Before applying power to the control panel, all wiring to the panel shall be installed per NEC. Specifically
check for proper voltage and that the neutral is grounded at the source. An equipment ground should also
be run to the panel.
*See Wiring Instructions and Diagrams before proceeding.
• Before start-up you need to enter all system values and options, see section on Setpoint Values.
• Power circuits entry on left side of enclosure
• Instrument circuits entry on right side of enclosure
Electrical installation shall be completed by a licensed electrician qualified in field wiring
located in Class 1 Div 2 Hazardous Locations per the National Electric Code (NEC).
Seller warrants all new single screw gas compression units and bareshaft single screw compressors
manufactured by it and supplied to Buyer to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period
of (a) eighteen (18) months from the date of shipment or (b) twelve (12) months from the date of
installation at the end user’s location, whichever occurs first.
If within such period any such product shall be proved to Seller’s satisfaction to be defective, such product
shall be repaired or replaced at Seller’s option. Such repair or replacement shall be Seller’s sole obligation
and Buyer’s exclusive remedy hereunder and shall be conditioned upon (a) Seller’s receiving written notice
of any alleged defect within ten (10) days after its discovery, (b) payment in full of all amounts owed by
Buyer to Seller and (c) at Seller’s option, Buyer shall have delivered such products to Seller, all expenses
prepaid to its factory. Expenses incurred by Buyer in repairing or replacing any defective product
(including, without limitation, labor, lost refrigerant or gas and freight costs) will not be allowed except by
written permission of Seller. Further, Seller shall not be liable for any other direct, indirect, consequential,
incidental, or special damages arising out of a breach of warranty.
This warranty is only applicable to products properly maintained and used according to Seller’s
instructions. This warranty does not apply (i) to ordinary wear and tear, damage caused by corrosion,
misuse, overloading, neglect, improper use or operation (including, without limitation, operation beyond
rated capacity), substitution of parts not approved by Seller, accident or alteration, as determined by Seller
or (ii) if the product is operated on a gas with an H2S level above 100 PPM. In addition, Seller does not
warrant that any equipment and features meet the requirements of any local, state or federal laws or
regulations. Products supplied by Seller hereunder which are manufactured by someone else are not
warranted by Seller in any way, but Seller agrees to assign to Buyer any warranty rights in such products
that Seller may have from the original manufacturer. Labor and expenses for repair are not covered by
Any description of the products, whether in writing or made orally by Seller or Seller’s agents,
specifications, samples, models, bulletins, drawings, diagrams, engineering sheets or similar materials used
in connection with Buyer’s order are for the sole purpose of identifying the products and shall not be
construed as an express warranty. Any suggestions by Seller or Seller’s agents regarding use, application or
suitability of the products shall not be construed as an express warranty unless confirmed to be such in
writing by Seller.
Press Log on Button and the below screen will appear. When altering setpoints, log on is necessary.
Select appropriate user name and enter password
to change/access setpoints.
To Log On: Enter your User Name (case sensitive)
and Password (case sensitive) then touch the <_|
enter key.
To Log Off: Touch the Log Off button. This will return
to the DEFAULT low-level user. The DEFAULT user
may navigate to most screens but cannot change
Note: An operator will be automatically
logged off after 10 minutes of inactivity.
Note: The machine can be run and monitored without logging on. To change the
setup or parameters of the machine, the
operator must log on.
From the Main screen, touch the Setup button. After
entering an authorized user name and password, the
screen pictured below will appear.
Pressure units,Temperature units and Suction/
Discharge Pressure control configurations are list
To choose a configuration from a list: 1.) Touch the
list. 2.) Touch the Up or Down Arrow to move the
green cursor “>” along side of the desired configuration. 3.) Touch the Enter button. This will highlightgreen the chosen configuration.
the compressor to run with setpoint #1 or #2
· Oil Pump Selection – The operator can select
the compressor to use either oil pump #1 or #2
when compressor has a second oil pump.
· Pressure Units – Select units of measure for pres-
sure readings. Choices are PSIG, PSIA, kPa [A],
kPa [G], kg/cm² [A], kg/cm² [G], Hg (vac) [G], WC
[A], WC [G], Bar [A], Bar [G], Torr [A], Torr [G].
· Temperature Units – Select units of measure
for temperature. Choices are Fahrenheit or Celsius, Kelvin and Rankine.
· Anti-Recycle – The operator can select from the
following Anti-Recycle options: True, Accumulative, Modified, or Hot Starts. These select the
strategy used to prevent excessive start/stop
cycles of the compressor. Timers and counters
used to enforce anti-recycling are adjusted and
monitored in the Compressor Timer Settings
screen, reached from the Menu screen. Help
for the Timer Settings screen explains how the
different settings and strategies operate.
·Min Run Capacity – When enabled, the Minimum
Run Capacity setting on the Addition Compressor Setpoints screen operates as described in the
help for that screen. When multiple compressor
sequencing is used, selecting Disable here does
not interfere with use of the Min Run Capacity
setting in the sequencing logic.
·Oil Pump Option #1 – The operator can choose
the method the compressor oil pump operates.
·Suction Pressure Sensor Mode – The operator
can select local or remote sensor mode. Remote
sensor mode is typically used when compressors
are installed in parallel.
· Compressor Control Via – Operator can choose
the method or mode of compressor control.
This determines which measured variable is used
in making loading (capacity control) decisions.
The choice selected here determines which
setpoints are made available for adjustment on
the Compressor Control Setpoints screen.
·Capacity & Volume Slide Non-Movement – Alarm
enable and disable buttons permit selecting
whether an alarm should be generated when
failure of slides to move is detected.
·Reset After Power Fail – When Auto is selected,
the compressor will attempt to restart on powering up if it was running in ‘Auto’ when powered
down and enabling conditions are met. When
‘Manual’ is selected, the compressor powers up
into the ‘Stop’ mode and an explicit command
to run is required from an operator or comms
At the bottom of the Main screen touch the Menu button to bring up the screen shown in Figures below.
Use this screen to navigate to the other setpoint screens contained within the program. Each screen has a help
button to describe the function of the screen.
There are several buttons that are common for all menu screens:
Return to Menu – This button always returns you to the Menu screen
Log On – The user is allowed to view data at all screen levels but cannot edit data until a login has occurred.
Refer to the Log on/off Instructions on page 16.
Set – To change a value, the operator must first press the SET button and then the text field of the value they
want to modify. A number pad will pop up for ease in entry.
Help – This screen will provide more information to the user about the operation of the microprocessor.
Event List – provides a chronological event listing.
Chart – Provides a line graph showing process values over a range of time.
Auto – Places the capacity slides into automatic mode. In automatic mode, the capacity slide moves according
to control setpoint information.
Manual – Places the capacity slides into manual mode. In manual mode, the capacity slide moves moves based