User Manual CPC-PP
EMS Dr. Thomas Wünsche 1
1 Overview
1.1 Attributes
CPC-PP offers a range of unique features
which make it valuable for many CAN based
Low cost CAN-interface for IBM PC and
Connection to the parallel printer port usable also on notebook computers
CiA and ISO 11898 compatible
Smart system with integrated microcontroller of 80C32-family
• Directly integrated into connector
• Small size for use in low-space condi-
• Modular application interface with libra-
ries for Borland C++, Borland Pascal
and Microsoft C 6.0
Optional MS-Windows driver with DLL
based API and VxD/SYS technology for
high communication throughput
1.2 General description
The small size CPC-PP module provides easy
access to CAN-networks using the parallel
printer port of the PC. Due to the fact that no
internal card slot is required, CPC-PP can also
be used with laptop or notebook computers.
CPC-PP eases the development of application
software on the PC. The integrated microcon-
troller takes load of the PC-CPU and preprocesses CAN-messages. A high level programming interface with modular design eases software development. A library of interface
routines for Borland C++, Borland Pascal and
Microsoft C 6.0 is included.
Power supply for CPC-PP is provided directly
across the CAN-bus conforming with CiA standard DS-102. A power saving mode using variation of processor clock can be activated by
software at low bus-speeds. Besides the conceptual properties also the price of CPC-PP
supports low overall costs.
1.3 Sample Applications
The application area of CPC-PP is very wide.
Some sample applications are detailed in the
Online-configuration of CAN networks
Network setup and analysis
• Use of PCs as CAN nodes on the appli-
cation level
Visualisation of process parameters in
CAN based systems
1.4 Ordering Information
10-00-040-20 CPC–PP
Active CAN-PC interface for
printer port
10-00-140-20 CPC–PP/EX
Active CAN-PC interface for
printer port with extended
supply voltage range
CPC-PP User Manual
2 EMS Dr. Thomas Wünsche