Emerson Distribution Frame Accessories Brochures and Data Sheets

Distribution Frame Accessories
Mounting Bars
Connector mounting bars are required on conventional and universal-type distrib­uting frames to support central office connectors on the vertical side. They are zinc plated and dichromate dipped to assure a low resistance connection to ground the connector assembly.
Mounting Arrangements The connector mounting hole arrangement on the mounting bar has drilled and tapped holes to mount the R399 connector. The frame mounting side has a universal
Vertical Mounting Bracket
mounting slot to fit various distribution frames.
Vertical Mounting Bracket Assembly
Vertical Mounting Brackets and Block Assembly
Mounting Bar Connector Capacity
Connector Typ e
R399, stub up 700 pair 900 pair R399, stub down 800 pair 1000 pair
7' 8'
— Frame Height —
Mounting Bars - R366, R399, AR399 and R399C
Catalog Number
P48271 100 pair 8.4 " Wall mount — P44036 800 pair 67.66" Universal 7' P44037 900 pair 76.12" Universal 8'
Maximum Capacity
Overall Length
Mounting Arrangement
Frame Height
Catalog Number
23571 F150645 Terminal block mounting brackets for vertical mounting
Part Number
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