Vibrat ion
1 POWER: Press to turn on the music kit.
2. Input: Plug the AUX cable into INPUT to play th e mu si c from your MP3/MP4/mobile/pad….
3 : For choosing the mode: SD / AUX / BT
4 : Blue light for Bluetooth mode; Red light for USB/SD card m od e; Purple light for AUX mode.
Mode Lihght
5. BASS: For increasing/ decre as in g su bwoofer vol um e
6. VOLUME: For increasing/ decreasing speaker vo lu me
7. Headphone: For headset in any m od e. .
8. Blueto ot h: Use mode button switch to the Bluetooth mode. The Bluetooth name is: “FLXx” and no need
password. Press and hold the MODE button to disconnect the existing Bluetooth connection and wait
for the nex t mo bi le p ho ne c on ne ction.
9. USB: Can c ha rge your mobile phone by 5V/2.5A current.
10.Vibration: For increasing vibration intensity/ decreasing vibration intensity.
Reduce no is e
AUX Signal cable & Extension cord
Frequently Asked Q ustions
Ste p 1. Connect t he d ev ice as shown above.
Ste p 2. Play the music by BT / AUX/SD.
Ste p 3. Tur n th e se cond, third and for th Music K it to AUX model, then the whole M us ic K its will
play th e sa me m us ic a s th e fi rs t on e.
NOTE: You can use the headphone of anyone, there would be unaffe cted to ot he rs.
When audio units are a ll l in ke d together under AUX mode, connec t on e au di o un it to an
AUX device , the existing one will take priority over all Au di o un it s. I f an ot he r Audio unit is
con ne cted with a seco nd s ou rce it will control any Audio unit followi ng i t an d wi th ou t a
con ne cted AUX device.
No sound at a ll
Bluetoo th c an
not pair
Audio doesn't
wor k
Possib le cause an d correct ion or ma intenance
The volume switch is on minimum;
the unit is not set to the correct function;
please contact with the store or customer ser vice.
Please close all other pairing machines and retry;
Please wait a few seconds or restart the machine;
Do not pair the devices behi nd a wall or in co rner, please
keep the working space within 8 meters;
Pair the device named eMoMo.
Audio is switched off, p ress Po wer button.
Audio M od e is n ot s et , Se t a mo de o n th e ha nd se t.