
The Emulex FCA utilities consist of the emlxadm utility and the emlxdrv utility:
The emlxadm utility provides an interface to the FCIO interface provided by the Sun StorEdge SFS.
The emlxdrv utility temporarily associates or binds the Emulex emlxs Solaris SFS driver and the Solaris lpfc driver to the various models of Emulex FC HBAs during migration from the Solaris lpfc driver to the Solaris SFS driver.
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Driver Parameters

The emlxs.conf file contains all the parameters necessary to initialize the Solaris SFS driver.
In the emlx.conf file, all adapter-specific parameters have emlxsX-prefix (where X is the driver instance number); e.g.setting emlxs0-link-speed=4 makes 4 the default link speed setting for the zero instance of the driver. Changes to the emlxs.conf file require you to unload and reload the driver.
The lpfc.conf file contains all the parameters necessary to initialize the Solaris lpfc driver.
In the lpfc.conf file, all adapter-specific parameters have lpfcX-prefix (where X is the driver instance number); e.g., setting lpfc0-lun-queue-depth= 20 makes 20 the default number of max­imum commands which can be sent to a single logical unit (disk) for the zero instance of the lpfc driver. Changes to the lpfc.conf file require you to unload and reload the driver.
Note: If you want to override a driver parameter for a single driver-loading session, you can specify it as a parameter to the lpfc automap=0 (for 32-bit platforms) or modload/kernel/drv/sparcv9/lpfc automap=0 (for 64­bit platforms). This will load Emulex's SCSI support driver with automap set to 0 for this session.
The HBAnyware utility reflects the Solaris SFS driver parameters.
The following table is a cross-reference of the Solaris SFS driver parameters and the corresponding or related lpfc driver parameters. The values for the lpfc driver parameters and the Solaris SFS driver parameters default to enable migration from the Solaris lpfc driver to the Solaris SFS driver.
modload command. For example: # modload /kernel/drv/
Note: If any of the default parameter values were changed, verify that this change will not
impact the migration before you migrate.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 13

Solaris SFS and lpfc Driver Parameter Cross-Reference Table

Table 1: Solaris SFS and lpfc Driver Parameter Cross-Reference
Solaris SFS/ HBAnyware Parameter
ack0 0 = Off
Solaris SFS/HBAnyware Min/Max, Defaults and Description
1 = On Default: 0 Description: Use ACK0 for class 2. If ACK0 is 1, the HBA tries to use ACK0 when running Class 2 traffic to a device. If the device doesn’t support ACK0, then the HBA uses ACK1. If ACK0 is 0, only ACK1 is used when running Class 2 traffic.
0 = No support. Flush active I/O's for all FCP target devices at link down. 1 = Partial support. Flush I/O's for non-FCP2 target devices at link down. 2 = Full support. Hold active I/O's for all devices at link down. Default: 1 Description: Sets the level of driver support for the FC ADISC login I/O recovery method.
Related lpfc Parameter
ack0 0 = Off
use-adisc 0 = Off
lpfc Min/Max, Default and Description
1 = On Default: 0 Description: Use ACK0 for class 2. If ACK0 is 1, the HBA tries to use ACK0 when running Class 2 traffic to a device. If the device doesn’t support ACK0, then the HBA uses ACK1. If ACK0 is 0, only ACK1 is used when running Class 2 traffic.
1 = On Default: 0 Description: Controls the ELS command used for address authentication during rediscovery upon link­up. The driver will always use ADISC for FCP-2 devices and re-discovery due to an registered state change notification (RSCN).
If there are tape devices on the SAN that support FCP2, set the use-adisc parameter to 1 and the adisc­support parameter to 1 (partial support) or 2 (full support).
assign-alpa Min:0x00
Max:0xef Default:0x00 (valid ALPA's only) Description: This is only valid if topology is loop. A zero setting means no preference. If multiple adapter instances on the same host are on the same loop, you should set this value differently for each adapter.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 14
Table 1: Solaris SFS and lpfc Driver Parameter Cross-Reference (Continued)
Solaris SFS/ HBAnyware Parameter
cr-delay Min:0
cr-count Min:1
Solaris SFS/HBAnyware Min/Max, Defaults and Description
Max:63 Default:0 Description: Specifies a count of milliseconds after which an interrupt response is generated if the cr-count has not been satisfied. This value is set to 0 to disable the Coalesce Response feature as default.
Max:255 Default:1 Description: Specifies a count of I/O completions after which an interrupt response is generated. This feature is disabled if cr­delay is set to 0.
Related lpfc Parameter
cr-delay Min:0
cr-count Min:1
lpfc Min/Max, Default and Description
Max:63 Default:0 Description: Specifies a count of milliseconds after which an interrupt response is generated if the cr-count has not been satisfied. This value is set to 0 to disable the Coalesce Response feature as default.
Max:255 Default:1 Description: Specifies a count of I/O completions after which an interrupt response is generated. This feature is disabled if cr-delay is set to 0.
Setting this value can minimize CPU utilization by reducing the number of interrupts that the driver generates to the operating system.
The parameter setting is often determined by your OEM. This parameter sets the number of I/Os to be queued in the operating system’s driver before an interrupt is initiated. The driver default settings are roughly a 1:1 I/O to interrupt ratio. If you change this parameter, performance varies per application.
link-speed 0 = auto select
1 = 1 Gigabaud 2 = 2 Gigabaud 4 = 4 Gigabaud Default: 0 Description: Sets the link speed setting for initializing the FC connection.
link-speed 0 = auto select
1 = 1 Gigabaud 2 = 2 Gigabaud 4 = 4 Gigabaud Default: 0 Description: Sets link speed.
This variable can be changed to a specific link speed to optimize the link initialization process for a specific environment.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 15
Table 1: Solaris SFS and lpfc Driver Parameter Cross-Reference (Continued)
Solaris SFS/ HBAnyware Parameter
network-on Min:0 (Disables)
num-iocbs Min:128
Solaris SFS/HBAnyware Min/Max, Defaults and Description
Max:1 (Enables) Default:1 Description: Enables or disables IP networking support in the driver.
Max:1024 Default = 1024 Description: Sets the number of iocb buffers to allocate.
Related lpfc Parameter
network-on Min:0 (Disables)
num-bufs Min:64
lpfc Min/Max, Default and Description
Max:1 (Enables) Default:1 Description: Controls whether lpfc provides IP networking functionality over FC. This variable is Boolean: when zero, IP networking is disabled: when non-zero, IP networking is enabled.
Max:128 Default = 128 Description: Specifies the number of command buffers to allocate. These buffers are used for Fibre Channel Extended Link Services (ELS) and one for each FCP command issued in SLI-2 mode. If you want to queue lots of FCP commands to the adapter, then you should increase num-bufs for better performance. These buffers consume physical memory and are also used by the device driver to process loop initialization and rediscovery activities. Important: The driver must always be configured with at least several dozen ELS command buffers; Emulex recommends at least 128.
The lpfc parameter enables or disables FCIP on the Emulex HBA.
num-nodes Min:2
Max:512 Default:512 Description: Number of FC nodes (NPorts) the driver will support.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 16
Table 1: Solaris SFS and lpfc Driver Parameter Cross-Reference (Continued)
Solaris SFS/ HBAnyware Parameter
pm-support 0 = Disables power
topology 0 = loop, if it fails attempt pt-
Solaris SFS/HBAnyware Min/Max, Defaults and Description
management support in the driver. 1 = Enables power management support in the driver. Default: 0 Description: Enable/Disable power management support in the driver
to-pt 2 = pt-to-pt only 4 = loop only 6 = pt-to-pt, if it fails attempt loop Default: 0 Description: Link topology for initializing the Fibre Channel connection. Set pt­to-pt if you want to run as an N_Port. Set loop if you want to run as an NL_Port.
Related lpfc Parameter
topology 0x0 = loop, if it fails attempt
lpfc Min/Max, Default and Description
pt-to-pt 0x2 = pt-to-pt only 0x4 = loop only 0x6 = pt-to-pt, if it fails attempt loop Default: 0 Description: Controls the FC topology expected by lpfc at boot time. FC offers pt-to-pt, fabric and arbitrated loop topologies. To make the adapter operate as an N_Port, select pt-to-pt mode (used for N_Port to F_Port and N_Port to N_Port connections). To make the adapter operate as an NL_Port, select loop mode (used for private loop and public loop topologies). The driver will reject an attempt to set the topology to a value not in the above list. The auto-topology settings 0 and 6 will not work unless the adapter is using firmware version 3.20 or higher.
The topology parameter controls the protocol (not physical) topology attempted by the driver.
ub-bufs Min:40
Max:16320 Default:1000 Description: Sets the number of unsolicited buffers to be allocated.
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Using the HBAnyware Utility

Starting the HBAnyware Utility

Note: The HBAnyware utility can only discover and manage remote HBAs on hosts running
the HBAnyware utility’s elxhbamgr daemon.
Note: Remote in-band capabilities of the HBAnyware utility are subject to fabric zoning
configuration. Remote hosts you want to discover and manage using the HBAnyware utility must be in the same zone or discovered and managed out-of-band through an Ethernet connection.
To start the HBAnyware utility:
1. Login as or su to ‘root’.
2. Run the script:

Starting HBAnyware with Web Launch

After the HBAnyware Web Launch software has been installed and the Web Launch server has been initialized, you can launch the HBAnyware utility directly with your Web browser.
To launch the HBAnyware utility with your Web browser:
1. Open your Web browser.
2. Enter the URL of an HBAnyware.jnlp file. Make sure that the URL specifies a remote server which has the HBAnyware Web Launch software installed and running. For example:
Note: If the browser window displays “Emulex Corporation HBAnyware Demo of
HBAnyware WebStart web n.n.n.n ...” when attempting to start HBAnyware with Web Launch, refer to the “Troubleshooting” section on page 131.

Starting the HBAnyware Security Configurator

Make sure that all of the systems that are part of, or will be part of, the security configuration are online on the network so that they receive updates or changes made to the security configuration.
Before running the security configurator out-of-band, you must set up the OOB hosts so they will be seen by the security configurator. For more information, see page 77
If this is the first time you are starting the configurator, see Starting the Security Configurator for the First
Time: Creating the First ACG, Designating the MSC and Selecting Systems in the FC Network
To start the HBAnyware Security Configurator for Solaris:
1. Login as or su to ‘root’.
2. Run the script:
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 18
Out-of-Band SAN Management on
on page 82.
Starting the HBAnyware Utility from the Command Line
To launch the HBAnyware utility from the command line:
1. Type /usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbanyware. This starts the HBAnyware utility running in in-band access. You can also start the HBAnyware utility running in out-of-band access by adding an argument in the form “h=<host>”. The <host> argument may be either the IP address of the host or its system name. The call will use a default IP port of 23333, but you can override this by optionally appending a colon (:) and the IP port number.
Note: Remember that not all HBAs for a specific host may be running in-band.
Therefore, running that host out-of-band may display HBAs that do not appear when the host is running in-band.
Examples of Modifications
HBAnyware h=
The HBAnyware utility will show HBAs in the host with the IP address
HBAnyware h=Util01
The HBAnyware utility will show HBAs in the host named Util01.
HBAnyware h=
The HBAnyware utility will show HBAs in the host with the IP address using IP Port
HBAnyware h=Util01:4295
The HBAnyware utility will show HBAs in the host named Util01 using IP port 4295.
Run this modified command line to launch the HBAnyware utility for a single, remote host in local mode.

Changing Management Mode

During installation a management mode was selected, however you can change it if the “Allow users to change management mode from the utility" box was checked. HBAnyware enables you to choose from three types of host/HBA management.
To change HBAnyware management mode:
1. Run the set_operating_mode script:
The following appears:
1 Local Mode - HBAs on this Platform can be managed by HBAnyware clients on this Platform Only.
2 Managed Mode - HBAs on this Platform can be managed by local or remote HBAnyware clients.
3 Remote Mode - Same as “2” plus HBAnyware clients on this Platform can manage local and remote HBAs.
Enter the number ‘1’, ‘2’ or ‘3’.
2. Enter desired management mode.
3. Press <Enter>.
4. Click OK.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 19

The HBAnyware Utility Window Element Definitions

The HBAnyware utility window contains five basic components: the menu bar, the toolbar, the discovery­tree, the property tabs and the status bar.
Figure 1: HBAnyware Utility Window with Element Call Outs
Note: The element you select in the discovery-tree determines whether a menu item or
toolbar icon is active. For example, if you select the local host or other system host, the Reset Adapter item on the Adapter menu is unavailable. The Reset Adapter toolbar button is unavailable as well.
The Menu Bar
The menu bar contains command menus that enable you to perform a variety of tasks such as exiting the HBAnyware utility, resetting host bus adapters and sorting items in the discovery-tree view. Many of the menu bar commands are also available from the toolbar.
The Toolbar
The toolbar contains buttons that enable you to refresh the discovery-tree, reset the selected HBA and sort the discovery-tree. Many of the toolbar functions are also available from the menu bar.
Figure 2: The HBAnyware Toolbar
The toolbar is visible by default. Use the Toolbar item in the View menu to hide the toolbar. If the item is checked, the toolbar is visible.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 20
The Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar buttons perform the following tasks:
Click the Rediscover button to refresh the discovery-tree display.
Click the Reset button to reset the selected HBA.
Sort Toolbar Buttons
You can sort discovered adapters by host name or fabric addresses. You can also choose to dis­play only local or remote HBAs. See page 40 for details on sort buttons.
Sort by Host Name button (default)
Sort by Fabric ID button
Local HBAs Only button
Help button
The Discovery-Tree
The discovery-tree (left pane) has icons that represent discovered network (SAN) elements (local host name, system host names and all HBAs active on each host). Targets and LUNs, when present, are also displayed.
Figure 3: HBAnyware Utility, Discovery-tree
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 21
Discovery-Tree Icons
Discover- tree icons represent the following:
This icon represents the local host.
This icon represents other hosts connected to the system.
A green HBA icon with black descriptive text represents an online HBA.
A red HBA icon with red descriptive text represents an offline or otherwise temporarily inaccessi­ble HBA. Several situations could cause the HBA to be offline or inaccessible:
The HBA on a local host is not connected to the network, but is still available for local
The HBA on a local host is malfunctioning and is inaccessible to the local host as well as to
the network.
The HBA on a local host is busy performing a local download and is temporarily inaccessible
to the local host as well as to the network.
The Target icon represents connections to individual storage devices.
The LUN icon represents connections to individual LUNs.
Property Tabs
The property tabs display configuration, statistical and status information for network elements. The set of available tabs is context-sensitive, depending on the type of network element or HBA currently selected in the discovery-tree.
Status Bar
As you navigate through the menu bar or the toolbar, help messages appear on the status bar near the bottom of the HBAnyware window.
The status bar is visible by default. Use the Status Bar item in the View menu to hide the status bar. If checked, the status bar is visible.

Using the HBAnyware Utility Command-Line Interface

The Command Line Interface (CLI) Client component of the HBAnyware utility provides access to the capabilities of the Remote Management library from a console command prompt. This component is intended for use in scripted operations from within shell scripts, batch files, or the specific platform equivalent.
Note: The HBAnyware utility can only discover and manage remote HBAs on hosts running
the HBAnyware utility’s elxhbamgr daemon.
Remote in-band capabilities of the HBAnyware utility are subject to fabric zoning configuration. Remote hosts you want to discover and manage using the HBAnyware utility must be in the same zone or discovered and managed out-of-band through an Ethernet connection.
Solaris SFS Driver User Manual Page 22
Using the CLI Client
The CLI Client is a console application named hbacmd. Each time you run this application from the command line, a single operation is performed.
The first parameter of this command is the requested operation. When the specified operation is completed, the command prompt is displayed. Most operations retrieve information about an entity on the SAN and display that information on the console.
Most of the CLI Client commands require one or more additional parameters that specify the nature of the command. A parameter used by many hbacmd commands specifies the World Wide Port Name (WWPN) of the HBA that is the target of the command. For example, the following command shows the port attributes for the HBA with the specified WWPN:
/usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd portattrib 10:00:00:00:c9:20:20:20
hbacmd can be run in out-of-band mode by making the first argument h=<host>. For example:
/usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd h=cp-hp5670 listhbas /usr/sbin/hbanyware/hbacmd h= listhbas
Syntax Rules
The syntax rules for the HBAnyware utility Command-Line Interface (hbacmd) are as follows:
All commands and their arguments are NOT case sensitive.
The requested operation must contain at least three characters, or as many as needed to distinguish it from any other operation.
Whenever a WWPN is specified, individual fields are separated by colons (:) or spaces ( ). When using space separators, the entire WWPN must be enclosed in quotes (").
All hbacmd inputs must be in hexadecimal format. The only exceptions are the cycle-counts used in some of the diagnostic commands.
Out-of-Band Access
Out-of-band (OOB) access enables you to access HBAs via their IP-address or by the name of the host on which they reside. Since HBAs may exist on a host but not be a part of a FC network, they will not appear during normal in-band discovery. Thus, OOB access enlarges the number of HBAs that can be queried or modified.
Note: A local host cannot be accessed out-of-band.
OOB access via hbacmd uses an additional parameter on the command line. The parameter must be the first parameter in the list, coming immediately after hbacmd. The remaining parameters are those documented for each operation.
Note: You can also access an in-band HBA via its OOB address.
The format of the OOB parameter is:
h={<IPAddress> | <host-name>}
Some examples are:
h= h=cp-compaq8000
The following lists all HBAs running on the host with a specified IP address:
hbacmd h= listHBAs
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