Eminence top Technology BTE64 Users manual

Ins truct ion
1: MF B 2: LE D 3: Mi croph one 4: Ea r sets
Earphone accessories:
Language Switch:
Ear phone s hutdo wn stat e, long p ress th e key for 8 sec onds, u ntil th e "Di Di" tone, t hen lan guage swi tch is su ccess ful. (A fter sw itchi ng lang uage, ple ase pai r manua lly whe n first t ime usa ge)
Charger base earphone(a pair) Ear sets( 2 pair Large, 2 pair Middle) Cable Instruction book
5. In dicat or ligh t of char ger bas e : Cha rger th imble
6 7: Mi cro USB c harge r port
1 3
Power On/Off
Whe n you ope n the cha rger ba se and ta ke out th e
ear buds, e arbud s will au to powe r on. Whe n you put t he earb uds in an d close c harge r bas e, earb uds wil l auto po wer off .
Bluetooth automatic pairin g
Ope n the cha rger ba se, the e arbud s will au to pow er on.
The e arbud s red lig ht on, an d then ta ke out th e ear buds, t hey wil l autom atica lly pai r in 3-5 sec onds. ( The hos t devic e will fl ash red a nd blu e light a ltern ative ly, whil e the oth er earb ud wil l flash b lue lig ht)
Take ou t the e arbud s Hos t
Red a nd blue lig ht flas hing alt ernat ively
1 2
Aux iliar y
Blu e light flas hing
Turn on Bluetooth of the phone, search for "64", then pair.
Q64 Q64
Manual bluetooth pairing
(If t he earp hones b lueto oth aut omati c pairi ng is not suc cessf ul, you c an use ma nual bl uetoo th pair ing)
Whe n the pai r earbu ds is pow er off, l ong pre ss MFB 3 s econd s until t he red an d blue li ght fla sh alt ernat ively.
Red a nd blue lig ht flas hing alt ernat ively
Whe n two ear buds in r ed and bl ue ligh t flash es sta tus, do uble cl ick any e arbud M FB, ear buds con necte d, doub le-cl ick the e arbud a s host dev ice, th e indic ator li ght of ho st devi ce is sti ll red an d blue li ght fla shing a ltern ative ly.
64 64
Hos t
Red a nd blue lig ht flas hing alt ernati vely
Turn on Bluetooth of the phone, search for "64", then pair.
Phone Calls
Ans wer cal l only ho st devi ce earb ud work ing
Whe n calls c ome in, s hort pr ess ans wer cal l .
Cho ose the e ar sets s uitab le for yo ursel f.
Not e: Midd le size e ar sets a re suit f or most o f peo ple. It 's reco mmend t hat you t ry to sta rt from the m iddle s ize ear s ets
Music Play
You can u se any on e of earb ud to con trol wh en you p lay mus ic in you r music p layer
MFB ( Pau se/Pla y/Las t song/ Next so ng)
Pre ss one ti mes to pa use mus ic play ing, pr ess aga in can re sume mu sic pla ying.
Pre ss thre e times i n a row to pl ay next s ong Pre ss four t imes in a r ow to pla y last so ng .
Whe n calls c ome in, l ong pre ss the bo tton 3 sec onds to r eject c all.
Whe n stand by mode , doubl e click t he bott on .
Using the earbud indivi dually
Any o ne of ear bud, lo ng pres s 3 secon ds when the e arpho ne powe r off, th en red an d blue li ght
Turn on Bluetooth of the phone, search for "64", then paired.
Cha rge the ch arger b ase t hrough t he cabl e, wh en the b attery i s full, th e indic ator lig ht turn s off aut omatic ally
Put e arbuds i nto the ch arger b ase, the n charg ing aut omatic ally, ful l charg e light of f
Earp hone char ging Red li ght flas hing
arp hones f ull cha rge Lig ht off
Char ging base c hargin g Continu ous whit e light
Char ger base fu ll charge L ight off
MFB (An swer/R ejec t/Redi al las t numbe r)
Model: E64 Bluetooth version: 5.0 Single earphone weight: 4.5g Earphone size: φ16.8*23mm Earphone battery capacity: 3.7V/2*55mAh Earphone charge time: About 1 hour Music playing time: 4-5 hours Profle support:HFP/A2DP/AVRCP Frequency: 2.4 02GHz~2.48 GHz Transmission distance: 10M Power input: DC 5V/500mA Charger base charge to earphone: 2 times Charger base Charger base weight: 36g
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. NOTEThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
which encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
measures:—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. RF exposure compliance statement: This device has been evaluated to meet the general RF exposure requirement, it can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.