Edco MGBW-LUG Ground Rail
Fits Standard 66M1-50 Punch Down Blocks
Split Block Variations
Edco MGBW-LUG Ground Rail — Designed to fit standard 66M1-50 Punch Down
Blocks allowing the Edco H-Series, COHP, PB Series, OPX and other similar Surge
Suppressors to access ground when snapped onto a 66M1-50 Punch Down Block.
A Standard 66M1-50 block is capable of accommodating up to 25 Edco surge
Application Diagram
M1-50 Block
89D Stand Off
When installing the Edco Grounding Rail with
the Siemens 66M1-50CC (Traditional) Wiring
Block, the base of the grounding rail should be
installed on the top of the bracket and nylon
When installing the Edco Grounding Rail
with the Siemens 66-M1-50C (New Category
5) Wiring Block, the base of the grounding
rail should be installed on the bottom of the
MGBW-LUG always located on “Outside
Plant” field side of punch block.
Emerson Network Power Contact information
10 AWG wire to building approved
ground recommended — keep short.
Nylon Washer
Metal washer and screw
to be installed on bottom.
Metal Washer
Metal Washer
Metal washer and nut to
be installed on top.
Only qualified personnel should
install or service this system.
Electrical safety pre-cautions
must be followed when installing
or servicing this equipment. To
prevent risk of electrical shock,
turn off and lock out all power
sources to the unit before making
electrical connections or servicing.
Seulement le personnel qualifié
doit installer ou maintenir ce
systéme. Des précautions de
sécurité en électricité doivent être
suivis lors de l’installation ou de la
maintenance de cet equipement.
Pour eviter tout risque de choc
électrique, débranchez et verouiller
toutes les sources d’alimentation
de cet equipement avant de.
Surge Protection
100 Emerson Parkway
Binghamton, NY 13905
T: (607) 721-8840
T: (800) 288-6169
F: (607) 722-8713
E: SurgeTech@Emerson.com
IO-50112 5/14 Rev. 3 Printed in USA
While every precaution has been taken to ensure accuracy and completeness herein, Emerson Network Power Surge Protection assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability, for damages
resulting from use of this information or for any errors or omissions. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Emerson Network Power, the Emerson Network Power logo and Edco are trademarks
and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. ©2014 Emerson Electric Co.