Leading Innovations in Digital Scroll Technology
Emerson Climate Technologies has revolutionized the industry with the introduction of its scroll technology, which was launched in 1987.
In 2012, Emerson produced its 100 millionth scroll - a signicant achievement and further demonstrating Emerson’s position as a world
leader in the development and application of scroll technology.
Energy-efcient Refrigeration Through Capacity Modulation
Today, Emerson is the world’s largest manufacturer of refrigeration compressors, underscoring Emerson Climate Technologies’ thrust of
ensuring food safety and protecting the environment. Leveraging on Emerson’s vast global network and R&D resources, the company also
continues to develop the ultimate in climate technology for various businesses. Emerson helps provide solutions to achieve high efciency
systems for cold storage warehouses, supermarkets, quick service restaurants, meat trading and processing facilities, seafood import and
export establishments, agricultural depots and retail outlets - green technologies with less environmental impact.
With today’s growing need to address energy efciency and precise temperature control, Emerson developed ZBD compressors – digital
scroll technology in a simplied, compact design that is very reliable.
The ZBD features continuous capacity modulation range of 10-100%. This eliminates hot gas bypass, which causes waste of electricity,
and complications arising from variable speed drives. Precise capacity modulation control proves benecial in a number of applications,
including precise temperature control for precision cooling and humidity control as well as parallel compressor operations or rack systems
– intermediate and more precise part load operation of a compressor to perfectly match varying evaporator loads. Compared to cycling
compressors, smoother and more precise load matching is enabled by stepless capacity control with the ZBD.
Key Features and Benets
• Digital Scroll technology provides higher efciency compared to hot gas bypass systems or
compressor cycling
• Less complicated compared to variable speed technologies
• More reliable compared to other modulation technologies due to elimination of oil return issues
• Suitable for rack systems due to its varying load requirements
• Proven scroll technology paired with mechanical unloading system provides greater
reliability and efciency