E-Mu Xboard 25, Xboard 61, PM5, Xboard 49, PS12 Brochure

Dig i t a l Audio S y s t e m s
Precision M o n i t o r s
Spring 2 0 08
Desktop I n s t r u m e n t s
USB I n t e r faces
USB/MIDI C o n t roller s
pow erful and comple te so ftwar e ins trume nt in the world , fea turin g the Xstr eam
str eaming soun d eng ine w ith u p to 192kH z sam pling and playb ack, an ar senal of
aut omated samp ling/ beat analy sis/e diting tool s and almo st un limit ed so und
man ipulat ion t hat b uilds on E-MU’s
35 years of s ynthe sis e xperie nce.
Emu lator X3 s hips with both 32-bit
and nati ve 64 -bit applic ation s, an d
inc ludes over 3GB of so unds.
Xstream™ 24-bit/192kHz Streaming Engine, featuring E-MU’s patented pitch interpolation and precision 32-bit fl oating point processing for unmatched sound quality
32-bit and native 64-bit applications included (32-bit: Windows XP and Vista; 64-bit: Windows x64 and Vista)
Optimized for Multi-core and Multi-Threaded processors to intelligently balance the processing load across all available resources for exceptional performance
Standalone (64 MIDI Channels) or VSTi (16 MIDI channels per instantiation) operation
ASAP™ Automated Sampling and Placement
Sample, Chop and Place
Load, Chop and Place
SynthSwipe™ automated hardware and software instrument
Integrated Sample Editor
Auto-Correlation Looping
Crossfade Looping
Comprehensive DSP Tools including Transform Multiply
and Xtractor™
External Editor Link
Beat/Loop Tools
Beat Analysis and Markup
TwistaLoop™ non-destructive audio manipulator
Xplode™ beat slicer with MIDI and Tempo Map Export
Advanced Modular Synthesis and FX Engine (from your initial sample’s tempo through Emulator X3’s entire synthesis and FX architecture, all time-based parameters syncable to BPM clock)
12th Order Z-Plane™ Morphing Filters (over 50 types) including the
Morph Filter Designer
Multi-Function Generators/Arpeggiators (can be programmed to modulate pitch, fi lters, volume, retrigger samples or LFOs, change tempo or trigger other events)
Virtual PatchCord Modulation Matrix (over 100 modules)
Integrated Modulation FX engine (23 core effects), including SP12ulator, Tremulator, Reverbs, Delays, and many more
Comprehensive sound format support, including EOS, EIII, GigaSampler, MP3, REX2, .AIFF, SoundFont 2.1, .WAV and more
Emu lator X3 features
Emulator X3 includes:
32-bit Emulator X3 Application
64-bit Emulator X3 Application
Over 3GB of Sounds
Improved File Converter Application
XP and Vista Compatibility
Proteus X2 includes:
32-bit Proteus X2 Application
Over 3GB of Sounds
XP Compatible only
Morph Fi lter Design er
SynthSwi pe
E-MU’s 0404 USB 2.0 Audio/ MIDI Inter face deliv ers a n unp arall eled level of U SB
aud io pe rforma nce w ith p remiu m 24- bit/1 92kHz * A/D and D/A conver ters, pris tine XTC™
mic /line/ hi-Z pream ps, u ltra- low j itter cloc k and rock -solid stab ility. From its plug- and-p lay
fun ctiona lity and h ands- on er gonom ic de sign to pr ofess ional featu res l ike i ndepe ndent grou nd
lif t swi tches and signal -to-n oise specs that are simpl y unm atche d by any other USB/F irewi re
int erface in its c lass, the 0404 USB w ill f orever chan ge yo ur ex pecta tions of USB a udio.
Premi um 24 -bit/ 192kH z A/D and D/A conver ters (A/D: 113d B
SNR , D/A : 117 dB SN R) de liver unmat ched USB a udio fidel ity
E-MU XTC Class -A ul tra-l ow no ise M ic/Lin e/Hi- Z pre ampli fiers
(-1 27dB EIN) with 48V p hantom powe r and grou nd li ft sw itche s ena ble y ou to plug micr ophone s, ke yboar ds an d gui tars strai ght int o you r com puter with profe ssion al re sults , whi le th e bui lt-in ana log s oft l imitin g cir cuit lets you r ecord a h otter sign al wi thout fea r of clipp ing
Compr ehens ive d igita l I/O with opti cal a nd co axial S/PDI F
(sw itchab le to AES/ EBU) and M IDI I n/Out to easil y con nect all of your digit al st udio gear and i nstrum ents
Ultra -low laten cy US B 2.0 driv ers o ffer accura te ti ming and
pla yback of y our r ecorde d aud io an d sof tware inst rumen ts
Hardw are z ero-l atenc y dir ect m onitor ing ( mono/ stere o) al lows
you to r ecord and overd ub wi th no anno ying delay
Plug- and-P lay o perat ion w ith h ands-o n con trol of al l maj or
fun ctions like mast er le vel, direc t mon itori ng, p reamp lifier
con trols and more
Cross -plat form suppo rt (W indows XP/x 64 an d Mac OS X)
and comp atibil ity w ith m ost p opula r aud io/se quenc er ap plicat ions (Wi ndows: ASIO 2, WD M, MM E, AC -3 an d DTS Pass thru; Maci ntosh : App le Co reAudi o, Co reMID I, AC -3 an d DTS Pass thru)
Two E-MU XTC™ Ultra-low Noise Mic/ Line/Hi-Z Preamplifi er with Soft Limiter and 48V Phantom Power (-127dBu EIN)
24-bit/96kHz S/PDIF Coaxial In/Out (Switchable to AES/EBU)
24-bit/96kHz S/PDIF Optical In/Out (Switchable to AES/EBU)
Stereo Headphone Output (114dB SNR)
Main Output Level Control (Passive Analog Attenuator)
Direct Monitoring Level, Output Assignment and Stereo/Mono Controls
MIDI and Sync Status Indicators
Fron t
External Power
Two 1/4" Balanced Outputs (117dB SNR)
MIDI Input/Output
Stereo 1/8" Speaker Output (117dB SNR)
USB Connector
0404 USB 2.0 AudioPod
* Macint osh analog operation u p to 96kHz and digital operation up to 48kHz only at th is time – ch eck www.emu.c om for upda tes
E-M U Pro ducti on Too ls Sof tware Bund le
U SB 2.0
Au di o / MI DI In te rf ac e
+ 6 hidden pages