Emerson Site Manager User Manual

026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
Site Manager User Manual
Retail Solutions
3240 Town Point Drive NW Suite 100
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Phone: 770-425-2724
Fax: 770-425-9319
Table of Contents
1 OVERVIEW................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. W
1.2. B
HAT SITE MANAGER CAN DO................................................................................................................................... 1
ASIC CONCEPTS.......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.1. Search Criteria...................................................................................................................................................... 1 Tips for Narrowing Your Search Criteria............................................................................... .... ........................................ 2
1.3. QUICK START ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2. Supported Browsers.............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3.3. Launching Site Manager....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. L
OGIN/LOGOUT ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4.1. Login..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4.2. Logout................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.5. S
ITE MANAGER INTERFACE.......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.5.1. Navigation Tree..................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.2. Navigation Window............................................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.3. Menu Bar............................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.5.4. Main Window........................................................................................................................................................ 7
2 IT ADMINISTRATOR FUNCTIONS......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1. F
EATURE LICENSING AND REGISTRATION.................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1. Registration........................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2. Activation............................................................................................................................................................ 10
2.1.3. Licensing............................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.4. Maintenance Upgrades & Tech Support Licensing............................................................................................ 11 About Maintenance Upgrades & Tech Support Licensing and Keys............................................................................... 11 About Feature Licensing and Keys................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2. DATABASE BAC KUP.................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3. I
MPORTING XML DATAFILE....................................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.1. Default Time Zone During Import...................................................................................................................... 13
2.4. T
ROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.4.1. Page Troubleshooting......................................................................................................................................... 13 Online Help Navigation - Pop-up Window Scrolling in Online Help.............................................................................. 13
2.4.2. Error Report........................................................................................................................................................ 13
3 MENUS......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1. M
Y INFO MENU.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.1. About User Info................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1.2. User Info ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
3.1.3. My Pending Activities ......................................................................................................................................... 15
3.1.4. My Activity History ............................................................................................................................................. 15
3.2. A
DMIN TOOLS MENU ................................................................................................................................................. 17
3.2.1. Setup.................................................................................................................................................................... 17 User Manager.................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Group Manager................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Directory Manager............................................................................................................................................................ 21 Site Manager..................................................................................................................................................................... 22 Contractor Manager.......................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.2. Pending Activities ............................................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.3. Admin Activity History........................................................................................................................................ 24 View History..................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Configure Purge................................................................................................................................................................ 26
3.2.4. Schedule Manager............................................................................................................................................... 26 Setting Up User Schedules............................................................................................................................................... 26 User Schedules.................................................................................................................................................................. 28 Filtering Rules................................................................................................................................................................... 30
3.2.5. Send Email........................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.3. A
CTIVITIES MENU....................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.3.1. Advisory Menus................................................................................................................................................... 31 Connection Verification Report........................................................................................................................................ 31 Purge Inbound Connections.............................................................................................................................................. 31 Advisory Forwarding........................................................................................................................................................ 32
3.3.2. Setpoint Broadcast.............................................................................................................................................. 32 Schedules Setup................................................................................................................................................................ 35
4 NAVIGATION TREE.................................................................................................................................................. 37
4.1. U
SING THE NAVIGATION TREE................................................................................................................................... 37
4.2. D
IRECTORY................................................................................................................................................................. 38
4.2.1. Add Site ............................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.2.2. Add Directory...................................................................................................................................................... 38
4.2.3. Directory Properties ........................................................................................................................................... 39
4.2.4. Delete Directory .................................................................................................................................................. 39
4.2.5. Edit/Configure Directory.................................................................................................................................... 39
4.3. S
ITE............................................................................................................................................................................. 40
4.3.1. Add Control System............................................................................................................................................. 40
4.3.2. Delete Site ........................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.3.3. Edit/Configure Site.............................................................................................................................................. 41
4.3.4. Site Properties..................................................................................................................................................... 41
4.4. C
ONTROL SYSTEM ...................................................................................................................................................... 41
4.4.1. Control System Properties .................................................................................................................................. 42
4.4.2. Delete Control System......................................................................................................................................... 42
4.4.3. Edit/Configure Control System........................................................................................................................... 42 Advisory Receiver Commission....................................................................................................................................... 43
4.5. UNIT............................................................................................................................................................................ 43
4.5.1. Unit Properties.................................................................................................................................................... 43
4.5.2. Add Application Instance.................................................................................................................................... 44
4.5.3. Delete Application Instance................................................................................................................................ 44
4.5.4. Edit Application Instance.................................................................................................................................... 45
4.5.5. Application Type Properties................................................................................................................................ 48
4.5.6. Application Instance Properties .......................................................................................................................... 48
4.6. E
XECUTING ACTIVITIES .............................................................................................................................................. 49
4.6.1. Backup................................................................................................................................................................. 49
4.6.2. Initializing Terminal Mode.................................................................................................................................. 49 Terminal Mode Keys (E2 Controller Type Shown)......................................................................................................... 50
4.6.3. Obtain Controller Information............................................................................................................................ 50
4.6.4. Refresh Application............................................................................................................................................. 51
4.6.5. Refresh Point List................................................................................................................................................ 51
4.6.6. Refresh Units....................................................................................................................................................... 52
4.6.7. Restore................................................................................................................................................................. 52
4.6.8. Retrieve Logs....................................................................................................................................................... 52
4.6.9. Upload Description File...................................................................................................................................... 53 Description File Upload to the E2 Controller................................................................................................................... 54
4.6.10. Create Setpoint Broadcast ................................................................................................................................ 54
5 FIRMWARE UPDATE ............................................................................................................................................... 56
vi • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
5.1. FIRMWARE PACKAGE MANAGEMENT......................................................................................................................... 56
5.1.1. Add Firmware..................................................................................................................................................... 56
5.1.2. Delete Firmware................................................................................................................................................. 58
5.2. F
IRMWARE UPDATE TRANSFER .................................................................................................................................. 59
5.2.1. Downgrading Firmware ..................................................................................................................................... 61
5.2.2. Firmware Update Transfer Interruption............................................................................................................. 61
5.3. F
IRMWARE UPDATE APPLY ........................................................................................................................................ 62
5.3.1. Firmware Apply Deployment.............................................................................................................................. 62
5.3.2. Firmware Matching and Activity History Role................................................................................................... 63
5.3.3. Downgrades and Setpoint Clean-Out................................................................................................................. 64
5.3.4. Non-Gateway Controllers First, Gateway Last.................................................................................................. 64
5.3.5. Firmware Matching............................................................................................................................................ 64
5.3.6. Successful or Failed Results ............................................................................................................................... 64
6 ADVISORIES............................................................................................................................................................... 65
6.1. L
IVE ADVISORY VIEW................................................................................................................................................ 65
6.1.1. Navigation ........................................................................................................................................................... 65
6.1.2. Filtering .............................................................................................................................................................. 67
6.2. H
ISTORICAL ADVISORY VIEW.................................................................................................................................... 68
6.2.1. Connection Verification Report.......................................................................................................................... 70 Setting Up a Problem Sites Report Email (Administrators Only).................................................................................... 70
6.2.2. Purge Inbound Connections................................................................................................................................ 71
6.2.3. Advisory Forwarding.......................................................................................................................................... 72
6.2.4. Advisory Receiver Commissioning...................................................................................................................... 72
7 CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 74
7.1. C
ONFIGURING ACTIVITIES .......................................................................................................................................... 74
7.1.1. Configure Advisory Purge.................................................................................................................................. 74
7.1.2. Advisory Snooze Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 74
7.1.3. Configure Backup ............................................................................................................................................... 75
7.1.4. Configure Log Purge .......................................................................................................................................... 75
7.2. C
ONFIGURATION TOOLS............................................................................................................................................. 77
7.2.1. List Power Builder.............................................................................................................................................. 77 Bulk Site Name Report..................................................................................................................................................... 78
8 POINTS......................................................................................................................................................................... 79
8.1. O
VERVIEW.................................................................................................................................................................. 79
8.2. P
OINT PROPERTIES...................................................................................................................................................... 80
8.3. W
ATCH OR GRAPH LOG POINTS................................................................................................................................. 81
8.3.1. Graph Log Points While Viewing a GS Screen................................................................................................... 82
8.4. D
ISPLAY LOG GRAPH ................................................................................................................................................. 83
8.4.1. Graphing Range.................................................................................................................................................. 83
8.4.2. Site Time or My Time.......................................................................................................................................... 83
9 GRAPHICAL STATUS SCREENS/FLOOR PLANS.............................................................................................. 85
9.1. O
VERVIEW.................................................................................................................................................................. 85
9.1.1. Generic GS Screens ............................................................................................................................................ 85
9.1.2. Show GS Screen Edit Tool Checkbox - My User Info Page................................................................................ 85
9.2. Q
UICK START ............................................................................................................................................................. 86
9.2.1. Create GS Screens Quick Start........................................................................................................................... 86
9.2.2. Run and Edit Modes............................................................................................................................................ 86
9.2.3. Widgets and Images............................................................................................................................................ 87
9.2.4. Setting a GS Screen as Your Home Page............................................................................................................ 87
9.2.5. JSON Source Code.............................................................................................................................................. 87
Table of Contents • vii
9.2.6. Working With Widget Parameters....................................................................................................................... 87
9.3. GS S
CREEN ACTIONS.................................................................................................................................................. 87
9.3.1. Exporting the GS .ZIP......................................................................................................................................... 87
9.3.2. Saving the GS...................................................................................................................................................... 88
9.3.3. Delete the GS....................................................................................................................................................... 89
9.3.4. Associating the GS Screen................................................................................................................................... 89
9.3.5. Disassociate the GS Screen................................................................................................................................. 90
9.3.6. Importing GS Screen (.ZIP) ................................................................................................................................ 90 Import Results................................................................................................................................................................... 91
9.3.7. Properties of the GS............................................................................................................................................ 91
9.4. W
IDGETS AND CREATING GS S CREENS ..................................................................................................................... 92
9.4.1. Adding GS Screens.............................................................................................................................................. 92 Create GS Screens Quick Start......................................................................................................................................... 93 The Add Widgets Palette.................................................................................................................................................. 93 Creating a Text-Only Label Widget Quick Start.............................................................................................................. 93 Point References............................................................................................................................................................... 93 Visibility ........................................................................................................................................................................... 94 Widget Properties ............................................................................................................................................................. 94 More Widget Editing........................................................................................................................................................ 95 GS Image Property Editor................................................................................................................................................. 95 Common Properties .......................................................................................................................................................... 96 Widget Screen Linking................................................................................................................................................... 97 Image Library................................................................................................................................................................ 101
9.4.2. Running GS Screens.......................................................................................................................................... 103 Widget GS Right-Click Menu Options........................................................................................................................... 103 My System Home Page................................................................................................................................................... 103 Setting a GS Screen as Your System Home Page........................................................................................................... 103 Setting a GS Screen as Your Site Home Page................................................................................................................ 104 Edit and Run Modes and Supported Browsers............................................................................................................... 104 Print Icon......................................................................................................................................................................... 104 Logout Button................................................................................................................................................................. 104
9.4.3. Widget Editor.................................................................................................................................................... 104 Edit and Run Modes ....................................................................................................................................................... 105
9.4.4. Widget Parameters - Customization................................................................................................................. 105 Point Status Information................................................................................................................................................. 106 Point Reference Information........................................................................................................................................... 108 Locale Resource Message Keys...................................................................................................................................... 109 Screen Information Parameters....................................................................................................................................... 109 Miscellaneous Parameters............................................................................................................................................... 112
9.4.5. Summary Screen Widget.................................................................................................................................... 112 Widget Behavior............................................................................................................................................................. 113 Properties Menu.............................................................................................................................................................. 113 Points, Headers, Values.................................................................................................................................................. 114
10 REVISION HISTORY............................................................................................................................................. 115
INDEX........................................................................................................................................................................... 117
viii • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
1.1. What Site Manager Can Do
Site Manager helps you manage and monitor site information and activities by giving you fast, remote access and intuitive navigational tools.
It also allows users to gain immediate access to data for perf orming and configu ring si te acti vities for superior task control and site management.
Get your data fast and accurately by:
• Restoring setpoints
• Viewing activity history
• Finding activities that are pending
• Backing up site information
• Refreshing units
• Creating a history of an applicati on’s inputs an d out­puts
• Executing point tasks
• Remotely logging into a unit using Terminal Mode technology
• Creating and designing your own floor plans
• Viewing Historical Advisories
• Receiving Live Advisories
• Configuring backups and other activities
• Broadcasting Setpoints
• Scheduling Activities
Site, Control System, and Unit, and use the Search option (see Section 1.2.1., Sear ch Criter ia) for locat ­ing items in S ite Manager.
Site Manager features include:
• Site Creation
• Basic Site Management (navigation tree view, grouping of sites, site visibility)
• Backup/Restore (backup all sites, daily schedules backup)
• TCP/IP Connectivity Only
• Historical and Live Advisory Views
• Terminal Mode (viewing the front panel remotely)
• Data Acquisition (log retrieval/archiving, graphing, export to spreadsheet)
• User Management (user access, admin functions, site security, ability to limit user operations)
• Schedule Activities
• Firmware Update
• View GS Screens
1.2.1. Search Criteria
A search can be per formed by entering crite ria into
the Search field on the main window (see Section
1.5., Site Manager Interface for its location).
Searches can be performed for directories, sites, control systems, units, applications, points, contrac­tors, users, menus, and help items.
An attempt is first made to match ALL words searched for. If no results are returned, alternative word suggestions are provided.
Twenty (20) results ar e shown per pa ge. Prev and Next links appear and show previ ous and next pag es. Search results appear based on how c lose th ey match the criteria entered.
1.2. Basic Concepts
Using the Site Manager us er interface, you can log in, log out, backup and restor e site s, add, ed it, del ete, maintain sites and control systems, view all activities on a status page, access help files, and access log in­formation in the controller depending on licensing and how privileges are set for each user. Navigate through Site Manager by using the navigation tree, which comprises four levels, or “nodes”: Directory,
What Site Manager Can Do Overview • 1
To search for a directory, the following criteria
can be entered: Name of directory, city, state code, state name, country code, country name.
To search f or a site, the following criteria can be
entered: Name of sit e (numerics are supported: for ex ­ample, you can search for “Store Name 10”, even if the actual name is “Store Name 00010”), city, state code, state name, country code, country name.
Control System
To search f or a control system, the following cri-
teria can be entered: Name of control system, proto­col, IP Address, site alias.
To search for a unit, the following criteria can be
entered: Name of the unit, type, firmware version.
Application Type
To search f or a application type, the following
criteria can be entered: Name of the application type.
Application Instance
To search f or a application instance, the follow-
ing criteria can be entered: Name of the application instance.
To search for a point, the following criter ia can be
entered: Name of point.
To search f or a contractor, the following criteria
can be entered: Name of the cont ractor, e-mail, phone, city, state code, state name, country code, country name.
To search for a user, the following criteria can be
entered: Name of the user , user’s role, fir st name, last name, e-mail, display name, username.
To search for menu, the following crit eria can be
entered: Menu names.
To search f or help, the following criteria can be
entered: Help contents. Tips for Narrowing Your Search Criteria
You can generally search f or the entity type by just
typing it in. For example, if you search for site 120, a list of sites with 120 in its name will be returned. Searching for Store 120 will also return similar re- sults. In addition to this feature, you may narrow down the search more specif ically by using narrowed criteria.
You may prefix a word with a scope to narrow it
down. The prefix must be fol lowed by a colon (:) and then the search word. For example, site:Robert - this criteria will return sites that have Robert in the site search scope, but not director ies, users, contractors, or control systems that have Robert in their search scopes. Table 1-1 lists the allowed prefixes.
Prefix Search Scope dir limits searches to directories site limits searches to sites cs limits searches to control systems contractor limits searches to contractors user limits searches to users name limits searches to names of entities city limits searches to city names statecode limits searches to state codes of enti-
statename limits searches to state names of enti-
countrycode limits searches to country codes of en-
country limits searches to country names of
help limits searches to help items menu limits searches to menu items role limits searches to role name firstname limits searches to first name of enti-
lastname limits searches to last name of entities email limits searches to e-mail addresses display name limits searches to display name of en-
unittype limits searches to unit types
2 • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
Table 1-1 - Allowed Prefixes to Narrow Down Search Criteria
Prefix Search Scope revision limits searches to unit version protocol limi ts search es to prot oco l names ip limits searches to IP addresses
1.4. Login/Logout
1.4.1. Login
Table 1-1 - Allowed Prefixes to Narrow Down Search Criteria
NOTE: A prefix cannot be used with another. For example, the following is not supported: contractor:name:Robert
1.3. Quick Start
1.3.1. Overview
In this section you will find step-by-step instruc­tions on how to log in to Site Manager, set up the nav­igation tree, user access, and communication information. From the navigation tree you can con­nect to controllers, set up directory, site, control sys­tem, and unit information.
1.3.2. Supported Browsers
Note that IE 7 and above and the latest version of Firefox (off the Firefox Web site) are the supported browsers. (IE 6 is supported for viewing GS screens only.)
1.3.3. Launching Site Manager
To begin using Site Manager, open a Web browser (IE 7 and above and the latest vers ion of Firefox (off the Firefox Web site) are the supported browsers. IE 6 is supported for viewing GS screens only):
If running the same computer on which Site Man­ager was installed, type http://localhost/emerson in­side the browser field. If running the program from another computer, use the machine name or IP ad­dress instead of localhost. The Site Manager Enter- prise program will open.
The login page is the first page that appears on
your web browser (Figu re 1-1). Enter your Login ID and password into their respective fields (the Pass- word field is case sensitive) and press the Login but­ton or press Return on your keyboard.
Figure 1-1 - Login Page
Once your login has been validated, you will be taken to the Home page where t he page i s made up of the navigation tree and main information window.
NOTE: For first-time users using the default login credentials, it is strongly recommended that you rename the Login ID and change the
password as soon as the program is installed and running so that duplicate login names and pass­words do not occur.
First-time users wil l be prese nted wit h the li cense
agreement window. The “I Agree” button must be clicked in order to begin using the application.
You can begin using Site Manager by:
• creating a directory structure
• setting up users (optional)
Quick Start Overview • 3
To retrieve a password that has been forgotten,
click on the Forgot Password? link to open a special ID window (Figure 1-2) where you can enter your login ID and have your password sent to the e-mail address associated with your login ID.
Figure 1-2 - Forgot your Password? Window
1. Enter your valid login ID and click Send.
2. Your passwor d is changed to a random password that consists of 8 characters when the ID is entered.
3. The changed password will be sent to the e-mail ad­dress associated with your login ID.
4. Site Manager will show an information (Figure 1-
3) to let you know that an e-mail was sent contain­ing new password informatio n and redi rects you to the Login screen after 5 seconds.
1. Enter your valid e-mail address and click Send.
2. Your login ID(s) will be sent to the e-mail you en­tered.
NOTE: If no e-mail address was assigned when your user profile was initially set up, you will be shown a message stating that there is no e-mail address associated with your Login ID.
Contact your IT administrator.
If you are unable to log in, check th e following:
• Incorrect ID/Password combination was entered
• Login ID has expired
• Case sensitivity was not observed when entering password
1.4.2. Logout
To log out at any time, cl ick Logout located at the
top right corner of the main window(Figure 1-5):
Figure 1-3 - New Password Confirmation
To retrieve a login ID that has been forgotten,
click on the Forgot your Login ID? link to open a special ID window (Figure 1-4 ) where yo u can en ter your E-mail Address and have your Site Manager Login ID sent to the e-mail address associated with your login ID.
Figure 1-4 - Forgot your Login ID? Window
Figure 1-5 - Logout link
NOTE: You will be logged out when Site Man­ager is idle for a set amount of time (deter­mined by the administra tor). Click t he browser
Refresh button to automatically log out and
return to the login screen.
4 • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
1.5. Site Manager Interface
The Site Manager page (Figure 1-6) is where you will find the navigation tree, navigation window, menu
bar, and the main window.
Figure 1-6 - Site Manager Interface Page
The following are the window menu and tools
found on the page:
Home - System Home returns you to the main page or to a customized location that can be s et on the My Info menu:
Refresh - Refreshes t he navigation window . If your session has timed out, it will return you to the Login page.
Filter Points - Allows you to display different point views in the navigation window. Select from the
drop-down list for the appropriate point view.
Active Points is the default each time the user starts up the browser and will show all config­ured points in the controller.
Active with Logs shows active points that have a controller log available.
Points with Logs shows points that have a con­troller log available.
All Points shows all possible points for an appli­cation instance, whether a point is configured or not. An icon will appear next to the point if the point has a log.
• Navigation Tree - The m ain descending “tree” view
Site Manager Interface Overview • 5
of all directories, sites, units, and control systems.
Navigation Window - The main window of the
navigation tree.
• Hide Navigation Frame - Collapses or hides the
navigation window from view, allowing for maxi­mum viewing room of the main window. Click on
the Site Manager icon adjacent to the Search field to show the navigation window.
Reset Navigation Fram e - Restores the navigation
window to its original size after being collapsed.
Clear Checkboxes - Clears all point checkboxes in
the navigation tree.
Graph - Graphs the selected point.
Refresh - Refreshes t he navigation window . If your
session has timed out, it will return you to the Login page.
Main Window - The main workspace window of
Site Manager.
My Info - Displays user-related information.
Admin Tools - Displays administrator-level fea-
tures such as setup, pending activities, activity histo­ry, schedule manager, and send email.
Activities - Displays menus for various activities such as Advisory and Setpoint Broadcast. Help Menu - Displays the menu for the online help and feature activation page. Depending on user settings, click Site Manager to open Site Manager Onlin e Help.
Advisory Alert Icon - When an advisory has been received, the alert icon will display on the interface depending on the user’s permissi on s. Users can see the alert icon from anywhere in Site Manager. Click on the alert icon to go to the Historical Advisory
View page and see the advisory history.
Search - Find directories, sit es, cont rol syst ems, us ­ers, contractors, and more by entering your search criteria in the field. For more information on per­forming searches in Site Manager, refer to Section
1.2., Basic Concepts.
Logout - Logs you out of Site Manager.
and units. The appl ications are l ocated next to the box icons, with any applicat ion instance li sted underneath the box next to the application instance icons. Appli­cation instance are use r-d ef ine d and can be of one or more in quantity.
NOTE: See Section 4, Navigation Tree for more information about the Site Manager nav­igation tree.
1.5.2. Navigation Window
The navigation window comprises the navigation tree (located on the left-hand side of the screen) and is the first screen the use r will see once lo gged into Site Manager.
The Home button is located under the logo and will always take the user back to the Home page.
Click the “x” (Hide Nav Frame button) to mini- mize the navigation windo w so only the main window can be seen. Click the Reset Nav Frame button to size the navigation frame window back to the de-
Click the Show Nav Frame button to maximize the navigation window again ( visible aft er the navi ga-
tion window is minimized).
Figure 1-7 - Navigation Window
1.5.1. Navigation Tree
The navigation tree is located on the left-hand side of the screen insi de the na vigat ion wind ow and is t he first screen the user will see.
The navigation tree comprises four levels: Direc­tories, Sites, Control Systems, and Unit s. The naviga­tion tree will load directories, sites, control systems,
6 • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
1.5.3. Menu Bar
Depending on licensing and the ass igned use r lev­el, the menu bar gives you acc ess to menu items such as Pending Activiti es, Activity Histori es, Groups, and online help:
Figure 1-8 - Menu Bar
• To access your Pending Activities and your Activity
History, click on My Info for the drop-down menu.
• To access Groups, click on Admin Tools for the
drop-down menu (this menu can only be accessed by admin level users).
• To access advisory menus and setpoint broadcast,
click on Activities for the drop-down menu.
• To access the online help system, click Help for the
drop-down menu.
1.5.4. Main Window
The main window of the Site Manager is located to the right of th e Navigation fr ame and takes up most of the space on the screen. Mouse over the name of the menu you would like to select and the drop -down menu will appear. Select the desired menu item by clicking on it. This will open the page in the main window followed by the links.
Figure 1-9 - Main Window
Site Manager Interface Overview • 7
2 IT Administrator
2.1. Feature Licensing and Registration
Site Manager has b asi c a nd ex tra features that ar e activated by obtaining a license. To obtain trial and other licensing, you must first register the software.
A license key must be entered to activate the de­sired featu re. A Maintenance Upgrad es & Tech Sup- port license key activates basic features and the feature license keys activate special Site Manager plug-in features. Keys are entered when the program is first start ed.
The software feature activation page is accessible from the Help drop-down menu. The Feature Acti- vation menu item will only be visible with certain user privileges enabled that will allow software li­cense keys to be added/edited.
2. Click the Registration button to proceed in obtain-
ing a license.
Figure 2-2 - Feature Licensing Page
3. Click OK to open the Product Activation License
Registration page. The state of the current license is
displayed on this page:
The Site Manager Feature Licensing window dis- plays what type of fe atu re is lice nsed, t he lic ense ke y number, and license status.
2.1.1. Registration
1. Click the Help drop-down menu from the top menu bar and click Feature Activation:
Figure 2-1 - Help Menu ( Expanded view shown)
Figure 2-3 - Registration Window Prompt
4. To begin filling out your information, click the Reg­ister button and the window will open where you
will enter your information:
Figure 2-4 -
5. Fill out all fields on this window (Figure 2-5) in-
Product Activation License Registration Page
cluding: Sales Order # (call Customer Service at 770-425-2724 to obtain your sales order number),
8 • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
Company Name, Address, Name, E-mail, Con- firm E-mail, and a contact Phone Number. If de-
sired, enter any extra information into the
Addition al Information box (optional). Note that for non-SMTP enabl e d sy stem s , yo u m us t s peci fy if the Web application is a virtual machine by select­ing Yes or No for Virtual Server. Verify that the in-
formation you entered is correct and click the Submit Registration button.
6. Click OK and you will return to the Feature Licens-
ing page.
Figure 2-6 - Registration Confirmation Window
NOTE: If your system is SMTP-enabled, go to the Activation section. (For more information on SMTP enabling, contact Technical Sup­port.)
Figure 2-5 - Product Activation License Registration
Information Page
Your information will automatically be sent to
Emerson Re tail Solutions. If su ccessful, a confirm a­tion window (Figure 2-6) will open to notify you that your registration information has been sent.
7. For systems that are not SMTP-enabled, after filling out your information, follow the instructions in the Product Activation and Licensing window:
Feature Licensing and Registration IT Administrator Functions • 9
Figure 2-7 - Product Activ ation License Registration Page (for SMTP-disabled systems)
• Step 1 - Create an e-mail and include all the in­formation listed in this step.
• Step 2 - Enter SolutionsLicensing@emer­son.com in your e-mail's To: field.
• Step 3 - In the Subject: field of your e-mail, en­ter Site Manager Product Activ ation License SO# (followed by the Sales Order number ob­tained from customer service).
• Step 4 - Open your browser windo w and l ocate the directory that contains the.zip file (verify that it is the most current version if there are more than one).
• Step 5 - Send the e-mail to SolutionsLicens­ing@emerson.com
8. Click OK and this will return you to the Feature Li-
censing page.
2.1.2. Activation
Once you receive the e-mail containing the file that will activate your trial license, save the file to a location on your drive.
2. Click OK on the confirmation window to proceed.
Figure 2-9 - Activat ion Window Prompt
The Product Activation License Import window
will open and show the current state of licensing.
3. Click Browse and the File Upload window will
1. Go back to the Feature Licensing page and click
Figure 2-8 - Feature Licensing Page
Figure 2-10 - File Upload Window
4. Highlight the file and click Open.
5. When the file appears in the Browse path, click the Import License button:
10 • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
Figure 2-11 - Product Activation License Import Page
The Product Activation License Update window
will open (Figure 2-12).
Figure 2-12 - Product Activation License Update Page
6. Once the Apply Imported License button is
clicked, the selected license file will be applied (or click Cancel to stop and exit).
Click the Add Feature button on the Feature Li-
censing page and enter t he ke y int o the boxes provid­ed (Figure 2-13).
2.1.3. Licensing
Site Manager has bas ic (Maintenance Upgrades &
Tech Support license) and extra features that are acti-
vated by obtaining a licen se. The licens e key must be entered on the Featur e Licens ing page to ac tivat e the desired feature. A Maintenance Upgrades & Tech Support license key activates basic features and the feature license k ey activates f eature funct ionalitie s of Site Manager.
The licensing activation page is accessible from
the Help drop-down menu. The menu will only be visible with certain user privileges enabled to allow you to add/edit software license keys.
Locate your unique Hardware Fingerprint num-
ber on the Feature Licensing page.
Call Retail Solutions Customer Service at 770-
425-2724 with the Hardware Fingerprint to obtain a license key for the desir ed fea tures yo u wish to ac ti­vate.
Figure 2-13 - Feat ure Lice nsing Page
Click Save.
The key entered will know what feature it is asso­ciated with and will populate the appropriate field(s) on the screen. To overr ide a n exis ting key , a ne w key will need to be added and replace the existing key.
Click Cancel to stop and exit.
2.1.4. Maintenance Upgrades & Tech
Support Licensing
The basic features of Site Manager r equire a Main­tenance Upgrades & Tech Support license key. Only
new users will need to enter thi s key. As the one-y ear renewal period approaches, a reminder window will appear and prompt you to r enew the Maintenance Up- grades & Tech Support ke y. Conta ct Retail Solutions Customer S ervice for renewal. About Maintenance Upgrades &
Tech Support Licensing and Keys
Feature Licensing and Registration IT Administrator Functions • 11
Basic features require a Maintenance Upgrades & Tech Support license key (that will need to be re-
newed yearly) and include feat ures su ch as us er info, pending activities, activity history, setup, obtaining controller info, adding, editing, and deleting d irecto­ries, sites, and control syste ms, and some admin i stra­tor functions.
For features such as backing up, sending reports, forwarding and viewing advisori es, set poi nt broad­cast, accessing the online help system, firmware transfer, and more, a Site Manager license is needed for activation. Additional plug-in features will need specified keys for operation.
Contact Retail Solutions (770-425-2724) with your Hardware Fingerprint information for acquir- ing the license key. Con tact Te chn ical S upport for in ­structions on entering keys.
As the one-year renewal period approaches, a re­minder window will appear to prompt you to renew the Maintenance Upgrades & Tech Support license key. Contact Retail Soluti ons Customer Servic e (770- 425-2724) for renewal. About Feature Licensing and Keys
Licensed features require an activation key that can be obtained through Retail Solutions Customer Service. Contact Technical Support for instructions on entering keys.
If applicable:
• webserverhome\webapps\emerson\WEB­INF\classes\com\cpcus\jaru\ui\jsonrpc\GsFile­system\Images
Log retrieval schedule files located in:
If using a clustered environment, include these
steps when backing up:
If the environment bei ng upgraded is now goi ng to be in a clustere d environment, each worker box in the cluster must have the GsFilesystem mirrored.
Copy the whole {tomcat webapp | worker classes folder}\classes\com\cpcus\jaru\ui\jsonrpc\GsFile- system folder identically to each worker box.
All possible Site Manager features will be dis-
played on the Site Manager Feature Activation screen. To enable or update a feature, click the Add Feature button.
The key entered will know what feature it is asso­ciated with and will popul ate t he approp ri ate fi eld on the screen. To override an existing key, a new key must be added and replace the existing key. Click Save or Cancel to exit.
2.2. Database Backup
It is highly recommended that a backup of the da­tabase and Web server area s be perf ormed on a daily basis for a complete recovery of information in the event of a fa ilure of the Web server on which Site Manager is running. It is suggested that user-created components such as GS screens, widget s, images, and schedules be backed up.
1. Back up the database using the standard procedure for your particular database.
2. Back up the applicable Web server areas:
• webserverhome\webapps\emerson\WEB­INF\classes\com\cpcus\jaru\ui\jsonrpc\GsFile-
NOTE: The location of these files are the de­fault settings. They are user-c on figu r abl e and therefore may be different. webserverhome is
the location of your particular Web server. For example, a Web server location might be: c:\program files\tomcat.
2.3. Importing XML Datafile
When exporti ng a tree from Ultrasite, the XML file can either be exported from UltraSite or the Site Manager PC applicat ion. For Ultr aSite , t he XML file can be exported and sa ved via the Export Data opt ions by right-clickin g on the UltraSite tree . The file will be located in the UltraSite install location.
For the Site Manager PC application, the XML file is stored in the Site Manager PC application install lo­cation, or a common location depending on the instal­lation opti ons chosen at the time of the install. Note that for the Site Manager PC application, all sites to be imported are assumed to be E2 sites and must be changed in the Site Manager application after import­ing is complete.
From the Start menu on the Web server machine, go to Programs > Computer Process Controls > Emerson > XML Import Directions and follow the
12 • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
instructions for importing the XML file. (The XML import tool can be run as many times as desired and will only import new sites and directories. To run it more than once or to run it outside o f this in stallation, view the XML import directions found at the path li st­ed above.)
NOTE: Since the Site Manager software must have time to start, the Yes button may have to be clicked several times after the Web server has been started.
NOTE: Only sites not already in the database will be imported, so the total number of sites may be lower than expected.
2.4.2. Error Report
If Site Manager encount ers a program malfuncti on during a user’s bro wsing session, an erro r r epor t wil l appear on screen:
Figure 2-14 - Fatal Error Page
2.3.1. Default Time Zone During Import
If a time zone ID for a site is not present in the XML import file, it will be set to US/Eastern as de­fault.
2.4. Troubleshooting
2.4.1. Page Troubleshooting Online Help Navigation - Pop-up
Window Scrolling in Online Help
To scroll through pop-up windows in the online help, use the scroll wheel on your mouse. To close pop-up windows, click anywhere off the pop-up. If pop-up pages in the help appear blank, right-click in­side the window and select Refresh.
The error report page displays information of
when (date and time) and where the error occurred.
The Details button will show a set of program
codes of the error when cl icked. Click Hide Details to hide.
Description - enter a description of the error in the
field provided (what you w ere doing before the error took place, etc.)
Company - enter the name of your company
Telephone - enter your contact numbers
Email Address - (pre-filled by default) th e err or re-
port will be sent to this email address
Required Fields: Description, Company, Tele-
Click Send to send the error report email.
NOTE: The Help link that is found in this page will not contain information about the current page. When clicked, help information about the page you were on right before
curred will display.
the error oc-
Troubleshooting IT Administrator Functions • 13
NOTE: IE 7 and above and the latest ve rsion of Firefox (off the Firefox Web site) are the sup­ported browsers. (IE 6 is suppo rted for viewing GS screens only. )
3.1. My Info Menu
3.1.1. About User Info
The My Info drop-down menu contains a list of
features that consists of anything th at pertain s to “per­sonal items”, your user info, pe nding ac tivi ties , activ ­ity history, and when applicabl e, s avi ng a GS Scr een as your system home page.
abled, the GS menus will become visible on the right-click Navigation Tree m enu. Click the Save button at the bottom of this page and refresh the Navigation Tree for changes to take effect.
•If the Enable System Home Page checkbox is en-
abled, it will set the GS screen you choose as your system home page (as indicated by Current Ho me Page) on start-up.
•If the Hide Nav Frame checkbox is enabled, the
navigation tree will be hidden each time you log in. The selected Home page can now be viewed on a full screen.
Engineering units can be set to English or Metric
depending on the unit of measure the user requires. Press the English Units button to se t all fields t o Eng­lish and the Metric Units button to set all fields to Metric. User Info is found under the My Info menu bar. Click Save to store t he settings and exit the screen or Cancel to cancel ch anges and exit the s creen.
Figure 3-1 - My Info (Expanded view shown)
From the My Info drop-down list, you can view all of your pending activities and your activ­ity history.
If My Info is clicked, a menu ap­pears with active links to each function (figure on the left).
NOTE: If the user has Pending Activities with a status that needs to be viewed, this page will be the first page in the Site Manager main win­dow that the user sees upon entering Site Man-
3.1.2. User Info
The User Info page allows you to view your cur­rent information, enable and disable Home p ages, and change your password and contact information.
Login ID and Password information ca n be found in the first section.
Figure 3-2 - My User Info Page
Checkbox Section:
•If the Show GS Screen Edit Tool checkbox is en-
14 • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
3.1.3. My Pending Activities
The My Pending Activities - Results page shows the activities tha t you, th e curr en t u ser has bee n wait ­ing to start or that are in progress, and also shows ac­tivity status.
My Pending Activities is foun d under My Inf o on the menu bar.
Figure 3-4 - My Activity History - Results Page
Figure 3-3 - My Pending Activities - Results Page
Activity: An activity that is scheduled to start or cur-
rently being performed.
Requested to Start: The start date and time the ac-
tivity was requested to start.
Target: Reference to exactly where the activity is
taking place.
Status: The status including items currently “in
progress” and items “waiting to start”. Each item’s Status will be a link to the expanded information page or status page if applicable. Only items that are “In Progress” and “Waiting to Start” will be dis­played.
NOTE: If the user has pending activities with a status that needs to be viewed, the Pending Activities page will be the first page the user sees when first logging into Site Manager.
3.1.4. My Activity History
The My Activity History - Results page open s after clicking Activi ty History under My Inf o on the menu bar, or from the Navigation Tree menu.
Activity History - Resu lts at t he us er l evel s hows a complete history of activities performed, including such information as the type of activity that was per­formed, start and fin ish times, duration of the activity, and more.
Plus Sign (+) - Click the plus sign in the first column
to expand each activity and list any “child” activi­ties, if there are any. If there are no “child” activities, a message appears: No activities to display. For ex­ample, if logs are retrieved from the Unit level, the plus sign, when selected, will expand and the user can view each application type that had logs re­trieved and the status. Therefore, if an activity failed or is partially complete, users can select the plus sign to see where the failure occurred.
Activity - which activity was performed. (Clicking Activity will sort everything alphabetically.)
Started - the time and date the activity began. (Clicking Started will sort everything in ascending order.)
Duration - total elapsed time for the activity to com­plete.
User - the user who started the activity.
Target - the node from where the activity was start­ed. (Clicking a link in the Target column will open the Properties page for that target.)
Result - details the outcome of the activity and whether or not it was successfully completed. (Clicking a link in the Result column will open a page containing more details about the activity per­formed.)
Exceptions Report - click the Exceptions Report icon from this column to open the Activity
Failed Report window, which displa ys a detailed in­formation about the activity that was either failed or partially completed.
My Info Menu Menus • 15
Click the down arrow that appears next to a col­umn header to show more columns or enable sorting options:
Figure 3-5 - My Activity History -Results Show More Columns
• Sort Ascending/Sort Descending - arranges the ac-
tivities alphabetically (from A-Z or Z-A).
Activity ID - (internal use) internal key to the activ-
ity the user is currently on.
Activity Parent ID - (internal use) internal key to
the parent activity of the one the user is currently on.
You can also choose to export all details of the ac-
tivities by clicking the checkbox. Click the Export button to begin the download.
Figure 3-6 - My Activity History -Results Export Options
On the File Download window, click Open or
Save to continue with the download.
NOTE: Only the columns currently shown on the page will be exported during file download. Enable or disable column headers to show or hide them during download.
NOTE: The activity history that you perfor m can be specific to a directory, unit, or site. For example, if the user right-clicked on a directo­ry, site, unit, or control system in the naviga-
tion tree, results will be shown for the item selected.
Click Refresh Activity History and new addi­tions will be displayed, if any.
Click Reset Filters to remove all filter s and re­fresh the activity history results.
Click the Next and Back links to scroll through multiple results pages.
Sort the table to show historical activities that oc­curred from Today, Yesterday, Past 7 Days, or Last Month by setting the Occurrence Date drop-down. You can also set a custom date range (Custom Range) to show data that occurred only within the date you specified.
Export options are available at the bottom of the page. This allows you to export current page informa­tion into different output formats such as Excel Spreadsheet, HTML, and PDF. Select the format from the Export drop-down and select whether to ex ­port All activities displayed or only those Not Com- pleted (“Failed” and “Partially Completed” activities).
Figure 3-7 - Navigation Menu Active History
16 • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011 User Manager
3.2. Admin Tools Menu
3.2.1. Setup
Site Manager Setup is found under Admin Tools
on the menu bar. Figure 3-8 shows the menu when expanded:
Figure 3-8 - Admin Tools Menu (Expanded view shown)
Setup contains the following choices for the ad­ministrator: User Manager, Group Manager, Directo­ry Manager, Site Manager, and Contractor Manager.
The User Manager lists all users in the database. From the User Manager page you c an select a user to edit, delete a user, or jump to the User Configura tion page to add a user.
Figure 3-9 - User Manager Page
Administrator level functional­ities are executed from this menu, such as administrator activity his­tory searches, viewing adminis­trator pending activities, and assigning user levels and access rights.
If Setup is clicked from the Ad- min Tools menu, the menu ap-
pears on the main window with active links to each function.
User names and group names that are currently added in the database will display in this page.
If more users are in the database than can display on a single page, th e list of us er names wil l appear on multiple pages as indicated at the bottom of the win­dow (Page 1 of 1).
Click the Username header for a quick sort or click the dr op-down arrow to open the sort menu:
Figure 3-10 - Username List Sorting
To download current user information, select from the available export formats from the Export drop- down at the bottom of the page: Excel Spreadsheet, HTML, and PDF.
Admin Tools Menu Menus • 17
Click Open or Save on the File Downlo ad win-
dow to proceed with the download.
Adding a New User
To add a user, cli ck the Add New button from the
User Manager page and enter the infor mation into the fields on the User Configuration page, refer to Figure 3-11.
Editing a User
To edit a us er, view the list of all users from the
User Manager page and select t he desired user name. Click Edit and the User Configurati on page (se e Fig- ure 3-11) will open where you can enter changes.
Configuring User Information
Add and Edit users from the User Configuration page. Enter Login ID, Name, e-mail address, user group, and time zone info rmation. Use the calendar to set the user expiration dat e (leave blank for no expira­tion). Click Save to store changes or Cancel to exit without saving and retur n to th e User Mana ger pag e. Assign user leve ls and acce ss rights to those l evels by using the Group Manager.
Changing User Passwords: Reset user pass-
words by enabling the Change Password checkbox and entering the ne w pa ssword. Retype the new pa ss ­word again and enter a password hi nt for password re­covery. Click Save.
Checkbox Section:
•If the Show GS Screen Edit Tool checkbox is en-
abled, the GS menus will become visible on the right-clic k Navigation Tree menu. Click the Save button at the bottom of this page and refresh the Navigation Tree for changes to take effect.
•If the Enable System Home Page checkb ox is en-
abled, it will set the GS screen you choose as your system home page (as indicated by Current Home Page) on start-up.
•If the Hide Nav Fram e checkbox is enabled, the
navigation tree will be hidden each time you log in. The selected Home page can now be viewed on a full screen.
Engineering units can be set to English or Metric depending on the unit of measure the user requires. Press the English Units b utton to se t all fields t o Eng­lish and the Metric Units button to set all fields to Metric. Click Save to store the settings and exit the screen or Cancel to cancel changes and exit the screen.
Figure 3-11 - User Configuration Page
Required fields: Login ID, First Name, Last
Name, Password, User Group.
18 • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
Deleting a User
Delete a user by selecti ng the userna me (Adminis -
trator excluded) and clicking Delete. A confirmation window will open asking if you are sure you want to delete the user.
Click the Group Name heade r f or a qui ck sort or
click the dr op-down arrow to open the sort menu:
Figure 3-14 - Group Name List Sorting
To export group data, select f rom the availa ble ex-
port formats from the drop-down below the table: Ex- cel Spreadsheet, HTML, and PDF.
Figure 3-12 - User Configuration Page - Delete User Group Manager
Configure user levels and assign access rights to those levels by using the Gro up Manager. The Group Manager lists all group names in the database. Each group is a link t hat allows a user to edit that group pro ­file. Select the group name to see Edit and Delete op­tions. If ADMIN is selected, the Delete option disappears.
Click Open or Save on the Fil e Download win-
dow to proceed with the download.
Adding a Group
To add a new group, click Add New from the
Group Manager page (Figure 3-15) and enter the in- formation into the f ields on the Group Configur ation page.
Figure 3-15 - Add New Group
Figure 3-13 - Group Manager Page
Group names that ar e currently in the data base will display in the page . If more groups are in the database than can display on a single page, the list of group names will appear on multiple pages as indicated at the bottom of the window (Page 1 of 1).
Admin Tools Menu Menus • 19
Editing a Group
View the list of all gro ups from the Gro up Manag-
er page (Figure 3-16) and select the desired group
name. Click Edit and the Group Configuration page will open where you can enter changes.
Figure 3-16 - Edit Group
Configuring Group Information
Add or edit a new group fr om the Group Conf igu -
ration page and set up user privileges. All privileges
can be added or subtract ed to a user at th e admin level on this page. To add or subtract pri vi le ges for a us er, highlight the privi lege in the left column and click t he left and rig ht arrows. The right arrow on the top will assign privileges, the left or bottom arrow will unas­sign the privilege. Click the Save button to save and the Cancel button to return to the Group Manager page. Mouse over each pr ivi lege to see its def in it io n.
Name the new Group by entering it into the Group Name field, then selec t t he d esi red access level from the Protocol Access Level drop-down list. These lev­els are dependent on privileges that have been set in the controller, and determine what actions the user can perform.
Protocol Access Level : Assi gn an acces s level to the group by using the drop-down menu:
Supervisor: no restrictions on user privileges -ad-
ministrator level
Advanced: has all access except administrator- level
Limited: user has the basic level of user privileges.
Can edit and add basic parameters.
View only: user has no ability to edit or add infor-
None: no privileges have been assigned to user
Bypassing controller security: The Bypa ss Con­troller Securit y opti on ca n all ow a us er t o log in and
perform actions to the controller regardless of the what security settin gs have been set in that contro ller. When checked, the Bypass Controller Security checkbox will bypass an y security settings inside the controller and use only the protocol sett ings set in the Protocol, Username, Password table.
Figure 3-17 - Group Config uration Page
20 • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
Security set tings for Site Manager d efault at the group configuration level normally. Under the Op- tional section: If this protocol checkbox is enabled here (at the control system level), Site Manager will use the protocol information entered at the control system level and bypass the i n fo rmat ion at the group level for only the uni ts loca ted under this control sys ­tem.
All Privileges: Use the arrows to select which privileges will be ass igned to the Group ( the pri vileg ­es that are assig ned will be gra yed o ut so th ey canno t be assigned twice) . A pr iv il ege is an activity t hat can be performed in Site Manager.
Click Save t o save the new Gro up and its pri vileg-
es and go back to the Group Manager page. Click Cancel to exit without saving and go back to the Group Manager page.
Required fields: Group Name and at least one
Site View Permissions: You can assign permis-
sions (which directories and sites) to each Group by enabling the checkboxes next to them.
NOTE: If you have added or deleted directories and sites to the databa se at the Navigation Tree level after
checkboxes will not be selected automatically. Simply enable these descendants’ checkboxes manual­ly.
these selections have been made, the
Deleting a Group
A group (Administrator excluded) can be deleted
by selecting the desi red group and cl icking Delete. A confirmation window wil l open asking if you are sure you want to delete the gr oup. Cli ck OK to delete, No to stop.
Click the Directory h eader for a quick sort or click
the drop-down arrow to open the sort menu:
Figure 3-19 - Directory List Sorting
Adding a Directory
To add a new dire ctory, cli ck the Add New button
from the Directory Manager page (Figure 3-20) and enter the information into the fields on the Directory Configuration page. Directory Manager
The Directory Manager lists all directories in the database. From the Directory Man ager page you ca n select a directory to edit, delete a directory, view its properties, or jump to the Directory Configuration page to add a directory.
Figure 3-18 - Directory Manager Page
If more directories are in the database than can dis­play on a single pag e, t he list of direct ory na me s wi ll appear on multiple pages as indicated at the bottom of the window (Page 1 of 1).
Figure 3-20 - Add New Directory
Editing a Directory
View the list of all directories from the Directory
Manager page (Figure 3-21) and select the desired
directory name you wish to edit.
Click Edit to open the Directory Configuration
page where you can enter changes.
Figure 3-21 - Edit Directory
Admin Tools Menu Menus • 21
Configuring Directory Information
Add or edit a new directory from the Directory
Configuration page. Ed it the directory i nformation by
changing the current information in the fields, or by entering new information for a new directory in the fields. If United States is selected as the country, a drop-down menu with all the states will be shown. If another country is selected, the State/Province/Re- gion d rop-down menu will be ch anged to a blank text field to allow a name to be entered in the field. Click Save to store changes and Cancel to exit without sav­ing and return to the Directory Manager page.
The Directory Configuration page is also avail-
able from the ri ght-c li ck/mouse -over Add Direc tory and Edit Directory menus at the Directory level in the Site Manager navigation tree. Site Manager
The Site Manager lists all sites in the database. From the Site Manager page you can select a site to edit, delete a site, view its properties, or jump to the Site Configuration page to add a site.
Figure 3-23 - Site Manager Page
If more sites are in the database than can display on a single page, the li st of site names will appe ar on multiple pages as indicated at the bottom of the win­dow (Page 1 of 1).
Click the Site header for a quick sort or click the drop-down arrow to open the sort menu:
Figure 3-22 - Directory Config uration Page
Required field: Name.
Deleting a Directory
A user can delete a directory by selecting the di-
rectory from the lis t and cl icki ng Delete. A confirma­tion window will open and ask if you are sure you want to delete the directory.
Click OK to delete, No to stop.
Figure 3-24 - Sort Site Names
Adding a Site
To add a new site, click Add New from the Site Manager page and enter the information into the fields on the Site Configuration page.
Editing a Site
To edit a site, view the list of all sites from the Site Manager page and select the desi red sit e name. Click
Edit and the Sit e Configuration page will open where the user wi ll enter changes.
Configuring Site Information
Add or edit a new site from the Site Con figuration page. Edit the site information by changing the cur­rent information in the fields, or entering new infor­mation for a new site in the fields. If the United States is selected as the country, a drop-down menu
22 • Site Manager User Manual 026-1012 Rev 3 06-DEC-2011
+ 100 hidden pages