Emerson Rosemount 398R, Rosemount 398RVP Reference Manual

Rosemount™ 398R/398RVP
pH/ORP Sensors
Reference Manual
Rev. AB
Essential Instructions
Read this page before proceeding!
merson designs, manufactures and tests its products to meet many national and international stan-
E dards. Because these sensors are sophisticated technical products, you MUST properly install, use, and maintain them to ensure they continue to operate within their normal specifications. The following instructions MUST be adhered to and integrated into your safety program when installing, using, and maintaining Rosemount products. Failure to follow the proper instructions may cause any one of the following situations to occur: loss of life; personal injury; property damage; damage to this sensor; and warranty invalidation.
Read all instructions prior to installing, operating, and servicing the product.
If you do not understand any of the instructions, contact your Emerson representative for
Follow all warnings, cautions, and instructions marked on and supplied with the product.
Inform and educate your personnel in the proper installation, operation, and maintenance
of the product.
Install your equipment as specified in the Installation Instructions of the appropriate
Reference Manual and per applicable local and national codes. Connect all products to the proper electrical and pressure sources.
To ensure proper performance, use qualified personnel to install, operate, update,
program, and maintain the product.
When replacement parts are required, ensure that qualified people use replacement parts
specified by Emerson. Unauthorized parts and procedures can affect the product's performance, place the safe operation of your process at risk, and VOID YOUR WARRANTY. Third-party substitutions may result in fire, electrical hazards, or improper operation.
Ensure that all equipment doors are closed and protective covers are in place, except when
maintenance is being performed by qualified persons, to prevent electrical shock and personal injury.
The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
Hazardous Area InstallationN
This sensor is not Intrinsically Safe. or Explosion Proof. Installations near flammable liquids or in hazardous area locations must be carefully evaluated by qualified on site safety personnel.
To secure and maintain an intrinsically safe installation, an appropriate transmitter/safety barrier/sensor combi nation must be used. The installation system must be in accordance with the governing approval agency (FM, CSA or BASEEFA/CENELEC) hazardous area classification requirements. Consult your trans­mitter instruc tion manual for details.
Proper installation, operation and servicing of this sensor in a Hazardous Area Instal lation is entirely the responsibility of the user.
Sensor/Process Application Compatibility
The wetted sensor materials may not be compatible with process composition and operating conditions. Application compatibility is entirely the responsibility of the user.
Retractable sensors must not be inserted nor retracted when process pressures are in excess of 64 psig (542kPa) for option 21 or 35 psig (343 kPa) for option 25.
Special Conditions for Safe Use
1. All pH/ORP sensors have a plastic enclosure which must only be cleaned with a damp cloth to avoid the
danger due to a build up of an electrostatic charge.
2. All pH/ORP sensor models are intended to be in contact with the process fluid and may not meet the
500V r.m.s. a.c. test to earth.
his must be taken into consideration at installation.
Reference Manual Table of Contents
00809-0100-3098 February 2019
Section 1: Description and Specifications
1.1 Features and Applications....................................................................................1
1.2 Specifications ......................................................................................................2
1.3 Product Certifications..........................................................................................3
1.4 Ordering Information...........................................................................................4
Section 2: Installation
2.1 First Time Installation ..........................................................................................7
2.2 Unpacking and Inspection ...................................................................................8
2.3 Mechanical Installation ........................................................................................8
Section 3: Wiring the Rosemount 398R/398RVP Sensor
3.1 Wiring for Rosemount 398R/398RVP Sensor......................................................15
Section 5: Calibration
5.1 General Information ..........................................................................................27
5.2 Use of Calibration Buffers (Standards) ................................................................27
5.3 Two Point Buffer Calibration...............................................................................28
5.4 pH Standardization............................................................................................28
5.5 ORP Standardization..........................................................................................29
Section 6: Maintenance
6.1 Maintenance......................................................................................................31
6.2 Sensor Removal .................................................................................................31
6.3 Cleaning Procedures - pH Sensors ......................................................................32
6.4 Cleaning Procedures - ORP Sensors ....................................................................34
6.5 Checking the Reference Electrode......................................................................34
6.6 Rejuvenating Reference Electrodes ....................................................................35
6.7 Temperature Element ........................................................................................35
6.8 Sensor Tube Replacement When Used With A Sensor Head Junction Box............36
Section 7: Troubleshooting
7.1 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................39
Section 8: Accessories
8.1 Accessories........................................................................................................43
EC Declaration of Conformity ...............................................................................45
Intrisicallly Safe Sensor Installation Drawing - FM ......................................49
Table of Contents i
Table of Contents Reference Manual
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ii Table of Contents
Reference Manual Description and Specifications
00809-0100-3098 February 2019
Section 1: Description and Specifications
1.1 Features and Applications
Rosemount 398R and 398RVP sensors feature a chemical resistant construction of Tefzel, titanium,
and a TUpH reference junction which is ideal for measuring pH in harsh process liquids. These
sensors can be used to measure pH in sour water strippers, in pulp bleaching towards that use
chlorine dioxide, and in process streams containing a variety of organic solvents. These sensors are
designed for use with a 1-1/4 inch or 1-1/2 inch ball valve.
Figure 1-1: Cross Section Diagram of the TUpH Reference Technology
All TUpH sensors are designed with a large area reference junction, helical reference pathway, and an AccuGlass pH glass bulb. This sensor technology ensures superior performance while only requiring minimal maintenance.
Description and Specifications 1
Description and Specifications Reference Manual
February 2019 00809-0100-3098
1.2 Specifications
Table 1-1: Percent linearity over pH
pH Range Hemi Bulb
0-2 pH 94%
-12 pH
12-13 pH 97%
13-14 pH 92%
Table 1-2: Rosemount 398R-398RVP sensor specifications
Measured Range
pH range 0 to 14 pH, GPHT ACCUGLASS
ORP range -1500 mV to 1500 mV
Maximum Pressure at Retraction or Insertion
64 psig (524 kPa abs) Code 21
35 psig (343 kPa abs) Code 25
Minimum Conductivity
75 μS/cm, nominal 100 μS/cm
Maximum Process Pressure and Temperature
Hemi bulb: 250 psig (1825 kPa abs) at 212°F (100°C)
Flat bulb: 100 psig (790 kPa abs) at 212°F (100°C)
Wetted Materials
Titanium, Tefzel®, glass, platinum (ORP only), and choice of Viton® or Kalrez®
Permeable Tefzel with secondary helical pathway
Weight/Shipping Weight
Sensor Code 21; 2.0 lb/3.0 lb (.9kg/1.40kg)
Code 25; 3.0 lb/4.0 lb (1.40 kg/1.80kg)
Process Connections
With ball valve 1-1/2 in.
Without ball valve 1 in.
Cable Length
Rosemount 398R Standard 15 ft. Integral Cable; Optional 9.5 inch Cable for wiring to Sensor Head Junction
Rosemount 398RVP Must use VP interconnect cable (sold separately)
2 Description and Specifications
Reference Manual Description and Specifications
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1.3 Product Certifications
lease see online certificates for further details.
Sensors with no preamp (pH and ORP) – Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (-20°C ≤ Ta ≤ +60 °C)
Sensors with SMART preamp (398RVP pH only) – Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (-20 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +60 °C)
Per standards IEC60079-0 : 2011, IEC 60079-11 : 2011
Sensors without preamp (pH and ORP) – II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (-20 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +60 °C)
Sensors with SMART preamp (398RVP pH only ) – II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (-20˚C ≤ Ta ≤ +60 °C)
Per standards EN 60079-0: 2012+A11:2013, EN 60079-11:2012
See online FM Certificate of Compliance for applicable sensor options:
Intrinsically Safe for use in Class I, II, and III, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, D, E, F, and G; Temperature
Class T6 Ta = -20 °C to +60 °C
Intrinsically Safe for use in Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T6 Ta = -20 °C to +60 °C
Nonincendive for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D; Temperature Class T6 Ta = -20 °C
to +60 °C
Suitable for use in Class II and III, Division 2, Groups E, F, and G; Temperature Class T6 Ta = -20 °C
to +60 °C Hazardous (Classified) Locations
IS/I,II,III/1/ABCDEFG/T6 Ta = 60°C - 1400332; Entity; I/0/AEx ia IIC/T6 Ta = 60 °C - 1400332; Entity;
NI/I/2/ABCD/T6 Ta = 60 °C; S/II,III/2/EFG/T6 Ta = 60 °C
Per standards 3600:1998, 3610:2010, 3611:2004, 3810:2005
See online CSA Certificate of Compliance for applicable sensor options:
Sensors with preamp – Intrinsically Safe:
Class I, Division 1, Groups ABCD; Class II, Division 1, Groups EFG; Class III; Class I, Division 2, Groups
ABCD; Ambient temperature rating -20 °C to +60 °C; Ex ia IIC; T6
Sensors without preamp – Intrinsically Safe and Non-Incendive:
Class I, Division 1, Groups ABCD; Class II, Division 1, Groups EFG; Class III; Class I, Division 2,
Groups ABCD; Ex ia IIC; T6; Ambient temperature rating -20 °C to +60 °C: (Simple Apparatus)
Per standards C22.2 No. 0-10, C22.2 No. 0.4-M2004, C22.2 No. 94-M1991, C22.2 No. 142 –
M1987, C22.2 No 157 – M1992, CAN/CSA E60079-0:07, CAN/CSA E60079- 11:02, UL50 11th
Ed, UL508 17th Ed, UL913 7th Ed, UL 60079-0: 2005, UL 60079-11: 2002
Description and Specifications 3
Description and Specifications Reference Manual
February 2019 00809-0100-3098
1.4 Ordering Information
Table 1-4: Rosemount 398R ordering information
Model Sensor type
398R pH/ORP Sensor
Measuring Electrode Type
10 pH - GPHT Glass 12 ORP 13 pH - GPHT Flat Glass
Sensor Length
21 21 Inch Titanium Tube 25 36 Inch Titanium Tube
O-ring Material
30 EPDM 31 Viton 32 Kalrez
Transmitter/TC Compatibility
54 Pt-100
Cable Options
_ No Selection 60 9.5 Inch Cable with BNC 61 9.5 Inch Cable without BNC 62 15 ft (4.6 m) Cable without BNC
Typical Model Number: 398R-10-21-30-54-62
1. For use with sensor-head junction boxes.
2. For use with Rosemount 1056, 1057, 1066, 56, and 56 Transmitters.
4 Description and Specifications
Reference Manual Description and Specifications
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Table 1-5: Rosemount 398RVP ordering information
Model Sensor type
398RVP pH/ORP Sensor
easuring Electrode Type
1 12 ORP 13 pH - GPHR Flat Glass
Sensor Length
21 21 Inch Titanium Tube 25 36 Inch Titanium Tube
O-ring Material
30 EPDM 31 Viton 32 Kalrez
Transmitter/TC Compatibility
50 3K TC 54 Pt-100 55 Pt-100 for SMART Preamplifier
Preamplifier Options
_ No Selection 70 SMART Preamplifier
Typical Model Number: 398RVP-10-25-31-55-70
H - GPHT Glass
1. For use with legacy transmitter model 1181. If selected with ORP, the sensor comes without a 3K TC.
2. For use with Rosemount 1056, 1057, 1066, 56, and 5081 transmitters. Must be selected with option 70.
3. Only available with option 55.
Description and Specifications 5
Description and Specifications Reference Manual
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6 Description and Specifications
Reference Manual Installation
00809-0100-3098 February 2019
Section 2: Installation
2.1 First Time Installation
For first time installations, using the following guide is recommended:
Variopol Mating Connector Cables (Required for Rosemount 398RVP only)
Choose one:
PN 24281-00, 15 ft cable with mating VP connector PN 24281-06, 10 ft cable with mating VP connector
Retractable Mounting
A. Choose one (required for all first time installations without ball valves or with 1-1/2 in. ball valve):
PN 23166-00, 1 in. MNPT process connector, Stainless Steel w/EPDM O-ring PN 23166-01, 1 in. NPT process connector, Titanium w/EPDM O-ring
B. Choose one (Optional; Process Connector O-rings):
PN 9550220, O-ring, Kalrez®, 2-214 PN 9550099, O-ring, Viton®, 2-214
C. Choose one:
PN 23240-00, 1-1/2 in. ball valve assembly, 316 SST (process connector required) PN 23765-00, 1-1/4 in. ball valve assembly, 316 SST, with graphite packed adapter
Junction Boxes (Optional; Choose either Sensor Head or Remote)
A. Sensor Head Junction Boxes (used with 9.5 in. cable length sensor) - Choose one:
PN 23709-00; includes preamplifier
B. Remote Junction Boxes (used with 15 ft cable length sensor or Rosemount 398RVP) Choose one:
PN 23555-00; includes preamplifier
Extension Cables - Choose one:
PN 23646-01, 11 conductor, shielded, prepped PN 9200273, 11 conductor, shielded, unprepped
Installation 7
Installation Reference Manual
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2.2 Unpacking and Inspection
Inspect the outside of the carton for any damage. If damage is detected, contact the carrier
immediately. Inspect the instrument and hardware. Make sure all items in the packing list are
resent and in good condition. Notify the factory if any part is missing.
Note: If the sensor is to be stored, the protective boot should be filled with either KCl electrolyte
solution or pH 4.0 buffer solution and replaced on sensor tip until ready to use.
Note:Save the original packing cartons and materials as most carriers require proof of damage due
to mishandling, etc. Also, if it is necessary to return the instrument to the factory, you must pack
the instrument in the same manner as it was received. Refer to Section 6.0 for instructions.
Glass electrode must be wetted at all times (in storage and in line) to maximize sensor life.
2.3 Mechanical Installation
Both models may be installed through a weldalet or in a pipe tee or “Y”, as shown in Figure 2-2,
when used with a ball valve. Insert the end of the sensor to a depth sufficient to ensure that the
glass bulb is continuously wetted by the process fluid. Each model can also be inserted directly into
the process without the use of a ball valve for appli cations not requiring continuous operation
during sensor maintenance.
Allow sufficient room for safe retraction and insertion of the sensor. Personnel should have room for stable footing while performing removal or insertion of the sensor.
The sensor must be mounted within 10-90 degrees of the horizontal with the tip pointed
downward. This ensures that the inside surface of the pH-sensitive glass bulb is completely wetted
and that there is a good electrical connection between the bulb and the internal silver/silver
chloride reference electrode. If the retraction version is to be installed without a ball valve follow
the installation procedure for insertion service (Section 2.3.2). Perform the following steps for
sensor installation through a ball valve:
2.3.1 Installation Through Ball Valve
1. Carefully remove the liquid filled rubber boot which protects the glass electrode and keeps the liquid junction wet during shipping and storage. Discard the liquid and boot. Make sure the lubricated O-ring is in place in the groove inside the male connector on the sensor body.
Buffer solution, in the protective boot, may cause skin or eye irritation.
2. With the male connector on the sensor’s body, insert the sensor into the ball valve until it gently touches the closed valve. The molded electrode guard will protect the glass bulb from breakage. (extra caution should be taken when inserting the flat glass sensor into the valve because it does not have an electrode guard).
8 Installation
Reference Manual Installation
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3. Thread the male connector body tightly into the ball valve assembly. DO NOT tighten the hex nut on the male connector body; doing so would not allow the sensor to be inserted through the ball valve.
4. Pull back hard on the sensor assembly, as if trying to remove the sensor, to be certain that the sensor cannot come free of the ball valve assembly. The built-in retraction stop will butt against the shoulder of the male connector if properly installed.
The sensor must be captured by the valve assembly and the male connector so that it cannot be blown free by process pressure if mishandled during insertion or retraction.
5. After confirming that the sensor assembly is properly secured by the valve assembly, the valve may be opened and the sensor positioned into the process at the desired depth and orientation.
6. While holding the sensor in position, tighten the hex nut of the male connector to firmly secure the sensor in place. When the hex nut is tightened, the Teflon ferrule inside the compression fitting clamps the sensor tube.
Over tightening the hex nut may damage the ferrule.
A stainless steel ferrule is available if the Teflon ferrule does not inadequately grip. When using the metallic ferrule, care must be taken to avoid over tightening and damaging the sensor tube. If the male connector leaks during insertion or retraction, replace the O-ring in the male connector.
Figure 2-1: Exploded View of Ball Valve Kit PN 23240-00 used with process connector PN 23166-00 (or PN 23166-01)
Ball Valve Kit includes 1-1/2 in. x 1 in. reducer, 1-1/2 in. close nipple, and 1-1/2 in. ball valve]
Installation 9
Installation Reference Manual
February 2019 00809-0100-3098
Figure 2-2: Exploded View of Ball Valve Kit PN 23765-00
2.3.2 Installation Without Ball Valve
Rosemount 398R and 398RVP Sensors may be installed through a weldalet or pipe tee or “Y” when used with a process connector (PN 23166-00 or 23166-01). The sensor should be installed within 80° of vertical, with the electrode facing down.
Figure 2-3: Typical Mounting Details-Retraction Version
Note: Sensor must be mounted at an angle between 10° and 90° above the horizontal. Pipe tees and weldalets provided by customer. Only Rosemount 398R should be used with a sensor head junction box.
10 Calibration and Maintenance
Reference Manual Installation
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Figure 2-4: Dimensional Warning Label and Sensor Diagram
Note: For Rosemount 398RVP, the overall dimensional length increases by 1.9 inches (48 mm).
Calibration and Maintenance 11
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