Whether pure adeng rooms or modifying an exlsmg resldentla
or commercla structure, EMIAme icaSeries Ductless _pit Systems
make it easyto enid} conditioned comfort minus me dUCIWOrK
Eft @entv designed AmericaSeries Ductless Split Systems
aHo_ you to cut your energy costs by cooing or
nearing zones as redulred. UnliKecentral air, eacrl
zc qe IScontrolled truependentVaHowtng you to
use energy wtsety- only wnere and when )ou
need it. Easy operated AmericaSeries systems
feature ,..'ourchoice of untt mount @gtat contr@s,
nand-neld infra-red remote controls or
24-volt wa mount mermostats.
:_Ml'sAmencaSeries ne of ductlesssplit air con@don ng isme most
comprenenswe, Tlexible and un due duc_tessHnetn me tndustry.Select
from over 100 sing eor mulu-zone %stems for cooling only or neat pump
applications. With exceptional performance, operaung efficiency, and EMI
exclusive features - the EMI AmericaSer esis me number one cno ce for
Comfort Whe'e It Counts."
÷ Opuona etecmc neat on both stra gnt co@and neat pump atr nandlers.
÷ LOWambient cooling don n to 60°F Standard/OUtSidetemperature, wtm
optional low amb_en_coo,rig available down to 0°F_outs_detemperaturek
÷ The flexibtt% of a full line of air handlers..
Floor - FHP,Corner - CNR, Wall - WHE Ceiling - CHP,
T-Bar- TBH. and Cassette- CAll
Cassettecapabi%es stamng at 9,000 BTU/h.
LOWvoltaoe interconnect between air nandler and condenser.
÷ 100 ft. of total interconnect ,maximum of 35 ft. vertical lift,.
Opttonat integrated condensate pump (factory or field insta ea.
Optional Wall mermostat operation
wtm 24-volt manuat or programmable thermosta_.
o_Schrader ports for ease of servlceab@ty.
÷ Multi-zone condensers capable of handling
four different types of air hang ers.
÷ Availab@tyof DX, Chilled Water or Hot Water
operation on most a rnan@ers.