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Bluetooth Barcode Scanner (New BCS-OPT)
Battery Charging
Thank you for choosing our Bluetooth Scanner. The Bluetooth scanner uses built-in battery to
operate. Please charge your Bluetooth Scanner before you use it. This needs to be done via the USB
port of a PC or a USB adaptor – it cannot be charged via the port of a Seaward instrument.
The scanner will turn itself OFF automatically if not used for 10 minutes to preserve battery. Before
operating the scanner and using it to connect to a PrimeTest unit, scanner needs to be switched ON.
Switching ON
1. Turn the Scanner ON, press and hold the Clear/Function key (small button) for a few
seconds until it beeps and flashes blue.
2. It is now discoverable to your tester. You can now use the scanner or search for initial setup
from a PrimeTest unit.
PAT Tester - Scanner Pairing
NOTE: If Barcode Scanner is already paired with the tester, you will not need to perform the following.
PrimeTest ELITE
1. From the Home screen, press the Menu
key icon .
2. Select number 3) Bluetooth icon
3. Switch on the Scanner you wish to pair (see
4. Press the Search icon to start search
5. Select the barcode from the Barcode field
and look for device named “OPN2006-…”
6. Use the arrow keys: right and left to select.
7. Press Save to save changes and return.
PrimeTest 300
1. Turn the PrimeTest on and select Menu
Configuration Bluetooth Favorites
2. Highlight the Barcode field and press Setup.
3. Switch the Scanner ON.
4. Press Search to scan for local Bluetooth
5. Select the printer in the New field (look for
device named “OPN2006-….”).
6. Press Add New.
7. Press OK to accept the new printer setting then
press OK again to save the new Bluetooth