Splice Covers
CB Series
Weather-grade vinyl equipment for splice protection.
The CB Series Connector Bundle Cover—is a re-enterable weather-grade vinyl splice
cover accepted for use by the RUS. Serving as a zippered re-enterable dielectric shield, a
CB series cover protects the splice against ultraviolet rays, dust, insects and other environmental factors. The covers are available in two sizes: CB34 (used in the UPCBD3 and
the UPCBD4 series) and the CB5 (used in the UPCBD5 series). Mastic sealing tape, a reusable cable tie, and the connector bundle cover are included in the protector package.
Ordering Information
Catalog Number Part Number Description
CB34 F601910 Splice protector for UPCBD3 and UPCBD4 series pedestals
CB5 F601920 Splice protector for UPCBD5 series pedestals
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