Table of Contents
Section Page No
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 3
1.1 System Design...................................................................................... 3
1.2 Handling Precautions ............................................................................. 3
1.3 Packaging: ........................................................................................... 3
2.0 MENU STRUCTURE ................................................................................ 4
2.1 Menu Structure Layout........................................................................... 4
3.0 MENU EXPLANATION ............................................................................. 5
3.1 Device Status ....................................................................................... 5
3.2 Add New device .................................................................................. 12
3.3 Remove device ................................................................................... 13
3.4 Interface Status ................................................................................. 13
3.5 Radio Channels .................................................................................. 14
4.0 FRONT DISPLAY OF RADIO LOOP MODULE ............................................ 14
5.0 ACCESSING THE RADIO LOOP MODULES MENUS ................................... 14
5.1 Viewing the Device Status ................................................................... 15
5.2 Output Test ........................................................................................ 19
5.3 Adding New Devices to the System....................................................... 20
5.4 Removing Device from the System ....................................................... 21
5.5 Viewing the Radio Loop Module Status .................................................. 22
5.6 Radio Channels .................................................................................. 23
Tel: +44 (0) 1227 369570 Fax: +44 (0) 1227 369679 Email: enquiries@emsgroup.co.uk Website: www.emsgroup.co.uk
Ziton Radio Loop Module Programming Manual (Issue 7d) TSD022
EMS Group Head Office, Technology House, Sea Street, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8JZ, England
This manual provides a programming guide for the Ziton Radio Loop Module.
The Ziton Radio Loop Module comprises of a radio transceiver capable of receiving 31 radio devices. An LCD display is provided along with function buttons to allow programming and diagnostics to be carried out for associated devices.
The Ziton Radio Loop Module is capable of connection to a ZP Protocol Fire Alarm Control Panels Loop via its Loop in and out connection terminals. The Radio Loop Module is addressed on the loop via its onboard 8 way DIP switch. A total of 2 Radio Loop Modules can be fitted onto a Fire Alarm Control Panels Loop.
Compatible products for use with the Ziton Radio Loop Module are as follows;
Part Number – ZR485-3 Radio manual call point Part Number – ZR432-2 Radio multisensor detector Part Number – ZR455-3R Red radio sounder Part Number – ZR455-3W White radio sounder
Part Number – ZR455V-3RC Red radio sounder with clear beacon Part Number – ZR455V-3RR Red radio sounder and red beacon Part Number – ZR455V-3RA Red radio sounder with amber beacon Part Number – ZR451-3 Single input output unit
1.1 System Design
All installation work should be carried out in accordance with the survey and system design.
It is recommended that the Ziton Radio Loop Module and peripheral devices are located in accordance with the radio survey and system design. This should be established before installation work commences.
1.2 Handling Precautions
General; Care should be taken when handling Ziton Radio Loop Module. Avoid dropping any of the parts onto hard surfaces, as damage may occur to the case and internal circuitry.
ESD Precautions; Ziton Radio Loop Module includes components that are susceptible to damage from Electro-Static Discharge (ESD). Permanent damage may be caused to these components through routine handling if precautions are not observed. To reduce the risk of damage from ESD, the following precautions should be observed.
Minimise the handling of PCB’s which contain static sensitive devices. Where handling is unavoidable, always ensure that you have taken adequate earthing precautions. An earthed wrist strap is recommended.
When storing or transporting a “loose” PCB, always use a container, which has been designed and manufactured with ESD protective properties.
Avoid placing static sensitive devices on plastic surfaces, which may increase the risk of a static discharge.
1.3 Packaging:
All products should be kept in their packaging until they are due to be installed, to minimise the risk of damage. Retain all packaging until the installation activities have been completed. Should any product be found to be surplus to requirements, or require returning, the original packaging should be used.
Tel: +44 (0) 1227 369570 Fax: +44 (0) 1227 369679 Email: enquiries@emsgroup.co.uk Website: www.emsgroup.co.uk
Ziton Radio Loop Module Programming Manual (Issue 7d) TSD022
EMS Group Head Office, Technology House, Sea Street, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8JZ, England
The menu structure is shown below and is entered by pressing the Rotary Control button. Further menu options are entered by also pressing the Rotary Control button. To exit the menus the back button can be pressed or the menus will automatically exit one step at a time at 30 second time intervals.
2.1 Menu Structure Layout
Front Screen
Device Status
Add New Device
Remove Device
Interface Status
Radio Channel
Device Address
Fault Status
Alarm Status*
Battery Level
Signal Level
Manual Update
Software Version
Loop Address
Output Test**
Fault Status
Background Level
Software Version
Node Number **
Audio Detect **
Batt Smooth **
Serial Data **
Currently Used
Auto Select ***
Manual Select ***
Scan Time
First Channel
Second Channel
* Alarm Status shown as I/O Status for Input/Output Device types.
** Highlighted menu options are only available when switch 8 is ‘ON’. *** Menu Options only available when Radio Loop Module does not have any devices allocated to it.
Scan Time
First Channel
Second Channel
Tel: +44 (0) 1227 369570 Fax: +44 (0) 1227 369679 Email: enquiries@emsgroup.co.uk Website: www.emsgroup.co.uk
Ziton Radio Loop Module Programming Manual (Issue 7d) TSD022
EMS Group Head Office, Technology House, Sea Street, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8JZ, England
3.1 Device Status
This function allows the current status of the allocated devices on the Radio Loop Module to be viewed (Maximum of 31 devices). The devices are shown in the menu indicating their loop address number, its logged on status and the device type. Further information on the device can be obtained by pressing the Rotary Control button. This enables the following details to be viewed:- Fault status, Alarm Status, Battery Level, Signal Level, unique 5 digit ident number, software version and also allows a manual signal level update to take place.
A typical display is shown below;
Addr 067 L Multi
The descriptions for the shown display are as follows;
Addr 067 – In this example this indicates the devices loop address number which has been selected. Available options are between 1 and 127.
L – In this example this field indicates the devices logged on or fault status.
Available options are;
L= Logged On and in a normal condition. ! = Logged On with fault(s) present.
= Logged On with a fire alarm present.
= Logged On with a pre alarm present.
Multi – This field indicates the device type. Available options are:
Radio = Ziton Radio Loop Module Multi = Multisensor Detector Optic = Optical Detector Heat = Heat Detector HTemp = Heat Detector MCP = Manual Callpoint Sound = Sounder Device I/O = Input/Output Device ??? = Unknown Device
Further Device Status Information on the displayed device is available by pressing the Rotary Control button. This allows the following menus to be viewed;
Fault Status – this menu when entered, shows detailed information on the fault status of the device.
Note; If multiple faults are applicable to a device the rotary control can be turned to view the total fault listing and a down arrow will be present to indicate that there is more than one fault present
The available fault descriptions are described below;
Tel: +44 (0) 1227 369570 Fax: +44 (0) 1227 369679 Email: enquiries@emsgroup.co.uk Website: www.emsgroup.co.uk
Ziton Radio Loop Module Programming Manual (Issue 7d) TSD022
EMS Group Head Office, Technology House, Sea Street, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8JZ, England
No Fault Present – this description indicates that the device is not in any fault condition and is operating correctly.
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel in their normal status will vary depended upon the signal strength readings. The range of values is shown below:
(Slot 5)
(Slot 5)
(Slot 5)
(Slot 5) Detector 090 085 080 075 Manual Call Point 090 085 080 075 Sounder 090 085 080 075 Input/Output 090 085 080 075
In Tamper – this indicates that the devices tamper switch is not currently making contact against the ceiling or wall mounted base plate.
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel for devices in this state is;
Analogue Value
(Slot 5) (Slot 6)
Detector N/A 181 Manual Call Point N/A 181 Sounder N/A 181 Input/Output N/A 181
Head Missing – this indicates that the detectors head is not currently fitted on the detector base.
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel for devices in this state is;
Analogue Value
(Slot 3) (Slot 6)
Detector 244 118 Manual Call Point N/A N/A Sounder N/A N/A Input/Output N/A N/A
Sounder Missing – this indicates that the sounder, strobe only or sounder/strobe head is not currently fitted on the sounder base.
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel for devices in this state is;
Analogue Value
(Slot 3) (Slot 6) Detector N/A N/A Manual Call Point N/A N/A Sounder 244 118 Input/Output N/A N/A
Tel: +44 (0) 1227 369570 Fax: +44 (0) 1227 369679 Email: enquiries@emsgroup.co.uk Website: www.emsgroup.co.uk
Ziton Radio Loop Module Programming Manual (Issue 7d) TSD022
EMS Group Head Office, Technology House, Sea Street, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8JZ, England
Signal Fault – this indicates that there has currently not been any communication between the device and the Radio Loop Module for 300 seconds. This is indicated as an analogue value of 020 on the fire alarm control panel.
This will be shown on the Fire Alarm Control Panel as if the device had been removed from the system as it does not respond to polls on the loop i.e Disconnect fault.
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel for devices in this state is;
Analogue Value
Slot 5 Slot 6
Detector 020 N/A Manual Call Point 020 N/A Sounder 020 N/A Input/Output 020 N/A
Battery Fault – this shows that the device has either a low battery and has a minimum operational life of 7- 30 days or has a battery missing.
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel for devices with low batteries is;
Analogue Value
Slot 5 Slot 6
Detector N/A 213 Manual Call Point N/A 213 Sounder N/A 213 Input/Output N/A 213
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel for devices with a battery missing is;
Analogue Value
Slot 5 Slot 6
Detector N/A 020 Manual Call Point N/A 020 Sounder N/A 020 Input/Output N/A 020
This will be shown as Idle High on the Fire Alarm Control Panel as if the device has a fault.
No Sndr Audio – this indicates that a sounder device has given no audio output or a low audio output when sounding. This is selectable via a DIP switch on the sounder head and must be disabled when using strobe only devices.
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel for devices in this state is;
Analogue Value
Slot 3 Slot 6
Detector N/A N/A Manual Call Point N/A N/A Sounder 244 152 Input/Output N/A N/A
Tel: +44 (0) 1227 369570 Fax: +44 (0) 1227 369679 Email: enquiries@emsgroup.co.uk Website: www.emsgroup.co.uk
Ziton Radio Loop Module Programming Manual (Issue 7d) TSD022
EMS Group Head Office, Technology House, Sea Street, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8JZ, England
Head Fault – this indicates that a detectors head has a fault i.e no communication between the head and the radio base.
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel for devices in this state is;
Analogue Value
Slot 3 Slot 6
Detector 244 152 Manual Call Point N/A N/A Sounder N/A N/A Input/Output N/A N/A
Short Circuit – this indicates that an input has a short circuit wiring fault.
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel for devices in this state is;
Analogue Value
Slot 5 Slot 6
Detector N/A N/A Manual Call Point N/A N/A Sounder N/A N/A Input/Output N/A 118
Open Circuit – this indicates that an input has a short circuit wiring fault.
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel for devices in this state is;
Analogue Value
Slot 5 Slot 6
Detector N/A N/A Manual Call Point N/A N/A Sounder N/A N/A Input/Output N/A 118
Alarm Status – this menu when entered shows information on the current alarm status of the device. The available alarm descriptions are described below;
No Alarm Present – this indicates the device is currently not in an alarm or pre-alarm
In Fire – this indicates the device is currently in a fire alarm condition.
The analogue value seen on the Fire Alarm Control Panel for devices in this state is;
Analogue Value
Slot 5 Slot 6
Detector 181 N/A Manual Call Point 181 N/A Sounder N/A N/A Input/Output 213 N/A
Tel: +44 (0) 1227 369570 Fax: +44 (0) 1227 369679 Email: enquiries@emsgroup.co.uk Website: www.emsgroup.co.uk
Ziton Radio Loop Module Programming Manual (Issue 7d) TSD022
EMS Group Head Office, Technology House, Sea Street, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8JZ, England
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