Emotron FDU40-004, FDU40-010, FDU40-006, FDU40-013, FDU40-008 Instruction Manual

Emotron FDU 2.0
Variable Speed Drive
Instruction manual
Variable speed drive FDU 2.0
Software version 4.0x
Document number: 01-3694-01 Edition: r2 Date of release: 01-04-2007 © Copyright Emotron AB 2005 - 2007 Emotron retains the right to change specifications and illustrations in the text, without prior notification. The contents of this document may not be copied without the explicit permission of Emotron AB.
Safety Instructions
Instruction manual
Read the instruction manual first!
Handling the variable speed drive
Installation, commissioning, demounting, taking measure­ments, etc, of or on the variable speed drive may only be car­ried out by personnel technically qualified for the task. The installation must be carried out in accordance with local standards.
Opening the variable speed drive
WARNING: Always switch off the mains voltage before opening the variable speed drive and wait at least 5 minutes to allow the buffer capacitors to discharge.
Always take adequate precautions before opening the varia­ble speed drive. Although the connections for the control signals and the switches are isolated from the main voltage, do not touch the control board when the variable speed drive is switched on.
Precautions to be taken with a connected motor
If work must be carried out on a connected motor or on the driven machine, the mains voltage must always be discon­nected from the variable speed drive first. Wait at least 5 minutes before starting work.
The variable speed drive must always be earthed via the mains safety earth connection.
Earth leakage current
This VSD has an earth leakage current which does exceeding
3.5 mA a.c. or 10 mA d.c. Therefore the minimum size of the protective earth conductor must comply with the local safety regulations for high leakage current equipment.
Residual current device (RCD) compatibility
This product cause a d.c. current in the protective conduc­tor. Where a residual current device (RCD) is used for pro­tection in case of direct or indirect contact, only a Type B RCD is allowed on the supply side of this product. Use RCD of 300 mA minimum.
EMC Regulations
In order to comply with the EMC Directive, it is absolutely necessary to follow the installation instructions. All installa­tion descriptions in this manual follow the EMC Directive.
Mains voltage selection
The variable speed drive is suitable for use with the mains voltage listed below. Adjustment of the mains voltage is not necessary!
380-415 V 380-480 V 440-525 V 500-690 V
Voltage tests (Megger)
Do not carry out voltage tests (Megger) on the motor, before all the motor cables have been disconnected from the varia­ble speed drive.
If the variable speed drive is moved from a cold (storage) room to a room where it will be installed, condensation can occur. This can result in sensitive components becoming damp. Do not connect the mains voltage until all visible dampness has evaporated.
Incorrect connection
The variable speed drive is not protected against incorrect connection of the mains voltage, and in particular against connection of the mains voltage to the motor outlets U, V and W. The variable speed drive can be damaged in this way.
Power factor capacitors for improving
Remove all capacitors from the motor and the motor outlet.
Precautions during Autoreset
When the automatic reset is active, the motor will restart automatically provided that the cause of the trip has been removed. If necessary take the appropriate precautions.
To avoid damage, keep the variable speed drive in its original packaging during transport. This packaging is specially designed to absorb shocks during transport.
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 1
IT Mains supply
The variable speed drives can easily be connected to an IT mains supply, (non-earthed neutral), please contact your supplier for details.
Heat warning
Be aware of specific parts on the VSD having high temperature.
DC-link residual voltage
WARNING: After switching off the mains supply, dangerous voltage can still be present in the VSD. When opening the VSD for
installing and/or commissioning activities wait at least 5 minutes. In case of malfunction a qualified technician should check the DC-link or wait for one hour before dismantling the VSD for repair.
2 Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
1. Introduction..................................................... 5
1.1 Delivery and unpacking ............................................ 5
1.2 Using of the instruction manual............................... 5
1.3 Type number.............................................................. 5
1.4 Standards .................................................................. 6
1.4.1 Product standard for EMC ........................................ 6
1.5 Dismantling and scrapping....................................... 7
1.5.1 Disposal of old electrical and electronic
equipment ................................................................. 7
1.6 Glossary ..................................................................... 8
1.6.1 Abbreviations and symbols....................................... 8
1.6.2 Definitions.................................................................. 8
2. Mounting ......................................................... 9
2.1 Lifting instructions..................................................... 9
2.2 Stand-alone units .................................................... 10
2.2.1 Cooling ..................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Mounting schemes.................................................. 11
2.3 Cabinet mounting.................................................... 13
2.3.1 Cooling ..................................................................... 13
2.3.2 Mounting schemes.................................................. 13
3. Installation ................................................... 17
3.1 Before installation................................................... 17
3.2 Cable connections................................................... 17
3.2.1 Motor cables............................................................ 17
3.2.2 Mains cables ........................................................... 19
3.3 Cable specifications................................................ 19
3.4 Stripping lengths ..................................................... 19
3.4.1 Dimension of cables and fuses.............................. 20
3.4.2 Tightening torque for mains and motor cables..... 20
3.5 Connect motor and mains cables .......................... 20
3.6 Thermal protection on the motor ........................... 21
3.7 Motors in parallel .................................................... 21
4. Control Connections.................................... 23
4.1 Control board........................................................... 23
4.2 Terminal connections ............................................. 24
4.3 Connection example ............................................... 25
4.4 Inputs configuration with the switches.................. 26
4.5 Connecting the Control Signals .............................. 26
4.5.1 Cables ...................................................................... 26
4.5.2 Types of control signals .......................................... 27
4.5.3 Screening................................................................. 27
4.5.4 Single-ended or double-ended connection? ......... 27
4.5.5 Current signals ((0)4-20 mA).................................. 28
4.5.6 Twisted cables......................................................... 28
4.6 Connecting options ................................................. 28
5. Getting Started ............................................ 29
5.1 Connect the mains and motor cables.................... 29
5.1.1 Mains cables ........................................................... 29
5.1.2 Motor cables............................................................ 29
5.2 Connect control cables ........................................... 29
5.3 Using the function keys .......................................... 30
5.4 Remote control........................................................ 30
5.4.1 Switch on the mains ............................................... 30
5.4.2 Set the Motor Data.................................................. 30
5.4.3 Run the VSD ............................................................ 30
5.5 Local control............................................................ 31
5.5.1 Switch on the mains ............................................... 31
5.5.2 Select manual control............................................. 31
5.5.3 Set the Motor Data.................................................. 31
5.5.4 Enter a Reference Value......................................... 31
5.5.5 Run the VSD ............................................................ 31
6. Applications.................................................. 33
6.1 Application overview ............................................... 33
6.1.1 Pumps...................................................................... 33
6.1.2 Fans ......................................................................... 33
6.1.3 Compressors ........................................................... 34
6.1.4 Blowers .................................................................... 34
7. Main Features .............................................. 35
7.1 Parameter sets........................................................ 35
7.1.1 One motor and one parameter set ........................ 36
7.1.2 One motor and two parameter sets....................... 36
7.1.3 Two motors and two parameter sets ..................... 36
7.1.4 Autoreset at trip ...................................................... 36
7.1.5 Reference priority.................................................... 36
7.1.6 Preset references.................................................... 37
7.2 Remote control functions ....................................... 37
7.3 Performing an Identification Run ........................... 39
7.4 Using the Control Panel Memory............................ 40
7.5 Load Monitor and Process Protection [400] ......... 40
7.5.1 Load Monitor [410]................................................. 40
7.6 Pump function ......................................................... 42
7.6.1 Introduction ............................................................. 42
7.6.2 Fixed MASTER ......................................................... 43
7.6.3 Alternating MASTER ................................................ 43
7.6.4 Feedback 'Status' input .......................................... 43
7.6.5 Fail safe operation .................................................. 44
7.6.6 PID control ............................................................... 45
7.6.7 Wiring Alternating Master ....................................... 46
7.6.8 Checklist And Tips ................................................... 47
7.6.9 Functional Examples of Start/Stop Transitions .... 48
8. EMC and Machine Directive........................ 51
8.1 EMC standards........................................................ 51
8.2 Stop categories and emergency stop .................... 51
9. Operation via the Control Panel.................. 53
9.1 General .................................................................... 53
9.2 The control panel .................................................... 53
9.2.1 The display............................................................... 53
9.2.2 Indications on the display....................................... 54
9.2.3 LED indicators ......................................................... 54
9.2.4 Control keys............................................................. 54
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 3
9.2.5 The Toggle and Loc/Rem Key ................................ 54
9.2.6 Function keys .......................................................... 55
9.3 The menu structure................................................. 56
9.3.1 The main menu ....................................................... 56
9.4 Programming during operation .............................. 56
9.5 Editing values in a menu ........................................ 56
9.6 Programming example............................................ 57
10. Serial communication ................................. 59
10.1 Parameter sets........................................................ 59
10.2 Motor data ............................................................... 59
10.3 Start and stop commands ...................................... 60
10.4 Reference signal ..................................................... 60
10.5 Description of the EInt formats .............................. 60
11. Functional Description................................ 63
11.1 Resolution of settings ............................................. 63
11.2 Preferred View [100]............................................... 63
11.2.1 1st Line [110].......................................................... 63
11.2.2 2nd Line [120] ........................................................ 63
11.3 Main Setup [200].................................................... 64
11.3.1 Operation [210]....................................................... 64
11.3.2 Remote Signal Level/Edge [21A]........................... 66
11.3.3 Motor Data [220] .................................................... 67
11.3.4 Motor Protection [230] ........................................... 71
11.3.5 Parameter Set Handling [240]............................... 73
11.3.6 Trip Autoreset/Trip Conditions [250]..................... 75
11.3.7 Serial Communication [260].................................. 81
11.4 Process and Application Parameters [300] .......... 83
11.4.1 Set/View Reference Value [310] ........................... 83
11.4.2 Process Settings [320] ........................................... 83
11.4.3 Start/Stop settings [330] ....................................... 87
11.4.4 Mechanical brake control....................................... 90
11.4.5 Speed [340]............................................................. 92
11.4.6 Torques [350].......................................................... 94
11.4.7 Preset References [360] ........................................ 96
11.4.8 PID Process Control [380] ...................................... 97
11.4.9 Pump/Fan Control [390] ...................................... 100
11.5 Load Monitor and Process Protection [400]....... 106
11.5.1 Load Monitor [410]............................................... 106
11.5.2 Process Protection [420]...................................... 111
11.6 I/Os and Virtual Connections [500] ..................... 112
11.6.1 Analogue Inputs [510].......................................... 112
11.6.2 Digital Inputs [520]............................................... 118
11.6.3 Analogue Outputs [530] ....................................... 119
11.6.4 Digital Outputs [540] ............................................ 123
11.6.5 Relays [550] .......................................................... 124
11.6.6 Virtual Connections [560]..................................... 125
11.7 Logical Functions and Timers [600] .................... 126
11.7.1 Comparators [610] ............................................... 126
11.7.2 Logic Output Y [620] ............................................. 130
11.7.3 Logic Output Z [630]............................................. 132
11.7.4 Timer1 [640] ......................................................... 133
11.7.5 Timer2 [650] ......................................................... 135
11.8 View Operation/Status [700] ............................... 136
11.8.1 Operation [710]..................................................... 136
11.8.2 Status [720] .......................................................... 138
11.8.3 Stored values [730] .............................................. 140
11.9 View Trip Log [800] ............................................... 142
11.9.1 Trip Message log [810]......................................... 142
11.9.2 Trip Messages [820] - [890] ................................ 143
11.9.3 Reset Trip Log [8A0] ............................................. 143
11.10 System Data [900]................................................ 143
11.10.1 VSD Data [920] ..................................................... 143
12. Troubleshooting, Diagnoses and
Maintenance .............................................. 145
12.1 Trips, warnings and limits..................................... 145
12.2 Trip conditions, causes and remedial action ...... 146
12.2.1 Technically qualified personnel............................ 146
12.2.2 Opening the variable speed drive ........................ 146
12.2.3 Precautions to take with a connected motor ...... 146
12.2.4 Autoreset Trip ........................................................ 146
12.3 Maintenance ......................................................... 149
13. Options........................................................ 151
13.1 Protection class IP54............................................ 151
13.2 Options for the control panel................................ 152
13.3 EmoSoftCom.......................................................... 152
13.4 Brake chopper....................................................... 152
13.5 I/O Board ............................................................... 153
13.6 Output coils ........................................................... 153
13.7 Serial communication and fieldbus ..................... 153
13.8 Standby supply option .......................................... 153
13.9 Safe Stop option.................................................... 153
13.10 Crane option board ............................................... 155
13.11 Encoder.................................................................. 155
13.12 PTC/PT100 ............................................................ 155
14. Technical Data ........................................... 157
14.1 Electrical specifications related to model........... 157
14.2 General electrical specifications.......................... 159
14.3 Operation at higher temperatures ....................... 160
14.4 Operation at higher switching frequency............. 160
14.5 Dimensions and Weights...................................... 161
14.6 Environmental conditions..................................... 161
14.7 Fuses, cable cross-sections and glands .............. 162
14.8 Control signals....................................................... 163
15. Menu List .................................................... 165
Index 171
4 Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
1. Introduction
FDU is used most commonly to control and protect pump and fan applications that put high demands on flow control, process uptime and low maintenance costs. It can also be used for e.g. compressors and blowers. Several options are available, listed in chapter 13. page 151, that enable you to customize the variable speed drive for your specific needs.
NOTE: Read this instruction manual carefully before starting installation, connection or working with the variable speed drive.
The following symbols can appear in this manual. Always read these first before continuing:
NOTE: Additional information as an aid to avoid problems.
CAUTION: Failure to follow these instructions
can result in malfunction or damage to the variable speed drive.
WARNING: Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious injury to the user in addition to serious damage to the variable speed drive.
The variable speed drives are delivered with a template for positioning the fixing holes on a flat surface. Check that all items are present and that the type number is correct.
1.2 Using of the instruction
Within this instruction manual the abbreviation “VSD” is used to indicate the complete variable speed drive as a single unit.
Check that the software version number on the first page of this manual matches the software version in the variable speed drive.
With help of the index and the contents it is easy to track individual functions and to find out how to use and set them.
The Quick Setup Card can be put in a cabinet door, so that it is always easy to access in case of an emergency.
1.3 Type number
Fig. 1 gives an example of the type code numbering used on all variable speed drives type of the drive can be determined. This identification will be required for type specific information when mounting and installing. The code number is located on the product label, on the front of the unit.
. With this code number the exact
This instruction manual is intended for:
installation engineers
maintenance engineers
service engineers
The variable speed drive is suitable for use with standard 3­phase asynchronous motors. Under certain conditions it is possible to use other types of motors. Contact your supplier for details.
1.1 Delivery and unpacking
Check for any visible signs of damage. Inform your supplier immediately of any damage found. Do not install the varia­ble speed drive if damage is found.
FDU48-175-54 C E B S T A V C E P N A
Fig. 1 Type number
Position Configuration
1VSD type
2Supply voltage
3 Rated current (A) continuous
4 Protection class
5 Control panel
6 EMC option
40=400 V mains 48=400 V mains 50=500 V mains
-003=2.5 A
-1500=1500 A
20=IP20 54=IP54
–=Blank CP C=Standard CP
E=Standard EMC F=Extended EMC I=IT-Net
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Introduction 5
Position Configuration
7 Brake chopper option
8 Stand-by power supply option
–=Brake N.C B=Brake D=DC interface
-=No SBS S=SBS included
1.4 Standards
The variable speed drives described in this instruction man­ual comply with the standards listed in Table 1. For the dec­larations of conformity and manufacturer’s certificate, contact your supplier for more information or visit www.emotron.com.
9 Safe stop option
10 Brand label
11 Coated boards, option
12 Option position 1 N=No option
13 Option position 2
14 Option position 3
16 Software type
Option position, communica­tion
–=No safe stop T=Safe stop incl.
–=No coating V=Coated boards
C=Crane I/O E=Encoder P=PTC/PT100 I=Extended I/O
N=No option D=DeviceNet P=Profibus S=RS232/485
1.4.1Product standard for EMC
Product standard EN(IEC)61800-3, second edition of 2004 defines the :
First Environment (Extended EMC) as environment that includes domestic premises. It also includes establishments directly connected without intermediate transformers to a low voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
Second Environment (Standard EMC) includes all other
Category C2: Power Drive System (PDS) of rated volt­age<1.000 V, which is neither a plug in device nor a movable device and, when used in the first environment, is intended to be installed and commissioned only by a professional.
Category C3: PDS of rated voltage <1.000 V, intended for use in the second environment and not intended for use in the first environment.
Category C4: PDS or rated voltage equal or above 1.000 V, or rated current equal to or above 400 A, or intended for use in complex systems in the second environment.
The variable speed drive complies with the product standard EN(IEC) 61800-3:2004 (Any kind of metal screened cable may be used). The standard variable speed drive is designed to meet the requirements according to category C3.
WARNING: In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference, in which case it may be necessary to take adequate additional measures.
WARNING: The standard VSD, complying with category C3, is not intended to be used on a low-voltage public network which supplies domestic premises; radio interference is expected if used in such a network. Contact your supplier if you need additional measures.
CAUTION: In order to comply fully with the standards stated in the Manufacturer’s
Declaration ANNEX IIB, the installation instructions detailed in this instruction manual must be followed to the letter.
6Introduction Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
Ta b le 1 St an d ar d s
Market Standard Description
Machine Directive 98/37/EEC
Russian GOST R For all sizes
EMC Directive 2004/108/EEC
Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC
WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC
Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines
EN 60204-1
EN50178 (<90 A)
90 A)
IEC 60721-3-3
Part 1: General requirements. Machine Directive: Manufacturer’s certificate
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems
Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods. EMC Directive: Declaration of Conformity and
Electronic equipment for use in power installations.
Low Voltage Directive: Declaration of Conformity and
Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems Part 5-1. Safety requirements - Electrical, thermal and energy.
Low Voltage Directive: Declaration of Conformity and
Classification of environmental conditions. Air quality chemical vapours, unit in operation. Chemical gases 3C1, Solid particles 3S2. Optional with coated boards Unit in operation. Chemical gases Class 3C2, Solid particles 3S2.
acc. to Appendix IIB
CE marking
CE marking
CE marking
1.5 Dismantling and scrapping
The enclosures of the drives are made from recyclable mate­rial as aluminium, iron and plastic. Each drive contains a number of components demanding special treatment, for example electrolytic capacitors. The circuit boards contain small amounts of tin and lead. Any local or national regula­tions in force for the disposal and recycling of these materials must be complied with.
1.5.1 Disposal of old electrical and electronic equipment
This information is applicable in the European Union and other European countries with separate collection systems.
This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product shall be treated according to the WEEE Directive. It must be taken to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help
prevent potentially negative consequences for the environ­ment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. The recy­cling of materials will help to conserve natural resources. For more detailed information about recycling this product, please contact the local distributor of the product or visit our home page www.emotron.com.
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Introduction 7
1.6 Glossary
1.6.1Abbreviations and symbols
In this manual the following abbreviations are used:
1.6.2 Definitions
In this manual the following definitions for current, torque and frequency are used:
Table 3 Definitions
Table 2 Abbreviations
DSP Digital signals processor
VSD Variable speed drive
EInt Communication format
UInt Communication format
Int Communication format
Long Communication format
Control panel, the programming and pres­entation unit on the VSD
The function cannot be changed in run mode
Name Description Quantity
Speed Actual motor speed rpm
Torque Actual motor torque Nm
Sync speed
Nominal input current of VSD A, RMS
Nominal output current of VSD A, RMS
Nominal motor current A, RMS
Nominal power of VSD kW
Motor power kW
Nominal torque of motor Nm
Motor torque Nm
Output frequency of VSD Hz
Nominal frequency of motor Hz
Nominal speed of motor rpm
Maximum output current for 60s A, RMS
Synchronous speed of the motor rpm
8Introduction Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
2. Mounting
This chapter describes how to mount the VSD.
Before mounting it is recommended that the installation is planned out first.
Be sure that the VSD suits the mounting location.
The mounting site must support the weight of the VSD.
Will the VSD continuously withstand vibrations and/or
Consider using a vibration damper.
Check ambient conditions, ratings, required cooling air
flow, compatibility of the motor, etc.
Know how the VSD will be lifted and transported.
2.1 Lifting instructions
Note: To prevent personal risks and any damage to the unit during lifting, it is advised that the lifting methods described below are used.
Recommended for VSD models -090 to -250
Recommended for VSD models -300 to -1500
Load: 56 to 74 kg
Fig. 3 Remove the roof plate.
Fig. 4 Remove roofunit
Fig. 2 Lifting VSD model -090 to -250
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Mounting 9
2.2 Stand-alone units
The VSD must be mounted in a vertical position against a flat surface. Use the template (delivered together with the VSD) to mark out the position of the fixing holes.
Fig. 6 Variable speed drive mounting models 003 to 250
2.2.1 Cooling
Fig. 6 shows the minimum free space required around the VSD for the models 003 to 250 in order to guarantee ade­quate cooling. Because the fans blow the air from the bot­tom to the top it is advisable not to position an air inlet immediately above an air outlet.
The following minimum separation between two variable speed drives, a VSD and a non-dissipating wall must be maintained:
Fig. 5 Lifting VSD model -300 to -1500
Table 4 Mounting and cooling
FDU­FDU (mm)
FDU­wall (mm)
NOTE: When a 300 to 1500 model is placed between two walls, a minimum distance at each side of 200 mm must be maintained.
a 200 200 200 200 100 b 200 200 200 200 0 c 30 0 30 0 0 d 30 0 30 0 0 a 100 100 100 100 100 b 100 100 100 100 0 c 30 0 30 0 0 d 30 0 30 0 0
10 Mounting Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
2.2.2 Mounting schemes
20 180
Ø 13 (2x)
23,75 128,5
Ø 13 (2x)
Ø 7 (4x)
Fig. 7 VSD models 003 - 013 (X1)
Glands M20
External Interface
Ø 7 (4x)
Fig. 9 VSD models 018 - 037 (S2)
Glands M20
External Interface
Fig. 8 Cable interface for mains, motor and communication,
VSD models 003 - 013(X1)
Fig. 10 Cable interface for mains, motor and communication,
VSD models 018 - 037 (S2).
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Mounting 11
30 160
Ø 13 (2x)
Membrane cable gland M60
Ø 7 (4x)
Fig. 13 VSD models 090 - 175 including cable interface for
mains, motor and communication (E)
Fig. 11 VSD models 046 - 073 (X2)
Glands M20
Glands M40
Fig. 12 Cable interface for mains, motor and communication,
VSD models 046 - 073 (X2)
12 Mounting Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
Cable dimensions 27-66 mm
NOTE: For the models 860 to 1500 the mentioned amount of air flow should be divided equally over the two cabinets.
2.3.2 Mounting schemes
Fig. 14 VSD models 210 - 250 including cable interface for
mains, motor and communication (F)
2.3 Cabinet mounting
2.3.1 Cooling
If the variable speed drive is installed in a cabinet, the rate of airflow supplied by the cooling fans must be taken into con­sideration.
Table 5 Flow rates cooling fans
FDU Model Flow rate [m3/hour]
003 – 013 40
018 – 037 150
046 – 073 165
090 – 175 510
210 – 250 800
300 – 375 1020
430 – 500 1600
600 – 750 2400
860 – 1k0 3200
1200 – 1500 4800
Fig. 15 VSD models 300 - 500 (G and H)
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Mounting 13
Fig. 16 VSD models 600 - 750 (I)
Fig. 17 VSD models 860 - 1000 (J)
14 Mounting Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
Fig. 18 VSD models 1200 - 1500 (K)
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Mounting 15
16 Mounting Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
3. Installation
The description of installation in this chapter complies with the EMC standards and the Machine Directive.
Select cable type and screening according to the EMC requirements valid for the environment where the VSD is installed.
3.1 Before installation
Read the following checklist and think through your appli­cation before installation.
External or internal control.
Long motor cables (>100m).
Motors in parallel.
Suitable VSD size in proportion to the motor/applica-
Mount separately supplied option boards according to
the instructions in the appropriate option manual.
If the VSD is temporarily stored before being connected, please check the technical data for environmental condi­tions. If the VSD is moved from a cold storage room to the room where it is to be installed, condensation can form on it. Allow the VSD to become fully acclimatised and wait until any visible condensation has evaporated before con­necting the mains voltage.
3.2 Cable connections
Dimension the cables and fuses in accordance with the nominal output current of the motor. See table 43, page
Keep the motor cable between VSD and motor as short as possible.
The screening must be connected with a large contact surface of preferable 360× and always at both ends, to the motor housing and the VSD housing. When painted mounting plates are used, do not be afraid to scrape away the paint to obtain as large contact surface as possi­ble at all mounting points for items such as saddles and the bare cable screening. Relying just on the connection made by the screw thread is not sufficient.
NOTE: It is important that the motor housing has the same earth potential as the other parts of the machine.
• The litz connection is only necessary if the mounting plate is painted. All the variable speed drives have an unpainted back side and are therefore suitable for mounting on an unpainted mounting plate.
Connect the motor cables according to U - U, V - V and W - W.
3.2.1 Motor cables
To comply with the EMC emission standards the variable speed drive is provided with a RFI mains filter. The motor cables must also be screened and connected on both sides. In this way a so-called “Faraday cage” is created around the VSD, motor cables and motor. The RFI currents are now fed back to their source (the IGBTs) so the system stays within the emission levels.
Recommendations for selecting motor cables
Use screened cables according to specification in table 7. Use symmetrical shielded cable; three phase conductors and a concentric or otherwise symmetrically constructed PE conductor, and a shield.
When the conductivity of the cable shield is <50% of the conductivity of the phase conductor, a separate PE con­ductor is required.
Use heat-resistant cables, +60°C or higher.
Fig. 19
Switches between the motor and the VSD
If the motor cables are to be interrupted by maintenance switches, output coils, etc., it is necessary that the screening is continued by using metal housing, metal mounting plates, etc. as shown in the Fig. 21.
Fig. 22 shows an example when there is no metal mounting plate used (e.g. if IP54 variable speed drives are used). It is important to keep the “circuit” closed, by using metal hous­ing and cable glands.
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Installation 17
VSD built into cabinet
Screening of motor cable
Screening of signal cables
Fig. 20 Screening of cables for models 018 - 037.
Pay special attention to the following points:
If paint must be removed, steps must be taken to prevent subsequent corrosion. Repaint after making connections!
The fastening of the whole variable speed drive housing must be electrically connected with the mounting plate over an area which is as large as possible. For this purpose the removal of paint is necessary. An alternative method is to connect the variable speed drive housing to the mounting plate with as short a length of litz wire as pos­sible.
Try to avoid interruptions in the screening wherever pos­sible.
RFI-Filter (option) Mains
Mains (L1,L2,L3,PE)
Metal coupling nut
Brake resisto (option)
Metal cable glands
Output coil (option)
Screened cables
Unpainted mounting plate
Metal connector housing
Fig. 21 Variable speed drive in a cabinet on a mounting plate
Fig. 22 shows an example when there is no metal mounting plate used (e.g. if IP54 variable speed drives are used). It is important to keep the “circuit” closed, by using metal hous­ing and cable glands.
If the variable speed drive is mounted in a standard cabi­net, the internal wiring must comply with the EMC standard. Fig. 21 shows an example of a VSD built into a cabinet.
RFI-Filter Mains
Metal cable glands
Screened cables
Metal housing
utput coils (option)
Metal connector housing
Metal cable gland
Brake resistor (option)
Fig. 22 Variable speed drive as stand alone
18 Installation Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
Placing of motor cables
Keep the motor cables as far away from other cables as possi­ble, especially from control signals. The minimum distance between motor cables and control cables is 30 cm.
Avoid placing the motor cables in parallel with other cables.
The power cables should cross other cables at an angle of 90°.
Long motor cables
If the connection to the motor is longer than 100 m (40 m for models 003-013), it is possible that capacitive current peaks will cause tripping at overcurrent. Using output coils can prevent this. Contact the supplier for appropriate coils.
Switching in motor cables
Switching in the motor connections is not advisable. In the event that it cannot be avoided (e.g. emergency or mainte­nance switches) only switch if the current is zero. If this is not done, the VSD can trip as a result of current peaks.
3.2.2 Mains cables
Dimension the mains and motor cables according to local regulations. The cable must be able to carry the VSD load current.
Recommendations for selecting mains cables
To fulfil EMC purposes it is not necessary to use screened mains cables.
Use heat-resistant cables, +60°C or higher.
Dimension the cables and fuses in accordance with local regulations and the nominal output current of the motor. See table 43, page 162.
The litz connection is only necessary if the mounting plate is painted. All the variable speed drives have an unpainted back side and are therefore suitable for mounting on an unpainted mounting plate.
Connect the mains cables according to Fig. 23. The VSD has a built-in RFI mains filter that complies with category C3 which suits the Second Environment standard.
Table 6 Mains and motor connection
L1,L2,L3 PE
U, V, W
NOTE: The Brake and DC-link Terminals are only fitted if the Brake Chopper Option is built-in.
Mains supply, 3 -phase Safety earth (protected earth)
Motor earth Motor output, 3-phase
Brake resistor, DC-link connections (optional)
WARNING: The Brake Resistor must be connected between terminals DC+ and R.
WARNING: In order to work safely, the mains earth must be connected to PE and the motor earth to .
3.3 Cable specifications
Table 7 Cable specifications
Cable Cable specification
Power cable suitable for fixed installation for the voltage used.
Symmetrical three conductor cable with concen­tric protection (PE) wire or a four conductor cable with compact low-impedance concentric shield for the voltage used.
Control cable with low-impedance shield, screened.
3.4 Stripping lengths
Fig. 24 indicates the recommended stripping lengths for motor and mains cables.
Table 8 Stripping lengths for mains and motor cables
Fig. 23 Mains and motor connections
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Installation 19
003–013 60 8 60 8 31
018–037 115 12 115 12 32
046–073 130 11 130 11 34
090-175 160 16 160 16 41
210–250 170 24 170 24 46
Mains cable Motor cable
(mm)b (mm)a (mm)b (mm)c (mm)
(06-F45-cables only)
Fig. 24 Stripping lengths for cables
3.4.1 Dimension of cables and fuses
Please refer to the chapter Technical data, section 14.7, page
3.4.2 Tightening torque for mains and
motor cables
3.5 Connect motor and mains cables
VSD model 090 to 250
To simplify the connection of thick motor and mains cables to the VSD model 090-250 the cable interface can be removed.
Table 9 Model 003 to 073
003-013 018-037 046-060 073
Tightening torque, Nm 0.5 1.5 1.5 3.2
Table 10 Model 90 to 109
Brake chopper Mains/motor
Block, mm
Cable diameter, mm
Tightening torque, Nm 14 14
95 95
16-95 35-95
Table 11 Model 146 to 175
Brake chopper Mains/motor
Block, mm
Cable diameter, mm
Tightening torque, Nm 14 14 24
95 150
16-95 35-95 120-150
Table 12 Model 210 to 250
Brake chopper Mains/motor
Block, mm
Cable diameter, mm
Tightening torque, Nm 14 24 14 24
150 240
35-95 120-150 35-70 95-240
Cable interface
Fig. 25 Connecting motor and mains cables
1. Remove the cable interface from the housing.
2. Put the cables through the glands.
3. Strip the cable according to Table 8.
4. Connect and tighten the cable in the clamp.
5. Put the cable interface in place and secure with the
20 Installation Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
VSD model 300 to 1500
3.6 Thermal protection on the motor
Standard motors are normally fitted with an internal fan. The cooling capacity of this built-in fan is dependent on the frequency of the motor. At low frequency, the cooling capac­ity will be insufficient for nominal loads. Please contact the motor supplier for the cooling characteristics of the motor at lower frequency.
WARNING: Depending on the cooling characteristics of the motor, the application, the speed and the load, it may be necessary to use forced cooling on the motor.
Motor thermistors offer better thermal protection for the motor. Depending on the type of motor thermistor fitted, the optional PTC input may be used. The motor thermistor gives a thermal protection independent of the speed of the motor, thus of the speed of the motor fan. See the functions, Motor I
t type [231] and Motor I2t current [232].
3.7 Motors in parallel
It is possible to have motors in parallel as long as the total current does not exceed the nominal value of the VSD. The following has to be taken into account when setting the motor data:
L1 L2 L3 PE PE U V W
Fig. 26 Connecting motor and mains cables
VSD models 300 to 1500 are supplied with Klockner Moel­ler K3x240/4 power clamps.
For all type of wires to be connected the stripping length should be 32 mm.
Menu [221] Motor Voltage:
Menu [222] Motor Frequency:
Menu [223] Motor Power:
Menu [224] Motor Current:
Menu [225] Motor Speed:
Menu [227] Motor Cos PHI:
The motors in parallel must have the same motor voltage.
The motors in parallel must have the same motor frequency.
Add the motor power values for the motors in parallel.
Add the current for the motors in parallel.
Set the average speed for the motors in parallel.
Set the average Cos PHI value for the motors in parallel.
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Installation 21
22 Installation Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
4. Control Connections
4.1 Control board
Fig. 27 shows the layout of the control board which is where the parts most important to the user are located. Although the control board is galvanically isolated from the mains, for safety reasons do not make changes while the mains supply is on!
WARNING: Always switch off the mains voltage and wait at least 5 minutes to allow the buffer capacitors to discharge before connecting the control signals or changing position of the switches.
Fig. 27 Control board layout
S3 S4
Control Panel
Control signals
42 43
31 32
Relay outputs
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Control Connections 23
4.2 Terminal connections
The terminal strip for connecting the control signals is accessible after opening the front panel.
The table describes the default functions for the signals. The inputs and outputs are programmable for other functions as described in chapter 11. page 63. For signal specifications refer to chapter 14. page 157.
NOTE: The maximum total combined current for outputs 11, 20 and 21 is 100mA.
Table 13 Control signals
Terminal Name Function (Default)
1 +10 V +10 VDC supply voltage
6 -10 V -10 VDC supply voltage
7 Common Signal ground
11 +24 V +24 VDC supply voltage
12 Common Signal ground
15 Common Signal ground
Digital inputs
8DigIn 1RunL (reverse)
9DigIn 2RunR (forward)
10 DigIn 3 Off
16 DigIn 4 Off
17 DigIn 5 Off
18 DigIn 6 Off
19 DigIn 7 Off
22 DigIn 8 RESET
Digital outputs
20 DigOut 1 Ready
21 DigOut 2 Brake
Analogue inputs
2AnIn 1Process Ref
3AnIn 2Off
4AnIn 3Off
5AnIn 4Off
Analogue outputs
13 Speed Min speed to max speed
14 Torque 0 to max torque
Relay outputs
31 N/C 1
32 COM 1
33 N/O 1
Relay 1 output Trip, active when the VSD is in a TRIP condition.
Table 13 Control signals
Terminal Name Function (Default)
41 N/C 2
42 COM 2
43 N/O 2
51 COM 3
52 N/O 3
NOTE: N/C is opened when the relay is active and N/O is closed when the relay is active.
Relay 2 output Run, active when the VSD is started.
Relay 3 output Off
24 Control Connections Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
4.3 Connection example
Fig. 28 gives an overall view of a VSD connection example.
Alternative for potentiometer control Optional
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 - 10 V 4 - 20 mA
+10 VDC
AnIn 1
AnIn 2
AnIn 3
AnIn 4
-10 VDC
DigIn 1:RunL*
DigIn 2:RunR*
+24 VDC
DigIn 4
DigIn 5
DigIn 6
DigIn 7
DigIn 8:Reset*
Common AnOut 1
AnOut 2
DigOut 1 DigOut 2
Relay 1
Relay 2
12 13 21
14 20 21
31 32 33
42 43
* Default setting
Fig. 28 Connection example
Relay 3
51 52
Comm. options
Fieldbus option or PC
Other options
Option board
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Control Connections 25
4.4 Inputs configuration
4.5 Connecting the Control
with the switches
The switches S1 to S4 are used to set the input configuration for the 4 analogue inputs AnIn1, AnIn2, AnIn3 and AnIn4 as described in table 14. See Fig. 27 for the location of the switches.
Table 14 Switch settings
Input Signal type Switch
Current (default)
Current (default)
Current (default)
Current (default)
4.5.1 Cables
The standard control signal connections are suitable for stranded flexible wire up to 1.5 mm
2.5 mm
and for solid wire up to
NOTE: Scaling and offset of AnIn1 - AnIn4 can be configured using the software. See menus [512], [515], [518] and [51B] in section 11.6, page 112.
NOTE: the 2 analogue outputs AnOut 1 and AnOut 2 can be configured via the software. See menu [530] section 11.6.3, page 119
Control signals
Fig. 29 Connecting the control signals
NOTE: The screening of control signal cables is necessary to comply with the immunity levels given in the EMC Directive (it reduces the noise level).
NOTE: Control cables must be separated from motor and mains cables.
26 Control Connections Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2
4.5.2 Types of control signals
Always make a distinction between the different types of sig­nals. Because the different types of signals can adversely affect each other, use a separate cable for each type. This is often more practical because, for example, the cable from a pressure sensor may be connected directly to the variable speed drive.
We can distinguish between the following types of control signals:
4.5.4 Single-ended or double-ended
In principle, the same measures applied to motot cables must be applied to all control signal cables, in accordance with the EMC-Directives.
For all signal cables as mentioned in section 4.5.2 the best results are obtained if the screening is connected to both ends. See Fig. 30.
Analogue inputs
Voltage or current signals, (0-10 V, 0/4-20 mA) normally used as control signals for speed, torque and PID feedback signals.
Analogue outputs
Voltage or current signals, (0-10 V, 0/4-20 mA) which change slowly or only occasionally in value. In general, these are control or measurement signals.
Voltage or current signals (0-10 V, 0-24 V, 0/4-20 mA) which can have only two values (high or low) and only occa­sionally change in value.
Usually voltage signals (0-5 V, 0-10 V) which change rapidly and at a high frequency, generally data signals such as RS232, RS485, Profibus, etc.
Relay contacts (0-250 VAC) can switch highly inductive loads (auxiliary relay, lamp, valve, brake, etc.).
Maximum wire size
Cable type
NOTE: Each installation must be examined carefully before applying the proper EMC measurements.
Control board
Pressure sensor
External control (e.g. in metal housing)
Analogue Rigid cable:
Digital Screened
Data Screened
Relay Not screened
0.14-2.5 mm Flexible cable:
0.14-1.5 mm Cable with ferrule:
0.25-1.5 mm
0.5 Nm
The relay output from a variable speed drive which controls an auxiliary relay can, at the moment of switching, form a source of interference (emission) for a measurement signal from, for example, a pressure sensor. Therefore it is advised to separate wiring and screening to reduce disturbances.
4.5.3 Screening
For all signal cables the best results are obtained if the screening is connected to both ends: the VSD side and the at the source (e.g. PLC, or computer). See Fig. 30.
It is strongly recommended that the signal cables be allowed to cross mains and motor cables at a 90° angle. Do not let the signal cable go in parallel with the mains and motor cable.
Control consol
Fig. 30 Electro Magnetic (EM) screening of control signal
Emotron AB 01-3694-01r2 Control Connections 27
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