Rosemount 753R with iTrax® Remote Web
Based Monitoring Indicator
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4379, Rev AAMarch 2006
Rosemount 753R Indicator
Rosemount753R Web Based Monitoring Indicator
Read this manual before working with the product. For personal andsystem safety, andforoptimum product performance, make sure you thoroughly understand the contentsbeforeinstalling, using, or maintaining this product.
Rosemount Inc. has two toll-free assistancenumbers:
Customer Central
Technical support, quoting, and order-related questions.
United States -
Asia Pacific- 65 777 8211Europe/ Middle East/ Africa - 49 (8153) 9390
North American ResponseCenter
Equipment service needs.1-800-654-7768 (24 hours—includes Canada)Outside of these areas,contact your localRosemount
1-800-999-9307 (7:00am to 7:00 pm CST)
Theproducts describedin this documentare NOTdesigned for nuclear-qualifiedapplications. Using non-nuclear qualified products inapplicationsthatrequire nuclear-qualified hardware or productsmay cause inaccurate readings.
Forinformationon Rosemountnuclear-qualified products, contact your local Rosemount Sales Representative.
Rosemount 753R Series Web Based Monitors may be protected by one ormore U.S. Patentspending. MexicoPatentado No. 154,961. Maydepend on model. Other foreign patents issuedand pending.
Thesectionsinthis manual provide information on installing,operating, and maintaining the Rosemount 753R Web Based Monitoring Indicator. At theend of each section there isinformation related to integrated units (a 753R combined with a Rosemount transmitter).The sectionsare organized asfollows:
Section2: Installation
instructions, including remote power supply and wirelesscommunications. This section also includes instructions on how toinstall the 753R monitor when integrated withvariousRosemount transmitters.
•Section3: Web Interface-Connectivity
start-up and accountmaintenance.
Section4: Web Interface-Configuration and Maintenance
instructionon commissioning and operating753R Series monitors. Information on software functions, configuration parameters, and on-line accessthrough the iTraX
Section5: Web Interface-Data Viewing
maintenance techniques for the iTraX
Section6: Troubleshooting
the most common operating problems for the 753R SeriesMonitoring Indicator and the iTraX
AppendixA: Reference Data
certifications, dimensional drawings, ordering information, and the Configuration Data Sheet.
AppendixB: Product Certifications
information and standard compliance information.
contains mechanical and electrical installation
contains instructions for
website also are included.
contains operation and
provides troubleshooting techniques for
web interface.
contains product specifications,
contains intrinsic safety approval
Rosemount 753R Indicator
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4379, RevAA
March 2006
To expedite the return processoutside of the United States, contact the nearest Rosemount representative.
Within the United States,callthe Rosemount National Response Center using the 1-800-654-RSMT(7768) toll-free number. Thiscenter, available 24 hoursa day, will assist you with any needed information or materials.
Thecenter will ask for product model and serial numbers, andwillprovide a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. The center will also ask for the process materialto which the product waslast exposed.
Individuals who handleproducts exposedtoa hazardous substance can avoidinjuryif theyare informedof andunderstand the hazard. If the productbeingreturned was exposedtoa hazardous substance as defined by OSHA, a copy of the required Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS) for each hazardoussubstance identified must be included with the returned goods.
RosemountNational Response Center representatives willexplain the additionalinformation and procedures necessary toreturn goods exposed tohazardous substances.
Rosemount 753R with iTraX® web interface is theleading web based monitoring solution which enablesthe user to monitor geographicallydispersed assets such as vendor managed inventory(VMI). The 753R willalso supportany two-wire HART transmitter for monitoringapplications inpressure, temperature, analytical,or level processes. The iTraX
web interface is accessible via and can provide monitoring information at up to 15 minute updateintervals.
Rosemount 753R withiTraX
web interface allows the user to monitor remote assets which do not otherwisehave access toa local host for data collection. Remote bulk inventorymonitoring is the mostcommon, though not the only, application ofthis innovative solution. Through iTraX
, the user isable to:
•Reconfigure how often readings and transmissions can be madeasmonitoring needs change
•Create or modifysetpoints for measurementalarm conditions
•Create or modifydevicealert conditions based on available device diagnostics
•Configure email/textmessage distribution for alarmnotifications
•Reconfigure other device parameters via theiTraX
iTraX® is a web based monitoring interface that allows usersto communicate withremote transmitters to setdevice configurations,monitor and collectmeasurement data, generate reports, and receive e-mailalert notifications.
Web based monitoring isintended for monitoring operationsonly
, and is notintended for anycontroloperations. Data isnot designed to integrate intoDistributed Control Systems.
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4379, RevAAMarch 2006
Rosemount 753R Indicator
Automating the remote monitoring process provides a significantimprovement over traditionally manual operations, saving time and moneywhile eliminating costly human data recording and interpolation error.
Some of the applications that are best suited for the Rosemount 753R web based monitoring solution include:
•Improved Inventory Management
•Paper Chart Recorder Replacement (Future)
•Pipeline Metering(Future)
Using iTraX® Online Help
Technical Assistance
To accessiTraX®on-line help information at any time,select the questionmark image in the upper right corner of the screen().
For problems or questionsthat cannot be resolved through the iTraX® manual or on-line Help, contact your local Emerson Process ManagementRepresentative. For iTraX
Theinformation in this section covers installation considerations for theRosemount 753R Seriesindicator. AQuick Installation Guide (document number 00825-0100-4379) isshipped withevery indicator todescribe basicinstallation and configuration options. For 753Rwirelessindicators that are shipped asan integrated unit witha pressure transmitter,a Quick Installation Guide for that transmitter is also included. It describesbasic pipefitting and wiring procedures for transmitter installation.
Procedures and instructions in this section mayrequire specialprecautionsto ensure thesafety of the personnel performing theoperation. Information that raises potential safety issuesis indicated with a warning symbol(). Refer to the following safety messagesbefore performing an operation preceded bythis symbol.
Explosions can result in death or serious injury.
•Do not remove the wireless indicatorcovers in explosive environments whenthe circuit islive.
•Before connecting a communicator in anexplosive atmosphere, make suretheinstruments inthe loop are installed in accordance with intrinsically safe ornon-incendive field wiringpractices.
•Verify that the operating atmosphere of the wireless indicator is consistentwiththe appropriate hazardouslocations certifications.
Electrical shock can result in death or serious injury.
•Avoidcontact withthe leads and terminals
Rosemount 753R Indicator
Replacement equipmentor spare parts must be approvedby Rosemount Inc.for use.Spare parts not approved my Rosmount Inc. could reduce performance and may render the instrument dangerous.
•Use only bolts supplied orsold by Rosemount Inc. asspare parts
•Forattached sensors, refer to the respective manual forreplacement equipment and spare parts information.
The unit must be installed in a manner that provides a minimum separation distanceof 8 inches(20 centimeters) or more between the antenna and personnel in order to satisfy FCC RF exposure requirements for mobile transmitting devices.
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4379, RevAA
March 2006
Web based monitoring is intended for monitoring opoerations only, and is not intended for any control operations. Data isnot designed tointegrate into DistributedControl Systems. iTraXContact factory for more information.
Keep any source of fire orelectrical sparkingaway fromthe Remote PowerSupply(RPS) battery.
Battery disposal is the responsibility of the customer. Batteriesmust bedisposed of properly
Sealed batteries can emit hydrogen if overcharged. Temperatures over 572 °F (300°C) may release combustible gases frombattery.
data can be made available through optional connectivity.
When installing a Rosemount 753R with an Intrinsic Safety transmitter, usethe appropriately sized Intrinsic Safety barrier.
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4379, RevAAMarch 2006
Rosemount 753R Indicator
Measurement accuracydependsupon proper installationof thesensor and accessories. Mountthe wireless indicator according to bestpracticesfor the installation environment. Also, consider the need for easyaccess, personnelsafety, signaltransmission integrity, access to power lines or direct or indirectsunlight,and asuitable wireless indicator environment. Install thewirelessindicator to minimize vibration, shock, and temperature fluctuation. For integrated units,see transmitter-specific literature for more detailed installation instructions.
RPS solar panel mustbe clean and clear ofobjects that could blockaccessto sunlight.
Due to the self discharge characteristics of the battery, itmustbe charged after 6-9 monthsof storage; otherwise, permanent lossof capacitymightoccur asa result of sulfation
Avoid installing antenna around or near anylarge motorsor other equipmentthat could create strong Radio FrequencyInterference (RFI).
Following suggested access requirements and proper transmitter mountingand cover installation procedures can help optimize transmitter performance.See “transmitter-specific” manual for details.
Director indirect sunlight isrequired for optional RPSto function.Ifdisposing of a battery, follow specified instructionsbelow.
A MaterialSafety Data Sheet forthe battery isavailable upon request.
Waste Disposal Method:Spent batteries must be treated ashazardous waste and disposed of
according to local,state,and federal guidelines.A copy of the MSDS must be supplied to any scrap dealer or secondary lead smelter along with the battery.
MSDS: www.power-sonic.comReplacement batteriesshould be the samemake and model asthe factory
issued battery.
Rosemount 753R Indicator
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4379, RevAA
March 2006
Site Evaluation
Device Installation
Consider HousingRotation
The 753R installation site must meet the following criteriaforproperoperation:
1.Access to a power sourcea.Director indirect sunlight for RemotePower Supply,or
b.6 to 24 VDC line power
2.Installation location within cellular (GPRS) coverage area
Installing the 753R Communications Housing
1.Mountthe 753R upright using theappropriatebrackets and fixtures.
2.Mount remote measurement transmitter(s) asrecommended by its
respective installation instructions.
Installing a 753R with Integrated Pressure Transmitter
1.Mountthe 753R withintegrated pressure transmitter consistent with its
respective Quick Installation Guide.
Best practice is to installthe device in a vertical andupright position.
Position the antenna in a vertical orientation for bestsignalreception.
Theelectronics housing can be rotatedupto 180 degrees ineither directiontoimprove field access, to improve operationalfunctions,or to better view the optional LCD meter.To rotatethe housing, perform the following procedure:
753R Housing
Housing Rotation Set
Screw (3/32-inch)
1.Loosen the housing rotation set screwusing a 3/32-in.hexwrench.
2.Rotate the housing clockwise to the desired location. If the desired location cannotbeachieved due to thread limit, rotatethe housingcounter clockwise tothe desired location (up to 360° from thethread limit).
3.Retighten thehousing rotationset screw to20 inch pounds.
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4379, RevAAMarch 2006
Rosemount 753R Indicator
LCD Meter Rotation
Consider RPS Positioning
In addition to housing rotation, the optionalLCD meter can be rotated in90-degreeincrements.To rotatethe LCD meter,remove the front housing cover (this may require a wrench). Squeeze the two tabs located on the sidesof the LCD meter and liftthe meter out. Rotatethe LCD meter to the desired direction and snap back into place. Replace the fronthousing cover andtighten.
Thejumpers may comeloose while removing the LCD meter.Be sure thatthey are fully seatedinthe housingbefore snapping the LCD meter into place.
When installing the optionalRemote PowerSupply(RPS), position the solar panel sothat ithas the best possible access to sunlight throughout the day. Ifdirectsunlight access is not available, indirect (reflected) sunlight sources can be used.
Rosemount 753R Indicator
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4379, RevAA
March 2006
Connect Wiring andPower Up for IntegratedTransmitters
Figure 2-1. 753R WiringDiagram With Integrated Transmitter
Wiring for HART Protocol
Power Supply
S0AA Option
Connect Negative (-)
Terminal at install
To make connections, perform the following procedure:
1.Removethe housing cover on terminal compartmentside. Do not removethe cover in explosiveatmospheres when the circuitis live.
Power for the connected HART
2.Connectthe positive lead tothe terminalmarked (+) and the negativelead to the terminalmarked (pwr/comm -). Avoid contactwith leads and terminals.Do not connect powered signalwiring to the HART
3.Plug and seal unused conduit connections on the wireless indicator housingto avoid moisture accumulationinthe terminal side. Install wiring with a drip loop. Arrange the drip loop sothe bottom islower than theconduit connectionsand the wireless indicator housing.
transmitter issupplied by the 753R.
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4379, RevAAMarch 2006
Connect Wiring andPower Up for Remote Mounted Transmitters
Figure 2-2. 753R WiringDiagram With Remote Mounted Transmitter
I.S. Barrier
Rosemount 753R Indicator
Power Supply
S1AA Option
Connect Negative (-)
Terminal at install
To make connections, perform the following procedure:
1.Removethe housing cover on terminal compartmentside. Do not removethe cover in explosiveatmospheres when the circuitis live.
a.Install the transmitter asrecommendedby themanufacturer’s
instructions (including the user-supplied Intrinsic Safetybarrier ifnecessary)
b.Connect the HART
3.Connectthe positive lead tothe terminalmarked (+) and the negativelead to the terminalmarked (pwr/comm -). Avoid contactwith leads and terminals.Do not connect powered signalwiring to the HART
4.Plug and seal unused conduit connections on the wireless indicator housingto avoid moisture accumulationinthe terminal side. Install wiring with a drip loop. Arrange the drip loop sothe bottom islower than theconduit connectionsand the wireless indicator housing.
(+) and (-) wiring tothe terminals.
transmitter issupplied by the 753R.
Rosemount 753R Indicator
Signal Wiring Grounding
Do not run signal wiring inconduitor opentrays with power wiring,or near heavy electrical equipment.
Reference Manual
00809-0100-4379, RevAA
March 2006
Grounding the Wireless IndicatorCase
TheRosemount 753R and anyattacheddevices must be installed according tothe guidelines and certifications listed intheir respectiveuser manuals.
Once a device labeled with multiple approvalsis installed,it should notbereinstalled using anyother approval type(s). Permanently mark the certification labelto distinguishthe installed approval type from unused approval types.
Always ground the wirelessindicator case in accordance with national and localelectricalcodes. The most effective wireless indicator casegrounding methodis a direct connection toearth ground with minimal impedance.Methods for grounding the wireless indicator caseinclude:
Internal Ground Connection
isinside the terminal side of the electronicshousing.The screw isidentified by a ground symbol (),and is standard on all Model 753R Series indicators.
Please be familiar with all warningsbefore attempting todecommission your 753R. See “Warnings” on page2-1.
Explosions can result in death or serious injury.
•Do not remove the wireless indicatorcovers in explosive environments when thecircuit is live.
•Before connecting a communicator inan explosive atmosphere,make sure the instruments inthe loop are installed in accordance with intrinsically safe ornon-incendive field wiringpractices.
•Verifythat the operating atmosphere of the wireless indicator isconsistent with the appropriate hazardous locations certifications.
: The InternalGround Connection screw
Electrical shock can result in death or serious injury.
•Avoidcontact withthe leads and terminals
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