Empire LFMP-3 User Manual

MiniStar Stone Hearth
Pizza Oven
The MiniStar: Pizza Made Easy!
for the traditional-style baking of pizza and breads. Each deck has an independent steam generator and refractory brick
baking surface. Available in 2 or 3 deck models in both gas and electric.
LFMP-2 100x100 LFMP-3 100x100
2 Decks
Baking surface: 3280 square inch
Weight: 2,050 lbs
Deck dimensions: 40-1/2” x 40-1/2”
Deck height: 8”
External dimensions: 63”W x 72”D x 67”H
110,000 BTU
8 pie capacity (18” pies)
1C Enterprise Place, Hicksville, NY 11801-5356 Ph: (516) 681-1500 Fx: (516) 681-1510
1-800-878-4070 www.empirebake.com Email: info@empirebake.com
3 Decks
Baking surface: 4920 square inch
Weight: 2,550 lbs
Deck dimensions: 40-1/2” x 40-1/2”
Deck height: 8”
External dimensions: 63”W x 72”D x 73”H
128,000 BTU
12 pie capacity (18” pies)