Emerson HFT2900 FP Installation Instructions And Mounting Template

Model HFT2900 FP Installation Instructions and Mounting Template
This product must be installed by a qualified heating and air conditioning contractor.
Failure to do so could result in serious injury from electrical shock.
installation Options _s hurn_,o,s,ou,_no,be,_t_,edwhe_temperaturesCO_Ledexceed180=F.
A. A. Mount the humiditier to the
vertical wall of the warm alr
plenum only,
installation instructions
1,Tapethe te.mplate onto the
furnace plenum, making sure
it Is level, Trace the four corners onto the
ptenum, Remove the temptate from the
plenum and draw _inesconnecting
the tour corne_s,Accurately cut
the plenum opening,
2.D/set,gage the l_mid_er
ocher frornthe mounling frame by rotating the thurnb screw localad a! the bottom or the _ T_I and I_ff. the cover offthe frm_,
Pull outthe ddp tr_¢ and evaporator pad assembly by grasping the f.op
tip and tipping ot.-'t.
_, Caution Template Must Be Level
3.Place lhe mounting frame into
the plenum opening so that the fi'arne hooks over the bottom of the
cut-out plenum opening. S_acur_ the _ with the screws provided.
B. The White-Rodgers Model HFT2gO0 should be inslaJIed as
.shown in reIa].ion 1oAC cooling coils.
4. Reinstall the evaporator pad and drip Ira','.
ing frame first, then secuflng wilh thumb screw at the bollern.
5. Locate and installf_hahumidistat kit by follow_ng the detailed instruc-
tions tn the partsbag.
6 a. Fatwi_',gv_thasr_b spe_
bkmver, _J'_utog the fu'nace power
icJ".ate the blow_ mobr j_L_CI';On
box. W'r_e m a rec_ptac_ for ths 120v
hum_r_r plug.Forconr_ct;_nssee
6 b.F_v,'_",ngv_lhamul_p_
speedbk_,_r,use_ A-50
Bectro_c F_ay and an _tlng or
ind_tly v_n_d_d instali_1120
VAC oultet,
_Warning: Do Not Install this
unit where temperatures might
exceed 180°F
Wiring Diagram
7, Tapinto the water supply line
using the saddle valve pro,Aded, Be
sure to m,_db.sbJCUOnSon saddle verve bag,
8. Connect copper tublng from the
saddle valve to the so_andld valve Check for baks.
Tne saddle valve must be fu_
opened or dosed. Do not use the vaJveto regulate water flow.
_, Attach a 1/2" I.D. _ hose ar_ clamp to carte the flush;rng water
from the unit to lhe drain. Be sum the drain t_ose ha_ a constant _ilch
1o the floor drain, To awld dam-
age to 1he drain tiffing, do not use solvent type adhesives
whet_ connecting the piaetic
ha_to the humidifier.
10. Test operating. Check for any water leaks,Be surethat humidistat is operatingpn0p_dy,
€_ NOTE: For multi-speed blowers or systems
not using 120 VAC, use the A-50 Electronic €_ Relay. €_
#r -k _ #r "A-_r Yr _r _ _ Yr ik YrYr Yr_ _r _k_r Yr
l, II20 "coBsm_t cause ser_tts inj_V from gle_rtcg] shock. {_sconnecl ek_]d¢_t powe_ _o the _rtlace bg[orO slatt_qg
the Ins[a_aUon,
2. Sharp edges may _u_ se._u_ tr_v. LP.,ecam whoq cuttP,g ptenum openings and ha.,_ing ductwork.
3. Do nc,_c_t or dn_ Into _',, 8it c_oditior_ng or ebctrical eccessorkJS d_dng huv'nid_fi_insl_alJen. Fat_ elect_tic_ is pos_bb it wu corr_ into conl_ct with _ 1'roeefactticat w_, 8hndm3ss c_n c,c_r I! {'real conla¢ fa your eyes,
i,Do r_olIn,fallv,4_e _roez_r_j10r_qO_rotu_cC*J_c_,
2. DOnot inst_ the onff on a f_r_ce lac_..et.
3. Do n_l _nsf_ th_ u_[ on a pbnom face v,,b_re the btanked-o_ ends of _,_ coc_ng co_i mstrlct _r _ement thm,._h
the hum_dh%_.
4, DOnot _l hum_l.y _-,rgh_r than _e,_c_. Cor_oP,._t_on d_ge may r_s',_t.
5. Do no_ _ tTut'H_ly up I_or_'nmended I_...'s If 11_ _sconden._t_'_ on the _nskb '._.dows af any [r_'ing
space, Co_densaLbn damage may re_u{t.
6. Do n_t inst_l theunit on the suppty pbn_m where slallc pm_sure exceeds 0,4* W.C.
7. DO _t insl_ the un_lwhere waI_ pr_._'ure _ 125 pSI. L_aJ_ge may resulL F_Jow coclgs _ effect con<;erning
p_ _recl_x::Llen.
8- Thg insi_J!alJ0n,wing _ plumbing of the hL_T_di_grm_t comply WithI_ca_ codes, orr_ end t_gufalk_n_.
Note: No additional
trans_rmer required. __
m ._ner_o_ toga Lse tmdem_d( mid a sent_ce m_r_ at Emesson Eloctrlc Co.
(3Im_te Ted_nologies