1.1. GENERAL WARNING ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2.1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................................................ 1
OWERING THE XEV22D ............................................................................................................................................. 4
5.2.2. XEV22D Power Wiring......................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2.3. Wire Type and Maximum Distances ..................................................................................................................... 5
6 VALVE CONNECTIONS AND CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................... 6
7 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM POWER............................................................................................................................. 8
8 FRONT PANEL............................................................................................................................................................. 9
8.1. KEYS AND FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 9
9 USER INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................................... 10
9.1. TO SEE THE READ-ONLY VALUES ............................................................................................................................. 10
9.2. TO SEE THE SETPOINT ................................................................................................................................................ 10
9.3. TO MODIFY THE SETPOINT ......................................................................................................................................... 10
9.4. TO ENTER PR1 PARAMETERS LIST ............................................................................................................................. 10
9.5. TO ENTER PR2 PARAMETERS LIST ............................................................................................................................. 10
9.6. TO MODIFY THE PARAMETERS VALUE ...................................................................................................................... 10
9.7. HOW TO ASSIGN A MODBUS ADDRESS.................................................................................................................... 11
11 DIGITAL INPUTS..................................................................................................................................................... 17
14 RS485 SERIAL LINE................................................................................................................................................ 17
15 HOW TO USE THE HOT KEY............................................................................................................................... 18
15.1. HOW TO PROGRAM A HOT KEY FROM THE CONTROLLER (UPLOAD)...................................................................... 18
15.2. HOW TO PROGRAM THE CONTROLLER USING A HOT KEY (DOWNLOAD) ............................................................... 18
19 ECT MODBUS NETWORKING TO E2S............................................................................................................... 22
19.1. COM PORT ASSOCIATIONS - E2 VERSIONS 3.XX AND BELOW ................................................................................ 22
19.2. COM PORT ASSOCIATIONS - E2 VERSIONS 4.2 AND ABOVE ................................................................................... 23
19.3. E2 SETUP OF DEVICES .............................................................................................................................................. 23
19.3.1. Set Up Network Ports........................................................................................................................................ 23
19.3.2. Add and Connect the Device............................................................................................................................. 23
20 STANDARD VALUES .............................................................................................................................................. 26
vi • XEV22D I&O Manual026-1206 Rev 3 13-DEC-2012
1.1.General Warning
Please read the following safety precautions and
warnings before using this manual:
• This manual is part of the product and
should be kept near the controller for easy
and quick reference.
• The controller should not be used for purposes
different from those described in this manual. It cannot be used as a safety device.
• Check the application limits before proceeding.
• Check that the supply voltage is correct
before connecting the controller.
• Do not expose to water or moisture: use the controller only within the operating limits and avoid sudden temperature changes with high atmospheric
humidity to prevent condensation from forming.
• Warning! Disconnect all electrical connections
before performing any kind of maintenance.
• Fit the probe where it is not accessible by the end
user. The controller must not be opened.
• In case of failure or faulty operation, send the
controller back to Retail Solutions (see address) with a
detailed description of the fault.
• Verify the maximum current that can be applied
to each relay (see Section 17, Specifications).
• Ensure that the wires for probes, loads, and the
power supply are separated and far enough from each
other, without crossing or intertwining.
• In case of applications in industrial environments, the use of main filters (our mod. FT1) in parallel with inductive loads could be useful.
2.1.General Description
The XEV22D controller is capable of driving a
wide variety of stepper electronic expansion valves.
The controller regulates the superheat (SH) of the fluid that runs into the refrigeration unit to obtain optimized performance and functioning of the evaporator
independent of climate or load conditions.
XEV22D controllers are equipped with two (2)
probe inputs, one for a 4 to 20mA (or 0 to 5V) pressure transducer and another one for a Pt1000 or NTC
temperature probe.
The LAN connection transmits the pressure signal
to the other XEVs; this allows the use of only one
pressure transducer in multiplexed cabinet applications. The controller can also have two (2) configurable digital inputs, the first one is free of voltage and
the other one is at high voltage, to simplify connections with cooling request signal.
With the integrated display, it is possible to see the
superheat (SH) value, the degree of valve opening, or
the probe values; the local keyboard enables the controller to be programmed without any other devices.
An RS485 serial link connects the controller to
other Emerson monitoring and supervising systems.
2.2.Ordering Code
Table 2-1 - Product Ordering Code
Dixell Code
General WarningIntroduction • 1
3Wiring Connections
The superheat regulation is performed only when the cooling digital input is enabled. Figure 3-1 shows how
the device takes the request of cooling:
Figure 3-1 - How XEV22D Acts on Cooling Request
See Figure 3-2 for wiring. The “First Level” indicates the connections on the floor of the 4-DIN module and
“Second Level” indicates the connections on the first floor that are only for the stepper motor of the valve and
for the Hot Key.
Figure 3-2 - XEV22D Wiring Connections
2 • XEV22D I&O Manual026-1206 Rev 3 13-DEC-2012
4Wiring Guidelines
*STEPPER VALVEUse valve manufacturer’s harness with a maximum length not
Table 4-1 - Wiring Guidelines
Retail Solutions P/N 035-0002
Retail Solutions P/N 035-0002
Retail Solutions P/N 135-8641
Retail Solutions P/N 135-8771
**#8771 for alternate 600v rated wire use BELDEN #8618 16
to exceed 30 feet (10 meters).
Allow a maximum wire size of 14 AWG (2 mm
Ordering CodeWiring Guidelines • 3
5Mounting and
The XEV22D is usually mounted by the Refrigeration equipment manufacturer. Therefore, the installer need only make the necessary connections between
the boards and the site controller(s).
In some instances, an installer may be required to
mount the XEV22D. There are no restrictions on the
location of the XEV22D; however, the controller
should be mounted in a location protected from moisture. Typically, mounting inside the electrical control
panel of a package unit is acceptable.
The XEV22D uses a DIN mount installation.
Figure 5-1 - DIN Mounting
Mount:On a DIN rail (EN 50022,
DIN 43880) Fastened with
screws via the removable
plastic flaps
Material:PC-ABS Thermoplastic
Self-extinguishing:VO (UL94)
Comparative Tracking
Index (CTI):
Table 5-1- XEV22D Enclosure Specification
4 • XEV22D I&O Manual026-1206 Rev 3 13-DEC-2012
5.2.Powering the XEV22D
Retail Solutions supplies a wide variety of 24VAC
transformers with varying sizes without center taps.
Table 5-2 shows the transformer sizes and are non
5.2.1. Choosing Transformer Sizes
The transformer used to power the XEV22D
should have at least a 20VA rating. The XEV22D
should not share a transformer with any other devices.
Part Number
640-004050VA110/208/220 VAC
640-004150VA110 VAC
640-004250VA220 VAC
Table 5-2- Transformer Compatible with XEV22D
VA Rating
5.2.2. XEV22D Power Wiring
The XEV22D can be powered by one of the 50VA
non-center-tapped transformers listed in Table 5-2.
Neither side of the secondary should be connected
to ground. Also, do not connect the center tap (if provided on the transformer) to ground. The entire secondary of the transformer should be isolated from any
5.2.3. Wire Type and Maximum
Two-conductor non-shielded cables are the recommended wire for connecting the transformer to the
XEV22D, see Table 5-3 for power wiring types.
Shielded cable should not be used for power wiring.
The center tap should be left disconnected, if present
on the transformer.
Feet = 1920/VA
Feet = 739/VA
(VA is the total VA rating of the controller)
For example, if you had an 18 VA load:
14 AWG: 24 ft.
18 AWG: 9ft. (rounded down)
Sensors requiring 24VAC should not be powered
from the same transformer powering the input board.
Any devices that will be connected to the XEV22D’s
inputs or outputs must be powered with a separate
24VAC transformer.
Power Wiring Types
14 AWGBelden 9495
18 AWGBelden 9495
Table 5-3- Power Wiring Types
The wire length from the transformer determines
the type wire gauge used. In most cases, the distance
between the XEV22D and the transformer that supplies power to it is not enough to be of concern;
however, it is very important NOT to exceed this
maximum wire length or the controller will not operate correctly.
Use these formulas to determine if the wire gauge
you are using fits within specification:
Powering the XEV22DMounting and Powering • 5
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