Emulex Adapters User Manual

Troubleshooting and
Maintenance Manual
for LightPulse® Adapters
P003409-01A Rev A Critical Connectivity Solutions
Copyright © 2008 Emulex. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document may be reproduced by any means or translated to any electronic medium without the prior written consent of Emulex.
Information furnished by Emulex is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Emulex for its use; or for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any paten t, copyrigh t or rela ted ri ghts of Emulex .
Emulex, AutoPilot Installer, BlockGuard, cLAN, FabricStream, FibreSpy , Giganet, HBAnyware, InSpeed, IntraLink, LightPulse, MultiPulse, SAN Insite, SBOD and Vixel are registered trademarks, and AutoPilot Manager, Critical Connectivity Solutions, EZPilot, SLI and VMPilot are trademarks of Emulex. All other brand or product names referenced herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
Emulex provides this manual “as is” without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Emulex may make improvements and changes to the product described in this manual at any time and without any notice. Em ulex assumes no responsibility for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result. Periodic changes are made to information contained herein; although these changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual, Emulex disclaims any undertaking to give notice of such changes.
Emulex, 3333 Susan Street Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Overview .................................................................................................................1
Be Informed, Stay Informed, Stay Current.........................................................1
Driver Updates ..................................................................................................1
Drivers for Windows.................................................................................... 1
Drivers for Linux..........................................................................................2
Drivers for Solaris .......................................................................................2
Drivers for HP-UX .......................................................................................2
Drivers for Netware.....................................................................................2
AutoPilot Installer........................................................................................2
Firmware Updates.............................................................................................2
The Importance of Compatibility........................................................................ 3
Emulex Configuration Parameters.....................................................................3
How Emulex Device Driver Configuration Parameters Work.......................3
Emulex Utility Applications ................................................................................ 3
Observing the Problem...................................................................................... 4
Isolating the Problem......................................................................................... 5
SAN Components .......................................................................................5
Server Components.................................................................................... 5
Connectivity Checklist................................................................................. 6
Installation Checklist ................................................................................... 8
Upgrade Checklist.......................................................................................8
Configuration Checklist...............................................................................9
Tools to Collect Data ....................................................................................... 10
Driver Tools............................................................................................... 10
The HBAnyware Utility .............................................................................. 10
Other ways to Collect Data........................................................................10
Common Problems.......................................................................................... 11
Hardware Issues....................................................................................... 11
Link Down................................................................................................. 11
Can Not See Devices or Drives................................................................. 12
Out-of-Date Driver Version ........................................................................ 12
Out-of-Date Firmware Version...................................................................13
LP21000 Problems.......................................................................................... 13
LP21000 Checklist.................................................................................... 13
LP21000 Symptoms.................................................................................. 13
When to Contact Emulex.......................................................................................14
Emulex Web Site and Emulex Support..................................................................15
Emulex Support Page .....................................................................................15
Contact Emulex After Hours, Weekends or Holidays ................................17
LED Reference Information ................................................................................... 18
Firmware Operation and Port Activity LEDs ....................................................18
Common LED States.......................................................................................18
Normal Link Up ......................................................................................... 18
Link-Down or adapter waiting....................................................................19
Heart-beat indication................................................................................. 19
LP21000 LEDs.......................................................................................... 19
LED Table ................................................................................................. 20
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Be Informed, Stay Informed, Stay Current

In addition to staying informed and current, these steps are a great first defense when troubleshooting any Emulex adapter software and hardware issue.
Read the documentation on the Emulex Web site. From the main Emulex Web site, click Support. Each adapter, driver, firmware and boot code has documentation posted to the Web site.
Use the Emulex knowledgebase. From the main Emulex Web site, click Support, then click knowledgebase.
Check for known issues. In addition to the Emulex Web site, the README.txt file included in the distribution kit contains information describing what is included, how to install it, how to get started, a change history and any known issues.
Verify that the current adapter driver is installed. Check with your account vendor for the current supported version since it may vary from the Emulex current version.
Check the status indicator light emitting diodes (LED)s. See “Common LED States” on page 18.
Verify that the adapter firmware version is up-to-date per the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or storage vendor. If necessary , load and update firmware using the Emulex Offline utility; (see the Offline Utility Manual for Emulex Utilities).
Verify that you have current switch firmware.
Verify that cluster software and other storage and third-party applications are up-to-date.
Check with disk and tape vendors for known issues.

Driver Updates

To update your driver, download the latest Emulex driver and utilities from the Emulex Web site. From the main Emulex Web site, click Support, then click the link for your operating system (OS).

Drivers for Windows

The drivers for Windows include support for Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server and Windows NT (No future versions of drivers for Windows 2000 Server or Windows NT are planned.)
The driver kit down load includes the base driver and the HBAnyware utility.
If you are run ning Windows Ser ver 2008, Windows Ser ver 2003 or Wind ows 2000 Server,
the driver kit download includes AutoPilot Installer update drivers and utilities and configure adapters, drivers and utilities.
, which enables you to quickly install or
Troubleshooting and Maintenance Manual for LightPulse Adapters Page 1

Drivers for Linux

The driver for Linux supports kernels for Open Source drivers.
The driver d ownload includ es the base dr iver, and if it is not included in the applications kit,
the application helper module install script.
The applic at i on s ki t i nc lu d e s t h e H BA n yw a re u ti l it y and the application helper module.
The SMI-S Provider kit for Re dHat includes the SMI-S adapter Pro vider, compliant with the
SMI-S 1.0.2 specification and certified against the SNIA-CTP v1.0.2.23 suite.
The SMI-S Provider kit for SLES-8 is pre-packaged with OpenPegasus CIMOM v2.3.2, as a
turnkey SMI-S agent for ease of installation and deployment.

Drivers for Solaris

The lpfc driver for Solaris supports several versions of 32-bit and 64-bit OSs. The driver kit includes the lpfc base driver and the HBAnyware utility. Links to the Solaris’ SFS FCA drivers are provided as well.

Drivers for HP-UX

The driver for HP-UX supports PA-RISC and the 64-bit Itanium processor family. The driver kit download includes the base driver and the lputil utility.

Drivers for Netware

The driver for NetWare supports several versions of NetWare. The downloads include the base driver only (no utilities).

AutoPilot Installer

If applicable, instructions for AutoPilot Installer are in the quick installation manual and the driver manual.

Firmware Updates

Download the latest Emulex firmware from the Emulex Web site. Click Support to go to the Support page, then click the link for your adapter model. A page appears with downloads for firmware, boot code, drivers and utilities. Download the firmware, and then use the HBAnyware utility to update the firmware
on the adapter.
Note: The LP21000 features an Intel 10Gb Media Access Control (MAC) device.
You must ensure that the correct driver version is loaded for the device to function properly. You must load the In tel driver separately from the other software drivers and packages. See the Intel Web site for Intel drivers.
Troubleshooting and Maintenance Manual for LightPulse Adapters Page 2

The Importance of Compatibility

Emulex works very closely with storage and system providers to ensure optimal performance of supported systems. As part of that work, both Emulex and the storage and system providers test specific hardware configurations and specific versions of firmware, drivers and othe r software for all the components of a storage area network (SAN). This testing ensures that each supported configuration performs as indicated and operates successfully in an enterprise installation. Compatibility matrices are available on the Emulex Web site (www .emulex.com/interop/index.jsp) that provide information on which configurations, firmware/software, servers, storage, adapters, switches and other components properly function together.
It is critical to verify that all the components of the SAN, including hardware and firmware/drivers/ software for each component are supported. Storage and system providers’ web sites are the best sources for this information.

Emulex Configuration Parameters

Each Emulex driver has a number of configuration parameters that allow the customization of the behavior of the driver. Because these parameters can significantly change the behavior of the Emulex product, great care must be taken in the setting or changing of the parameters. Storage and system providers put forth great effort in determining what particular configuration parameters must be set to in order to provide optimal storage area SAN performance.
Note: For best results, never change the driver configuration parameters from their
default values or the values specified by the storage and systems provide rs. Doing so can alter performance of the SAN and place the SAN in a configuration that is not supported, or cause it to operate improperly.

How Emulex Device Driver Configuration Parameters Work

Emulex configuration parameters are stored in the server into which the adapter is installed. The device driver acts upon these parameters. Emulex configuration parameters are NOT stored in the adapter flash memory. Unlike other SCSI and Fibre Channel (FC) adapters, Emulex does not store any configuration information such as timers, FC topology or link speed in the ad apter fla sh. When an Emulex adapter is installed into a server, there is no separate configuration step required for the adapter. Proper driver configuration is generally all that is required. The exception to this is if you boot from SAN. In this case, you must use the adapter BIOS utility to configure the boot device. The adapter m ust be told which FC device contains the boot volume, and that information is stored in the flash. These settings are only in effect at boot time. Once the operating system (OS) loads the device driver, most settings of the driver are used and the adapter BIOS no longer functions.

Emulex Utility Applications

Emulex provides a variety of utility applications that include diagnostic capabilities. Documentation is available at http://www.emulex.com/support/. These utilities are:
The HBAnyware utility
The stand-alone utilities
Win LpCfg
Troubleshooting and Maintenance Manual for LightPulse Adapters Page 3


1. Observe the problem.
2. Isolate the problem.

Observing the Problem

Take a step back and think about what is being seen. Ask the following questions:
If the SAN has been working, what has changed? Apart from a catastrophic hardware failure, SANs typically do not just stop working – something has changed. For example, a commonly overlooked SAN change is a switch firmware upgrade. Even something as seemingly innocuous as an upgrade to disk drive firmware in a RAID storage system can have un expecte d effects on a SAN.
What is the observed behavior compared to the expected behavior? For example, a planned storage fail-over during system maintenance takes eight minutes to occur, but was expected to complete in two minutes. Observe behavior on two levels:
The over all problem. F or example, users expe rienced an ou tage of eight minutes.
The exact p roblem. For e xample , the storage co ntroller is r eporting an error.
Is the expected behavior supported by storage an d system prov iders? For example, is a manually initiated path fail-over of two minutes supported by the storage and path management software providers? A storage provider can only support two-minute failovers when their internal Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) controller cache is disabled.
What are the exact symptoms? Make a list. Examples:
Mouse po inter stopp ed moving for 30 seconds imm ediately after failover was initiated, then went to an hour glass until the failover completed.
Path man age men t software reported errors in the system erro r log 60 seconds after the failover was initiated.
Adapter FC link to switch dropped and did not recover immediately after failover was ini­tiated.
Is the problem repeatable? If yes, can it be repeated on a non-production test system? Collecting information such as system error logs is often needed. Since production syste ms ar e not generally set up to collect this information in normal operation, it is important to be able to configure the system to collect data and recreate the problem on a non-production test system.
What do the LEDs on the adapter indicate? Check the adapter and switch LEDs to determine the status. If the LEDs stop flashing or flash an error code, this indicates the adapter may need to be returned to Emulex for repair. See “LED Reference Information” on page 18.
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