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The SolaHD and Emerson logos are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Oce. All other product or service names are the
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EtherNet/IP™ is a registered trademark of ODVA™ www.odva.org
Aunque se han tomado todas las precauciones para asegurar la exactitud y acuciosidad de este manual, SolaHD no asume
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EtherNet/IP™ is a registered trademark of ODVA™ www.odva.org
El nombre y el logotipo de ®SolaHD son marcas registradas de Appleton Grp LLC d/b/a Appleton Group. Todos los nombre
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Le nom et le logo ®SolaHD sont des marques déposées de Appleton Grp LLC d/b/a Appleton Group. Tous les noms évoqués sont des
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EtherNet/IP™ is a registered trademark of ODVA™ www.odva.org
1.0 Introduction
The new SDU AC - A Series UPS has added capability to communicate to systems or networks through modular COMM CARDS.
1.1 Active Cards
Plug-in modules that provides the SDU AC - A Series UPS network exibility and a modular solution. It is especially suitable for both
general purpose and for high-end applications with large I/O data transfer, fast network cycles and synchronization demands. Utilizing
a common Ethernet module that allows your chosen Ethernet protocol in a specic communications module to be chosen for your
The COMM CARD for EtherNet/IP™ is a complete module which enables your products to communicate on an EtherNet/IP™
network. The module supports fast communication speeds, making it suitable also for high-end industrial devices. EtherNet/IP™
SDUENETIPCARD has been tested and approved for conformance by the ODVA. More information about EtherNet/IP™ and the ODVA
can be obtained from the following website: www.odva.org.
1.1.2 Other Industrial Protocols
Modules to supports fast Industrial Internet communication speeds with other networks are being developed.
Contact your SolaHD representative for availability.
SDUMBUSCARD - Modbus TCP 2-port, COMM CARD which enables your products to communicate on an Modbus TCP network.
SDUPNETCARD - Pronet IRT 2-port, COMM CARD which enables your products to communicate on an Pronet network
SDUECATCARD - EtherCAT 2-port, COMM CARD which enables your products to communicate on an EtherCAT network
1.2 Passive Card
The SDUCFRELAYCARD supports digital I/O processing applications and is equipped with LED diagnostics. The SDUCFRELAYCARD is a
communication module used to control two 1-form-c SPDT relays (N.O.). Each relay contact side, N.O., C and N.C., is connected to three
pins of a 8 pin push-in connector. An optional external momentary switch can be connected to the remaining two interface pins 7-8 for
remote standby mode operation.
The CF Relay Card is a SELV circuit acts as an interface between the UPS and the end user system.2.0 Installation
2 | 2.0 Installation
2.0 Installation
Only qualied personnel should install or service the card. Electrical safety precautions must be followed when installing or servicing
the SDUCFRELAYCARD. To prevent risk of electric shock, turn OFF and lock out all power sources to the UPS before making electrical
Remove the SDUCOMMCVR (COMM PORT COVER) from the UPS then slide through the slot the SDUCFRELAY CARD
For proper COMM CARD installation instructions, please refer to the SolaHD YouTube video: https://youtu.be/1wYElxdjL50
Card hook
1) When securing the module into the SDU, ensure that the card module is properly aligned into the CompactFlash socket inside the UPS prior to applying any force.
The card hook should be aligned with the PCB.
2) Turn the screws in a clockwise direction until ush. DO NOT OVER TORQUE. Recommended screw tightening torque is 0.25 N.m (0.18 lbf.ft).
3) As the screws tighten, a fastening mechanism will lock on the PCB.
Figure1: Installing Communication Card to UPS
DO NOT force a COMM CARD into the COMM
PORT of your UPS. When inserting a COMM CARD,
remember to rst properly position and align
the card to the compact ash connector on the
PCB in the COMM PORT. Gradually insert while
compressing the ground spring pin on the bottom
of the card to the PCB in the port. Insert the COMM
CARD into the compact ash connector until it is
properly seated to the connector and PCB when
ush with the front surface of the UPS. After the
card is properly seated & positioned, tighten down
the card screws to properly secure the card.
Ground PIN
Figure 2: Installing Communication Card to UPS; Special Instruction
4 | 3.0 System Features and General Description
3.0 System Features and General Description
50-pin CompactFlash connector
Network Processor
Robust plastic housing
On-board DC/DC converter, opto
couplers and physical layer
Status LEDs x2
Tightening screws x2
Network specic connector
Integrated shield connections
Figure 3: SDUENETIPCARD Construction
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