7202 software will be required if the remote reset facility input is to be used.
Power Supply Units
Windows HyperTerminal with serial lead if programming changes are
1. Introduction
1.1 The eight input UHF transmitter has been designed to operate in conjunction with
the EMS IRIS 7256 radio receiver. The transmitter unit is a 12 volt operated device
and comprises of a 500mW transmitter fitted with an additional printed circuit board
allowing the activation of eight opto isolated inputs. Each of the inputs can be
separately programmed into the IRIS receiver therefore allowing individual
identification via text descriptions. The inputs themselves can also be programmed
to operate either normally open or normally closed and the transmitted data from
the input can be selected from Alarm, Local, Tamper, Low Battery or Remote Reset.
1.2 As each input is opto isolated, a negative is required to be applied to one side of the
input. To trigger the input, a positive voltage should be applied if the contact is
programmed as normally open or removed if normally closed (see Figure 4 on page
19 for details). On an input activation a signal will be transmitted to the receiver
and displayed in the format programmed i.e. Alarm: Zone Area 1 for an input that
has been set as an Alarm input and programmed with the text description Zone
Area 1.
2. Tools & Test Equipment
2.1 Only standard hand tools are required to install the transmitter unit. The transmitter
is supplied with the inputs factory set as follows: -
If an inputs orientation requires alteration, Windows HyperTerminal with a serial a
lead will be required.
3.1 Remote devices and high gain aerials may also be required depending upon the
customers specification and requirements. Please note both the eight input
transmitter and the IRIS receiver will require an external power supply. Figure 1
shows a typical IRIS radio system, whilst Figure 2 shows an alternative system
using a Single Channel 7703 Receiver: -
5.1 The transmitter unit has the facility of allowing each of it’s inputs to be individually
configured. The settings for each input are as follows with the menu commands
required shown in brackets:- Inputs unique identification code (ID). Orientation of
the input to normally open or normally closed (CON). Inputs transmitted data on
activation, which ranges from Alarm, Local, Low Battery, Reset, Tamper and Not
Used (TYPE). Inputs mode of operation which can be selected between a contact
operated device which will also transmit input restored data or a hand push device
which must be used for certain types of transmitted data and does not transmit
restore data (MODE). A full explanation of all input settings and the operation of
the inputs if selected is described in more detail in the following paragraphs under
their menu commands headings.
5.2 The inputs have their settings defaulted to the following parameters: -
Inputs 1-8.............. ID: A0001-A0008
Con: Normally Closed
Type: Alarm
Mode: Current State
5.3 To allow access into the programming menu the computer should be set up using
windows HyperTerminal:-
PLEASE NOTE: Examples shown below are from Windows XP. Other
versions of Windows may vary.
To start a new HyperTerminal session, click on the ‘Start’ button.
Then select ‘Programs’ and then ‘Accessories’.
Now select ‘Communications’, then ‘HyperTerminal’.
You will then be presented with the following screen: -