Empress Effects Buffer+ Stereo User Manual

user manual
Thank you for purchasing the Empress Buffer+ Stereo. This pedal
was designed to be the complete I/O interface for your pedalboard while maintaining the highest fidelity of your guitar signal.
We've kept all the features of our Buffer+, such as the foot­switchable boost, input pad, noise filters, and variable input loading, and have added a ton of additional features such as input meters and clip level indicators, AB/AY switching, external switch control, and of course, full stereo in/out connectivity.
On top of all that, configurable signal routing ensures that the Buffer+ Stereo will handle just about any rig you can throw at it. So before you plug in, read The Initial Setup guide to ensure your Buffer+ Stereo is ready to rock!
- Cody Gilchrist, lead designer.
tuner out
loop out 1
in 2
in 1
out 1
out 2
noise filter
noise filter
noise filter
noise filter
isolation x-former
loop in 1
loop in 2
Buffer+ Stereo Simplified Circuit
** If nothing is plugged into in 2,
the signal from in 1 will be
automatically routed to loop out 2.
This doesn't apply to Instrument
Select or FX Loop Modes.
loop out 2
*** Signal from the loop outs is
internally passed to the loop
ins if nothing is connected to
the loop in jacks.
* in instrument select modes,
the tuner out will be fed from
the selected input, otherwise it
is always fed from in 1.
Controls at a Glance
stompswitch: function assigned by the stomp function toggle swith. Can engage/disengage the boost, switch between A and Y, or A and B. Hold for 1 second to mute out 1 and out 2 for silent tuning.
stomp function: sets the function of the stomp switch. In the boost position, the stomp switch will toggle the boost circuit on and o. In AB position the stomp switch will toggle the active output between out 1 and out 2. In the AY position the stomp switch will toggle the active output between out 1 and both out 1 and out 2.
*note: some modes do not incorporate all of the dierent stomp functions. In those cases the toggle switch will not have any eect on the stomp function.
input pads: pads the input by either 6dB or 12dB. This can be useful for padding a very hot signal from an fx loop or active instrument. It can also be useful for matching levels from dierent instruments (ie. passive and active pickups, or single coil and humbucking guitars).
input LEDs: illuminate green when signal is present. If the signal gets too hot and clips the input, a red clip indicator LED will illuminate and hold for 2 seconds.
boost: sets the amount of boost to be applied when the boost is engaged. Ranges from 0 to +30dB.
output LEDs: indicate which outputs are active.
noise lter: helps eliminate certain types of noise from your signal path, especially white noise and hiss generated from digital pedals. It will reduce this noise on any pedal that is inside its dedicated loop. For stereo noise reduction, make sure to set both the noise lter switches to the same setting. This is also true for any operating mode in which the signal is being sent out of loop out 1 but returning into loop in 2, such as the FX Loop Modes 11 and 12.
Note that when using the noise lter with distortion and overdrive pedals in the loop, you might notice a change in the high frequency response. If this is the case, it can usually be corrected by some gentle EQ, or you may opt to put your drive pedals before the buer+ stereo.
out 2 polarity: inverts the polarity of the signal from out 2. This can be useful if you have an eect that inverts polarity, or if you have stereo amps widely spaced.
input 1 loading: varies the load seen by your guitar pickups at in 1. Turning the knob fully clockwise increases the load and allows the full frequency range of your guitar to pass through. As you turn the knob counter-clockwise you'll begin loading down your guitar, changing the response of the pickups and rolling o some high frequencies.
Initial Setup / Startup Configuration
The Startup Configuration is where you'll set the Buffer+ Stereo's operating mode, choosing from 12 available modes. Here, you can also configure an external momentary switch to either activate the boost circuit (on/off) or to instantly mute the output for silent tuning.
To enter Startup Configuration, connect power to the pedal
while holding down the stomp switch. The blue boost LED will flash quickly to let you know you've entered Startup Configuration. The current mode will now be displayed via the signal indicator LEDs. Pressing the stomp switch will scroll up to the next available mode. As you scroll through the available modes, the signal indicator LEDs will light sequentially to show you which mode will be selected upon exiting Startup Configuration.
For example, Mode 1 starts with the green in 1 LED lit. When you press the stomp switch the in 1 LED will change to orange, and you are now able to select Mode 2. Press it again, the in 1 LED will
change to red, and you are now able to select Mode 3. Press it again and the in 2 LED will be lit green, and you are now able to select Mode 4 etc. This pattern continues until you reach Mode 12 and then starts over again at Mode 1.
To configure an external switch (momentary - normally
open), use the stomp function toggle switch. Set it to the left position (Boost) to use an external switch as a boost. Set it to the right position (AY) to use an external switch as an instant silent tuning switch. The middle position (AB) is for no external switch. The red "tuner on" LED will flash each time you change the switch position to show you it has registered a change.
To save your settings and exit Startup Configuration,
hold down the stomp switch for 2 seconds. The blue boost LED will flash quickly, followed by the corresponding mode LED to acknowledge your selection. The Buffer+ Stereo will now enter your selected mode every time it starts up, unless you change it again by going back into the Startup Configuration.
Mode 1 - Un-summed Loop Ins
This is the standard operating mode for a stereo setup. In this mode, loop in 1 and loop in 2 are sent to out 1 and out 2 respectively.
A wet/dry rig can be created by using a mono effects chain returning to loop in 1 and leaving in 2 and loop in 2 disconnected. this will route in 1 directly to out 2. Amp 1 will be wet, amp 2 will be dry.
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