Emerson Rosemount 8732E Quick Installation Manual

Quick Installation Guide
(Flanged Sensors) (Wafer Sensors)
(Sanitary Sensors) Step 5: Grounding Step 6: Wiring Step 7: Basic Configuration Product Certifications
00825-0100-4662, Rev CC December 2012
Rosemount 8732
Rosemount 8732E Magnetic Flowmeter System (Transmitter and Sensor)
Quick Installation Guide
Emerson Process Management Rosemount Flow
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00825-0100-4662, Rev CC
Rosemount 8732
© 2013 Rosemount Inc. All rights reserved. All marks property of owner.
This document provides basic installation guidelines for the Rosemount® 8732. It does not provide instructions for detailed configuration, diagnostics, maintenance, service, troubleshooting, explosion-proof, flame-proof, or intrinsically safe (I.S.) installations. Refer to the Rosemount 8732 reference manual (document number 00809-0100-4662) for more instructions. The manual and this QIG are also available electronically on www.rosemount.com.
Failure to follow these installation guidelines could result in death or serious injury:
Installation and servicing instructions are for use by qualified personnel only. Do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions, unless qualified. Verify that the operating environment of the sensor and transmitter is consistent with the appropriate FM, CSA, ATEX, or IECEx approval.
Do not connect a Rosemount 8732 to a non-Rosemount sensor that is located in an explosive atmosphere.
December 2012
The sensor liner is vulnerable to handling damage. Never place anything through the sensor for the purpose of lifting or gaining leverage. Liner damage can render the sensor useless.
To avoid possible damage to the sensor liner ends, do not use metallic or spiral-wound gaskets. If frequent removal is anticipated, take precautions to protect the liner ends. Short spool pieces attached to the sensor ends are often used for protection.
Correct flange bolt tightening is crucial for proper sensor operation and life. All bolts must be tightened in the proper sequence to the specified torque limits. Failure to observe these instructions could result in severe damage to the sensor lining and possible sensor replacement.
Rosemount 8705 Magnetic Flowtube units ordered with non-standard paint options may be subject to electrostatic discharge.
To avoid electrostatic charge build-up, do not rub the meter body with a dry cloth or clean with solvents.
Quick Installation Guide
6.48 (165)
7.49 (190)
LOI Cover
3.00 (76)
3.07 (78)
/2”-14 NPT, (3 places)*
/2”-14 NPT, (2 places)*
00825-0100-4662, Rev CC December 2012
Rosemount 8732
Before installing the Rosemount 8732 Magnetic Flowmeter Transmitter, there are several pre-installation steps that should be completed to make the installation process easier:
• Identify the options and configurations that apply to your application
• Set the hardware switches if necessary
• Consider mechanical, electrical, and environmental requirements
Mechanical Considerations
The mounting site for the Rosemount 8732 transmitter should provide enough room for secure mounting, easy access to conduit ports, full opening of the transmitter covers, and easy readability of the LOI screen (see Figure 1).
If the Rosemount 8732 is mounted separately from the sensor, it is not subject to limitations that might apply to the sensor.
Figure 1. Rosemount 8732 Dimensional Drawing
* M20 and PG 13.5 connections are available with the use of threaded conduit adapters.
Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4662, Rev CC
Rosemount 8732
December 2012
Environmental Considerations
To ensure maximum transmitter life, avoid excessive heat and vibration. Typical problem areas:
• high-vibration lines with integrally mounted transmitters
• warm-climate installations in direct sunlight
• outdoor installations in cold climates. Remote-mounted transmitters may be installed in the control room to protect the electronics from the harsh environment and provide easy access for configuration or service.
Both remotely and integrally mounted Rosemount 8732 transmitters require external power so there must be access to a suitable power source.
Installation Procedures
Rosemount 8732 installation includes both detailed mechanical and electrical installation procedures.
Mount the Transmitter
At a remote site the transmitter may be mounted on a pipe up to two inches in diameter or against a flat surface.
Pipe Mounting
To mount the transmitter on a pipe:
1. Attach the mounting bracket to the pipe using the mounting hardware.
2. Attach the Rosemount 8732 to the mounting bracket using the mounting screws.
Identify Options and Configurations
The standard application of the 8732 includes a 4–20 mA output and control of the sensor coils and electrodes. Other applications may require one or more of the following configurations or options:
• Multidrop Communications
• Digital Output
• Digital Input
• Pulse Output Additional options may apply . Be sure to identify those options and configurations that apply to your situation and keep a list of them nearby for consideration during the installation and configuration procedures.
Hardware Jumpers/Switches
The 8732 electronics board is equipped with four user-selectable hardware switches. These switches set the Failure Alarm Mode, Internal/External Analog Power, Internal/External Pulse Power, and Transmitter Security. The st andard configuration for these switches when shipped from the factory are as follows:
Failure Alarm Mode: HIGH Internal/External Analog
Power Internal/External Pulse Power
Transmitter Security: OFF
(1) For electronics with intrinsically safe (I.S. Output) approvals, analog and pulse power must be
provided externally. The electronics do not include these hardware switches.
Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4662, Rev CC December 2012
Changing Hardware Switch Settings
In most cases, it is not necessary to change the setting of the hardware switches. If you need to change the switch settings, complete the steps outlined in the manual.
Rosemount 8732
Electrical Considerations
Before making any electrical connections to the Rosemount 8732, consider local and plant electrical standards and be sure to have the proper power supply, conduit, and other accessories necessary to comply with these standards.
Rotate Transmitter Housing
The electronics housing can be rotated on the sensor in 90° increments by loosening the four mounting bolts on the bottom of the housing and reinstalling the bolts. When the housing is returned to its original position, be sure the surface is clean and there is no gap between the housing and the sensor.
Quick Installation Guide
½- through 4-Inch Sensors
6-Inch and Larger Sensors
00825-0100-4662, Rev CC
Rosemount 8732
Handle all parts carefully to prevent damage. Whenever possible, transport the system to the installation site in the original shipping containers. PTFE-lined sensors are shipped with end covers that protect it from both mechanical damage and normal unrestrained distortion. Remove the end covers just before installation.
Figure 2. Rosemount 8705 Sensor Support for Handling
December 2012
Quick Installation Guide
5 Pipe Diameters
2 Pipe Diameters
00825-0100-4662, Rev CC December 2012
Rosemount 8732
Upstream/Downstream Piping
To ensure specification accuracy over widely varying process conditions, install the sensor a minimum of five straight pipe diameters upstream and two pipe diameters downstream from the electrode plane (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Upstream and Downstream Straight Pipe Diameters
Installations with reduced straight runs from 0 to five pipe diameters are possible. In reduced straight pipe run installations, performance will shift to as much as 0.5% of rate. Reported flow rates will still be highly repeatable.
Flow Direction
The sensor should be mounted so the FORWARD end of the flow arrow, shown on the sensor identification tag, points in the direction of flow through the sensor.
Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4662, Rev CC
Rosemount 8732
December 2012
Sensor Location
The sensor should be installed in a location that ensures the sensor remains full during operation. Vertical installation allows upward process fluid flow and keeps the cross-sectional area full, regardless of flow rate. Horizontal installation should be restricted to low piping sections that are normally full.
Figure 4. Sensor Orientation
Sensor Orientation
The electrodes in the sensor are properly orientated when the two measurement electrodes are in the 3 and 9 o’clock positions or within 45° from the vertical, as shown on the right of Figure 5. Avoid any mounting orientation that positions the top of the sensor at 90° from the vertical position as shown on the left of Figure 5.
Figure 5. Mounting Position
Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4662, Rev CC December 2012
Rosemount 8732
Flanged Sensors
The sensor requires a gasket at each of its connections to adjacent devices or piping. The gasket material selected must be compatible with the process fluid and operating conditions. Metallic or spiral-wound gaskets can damage the liner. Gaskets are required on each side of a grounding ring. All other applications (including sensors with lining protectors or a grounding electrode) require only one gasket on each end connection.
Figure 6. Flanged gasket placement
Flange Bolts
Do not bolt one side at a time. Tighten each side simultaneously. Example:
1. Snug left
2. Snug right
3. Tighten left
4. Tighten right Do not snug and tighten the upstream side and then snug and tighten the downstream side. Failure to alternate between the upstream and downstream flanges when tightening bolts may result in liner damage.
Suggested torque values by sensor line size and liner type are listed in Table 1 for ASME B16.5 flanges and Table 2 for EN flanges. Consult the factory if the flange rating of the sensor is not listed. Tighten flange bolts on the upstream side of the sensor in the incremental sequence shown in Figure 7 to 20% of the suggested torque values. Repeat the process on the downstream side of the sensor. For sensors with more or less flange bolts, tighten the bolts in a similar crosswise sequence. Repeat this entire tightening sequence at 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% of the suggested torque values or until the leak between the process and sensor flanges stop.
If leakage has not stopped at the suggested torque values, the bolts can be tightened in
Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4662, Rev CC
Rosemount 8732
additional 10% increments until the joint stops leaking, or until the measured torque value reaches the maximum torque value of the bolts. Practical consideration for the integrity of the liner often leads the user to distinct torque values to stop leakage due to the unique combinations of flanges, bolts, gaskets, and sensor liner material.
Check for leaks at the flanges after tightening the bolts. Failure to use the correct tightening methods can result in severe damage. Sensors require a second tightening 24 hours after the initial installation. Over time, sensor liner materials may deform under pressure.
Figure 7. Flange Bolt Torquing Sequence
December 2012
Table 1. Suggested Flange Bolt Torque Values for Rosemount 8705 and 8707 High-Signal
005 0.5 inch (15 mm) 8 8 - ­010 1 inch (25 mm) 8 12 - ­015 1.5 inch (40 mm) 13 25 7 18 020 2 inch (50 mm) 19 17 14 11 025 2.5 inch (65 mm) 22 24 17 16 030 3 inch (80 mm) 34 35 23 23 040 4 inch (100 mm) 26 50 17 32 050 5 inch (125 mm) 36 60 25 35 060 6 inch (150 mm) 45 50 30 37 080 8 inch (200 mm) 60 82 42 55 100 10 inch (250 mm) 55 80 40 70 120 12 inch (300 mm) 65 125 55 105 140 14 inch (350 mm) 85 110 70 95 160 16 inch (400 mm) 85 160 65 140 180 18 inch (450 mm) 120 170 95 150 200 20 inch (500 mm) 110 175 90 150 240 24 inch (600 mm) 165 280 140 250 300 30 inch (750 mm) 195 415 165 375 360 36 inch (900 mm) 280 575 245 525
Line Size
Class 150
Class 300
Class 150
Class 300
Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4662, Rev CC December 2012
Table 2. Flange Bolt Torque and Bolt Load Specifications for 8705 (EN 1092-1)
PN10 PN 16 PN 25 PN 40
Size Code
005 0.5-inch 010 1 inch 015 1.5 inch 020 2 inch 025 2.5 inch 030 3 inch 040 4 inch 050 5.0 inch 060 6 inch 080 8 inch 100 10 inch 120 12 inch 140 14 inch 160 16 inch 180 18 inch 200 20 inch 240 24 inch
Line Size (Newton-meter) (Newton-meter) (Newton-meter) (Newton-meter)
(15 mm) (25 mm) (40 mm) (50 mm) (65 mm) (80 mm)
50 70
(100 mm)
70 100
(125 mm)
90 130
130 90 130 170
(200 mm)
100 130 190 250
(250 mm)
120 170 190 270
(300 mm)
160 220 320 410
(350 mm)
220 280 410 610
(400 mm)
190 340 330 420
(450 mm)
230 380 440 520
(500 mm)
290 570 590 850
(600 mm)
Rosemount 8732
10 20 50 60 50 50
Quick Installation Guide
00825-0100-4662, Rev CC
Rosemount 8732
Table 2. (continued) Flange Bolt Torque and Bolt Load Specifications for 8705 (EN 1092-1)
Polyurethane, Linatex, Adiprene and Neoprene Liners
PN 10 PN 16 PN 2 5 PN 40
Size Code Line Size
010 1 inch
(25 mm)
015 1.5 inch
(40 mm)
020 2 inch
(50 mm)
025 2.5 inch
(65 mm)
030 3 inch
(80 mm)
040 4 inch
(100 mm)
050 5.0 inch
(125 mm)
060 6 inch
(150 mm)
080 8 inch
(200 mm)
100 10 inch
(250 mm)
120 12 inch
(300 mm)
140 14 inch
(350 mm)
160 16 inch
(400 mm)
180 18 inch
(450 mm)
200 20 inch
(500 mm)
240 24 inch
(600 mm)
(Newton-meter) (Newton-meter) (Newton-meter) (Newton-meter)
40 50 50 70
60 90 90 60 90 110 70 80 130 170 80 110 130 180
110 150 210 280 150 190 280 410 130 230 220 280 150 260 300 350 200 380 390 560
December 2012
20 30 40 35 30
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