When switching the TMP weld unit on the screen display will be activated. The
TMP will identify itself by presenting unit and peripherals types as well as the
corresponding software versions.
Software version 1Software version 2
T U C K E R #########
System softwareV ##.##
Keypad/DisplayV ##.##
Central CPUV ##.##
SMPSV ##.##
Interface ########### V ##.##
Having selected the sub-menu "Weld Parameter Monitor" using or through the
direction keys the cursor will move to the first menu line requesting selection of th e
TMP output (1-5) to be monitored as well as the program no. (1-27) of the weld
program to be monitored.
Remark: Output "0" described below has a special function.
RefPreset value set according to weld program.
+ tolPositive tolerance. "0" selections will not be monitored.
- tolNegative tolerance. "0" selections will not be monitored.
ActActually measured weld parameters of last weld.
Vp [V]
Arc voltage in pilot current phase. *
Vw [V]Arc voltage in weld current phase.
Iw [A]Weld current.
tw [ms]Weld time.
td [ms]Stud drop time.
Lift [mm]Lift distance.
An exclamation mark before the text Lift signifies that the
stud length measurement function for SD2 has been
deactivated in terms of position.
* Some voltage values are of particular importance (see Annex E).
FaultThe fault will be displayed that has occu red during welding.
Possible fault indications are:
NoneWeld cycle without fault.
SMPSDefect within SMPS, welding was stopped.
Lift Cycle OnFault when enabling the solenoid.
No arc VoltageDefective lift; short circuit in weld circuit.
Short circuit weld The last weld performed was a short circuit operation.
Lift Cycle OffFault when disabling the solenoid.
Drop Time
Monitoring time in weld sequence was exceeded.
No Weld CurrentThe last weld performed was an open circuit operation.
Faults will be recorded under a fault nu mber in the fault mem or y.
Selecting the function keys .. will open the corresponding sub-menu. By
Output No.:The output number defines the weld tool which will be
addressed based on the TMP connector configuration.
When indicating the output the follow i ng operati on modes ar e to be differentiated:
In standard operation (feeder - SKK/PK) the output no. must
be entered corresponding to the TMP connector configuration.
For example: "TMP-pin 1 - feeder 1 - SKK/PK no. 1".
SD2 operation
When using a 2-way stud divider "SD2" only output no. 1 is to
be addressed.
SD5 operation
When using a 5-way stud divider the output no. is to be
entered corresponding to the "SD5" configuration. For
example: "SD5 connector configuration 3 - SKK no. 3".
SD5 opera tionWhen using a 5-way stud divider the output no. is to be
entered corresponding to the "SD5" configuration. For
example: "SD5 connector configuration 3 - SKK no. 3".
Weld Program
For each weld task a specific weld program should be
available which is to be addressed via the corresponding
program no. (1 - 127).
Enter a number between 1 and 5 for the weld output as well as between 1 and 127
for a weld program via the numerical keypad and confirm with or press
to exit the input mode.
YesExternal program selection enabled.
NoExternal program selection disabled.
Remark: if no external program selection is requested only
weld program 1 may be activated for the corresponding
Weld diameterSelection of weld flange diameter.
Flange diameterSelection of flange diameter in a range from 2 mm - 8 mm
(step size: 1 mm).
SWB10When welding T-studs with a l ength of 3,8 m m and a flang e
diameter of 3 mm the TUCKER-name SWB10 is to be entered.
Selection of sheet thickness of work surface: 0,8 mm, 1,2 mm,
2 mm or >2 mm.
CoatingSelection of work surface coating.
noneUntreated work surface.
galvanizedGalvanized work surface.
Energy adjustmentWeld ener gy adjustment in a range from -50% - +50%
(step size: 5%).
Programming is to be executed by the and keys. The selections of the
individual parameters can be either confirmed with or rejected with .
By pressing the or the key the cursor will move to the field "output no." and
enables further programming. By pressing you will return to the sub-menu
The sub-menu "Statistics" will be selected by positioning of the cursor on the third
line of the main menu and by presing the key. The sub-menu "Statistics"
contains sub menus in which information on faults, welds and maintenance are
Fault memory
WOPs memory
Weld output statistics
Weld program statistics
<↓↑> <ENTER> <F1..F5> <ESC>
1.4.1Sub-Menu "Faul t Memory"
By positioning the cursor on the first line of the sub-menu "Statistics" and then
pressing the key you can access the "Fault Memory" screen.
Fault memory Fault no. ###
O PrgFault typeNo. Date Time
Select output number and confirm with . The individual menu lines of the
display signify the following:
WOP-MemoryRecord for all welds out of tolerance.
Weld part identDisplay of the program ident for the weld part
OThose outputs for which WOP‘s are to be displayed
can be entered with the numerical keys 1 - 5.
With the key 0 all WOP‘s will be displayed in
sequence of their occurrence.
The selection must be confirmed with .
Prog.Display of current weld program.
PageDisplay of current page.
DateDate when WOP occurred.
TimeTime when WOP occurred.
Autoplunge: Yes
(tw = we ld time)
The de-energization time of the solenoid will be auto-
matically adjusted to the reference stud drop time.
Autoplunge: No
Optimization: Yes
(up to max. 800A/60ms)
Automatic autoplunge was not activated.
An automatic adjustment of the weld curr ent Is / wel d
time ts when welding through impur iti es on w ork
surface was performed.
Optimization: NoNo optimization of weld current lw and weld time tw
Positive tolerance. "0" selections will not be measured.
Negative tolerance. "0" selections will not be measured.
Actually measured weld parameters of the last weld
Vp [V]
Vw [V]
lw [A]
tw [ms]
td [ms]
Lift [mm]
Arc voltage in pilot current phase.
Arc voltage in weld current phase.
Weld current.
Weld time.
Stud drop time.
Lift distance.
FaultThe fault will be displayed that has occured during welding.
• Possible fault messages are:
NoneWeld sequence without fault.
SMPSDefect within SMPS, welding was stopped.
Lift Cycle OnFault when enabling the solenoid.
No arc voltageDefective lift; short circuit in weld circuit.
Short circuit weldThe last weld performed was an short circuit operation.
Lift Cycle OffFault when disabling the solenoid.
Drop Time
Monitoring time in weld sequence was exceeded.
No weld currenttThe last weld performed was an open circuit operation.
The WOPs can be alternately displayed with the keys and .
By pressing you will return to the sub-menu "Statistics". By pressing you
will return to the main menu.
By positioning the cursor on the third line of the sub-menu "Statistics" and then
pressing the key you can access the memory menu "Weld Output Statistics"
OutputDisplay of the output the statistics are related to.
Number of WIP & WOPTotal number of welds.
Number of WOPsTotal number of welds out of tolerance.
WOP repeat limitDisplay of programmed acceptable sequential welds
that may be out of tolerance.
Actual WOP repeatActual number of sequential welds out of tolerance.
Number of faultsTotal number of faults occurred.
Auto refeedNo. of studs automatically supplied due to missing
SOW-signal during internal slide rail control.
The information for the individual weld programs can be alternately displayed with
the keys and .
By pressing you will return to the sub-menu "Statistics".
By positioning the cursor on the fourth line of the sub-menu "Statistics" and then
pressing the key you can access the memory menu "Weld Program Statistics"
Select output number and confirm with . The individual menu lines of the
display signify the following:
Weld Program Statistics Statistics of welds within and out of tolerance for the
individual outputs.
OutputSelection of the ouput for which statistical information
is to be displayed.
ProgDisplay of the program the statistics are related to.
Number of WIP & WOPT otal number of welds.
Number of WOPsTotal number of welds out of tolerance.
WOP repeat limitDisplay of programmed acceptable sequential welds
that may be out of tolerance.
Actual WOP repeatActual number of sequential welds out of tolerance.
Auto refeedNo. of studs automatically supplied due to missing
SOW-signal during internal slide rail control.
The information for the individual weld programs WOP‘s can be alternately
displayed with the keys and .
By pressing you can select another output, by pressing again you will
return to the sub-menu "Statistics".
The sub-menu "Clear Fault Condition" can be selected directly with the function
key or by positioning the cursor on the fourth line of the main menu
"OPERATION" and then pressing .
In case of no fault condition the following will be displayed on the monitor when the
sub-menu "Clear Fault Condition" is selected:
Weld parameter monitoring
Fault reset
No fault exist
Status TMP
<↓↑> <ENTER> <F1..F5>
In case of a TMP system fault all fault sources will be displayed
Fault condition
To continue operation clear
the fault condition.
<F1..F5> <ESC>
If system faults requires the opening of the weld unit it is exclusively
reserved for authorized and qualified personnel. All fault messages
will be cleared when the TMP unit is switched on again, following
the remedy of the fault condition.
In case there are simultaneous faults at other TMP outputs apart from the unit
faults (flashing of one, of several or of all "operation/error"-LED‘s) these can be
represented as follows after the system fault has been remedied.
Please note the remedial measures in the corresponding operating manuals for
the reseting of faults at unit peripherals.
Having reset the fault the menu selected before the fault occurred will be redisplayed automatically.
Irrespective of the removal of faults you can exit the sub-menu "Fault Reset" by
pressing and return to the main menu.
Remark: If the fault can not be cleared by either RESET, RESTART or SET WC
reseting of faults is limited to the remedial measures listed in section "Fault
Operational defects of the weld equipment which can not be
cleared through the listed remedial measures are to be fixed by
qualified service personnel.
The sub-menu "Status Weld Sequence" is to be selected for obtaining an overview on the weld circuit-related signals. Position the cursor on the corresponding
menu line of the main menu and press the key.
The sub-menu "Status Customer Interface" is to be selected for obtaining an
overview on interface signals given. Position the cursor on the sixth menu line of
the main menu and press the key.