Emerson Rosemount 975MR, Rosemount 975HR Reference Manual

Rosemount™ 975MR
Multi-Spectrum Infrared Flame Detector
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4975, Rev DB
August 2019
Legal notice
or translated into any language or computer language, in any form or by any means, without prior written permission from Rosemount.
While great efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and clarity of this document, Rosemount assumes no liability resulting from any omissions in this document or from misuse of the information obtained herein. The information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable with all of the necessary information included. Rosemount reserves the right to make changes to any products described herein to improve reliability, function, or design and reserves the right to revise this document and make changes from time to time in content hereof with no obligation to notify any persons of revisions or changes. Rosemount does not assume any liability arising out of the application or any use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey license under its patent rights or the rights of others.
All individuals who have or will have responsibility for using, maintaining, or servicing this product must read this manual carefully.
Equipment damage
This device is not field repairable due to the meticulous alignment and calibration of the sensors and the respective circuits. Modifying or repairing the internal circuits may impair the system's performance and void the Rosemount product warranty.
Do not attempt to modify or repair the internal circuits or change their settings.
1. Limited Warranty . Subject to the limitations contained in Section 2 (Limitation of Remedy and Liability) herein, Seller warrants that (a) the licensed firmware embodied in the Goods will execute the programming instructions provided by Seller; (b) that the Goods manufactured by Seller will be free from defects in materials or workmanship under normal use and care; and (c) Services will be performed by trained personnel using proper equipment and instrumentation for the particular Service provided. The foregoing warranties will apply until the expiration of the applicable warranty period. Sensors and detectors are warranted against defective parts and workmanship for 60 months from the date of purchase. Products purchased by Seller from a third party for resale to Buyer (Resale Products) shall carry only the warranty extended by the original manufacturer. Buyer agrees that Seller has no liability for Resale Products beyond making a reasonable commercial effort to arrange for procurement and shipping of the Resale Products. If Buyer discovers any warranty defects and notifies Seller thereof in writing during the applicable warranty period, Seller shall, at its option, (i) correct any errors that are found by Seller in the firmware or Services; (ii) repair or replace FOB point of manufacture that portion of the Goods found by Seller to be defective; or (iii) refund the purchase price of the defective portion of the Goods/Services. All replacements or repairs necessitated by inadequate maintenance; normal wear and usage; unsuitable power sources or environmental conditions; accident; misuse; improper installation; modification; repair; use of unauthorized replacement parts; storage or handling; or any other cause not the fault of Seller, are not covered by this limited warranty and shall be replaced or repaired at Buyer's sole expense, and Seller shall not be obligated to pay any costs or charges incurred by Buyer or any other party except as may be agreed upon in writing in advance by Seller. All costs of dismantling, reinstallation, freight, and the time and expenses of Seller's personnel and representatives for site travel and diagnosis under this limited warranty clause shall be borne by Buyer unless accepted in writing by Seller. Goods repaired and parts replaced by Seller during the warranty period shall be in warranty for the remainder of the original warranty period or 90 days, whichever is longer. This limited warranty is the only warranty made by Seller and can be amended only in a writing signed by an authorized representative of Seller. The limited warranty herein ceases to be effective if Buyer fails to operate and use the Goods sold hereunder in a safe and reasonable manner and in accordance with any written instructions from the manufacturers. THE WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE. THERE ARE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, AS TO MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER MATTER WITH RESPECT TO ANY OF THE GOODS OR SERVICES.
Technical support
To get technical support for this product, contact your local Rosemount representative or the Rosemount Technical Support department at +1 866 347 3427 or safety.csc@emerson.com
Return of material
To expedite the repair and return of this product, proper communication between the customer and the factory is important. Before returning a product for repair, call +1 866 347 3427 or email safety.csc@emerson.com for a return material authorization
(RMA) number. On the return of equipment, provide the following information:
1. RMA number provided to you by Emerson
2. Company name and contact information
3. Purchase order from your company authorizing repairs of request for quote
Ship all equipment prepaid to: Emerson Automation Solutions Rosemount 8200 Market Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317 Mark all packages with "Return for Repair" and include the RMA number. Pack items to protect them from damage and use anti-static bags or aluminum-backed cardboard as protection from electrostatic
damage. Ship all equipment prepaid. Emerson will not accept collect shipments.
Abbreviations and acronyms
Abbreviation or acronym
ATEX Atmospheric explosives
AWG American wire gauge
BIT Built-in test
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
EOL End of line
FOV Field of view
Highway addressable remote transducer - communication protocol
IAD Immune at any distance
IECEx International Electrotechnical Commission Explosion
IPA Isopropyl alcohol
IR Infrared
JP5 Jet fuel
Latching Refers to relays remaining in the ON state even after the ON condition has been
LED Light emitting diode
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
Abbreviation or acronym Definition
mA Milliamps (0.001 amps)
Master-slave messaging structure
N.C. Normally closed
N .O. Normally open
N/A Not applicable
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NPT National pipe thread
PN Part number
SIL Safety integrity level
UNC Unified coarse thread
Vac Volts alternating current
Vdc Volts direct current
Reference Manual Contents
00809-0100-4975 August 2019


Chapter 1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Overview.......................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2 Model and types............................................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Features and benefits..................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 Principles of operation....................................................................................................................11
1.5 Performance considerations...........................................................................................................14
1.6 Internal detector tests.................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 2 Installing the detector..................................................................................................25
2.1 General guidelines..........................................................................................................................25
2.2 Unpack...........................................................................................................................................26
2.3 Required tools................................................................................................................................ 26
2.4 Certification instructions................................................................................................................ 27
2.5 Installing cables..............................................................................................................................28
2.6 Installing the tilt mount (PN 00975-9000-0001).............................................................................28
2.7 Connect the detector..................................................................................................................... 32
2.8 Configure the detector...................................................................................................................35
Chapter 3 Operating the detector................................................................................................ 39
3.1 Power up........................................................................................................................................ 39
3.2 Safety precautions..........................................................................................................................39
3.3 Testing procedures.........................................................................................................................40
Chapter 4 Maintenance and troubleshooting............................................................................... 43
4.1 Maintenance.................................................................................................................................. 43
4.2 Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................................44
Appendix A Specifications and reference data.................................................................................47
A.1 Technical specifications..................................................................................................................47
A.2 Electrical specifications.................................................................................................................. 47
A.3 Outputs..........................................................................................................................................48
A.4 Mechanical specifications...............................................................................................................50
A.5 Environmental specifications..........................................................................................................50
Appendix B Wiring instructions...................................................................................................... 53
B.1 General instructions for electrical wiring.........................................................................................53
B.2 Typical wiring configurations..........................................................................................................55
Appendix C RS-485 communication network.................................................................................. 59
Appendix D Accessories.................................................................................................................. 61
D.1 Flame simulator............................................................................................................................. 61
D.2 Tilt mount: PN 00975-9000-0001.................................................................................................. 66
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D.3 Duct mount: PN 00975-9000-0002................................................................................................66
D.4 Weather cover: PN 00975-9000-0003............................................................................................68
D.5 Air shield: PN 00975-9000-0005.................................................................................................... 69
Appendix E SIL-2 features............................................................................................................... 71
E.1 Safety relevant parameters.............................................................................................................71
E.2 Guidelines for configuring, installing, operating, and service.......................................................... 71
Appendix F End of line resistor........................................................................................................73
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1 Introduction

1.1 Overview

The Rosemount 975MR Multi-spectrum Flame Detector uses improved multi-spectrum infrared technology to provide state-of-the-art fire protection. The detector uses patented digital signal processing to analyze the spectral and dynamic characteristics of the measured infrared radiation to identify fire events with exceptional sensitivity and extreme immunity to fire alarms.
All Rosemount 975 series detectors include a heated optical window for improved performance in icing, snow, and condensation conditions.
The operator can easily adapt detection performance to all environments, applications, and requirements by changing the detector's configuration parameters. Adjusting these parameters, as well as performing other maintenance and monitoring tasks, is possible by means of RS-485 based Modbus® communication or HART® communication (in models with 0-20 mA output).
The detector enclosure is ATEX certified Exd flameproof with an integral, segregated, rear, Exe terminal compartment (avoiding exposure of the sensors and electronics to surrounding environment). Hence the combined approval:
Ex II 2G D Ex db eb op is IIC T4 G Ex tb op is IIIC T96 °C Db (-55 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +75 °C) or Ex II 2G D Ex db eb op is IIC T4 Gb Ex tb op is IIIC T106 °C Db (-55 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +85 °C) The flame detector is designed to operate as a stand-alone unit directly connected to an
alarm system or an automatic fire extinguishing system. The detector can also be part of a more complex system where many detectors and other devices are integrated through a common control unit.

1.2 Model and types

The Rosemount 975MR is provided in various configurations depending on:
Output configurations
Housing style
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Product certifications
The configuration detail is included in the product part number on the product label and takes the form: 975MR-XXXXXXX, where XXXXXXX defines the model according to the above requirements.
To modify the default or pre-ordered configuration and perform maintenance tasks, please refer to the following manuals: HART Protocol 00809-0200-4975, the RS-485 Manual 00809-0300-4975, or 00809-0400-4975.
The starred offerings () represent the most common options and should be selected for best delivery. The non-starred offerings are subject to additional delivery lead time.
The Rosemount model structure is defined as:
Table 1-1: Rosemount 975 Flame Detector Ordering Information
Product description
975 975 flame detector
MR Multi-spectrum infrared
HR Multi-spectrum infrared hydrogen
UF Ultra fast ultraviolet infrared
UR Ultraviolet infrared
Output configuration
Outputs Fault relay Alarm relay Auxiliary relay Current type
1A Analog/HART®/
RS-485/relays (fault, alarm)
2A Analog/HART/
RS-485/relays (fault, alarm)
3A Analog/HART/
RS-485/relays (fault,alarm)
1R RS-485/relays
(fault, alarm, auxiliary)
2R RS-485/relays
(fault, alarm, auxiliary)
Housing style
Normally closed Normally open N/A Sink
Normally closed Normally open,
normally closed
Normally open Normally open,
normally closed
Normally closed Normally open Normally open N/A
Normally open Normally open Normally open N/A
N/A Source
N/A Source
Material Conduit entry
6S Stainless steel ¾-in. NPT
8S Stainless steel M25
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Aluminum ¾-in. NPT
Aluminum M25
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Table 1-1: Rosemount 975 Flame Detector Ordering Information (continued)
1 167 °F (75 °C)
2 185 °F (85 °C)
Product certifications
A1 ATEX and IECEx flameproof
A2 FM and CSA flameproof
E2 INMETRO flameproof
EM Technical Regulations Customs Union (EAC) flameproof
Typical model number: 975MR1A6A1A1
(1) Aluminum housing is not available in FM/CSA product certification.
Table 1-2: Spare Parts and Accessories
Part number Description
00975-9000-0001 Tilt mount
00975-9000-0002 Duct mount
00975-9000-0003 Weather cover (plastic)
00975-9000-0004 Weather cover (stainless steel)
00975-9000-0005 Air shield
00975-9000-0007 2-in. (50,8 mm) pipe mount
00975-9000-0008 3-in. (76,2 mm) pipe mount
00975-9000-0009 Flame simulator kit (for Rosemount 975MR)
00975-9000-0011 USB RS-485 harness kit
00975-9000-0012 Spare battery pack for use with flame
00975-9000-0014 4-in. (101,6 mm) pipe mount
00975-9000-0015 Spare battery charger for use with flame
Table 1-3: Output Configurations
Output configuration
1A Power Manual built-
Connections provided
in test
Fault relay N.C.
Alarm relay N.O.
0-20 mA sink RS-485 HART
2A Power Manual built-
in test
3A Power Manual built-
in test
Rosemount 975MR 9
Fault relay N.C.
Fault relay N.O.
Alarm relay, N.O., N.C.
Alarm relay N.O., N.C.
0-20 mA source
0-20 mA source
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Table 1-3: Output Configurations (continued)
Output configuration
1R Power Manual built-
2R Power Manual built-
Connections provided
in test
in test
Output configuration 1A is default. You can change the mA sink output to source type, with a link between terminals 1 and 8. You cannot change any other output configurations on site.
For example, product number 975MR3A8S2A1 has the following options:
Output configuration: 3A (analog/HART/RS-485/relays, fault N.O., alarm N.O./N.C.,
Housing style: 8S (stainless steel - M25 conduit entry)
Temperature: 2 (185 °F [85 °C])
Approvals: A1 (ATEX and IECEx flameproof)
Fault relay N.C.
Fault relay N.O.
Alarm relay N.O.
Alarm relay N.O.
Auxiliary N.O.
Auxiliary N.O.
RS-485 N/A
RS-485 N/A
Check your specific part numbers against the information in Checking the product type.

1.3 Features and benefits

The flame detector has the following features and benefits.
Detection range: Up to 215 ft. (65 m) for a 1 ft.2 (0.1 m2) n-heptane fire.
Ultra high immunity to false alarms. See Table 1-6.
Advanced digital processing of the dynamic characteristics of fire: flickering, threshold,
correlation, and ratio.
Multi IR channels: between two and five microns.
Field programmable sensitivity: four ranges to avoid zone crossover.
Built-in-test (BIT): manual and automatic (see Built-in test (BIT)).
Heated window: prevents effects of icing, snow, and condensation.
Electrical interface:Dry contact relays
Communication network RS-4850-20 mA output
HART® protocol: communication protocol (see HART protocol).
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Exde: integral junction box for easy wiring.
SIL-2: TÜV approved.
Hazardous area certification: ATEX, IECEx, FM, and CSA.
Functionality approval:EN54-10 approved by VdS
FM approved per FM3260
Accessories are approved as part of ATEX and IECEx approval.

1.4 Principles of operation

1.4.1 Hydrocarbon fire detection

The Rosemount 975MR uses four infrared sensors, each sensitive to its own wavelength range. Two of the sensors are sensitive to wavelengths within the emission peak of hot CO2. The other two sensors are sensitive to wavelengths above and below this peak.
In the event of fire, the signal measured in the first sensor is significantly higher than those measured in the other two sensors. In order to issue a fire alarm, the detector requires that this occurs, as well as other conditions (for example, radiation is flickering in frequencies typical of flames). If exposed to non-fire radiation sources, the specific conditions required do not occur, and the detector does not react.

Heated optics

The flame detector uses heated optics. The heater increases the temperature of the optical surface by 5 to 8 °F (3 to 5 °C) above the ambient temperature to improve performance in icing, condensation, and snow conditions.
The heated optics can be set to one of the following:
Off, not operating.
On continuously.
Automatic, per temperature change (default): the operator can define the start
temperature below which the window is heated. The default is 41 °F (5 °C). The operator can define this temperature between 32 °F (0 °C) and 122 °F (50 °C). The heating stops when the temperature is 27 °F (15 °C) above the start temperature.
For more information, see Configure the detector.

HART® protocol

The flame detector uses the HART protocol. HART communication is a bi-directional industrial field communication protocol used to
communicate between intelligent field instruments and host systems. HART is the global standard for smart process instrumentation, and the majority of smart field devices installed in plants worldwide are HART-enabled. HART is available in output configurations 1A, 2A, and 3A (see Table 1-1).
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Through the HART connection, you can do the following:
Detector setup
Detector troubleshooting
Detector health and status
For more details, refer to HART Manual 00809-0200-4975.
Reference Manual
1.4.4 RS-485 Modbus
For more advanced communications, the flame detector has an RS-485 Modbus­compatible output that provides data communication from a network (up to 247 detectors) to a host computer or universal controller for central monitoring. This feature allows for reduced installation costs, easy maintenance, and local or remote diagnostic tools.

Product certifications

The flame detector has the following certifications:
Inmetro (UL)
The flame detector is certified to:
ATEX per SIRA 15ATEX1364X and IECEx per IECEx SIR 15.0138X. Ex II 2G D Ex db eb op is IIC T4 Gb Ex tb op is IIIC T96 °C Db (-55 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +75 °C) or Ex II 2G D Ex db eb op is IIC T4 Gb Ex tb op is IIIC T106 °C Db (-55 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +85 °C) The accessories: tilt mount (PN 00975-9000-0001), weather cover (PN 00975-9000-0003
[plastic] and PN 00975-9000-0004 [stainless steel]), duct mount (PN 00975-9000-0002), and air shield (PN 00975-9000-0005), are included in the approval.
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This product is available to use in hazardous zones 1 and 2 with IIC gas group vapors present and zones 21 and 22 with IIIC dust type present.
The flame detector is certified to FM and CSA explosion proof and functionality per FM3260.
Class I, Division 1, Groups B, C, and D, T5 Ta = 85 °C.
Dust ignition proof - Class II/III Division 1, Groups E, F, and G.
Ingress protection - IP67, IP66, NEMA 250 Type 6P
Fuel test response including: gasoline, n-heptane, diesel, JP5, kerosene, ethyl, alcohol
95 percent, IPA, methanol, methane, LPG, polypropylene, and paper.
For more details, see FM Report Project ID3029553 and CSA Report No. 2451134.
The flame detector is certified to SIL-2 requirement per IEC 61508A, Chapter 3.5.12. The alert condition according to SIL-2 can be implemented by:
Alert signal via 0-20 mA current loop
Alert signal via alarm relay and fault relay
For more details and guidelines for configuring, installing, operating, and service, see SIL-2
features and TUV Report No. 968/FSP 1223.
The flame detector is approved per EN54-10 and CPD.
The detector is listed as Class 1 for sensitivity settings 15, 30, 45, and 60.
The detector has been tested and approved per EN54-10 Vds.
This test includes functional test, environmental test, EMI/EMC test, and software
For more details, see Vds Report Number BMA 150190-AU01+BZA02-PB01.
InMetro (UL)
The flame detector is in compliance with the following standards as of May 18, 2010:
ABNT NBR IEC 60079-0
ABNT NBR IEC 60079-7
ABNT NBR IEC 60079-18
ABNT NBR IEC 60079-31
INMETRO decree No. 179
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For further details, see the Certificate of Compliance No. UL-BR 16.065XX.
The flame detector is in compliance with the standard TR CU 012/2011 per:
1Ex db eb op is IIC T4 Gb X Ex tb op is IIIC T96 °C Db X
-55 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +75 °C
or 1Ex db eb op is IIC T4 Gb X Ex tb op is IIIC T106 °C Db X
-55 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +85 °C
For more details, see TR CU certificate No. TC RU C-US MЮ 62.B05535.

1.5 Performance considerations

1.5.1 Detection sensitivity

Detection sensitivity is the maximum distance at which the detector reliably detects a specific size of fire and typical type of fuel (standard fire).
Standard fire
Defined as 1 ft.2 (0.1 m2) n-heptane pan fire with maximum wind speed of 6.5 ft./sec (2 m/sec).
Sensitivity ranges
The detector has four user-selectable sensitivity ranges. For each range, there are two response levels:
Warning (Pre-alarm)
The detection distance for the Warning level is approximately 10 percent higher than the
Alarm distance.
Alarm response times for a standard fire at a specified range are shown in Table 1-4.
Table 1-4: Sensitivity Range Levels
Level Response time (sec) Sensitivity range - ft. (m) (for
1 ft.2 (0.1 m2) n-heptane pan fire)
1 3 50 (15)
2 default 5 100 (30)
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Table 1-4: Sensitivity Range Levels (continued)
Level Response time (sec) Sensitivity range - ft. (m) (for
1 ft.2 (0.1 m2) n-heptane pan fire)
3 8 150 (45)
4 10 215 (65)
For some typical ambient conditions, the Zeta parameter as defined in NFPA 72 for the detector is 0.005 (1/meter).
Zeta parameters may vary significantly with changes in temperature, air pressure, humidity, visibility conditions, etc.
Other fuels
The detector reacts to other types of fire as follows:
The baseline fire refers to n-heptane 1 ft.2 (0,1 m2) and is defined as 100 percent
For fuel fire: standard pan fire size: 1 ft.2 (0,1 m2)
For gas flame: 30 in. (0.75 m) high, 10 in. (0.25 m) wide plume fire
Maximum response time: 10 sec.
Table 1-5: Fuel Sensitivity Ranges
Type of fuel Percent of max. distance at each sensitivity range Max. distance
(ft. / m)
Gasoline 100% 215 / 65
n-Heptane 100% 215 / 65
JP5 70% 150 / 45
Kerosene 70% 150 / 45
Diesel fuel 70% 150 / 45
Ethanol 95% 60% 135 / 40
IPA 60% 135 / 40
Methanol 55% 115 / 35
70% 150 / 45
70% 150 / 45
Paper 38% 82 / 25
Polypropylene 55% 115 / 35
(1) 30 in. (0.75 m) high, 10 in. (0.25 m) wide plume fire
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1.5.2 Cone of vision

Horizontal: 100 °
Figure 1-1: Horizontal Field of View
Vertical: +50 ° (down), -45 ° (up)
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Figure 1-2: Vertical Field of View

1.5.3 False alarms prevention

To prevent false alarms, the detector will not alarm or react to the radiation sources specified in the table below.
Table 1-6: Immunity to False Alarm Sources
Radiation source Immunity distance ft. (m)
Indirect or reflected sunlight IAD
Vehicle headlights (low beam) conforming to MS53023-1
Incandescent frosted glass light, 300 W IAD
Fluorescent light with white enamel reflector, standard office or shop, 70 W (or two 35 W)
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Table 1-6: Immunity to False Alarm Sources (continued)
Radiation source Immunity distance ft. (m)
Electric arc (15/32 in. [12 mm] gap at 4,000 Vac, 60 Hz)
Arc welding (5/16 in. [6 mm] rod; 210 A) See Table 1-7
Ambient light extremes (darkness to bright light with snow, water, rain, desert glare, and fog)
Bright colored clothing, including red and safety orange
Electronic flash (180 W-seconds minimum output)
Movie light, 625 W quartz DWY lamp (Sylvania S.G. - 55 or equivalent)
Blue-green dome light conforming to M251073-1
Flashlight (MX 99 I/U) IAD
Radiation heater, 3,000 W > 3 (1)
Radiation heater, 1,000 W with fan IAD
Quartz lamp (1,000 W) > 3 (1)
Mercury vapor lamp IAD
Grinding metal IAD
Lit cigar > 1 (0.3)
> 6.5 (2)
Lit cigarette > 1 (0.3)
Match, wood, stick, including flare up > 13 (4)
1. IAD: Immune at any distance.
2. All sources are chopped from 0 to 20 Hz.
Table 1-7: Welding Immunity Distance
Sensitivity setting Detection range Immunity distance
1 50 ft. (15 m) > 6 ft. (2 m)
2 100 ft. (30 m) > 12 ft. (4 m)
3 150 ft. (45 m) > 17 ft. (6 m)
4 215 ft. (65 m) >25 ft. (7.5 m)

1.5.4 Visual indicators

One three-color LED indicator is located inside the detector window, as shown in Figure
1-3. The detector statuses are listed in Table 1-8.
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Table 1-8: LED Indications
Detector status LED color LED mode
Fault, BIT Fault Yellow 4 Hz - flashing
Normal Green 1 Hz - flashing
Warning Red 2 Hz -flashing
Alarm Red Steady
Figure 1-3: Indication LED
A. Indicator LED

Output signals

Outputs are available according to the default configuration or the wiring options selected for the detector.
Determine the outputs of your model according to Table 1-9. The detector incorporates several types of output suitable to different control systems.
0-20 mA (stepped) with HART
Relays (alarm, fault, auxiliary)
RS-485 Modbus
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Table 1-9: Available Output Types
Output type Version Detector status
Alarm relay 975MR- output configurations
Auxiliary relay 975MR - output configurations
Fault relay 975MR - output configurations
0-20 mA current output 975MR - output configuration
RS-485 All versions Modbus protocol

1.5.6 Detector status

975MR - output configurations 2AXXXXX and 3AXXXXX
975MR - output configurations 3AXXXXX and 2RXXXXX
975MR - output configurations 2AXXXXX and 3AXXXXX
The relay is N.O.
The relay is N.O. and N.C.
The relay is N.O.
The relay is N.C. energized.
The relay is N.O. energized.
Sink with the HART protocol (can be changed to Source - see
Figure B-3, Figure B-4, and Figure B-5).
Source with the HART protocol
The possible detector function statuses are listed in the table below. Use HART® or Modbus® to see a more detailed fault analysis.
Table 1-10: Detector Statuses
Status Description
Normal Normal operation.
BIT Built-in test being performed.
Warning Fire detected - changed to Warning (pre-alarm state).
Alarm Fire detected - changed to Fire Alarm state.
Latched alarm (optional) The alarm outputs remain latched on following detection of a fire
that has already been extinguished.
BIT fault A fault is detected during built-in test sequence or other electric
failure. The detector will continue to detect for fire.
Fault A fault is detected when the power supply is too low or due to a
software fault or electrical failure. The detector will not detect fire in this condition.
In each state, the detector activates different outputs, as specified in Table 1-11.
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Table 1-11: Output Signals vs. Detector State
Detector state LED indicator LED mode Alarm relay Auxiliary relay Fault relay mA output
Normal Green 1 Hz Off Off On 4 mA
On 16 mA
On 20 mA
Off 16 mA
Warning Red 2 Hz Off On
BIT Fault
Warning at BIT Fault
Red Constant On On On 20 mA
Red Constant On Off On 20 mA
Yellow 4 Hz Off Off Off 2 mA
Red 2 Hz Off On
Alarm at BIT Fault
Fault Yellow 4 Hz Off Off Off 0 mA
(1) The auxiliary relay can be activated at the Warning level or Alarm level, depending on programmed function. (2) The alarm outputs are activated while alarm conditions exist and will stop approximately five seconds after a fire is no
longer detected.
(3) The Alarm state can be optionally latched via programmed function. (Default is non-latching). (4) The detector will remain in BIT Fault state until it has passed a successful built-in test.
Red Constant On On Off 20 mA
The outputs depend on the output configurations.
Optional latching
Alarms are set as non-latching by default. However, the detector includes a latched alarm output capability, which operates according to the programmed function.
If selected, upon detection of a fire, the detection signal is latched until the operator manually resets the detector (disconnecting the power supply or performing a manual built-in test [see Manual built-in test]).
Latching affects the alarm relay, 0-20 mA output, and the alarm LED. The auxiliary relay is latched only when the programmable function Auxiliary Relay is set to Yes.
The auxiliary relay is available only in models with output configurations - 1RXXXXX and 2RXXXXX. The 0-20 mA is available only in models with output configurations - 1AXXXXX, 2AXXXXX, and 3AXXXXX.

1.6 Internal detector tests

The detector performs two types of self-tests:
Continuous feature test
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August 2019 00809-0100-4975
Built-in test (BIT)
Reference Manual

1.6.1 Continuous feature test

During normal operation, the detector tests itself continuously and indicates a fault if a failure is found. This type of test complies with SIL-2 requirements.
The detector continuously tests:
Input voltage level
All internal regulator voltage level
Voltage level status of sensor and sensor circuitry for noise or disconnection in the
electronic circuitry
0-20 mA level output
Relays and heater operation
Processor watch dog
Oscillator frequency
Response to a fault indication
If a failure is found, the detector indicates it by:
Fault relay:Opens in output configurations 1A, 2A, and 1R
Closes in output configurations 3A and 2R
0-20 mA: indicates fault (0 mA or 2 mA) in output configurations 1A, 2A, and 3A
LED - yellow flashes (4 Hz)
Correcting the fault
The fault indications remain until the detector's power is removed. The fault indications return if the fault is still found when power is restored.

Built-in test (BIT)

The detector's built-in test (BIT) also checks the following:
Electronics circuitry
Window cleanliness
The detector can be set to perform the built-in test in the following modes:
Automatically and manually
Manually only
22 Emerson.com/Rosemount
Reference Manual Introduction
00809-0100-4975 August 2019
In a manual built-in test, the outputs may also be tested; apply control system inhibit if this could initiate other systems.
How the built-in test operates
The detector's status remains unchanged if the result of a built-in test is the same as
the current status (Normal or BIT Fault).
The detector's status is changed (from Normal to BIT Fault or vice versa) if the built-in
test differs from the current status.
In BIT Fault status, the detector can continue to detect a fire.
Automatic built-in test
The detector automatically performs a built-in test every fifteen minutes. A successful built-in test sequence does not activate any indicator.
All outputs of built-in test results function as described in Table 1-12 and Table 1-13, and the built-in test is automatically executed every one minute.
This continues until a successful built-in test occurs, when the detector resumes normal operation.
Table 1-12: Results of a Successful Built-in Test
Output Result
Fault relay Output configurations 1A, 2A, and 1R:
remain CLOSED
Output configurations 3A and 2R: remain
0-20 mA output Output configurations 1A, 2A, and 3A: Normal
(4 mA)
Power LED Green, flashing, 1 Hz on (Normal)
Table 1-13: Results of an Unsuccessful Built-in Test
Output Result
Fault relay Output configurations 1A, 2A, and 1R:
change to OPEN
Output configurations 3A and 2R: change to
0-20 mA output Output configurations 1A, 2A, and 3A: BIT Fault
(2 mA)
Power LED Yellow, flashing, 4 Hz
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