Emerson ZX Platform Condensing Unit, ZX Series, ZXL Series, ZXD Series Product Manual

ZX Platform Condensing Unit
Product Manual
About Emerson Climate Technologies
Emerson Climate Technologies, a business segment of Emerson, is the world’s leading provider of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration solutions for residential, industrial and commercial applications. The group combines best-in-class technology with proven engineering, design, distribution, educational and monitoring services to provide customized, integrated climate-control solutions for customers worldwide. Emerson Climate Technologies’ innovative solutions, which include industry-leading brands such as Copeland Scroll and White-Rodgers, improve human comfort, safeguard food and protect the environment. For more information, visit EmersonClimate.com.
Emerson’s nancial performance is embellished with a record of unmissed annual dividend for 55 consecutive years.
For FY11, Emerson was ranked No. 120 on Fortune 500, a list of America’s largest companies, and placed No. 1 in the
same list’s Electronics and Equipment category.
The company invested approximately $696 million in engineering, development and customer solutions development producing 773 patents worlwide from FY04 to FY10.
In 2010, 37% of the company’s global sales from new products are due to the application of innovative technologies.
Emerson Climate Technologies is pleased to offer the ZX platform refrigeration
condensing units (CDU) specically
designed for medium temperature (ZX-
MT), digital modulated variable capacity
medium temperature (ZXD) and low temperature (ZXL-LT) refrigeration.
ZX series CDU has been highly successful in the Asian market and enjoys proven success with its energy savings and customer-friendly electronic features.
Features and Value
ZX Design Platform .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
ZX Reliability Platform ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
ZX Performance Platform ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Standard Unit Features ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
ZX Platform Scroll Superiority .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Nomenclature .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Bill of Material (BOM) ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
ZX Family: Medium Temperature ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
ZXD Family: Digital Medium Temperature ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
ZXL Family: Low Temperature .......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Physical Layout ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Application Guideline
Condensing Unit Handling............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Installation .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Electrical Connection ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Refrigeration Connections ............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Vapor Injection Application Tip......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Start Up And Operation .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Electronic Controller Assembly on a ZX Platform CDU
ZX/ZXL Controller Assembly …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………................................ 12
E2 Control Board ………………….………………………………………………………………………………........................................................ 14
E2 Control Board Dip Switch Setting ………………….……………………………………………………………………………............................ 15
Defrost Module Function Set .............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Diagnostic Initialization Message (ZX-MT and ZXL-LT ) ...................................................................................................................... 16
Diagnostic Messaging - LED Denition (ZX-MT and ZXL-LT ) .............................................................................................................. 16
E2 Controller Trip Set Points and Actions (ZX-MT and ZXL-LT Units) ………………………………………………….................................... 16
ZXD Controller Assembly ………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………................................ 18
ZXD Electronic Controller ………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19
Alarm Messaging - Digital Scroll Controller (ZXD) ........................................................................................……………………………. 23
Capacity and Power (kW)
ZX Family: Medium Temperature - R22
50 Hz ...........................................................................................................................................................……………………………...... 24
60 Hz ...............................................................................................................................................................…………………………….. 25
ZX Family: Medium Temperature - R404A/R507
50 Hz ...........................................................................................................................................................……………………………...... 26
60 Hz ...............................................................................................................................................................…………………………….. 27
ZXD Family: Digital Medium Temperature - R22
50 Hz ...................................................................................................................................................……………………………............. 28
ZXD Family: Digital Medium Temperature - R404A/R507
50 Hz ....................................................................................................................................................……………………………............ 29
60 Hz ...........................................................................................................................................................…………………………….... 29
ZXL Family: Low Temperature - R22
50 Hz ...........................................................................................................................................................…………………………….... 30
60 Hz .....................................................................................................................................................................……………………… 31
ZXL Family: Low Temperature - R404A/R507
50 Hz ...........................................................................................................................................................…………………………….... 32
60 Hz .................................................................................................................................................................………………………… 33
Technical Data
ZX Family: Medium Temperature at 50 Hz - PFJ ...............................................................................................…………………………………...... 34
ZX Family: Medium Temperature at 50 Hz - TFD ...................................................................……………………………....................................... 35
ZX Family: Medium Temperature at 60 Hz - TF5/TF7 ..................................................................……………………………………………………… 36
ZXD Family: Digital Medium Temperature at 50 Hz - TFD .............................................................................................................................. 37
ZXD Family: Digital Medium Temperature at 60 Hz - TF7 ............................................................................................................................... 38
ZXL Family: Low Temperature at 50Hz - TFD ................................................................................................................................................... 39
ZXL Family: Low Temperature at 60Hz - TF5/TF7 ............................................................................................................................................. 40
Wiring Diagram ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Packing Information .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Conversion Chart ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 46
Pressure Temperature Chart at Sea Level ......................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Contact Lists .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
ZX – Reliability Platform
Emerson Climate Technologies has designed the ZX platform CDUs with extended operational capability in tough climatic conditions. With our vast experience in the refrigeration industry, ZX platform CDU is designed with a good protection scheme. ZX protection scheme detect conditions that could cause damage to the compressor, initiates a warning, temporary shutdown and auto restarts. The control system will allow a complete shutdown requiring manual restart only after several iterations of repeated warnings and temporary shutdowns are carried out. The control system is driven by the built-in “E2 Controller”. Figure 02 shows the control strategy of the E2 Controller in a schematic form.
ZX – Performance Platform
Emerson Climate technologies with its leadership in scroll compression technology, apply the most advanced techniques to maximize
the possible operational efciency at specic application envelopes. ZX MT CDU applies a patented suction-line injection technology. Scroll compressor inherently operates at higher efciency at MT application conditions. The suction-line injection provides a more
reliable MT operating envelope.
ZX MT CDU applies ZX series scroll compressor with liquid injection into the suction-line using an electronic expansion valve (EXV). The EXV maintains an optimum feed of partially vaporized liquid refrigerant in the compressor suction to maintain a safe discharge gas temperature. The controlled discharge gas temperature provides a more reliable solution for the MT envelope.
ZXL LT CDU applies vapor injection technology to achieve higher efciency in LT refrigeration. Vapor injection allows an economizer cycle to be applied on a scroll compressor thereby greatly enhancing compressor efciency. This technology can be likened to 2- stage compression with economizer cycle. Vapor injection improves efciency by as much as 12% over a liquid injection system of the same
type. ZXL LT CDU applies ZXI series vapor injected compressor with vapor injection plate heat exchanger (PHE) to implement the vapor injection technology.
ZX – Design Platform
The ZX platform CDUs are designed to provide the best operational cost savings on a year around basis. Refrigeration equipment
operate continuously for7 days, 24 hours and 365 days. The ZX and
ZXI compressors, injection scheme and heat exchanger designs
are optimized to provide best efciencies at annual averaged
temperature rather than at typical rating conditions. The typical ambient on an annual basis follows a normal distribution pattern. The highest and lowest ambient happens only for few hours as
shown in gure 01.
Low Ambient High Ambient
Figure 01. Shows Annual Typical Ambient Pattern
Real Time Monitoring
Of CDU Conditions
Warning Mode
Temporary Shutdown,
Signal, Auto Restart
Lock Out Mode
Alarm, Dialer Relay
Activation, Manual Restart
Figure 02. Control Strategy of the E2 Controller
ZX Platform Condensing Unit was designed based on three factors demanded by industry users:
Energy Efficiency - Utilizing Copeland Scroll
compressor technology, variable speed fan motor, large capacity condenser coil
and advanced control algorithms, energy consumption is signicantly reduced. End-users can save more than 20% on annual energy
costs rather than using hermetic reciprocating units.
Reliability - Combining the proven reliability of Copeland Scroll
compressors with advanced electronics controller and diagnostics, equipment reliability is greatly enhanced. Fault code alerts and fault code retrieval capabilities provide information to help improve speed and accuracy of system diagnostics. Integrated electronics provide protection against over-current, over-heating, incorrect phase rotation, compressor cycling, high pressure resets, low pressure cut-outs. It can also send out a warning message to
an operator when there is a liquid oodback, which can prevent critical damage on the unit.
Flexibility - The slim shape and light weight make the ZX Condensing Unit aesthetically appealing and easy to install. The ultra
quiet variable-speed fan motor signicantly reduces exterior sound levels, allowing additional location exibility. Combined with wall mounting capability, the ZX Condensing Unit delivers unmatched exibility.
ZX Condensing Units are greatly suitable for walk-in cooler and freezer applications.
The advance scroll compressor technology, fan speed control and electronic controller are precisely collaborated in all units. It also introduces variable-speed fan motors that go beyond national standards. Guaranteed dependable performance and
operation in food service applications while conveying higher energy efciency and lower sound levels are the main objectives.
ZX Platform Condensing Unit
Figure 03. ZX Platform CDU Features
Standard Unit Features
Pre-painted enclosures for corrosion protection.
Heavy duty steel base with 23 mm raised legs.
Brass service valves located externally for
easy access.
Raised electrical access panel for easier
Receivers with fusible plug, liquid shut-off valve
and charging port.
Easy to read moisture indicator.
Variable-speed PSC fan motors.
Advanced performance alert diagnostics.
Over-sized condenser coils with additional n
corrosion protection for coastal zones.
Light weight, slim-line prole for maneuverability
and ease of installation.
All units are factory tested for braze joint leaks,
wiring connections, electrical continuity and start­up performance.
Oil separator and accumulator standard on low
temperature models.
Operating ambient is 48°C to -23°C*.
Proprietary Electronic Algorithms to Control Fan Speed, Optimizing Energy Performance for Local Seasonal Ambient Temperatures
Copeland Scroll Compressor Technology
• High Efciency
• Ultra Quiet
• High Reliability
Variable Speed PSC Fan Motors
• High Efciency
• Ultra Quiet
• Optimizes Air-
Flow for Maximum Heat Transfer
Oversized Condenser Coil for Maximum Heat
Compressor Reverse Rotation
Compressor Over Current
Compressor Internal Motor Protector Trip
Discharge Gas Over Heat
High Pressure Cut Out
Low Pressure Cut Out (only on MT series)
Refrigerant Flood Back
Compressor Minimum Off Time
Internal Thermal Sensor Failure
Built-in ZX Platform
- Shuts down unit during failure
- With real time monitoring of compressor operating conditions
ZXD Series
ZX and ZXL Series
Diagnostic Protection Increased Reliability and Lower Maintenance Costs
Flexibility More Installation Options
Highest Efciency
Lower Energy Bills
ZX Platform – Scroll Superiority
Scroll compressors deliver atter capacity compared to reciprocating compressor condensing units due to the high volumetric efciency of scroll compressors. Flatter capacity can otherwise be described as lower change in capacity with change in outdoor ambient. This is
schematically shown in Figure 03. Flatter capacity brings certain inherent advantages, which highly benet users and stored products.
Some of the benets of atter capacity on ZX platform CDUs are described below.
1. Smaller unit selection: Condensing units are selected to match the required refrigeration capacity at the highest required
ambient. Flatter capacity allows a smaller unit selection compared to reciprocating compressor CDU.
Lower operating cost: At lower ambient conditions, ZX platform CDU delivers capacity closer to the cooling load. In
contrast, reciprocating compressor CDU delivers capacity in far excess of what is required. This helps the ZX platform CDU to
operate at relatively higher evaporating temperature. Higher evaporating temperatures improve compressor efciency. In
addition, higher evaporating temperature reduces the rate of ice formation on the evaporator coils/frost build-up. Lower frost
build-up improves the evaporator heat exchange efciency. It also reduces the defrost heat demand, thereby resulting in lower energy
needed for defrost.
Freshness of food: Another benet of higher evaporating temperature is reduced dehumidication by the evaporator coil.
This allows higher relative humidity in cold room or cold cases. Higher relative humidity reduces weight shrinkage and improves freshness of stored product.
Low Ambient High Ambient
Evaporating Temp
ZX Capacity
Reciprocating Capacity
Smaller Unit
Figure 04
Features Owner/Enterprise Benefit
Energy improvement (More than $350 per year) •Lower operating costs
Sound improvement
• Creating a more comfortable environment for guests
• Beneficial for regions with noise ordinances
Diagnostic protection capabilities
• Reduces cost of nuisance calls
• Extends life of your equipment
• Reduces potential service costs
• Maintains your equipment to original standards, maintaining energy efficiency and temperature control
• Have confidence in what your contractor is fixing
Slim profile, lighter weight, and optional wall mount capability
• Lower installation costs
• Improved appearance of your enterprise site
• Avoids more costly solutions for potential location issues
*For applications outside these guidelines, please contact Application Engineering.
ZX Platform Condensing Unit
Z X L 0 2 0 E - T F D - 4 5 1
Unit Family
= Medium Temp
L = Low Temp
D = Digital Medium Temp
2.0 to 7.6 HP
E = Ester oil
O = Mineral Oil
PFJ = 220V/240V- 1ph- 50 Hz
TFD = 380V/420V- 3ph- 50 Hz
TF5 = 200V/230V- 3ph- 60 Hz
TF7=380 - 3ph - 60 Hz
Bill of Material
Base Model Electrical Code Bill of Material
BOM 401 451 451 461 471 450 451 461
Liquid Line Filter Dryer/Sight Glass
Oil Separator
Adjustable LP Switch
Fixed LP Switch
E2 Controller
Diagnostic Module
Digital Scroll Controller
Fan Speed Controller
Circuit Breaker
Sound Jacket
Defrost Module ACC ACC ACC ACC
Filter Drier V
Notes: E2 controller has fan speed control function
“V” indicates are type connection
“ACC” indicates accessory
ZX Family : Medium Temperature
Refrigerant –R404A/ R507, R22 Maximum Suction Gas Temperature: 20
R404A/ R507
R22 Except ZX0750
Ambient Temperature
-20-15 125
Evaporating Temperature0C
Fan Speed Control Function For Ambient Lower Than 100C
ZX Medium Temperature at 50 Hz - PFJ / TFD
Note : For model ZX0750 Max Amb: 43°C , Max Evap: 5°C
Fan Speed Control Option
For Ambient Lower Than 10
Refrigerant –R404A/ R507, R22 Maximum Suction Gas Temperature: 20
Ambient Temperature
2101-51-02- 50
Evaporating Temperature0C
ZXD Digital Medium Temperature at 50 Hz - TFD
at 60 Hz - TF7
Note : For model ZXD075/E Max Amb: 43°C , Max Evap: 5°C
R404A/ R507 18°C RGT
R404A/ R507 10K SH
R22 10K SH
ZXD Family : Digital Medium Temperature
Refrigerant –R404A/ R507, R22 Maximum Suction Gas Temperature: 20
R404A/ R507
R22 Except ZX0750
Ambient Temperature
-20-15 125
Evaporating Temperature0C
Fan Speed Control Function For Ambient Lower Than 10
ZX Medium Temperature at 50 Hz - PFJ / TFD
Note : For model ZX0750 Max Amb: 43°C , Max Evap: 5°C
Refrigerant –R404A/ R507, R22 Maximum Suction Gas Temperature: 20
R404A/ R507
Ambient Temperature
Evaporating Temperature0C
Fan Speed Control Function For Ambient Lower Than 100C
ZX Medium Temperature at 60 Hz - TF5/7
ZXL Family : Low Temperature
C Ambient
C Ambient
Refrigerant –R404A/ R507, R22 Maximum Suction Gas Temperature: 20
ZX Platform Condensing Unit
Physical Layout of the ZX Platform CDU
The unique features of ZX platform CDU as described above are quite different from the conventional CDUs available in the market. Apart from this, ZX platform CDU also comes with a package of other conventional features which are part of a well designed condensing unit.
ZX- MT, ZXL-LT E2 Controller ZXD Digital Scroll Controller
Scroll Compressor
Figure 05: Identies the electronic controller assembly on a ZX Platform CDU
Figure 06: Identies other major components layout on a ZX Platform CDU
Oil Separator (Optional In MT CDU) Liquid Receiver
Liquid Sight Glass/ Moisture Indicator Liquid Filter Drier
Suction And Liquid Service Valve
Receiver Out Service Valve Compressor Oil Sight Glass
ZXI Vapor Injected Scroll Compressor
Vapor Injection control EXV
Vapor Injection Tube To Compressor
Vapor/ Liquid Sub Cooling PHE
Condensing Unit Handling
Transport and Storage
Move ZX/ZXD/ZXL unit only with appropriate mechanical or handling equipment according to weight. Keep in the upright position. Do not stack single boxes on top of each other without
pallet in any case.
Keep the packaging dry at all times.
Application Guideline
In ZX MT units, suction line injection is applied to the compressor suction. Suction line injection allows a reliable and efcient MT
envelope of up to -15°C (R22) and -20°C (R404A) evaporating temperature. In suction line injection, a part of liquid refrigerant is
added into the compressor suction gas. Suction injection de-superheats the suction gas and controls the compressor discharge temperature. This is implemented through electronic control by the E2 controller and an electronic expansion valve (EXV). The E2 monitors the compressor discharge temperature and optimizes the opening of the EXV for optimal discharge gas control.
In ZXL LT units, vapor injection is applied to the compressor. Vapor injection enhances the compressor efciency by applying 2-stage
compression with an economizer refrigeration cycle. Vapor injection eliminates the need for liquid injection, which would otherwise have been required to operate a reliable LT envelope down to -40°C evaporating temperature. In vapor injection, a part of liquid refrigerant is expanded and passed through a heat exchanger. In the heat exchanger, this expanded refrigerant absorbs heat from the main liquid line and sub-cool the main liquid. The expanded refrigerant vaporizes while passing through the heat exchanger and is supplied back into the scroll intermediate pockets through the vapor-injection tube. The sub-cooling of the main liquid increases the
compressor capacity by as much as 30%. The gure 14 below identies the key components of the vapor injection assembly.
Figure 07: Key Components Of The Vapor Injection Assembly
max 300 Kg
max 300 Kg
max 300 Kg
Net Weight
Model Weight (kg) Model Weight (kg) Model Weight (kg)
ZX0200/E 76 ZXD0400/E
104 ZXL0200/E 79
ZX0250/E 79 ZXD0500/E
112 ZXL0250/E 81
ZX0300/E 79 ZXD0600/E
114 ZXL0300/E 81
91 ZXD0750/E
122 ZXL0350/E 93
ZX0500/E 108 ZXL0400/E 93
ZX0600/E 112 ZXL0500/E 106
ZX0750/E 118 ZXL0600/E 116
ZX0760/E 121 ZXL0750/E 121
Notes: 1 100 kg for models under 60 Hz TF5/7 and 50 Hz PFJ
109 kg for models under 60 Hz TF7
117 kg for models under 60 Hz TF7
121 kg for models under 60 Hz TF7
127 kg for models under 60 Hz TF7
ZX Platform Condensing Unit
Copeland ZX condensing units are delivered with a holding charge of neutral gas. The condensing unit should be located in such a place
to prevent any dirt, plastic bag, leaves or papers from covering the condenser and its ns. The unit must be installed without restricting the airow. A clogged condenser will increase the condensing temperature, thus reduce the cooling capacity, and lead to a high-
pressure switch tripping. Clean the condenser ns on a regular basis.
Installation / Piping Instructions
It is recommended that a clearance of 8 inches from the wall (or the next unit) be maintained from the unit’s left and rear panel whereas
a clearance of 20 inches is to be maintained from the unit’s right, top and front panels. Both service access and air ow have been
considered in making these recommendations. Where multiple units are to be installed in the same location, careful consideration for proper clearance needs to be given to each individual unit.
Ideally, the unit should be mounted level on a solid concrete slab with rubber strips between unit feet and concrete. However, these units have been designed for mounting on suitable brackets for wall mounting. In this case it is equally important that the spatial guidelines given above are followed, and additional consideration needs to be given for possible air recycling if units are stacked above and below each other. In general terms, air by-pass around each condenser and between each unit should be avoided at all times.
Pipe sizing should not only be of sufcient size to ensure optimum performance and good oil return, but it also needs to take into
account the full capacity range through which this particular unit will need to operate. Follow the ASHRAE guidelines for proper piping practices.
Location and Fixing
The unit should always be installed in a location that ensures clean air ow. It is recommended that a clearance of 300 mm from the wall (or the next unit) be maintained from the unit’s left and rear panels whereas a clearance of 500 mm must be maintained from the unit’s right, top and front panels (seen facing the front of the unit). Both service access and airow have been considered in making these
recommendations. Where multiple units are to be installed in the same location, the contractor needs to consider each individual case carefully. There can be many variations of unit quantities and available space and it is not the intention of this manual to go over these. Ideally, the unit should be mounted on a solid concrete slab with anti-vibration pads between unit feet and concrete. However the ZX condensing unit has also been designed for wall mounting on suitable brackets. Wall mounting brackets are not included. Another factor
to consider in nding a good installation site is the direction of the prevailing wind. For example, if the air leaving the condenser faces the prevailing wind, the air ow through the condenser can be impeded, causing high condensing temperatures ultimately resulting in reducing unit life. A bafe is a remedy for this situation.
Dual Fan Unit
4 to 7.6 HP
Liquid Service Valve
Suction Service Valve
Power Supply Hole
2 Holes 15mm DIA
Single Fan Unit
2 to 4 HP
Power Supply Hole
Suction Service Valve Liquid Service Valve
2 Holes 15mm DIA
Fixing dimensions and distances - Single fan unit
Fixing dimensions and distances - Dual fan unit
Electrical Connection
Power Supply
The ZX condensing unit electrical connection to the power
supply must be made by qualied technicians, who should
refer to the electrical diagrams located inside the electric connection panel. The units are designed for below power supply at ± 10% voltage tolerance. The circuit breaker must be switched off before opening the front panel.
Electrical Wiring
Before commissioning, ensure that the neutral “N” wire is connected to the terminal block (“N” furthest to the right). After proper connection of the ZX condensing unit, the control LED on
the power board and control board will light. For more details, see wiring diagram in Appendix.
Refrigeration Connections
Refrigeration Piping Installation
All interconnecting pipes should be of refrigeration grade, clean, dehydrated and must remain capped at both ends until installation. Even during installation, if the system is left for any reasonable period of time (say two hours), pipes should be re-capped to prevent moisture and contaminants from entering the system.
Do not assume that the service connection sizes on the unit (at the service valves) are the correct size to run your interconnecting refrigeration pipes. The service valve sizes have been selected for convenience of installation and in some cases (larger units) these may be considered too small. However for the very short pipe run within our units, these service connection sizes are adequate. All interconnecting pipes should be sized to satisfy the duty required.
Usually the suction line is insulated, but the liquid line is not. However the liquid line can pick up additional heat from the ambient and adversely affect the sub-cooling desirable for the liquid refrigerant before it enters the expansion valve.
The pipe should be sized to ensure optimum performance and good oil return. The sizing must also take into account the full capacity range through which this particular unit will need to operate.
Pipe runs should be kept as short as possible, using the minimum number of directional changes. Use large radius bends and avoid trapping of oil and refrigerant. This is particularly important for the suction line. The suction line should ideally slope gently towards the unit. Recommendation slope is
1/200~1/250. P traps, double risers and reduced pipe diameters may be required
for suction lines where long vertical risers cannot be avoided. All pipes should be adequately supported to prevent sagging which can create oil traps. The recommended pipe clamp support distance is shown in the table.
ZXL Liquid Line Insulation
ZXL liquid line should be insulated with a 19 mm insulation thickness. Temperature could be as low as –15°C.
Codes HZ
PFJ 50
TFD 50
TF7 60
TF5 60
Tube Size
Max distance between
2 clamp support
12.7mm (1/2 inch) 1.20 m
16.0mm (5/8 inch) 1.50 m
22.0mm (7/8 inch) 1.85 m
28.5mm (1 1/8 inch) 2.20 m
Typical Liquid Line Temperature oC
R22 Ambient °C
Evap Temp oC 20 27 32 38 43 48
-40 -11 -3 7 7 11 14
-35 -8 -1 9 9 13 16
-30 -4 2 12 12 16 19
-25 0 5 14 14 19 23
-20 5 9 18 18 22 26
R404A Ambient°C
Evap Temp °C 20 27 32 38 43 48
-40 -8 -1 3 8 13 19
-35 -4 2 6 11 15 21
-30 0 6 9 13 18 23
-25 5 10 13 17 21 26
-20 9 14 17 20 24 30
ZXL-LT Unit (Liquid Line Temperature)
Vapor Injection: Specic Application Tips
ZXL-LT CDU applies vapor injection technology. As explained in the previous section, vapor injection improves LT operational
efciency and provides a reliable LT envelope. Vapor injection sub cools the main liquid line using the economizer cycle. The sub cooling of liquid line calls for some specic application tips which are applicable only for ZXL-LT CDU. They are;
1. Liquid line pipe connecting the CDU service valve to the evaporator expansion valve has to be well insulated separately. The
recommended insulation thickness is 12.5 mm (1/2 inches)
2. The lower liquid in temperature can increase the evaporator expansion valve capacities. Please follow valve manufactures recommended liquid temperature correction factors for proper selection of evaporator expansion valve.
ZX Platform Condensing Unit
End of tube
During brazing protect housing with damp cloth
During brazing pull back fire insulation
Start Up and Operation
Before commissioning, ensure that all valves on the condensing unit are fully opened.
The evacuation procedure is based upon achieving an actual system vacuum standard and is not time dependent. Before the installation is put into commission, it has to be evacuated with a vacuum pump. Proper evacuation reduces residual moisture to
50ppm. The installation of adequately sized access valves at the furthest point from the compressor in the suction and liquid lines
is advisable. To achieve undisturbed operation, the compressor valves are closed and the system is evacuated down to 0.3 mbar /
0.225 Torr. Pressure must be measured using a vacuum pressure (Torr) gauge on the access valves and not on the vacuum pump; this
serves to avoid incorrect measurements resulting from the pressure gradient along the connecting lines to the pump.
Charging Procedure
Refrigerant Charging Procedure
The scroll compressor design requires system charging as quickly as possible with liquid refrigerant into the liquid line. This will
avoid running the compressor under conditions where there is insufcient suction gas. Sufcient suction gas is available to cool not
only the motor but also the scrolls. Temperature builds up very quickly in the scrolls if this is not done. Do not charge vapor (gas) refrigerant into the ZX Scroll unit. The suction service valve must not be fully closed at any time while the compressor is running. To do so would cause damage to the compressor in the same manner as explained above. This valve is provided for ease of connection
and for the tting of service gauges without removing the unit panel. It is recommended to charge the ZX unit with refrigerant via
its service valves. It is recommended to break the vacuum in the system with a partial charge of the refrigerant, before starting the system. For charge adjustment, it is recommended to check the liquid sight glass just before the expansion valve.
Oil Charging Procedure
ZX CDUs are delivered with a full oil charge in both the compressor and the oil separator. The oil level should be visible in the compressor sight glass. All systems will trap some oil and in some cases it may be necessary to add oil if pipes are long, if the vertical rise is high and if the piping is not well designed. The oil level should be monitored carefully during commissioning, checked after 4 – 8 hours and checked again after 24 hours of normal operation. The ideal oil level is between ¼ and ¾ sight glass level but if any oil is visible in the sight glass the compressor can operate safely. If oil is not visible in the sight glass proceed as follows:
1. Perform a manual defrost on all evaporators simultaneously.
2. Operate the compressor (at 100% load for ZXD) for 5 minutes after defrost is complete. The unit will automatically tend to
operate (at 100% load for ZXD) after defrost as the evaporators recover their set-point temperatures.
3. Check that the oil level is at ¼ sight glass or higher but not over the top of the sight glass.
4. If oil is not visible add oil until the level reaches the ¾ sight glass level.
Brazing Recommendations
Maintain a ow of oxygen-free nitrogen through the system at a very low pressure during brazing. Nitrogen displaces the air and prevents the formation of copper oxides in the system. If copper oxidization is allowed to form, the copper oxide material can later be swept through the system and block screens such as those protecting capillary tubes, thermal expansion valves, and accumulator oil return holes.
This minimizes any entry of contaminants and moisture.
Remove the liquid line connection cap.
Then remove the suction connection cap.
Open both valves midway. Care should be taken to avoid the holding
charge from releasing too quickly.
Be sure that tube tting inner diameter and tube outer diameter are
clean prior to assembly.
Since both tubes are extended from the condensing unit housing,
we recommend insulating the housing by using a wet cloth on the copper tubing.
Recommended brazing materials: a copper / phosphorous or copper
/ phosphorous / silver alloy rod should be used for joining copper to copper whereas to join dissimilar or ferric metals, use a silver alloy
rod, either ux coated or with a separate coating.
Use a double tip torch.
Typical Values With Individual Values Within +/-5oC Note: ZXL CDU is designed with vapor injection technology. The condenser liquid line temperature will be sub cooled by the vapor injection plate heat exchanger.
R22 Ambient °C
-15 10 13 21 21 25 30
-10 15 17 25 25 29
-5 20 22 29 29 33 0 26 26 33 33 37
R404A Ambient°C
-15 13 18 21 24 28 34
-10 16 22 25 29 33
-5 20 26 29 33 37 0 23 29 33 38 42
Adding Oil
The simple and ideal way to add oil is to pump the oil into the suction side when the unit is running. Discharge pressure from the unit or refrigerant pressure from a cylinder can be used to force oil into the suction side. The oil will go directly into the compressor and the level increase will be immediate.
Tools required: Manifold gauge set and hoses, oil tank of ~ 1 litre volume with suitable connections, oil, refrigerant.
Qualified Refrigerants And Oil
R404A/507 Emkarate RL 32 3MAF Mobil EAL Artic 22 CC
R22 Suniso 3GS
Oils are pre-charged in both compressor and oil separator. Total oil volume (liter) for each unit is shown in the table below:
Model BOM Model BOM Model BOM
401 451 ALL ALL
ZX0200/E 1.18 1.68 ZXL0200/E 1.06 ZX0250/E 1.33 1.83 ZXL0250/E 1.06 ZX0300/E 1.33 1.83 ZXL0300/E 1.06
ZXL0350/E 1.74 ZX0400/E 1.83 2.33 ZXD0400/E 1.74 ZXL0400/E 1.74 ZX0500/E 1.83 2.33 ZXD0500/E 2.27 ZXL0500/E 1.74 ZX0600/E 1.66 2.16 ZXD0600/E 2.27 ZXL0600/E 2.27 ZX0750/E 1.66 2.16 ZXD0750/E 2.27 ZXL0750/E 2.27 ZX0760/E 1.66 2.16
Scroll Compressor Rotation Direction
Rotation Direction of Three Phase Scroll Compressors will only compress in one rotational direction. Direction of rotation is not an issue with single phase compressors since they will always start and run in the proper direction. Three phase
compressors will rotate in either direction depending upon phasing of the power. Since there is a 50-50 chance of connecting power in
such a way as to cause rotation in the reverse direction, it is important to include notices and instructions in appropriate locations on
the equipment to ensure proper rotation direction when the system is installed and operated. Verication of proper rotation direction
is made by observing that suction pressure drops and discharge pressure rises when the compressor is energized. Reverse rotation of a
scroll compressor also results in substantially reduced current draw compared to specication sheet values. Suction temperature will be
high, discharge temperature will be low and the compressor may be abnormally noisy. There is no negative impact on durability caused by operating three phase Copeland Scroll compressors in the reversed direction for a short period of time (under one hour). After several minutes of operation in reverse, the compressor’s motor protection system will trip the compressor off. If allowed to repeatedly restart and run in reverse without correcting the situation, the compressor will be permanently damaged. All three phase scroll compressors are
identically wired internally. As a result, once the correct phasing is determined for a specic system or installation, connecting properly
phased power leads to the same terminals will maintain proper rotation direction.
Brief Power Interruptions
Brief power interruptions (less than ½ second) may result in powered reverse rotation of single-phase refrigeration scroll compressors. High-pressure discharge gas expands backward through the scrolls at power interruption causing the scroll to orbit in the reverse direction. If power is reapplied while this reversal is occurring, the compressor may continue to run noisily in the reverse direction for several minutes until the compressor internal protector trips. This has no negative effect on durability. When the protector resets, the compressor will start and run normally.
Maximum Compressor Cycle
Maximum permitted starts per hour is 10.
Check Before Starting & During Operation
Both valves should be fully opened on the liquid line, in order to prevent trapping liquid.
Check that all valves are fully opened.
After starting and operation conditions are stabilized, it is recommended to check oil level in the compressor(s) and see if there
is a need to add oil to ensure a sufcient oil level (halfway up the sight glass).
ZX Platform Condensing Unit
Fault Temporary Shutdown/Auto Restart Lock Out Errors/Manual Restarts
Phase Reversal/ Loss Of Phase Incorrect 3 Phase Sequence
High Pressure Trip < 5 Trips In 1 Hour 6th Trip Within 1 Hour
Low Pressure Trip (only on MT Units) At Every LP Trip No Lock Out
Discharge Gas Temperature Overheat < 5 Trips In 1 hour 6th Trip Within 1 Hour
Compressor Over Current < 5 Trips In 1 Hour 6th Trip Within 1 Hour
Compressor Short Cycling 3 Minutes Between Starts No Lock Out
Excessive Suction Flood Back ~ 20% Flood Back, Warning Only No Lock Out
Discharge Sensor Failure (only on LT Units) < 5 Trips In 1 Hour 6th Trip Within 1 Hour
Other Thermal Sensor Failures Warning Only No Lock Out
Table 02
E2 Fault Detection Items
* Compressor Phase Reversal
* Loss of Phase (In 3 Phase Models)
* Compressor Over Current
* Compressor Protector Trip Detection
* Discharge Gas Temperature Over Heat
* High Pressure Cut Out
* Low Pressure Cut Out (MT CDU Only)
* Excessive Refrigerant Flood Back
*Compressor Minimum Off Time
* E2 Sensor Failures
Table 01
Electronic Controller Assembly on a ZX Platform CDU
ZX/ZXL Controller Assembly
ZX platform E2 control offers multiple features which are unique to refrigeration condensing units. E2 real-time control monitors and
optimizes the suction or vapor injection performance to offer efcient performance in ZX MT and LT units. E2 also monitors compressor
operating parameters, so as to protect the system from unsafe operating parameters such as passing through a peak temperature hour
of a peak ambient day; or drop-out of a power-phase; or continued refrigerant loss in the system. E2 controller detects these situations and, as a rst step, will initiate some corrective actions.
For example, when the LT unit experiences an extreme temperature day, E2 control decides to switch from vapor-injection-optimization to discharge-gas temperature-control to allow the compressor to run safely and pass the extreme weather hours.
Another fault condition which is common in refrigeration systems is compressor overload. If the condenser coils are not cleaned regularly, the compressor operating discharge pressures rises. This condition is gradual and in conventional CDUs, no advance warning is provided to the user on this approaching undesirable situation. Ultimately, in such a situation, the internal protector in the compressor trips. Two problems arise due to internal protector-trip. First: there is no alarm to detect the trip and second: a compressor internal protector reset may take as long as an hour. This could be critical for the quality of frozen food in freezers or cases. On the other hand, ZXL E2 controller detects the overload externally and actions a temporary shutdown. E2 Diagnostics will then start transmitting a fault
signal. After multiple attempts, and if the error repeats itself as high as six times within an hour, the E2 will nally shutdown the unit to
avoid expensive compressor failure.
The E2 will activate a buzzer to send an alarm signal at unit-lockout which then requires a manual restart. The buzzer is a standard part of the ZX platform Gold version CDU . The buzzer can be remotely mounted and has volume and mute capability. The E2 is also designed to activate an externally connected telephone dialer to send fault notice on a preset telephone number.
ZX platform units are designed to operate under extreme ambient temperatures of up to 48°C. This extremely high-ambient envelope,
combined with the intelligent E2 controller, provides unparalleled benets to customers.
The E2 control is also designed to apply a ZX defrost (DF) module. The ZX DF module is a basic time initiated DF module and is sup­plied as an optional accessory. The DF module has two rotary switches by which the user can set up the defrost duration and defrost interval. The DF module also enables a manual defrost as an override to the rotary switch setting of defrost interval.
The E2 controller consists of two electronic board assemblies: E2 power board and control board. The power board supplies constant DC power to the E2 control board. The E2 control board carries the intelligent chip containing the canned programs. The entire assembly is pre-installed and wired in the factory on a new unit. Both electronic boards carry a LED light . If the LED lights are on after power-up of the unit, it indicates normal and proper operation of the electronic boards. Once these lights are on, the rest of the unit including the compressor is monitored and digital messages are shown on the diagnostic panel.
Table 01 shows a list of fault detections enabled by E2 controller and diagnostics on ZX platform CDU. The diagnostics are standard features on the Emerson ZX platform Gold version.
Table 02 summarizes fault conditions under which the E2 controller initiates “tempo­raryshutdown—with-auto-restart” and “lock-out trip-condition with- manual-restart.”
2-Bit Dip Switch
3-Bit Dip Switch
Rotary Switch
E2 Control Board
Power Isolation Switch
E2 Power Board
Compressor Contactor
Diagnostic Module
Fuse Holder Electrical Cable connectors
Defrost Module (optional)
Defrost Duration (in Minutes)
Defrost Interval (In Hours)
E2 Connector
Manual Defrost
Remote Connector For Manual Defrost
Remote Buzzer
With Volume
E2 Display Diagnostic
Remote Buzzer
With Volume
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