Emerson DataMate 3000 Series, DME07, DME12, DMC07, DMC12 User Manual

DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
Version: V1.0 Revision date: April 5, 2005 BOM: 31011132
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Copyright © 2004 by Emerson Network Power Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved. The contents in this document are subject to change without notice.
Emerson Network Power Co., Ltd.
Address: No.1 Kefa Rd., Science & Industry Park, Nanshan District 518057, Shenzhen China
Homepage: www.emersonnetworkpower.com.cn
E-mail: support@emersonnetwork.com.cn
Chapter 1 Introduction............................................................................................................1
1.1 Product Model Information ........................................................................................1
1.2 Functions ..................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Controller ........................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Evaporator ......................................................................................................2
1.2.3 Condenser ......................................................................................................3
1.3 Environment Requirement ........................................................................................3
1.3.1 Operating Environment ...................................................................................3
1.3.2 Storage Environment ...................................................................................... 3
1.4 Main Parts.................................................................................................................4
1.4.1 Evaporator Module.......................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Condensing Module ........................................................................................ 4
1.4.3 Pressure Switch.............................................................................................. 4
1.4.4 Blower Speed Controller ................................................................................. 4
1.5 Optional Parts ........................................................................................................... 4
1.5.1 Humidifier........................................................................................................ 4
1.5.2 Heater ............................................................................................................. 5
1.5.3 Remote Monitoring Software ..........................................................................5
Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation ..........................................................................................6
2.1 Installation Considerations ........................................................................................ 6
2.2 Equipment Inspection................................................................................................6
2.3 System Installation Arrangement .............................................................................. 7
2.3.1 General Arrangement .....................................................................................7
2.3.2 System Installation Illustration ........................................................................8
2.3.3 Unit Mechanical Parameters........................................................................... 9
2.4 Evaporator Installation ............................................................................................ 10
2.4.1 Room Preparation.........................................................................................10
2.4.2 Location Consideration ................................................................................. 11
2.4.3 Installation Procedure ................................................................................... 12
2.5 Condenser Installation ............................................................................................13
2.5.1 Location Considerations ...............................................................................13
2.5.2 Installation Procedure ................................................................................... 13
2.6 Piping Connections .................................................................................................14
2.6.1 General Principle For Piping .........................................................................14
2.6.2 Pipe Connections Required ..........................................................................15
2.6.3 Piping For Evaporator ................................................................................... 15
2.6.4 Connecting Refrigerant Lines .......................................................................17
2.6.5 Notice For Refrigerant Piping........................................................................ 18
2.6.6 Notice For Quick Connect Fittings ................................................................18
2.7 Checklist For Mechanical Installation...................................................................... 19
Chapter 3 Electrical Installation............................................................................................ 20
3.1 Remove Electric Plate............................................................................................. 21
3.2 Connecting The Power Supply Of Evaporator ........................................................21
3.3 Connecting The Power Supply Of Condenser ........................................................23
3.4 Connecting Control Cables ..................................................................................... 23
3.4.1 Remote Unit Shutdown, Smoking And Fire Sensing..................................... 24
3.4.2 Custom Alarms .............................................................................................24
3.4.3 General Alarm............................................................................................... 25
3.4.4 Changeover And Standby Unit Enable .........................................................25
3.4.5 Monitoring Interface ...................................................................................... 25
3.5 Checklist For Completing Installation......................................................................26
Chapter 4 System Commission............................................................................................ 27
4.1 Inspection Before/After Start-up..............................................................................27
4.2 Speed Controlling For Condenser Blower...............................................................28
4.3 System Function Testing.........................................................................................28
4.3.1 Cooling Operation ......................................................................................... 28
4.3.2 Heating Operation......................................................................................... 28
4.3.3 Humidification Operation............................................................................... 29
4.3.4 Dehumidification Operation........................................................................... 29
Chapter 5 Microprocessor Control .......................................................................................30
5.1 LCD Screen ............................................................................................................30
5.2 Control Buttons ....................................................................................................... 30
5.3 Setpoints.................................................................................................................31
5.4 Control Screen ........................................................................................................ 33
5.4.1 Off Screen..................................................................................................... 33
5.4.2 On Screen..................................................................................................... 33
5.4.3 Normal Screen.............................................................................................. 33
5.4.4 Password Screen..........................................................................................34
5.5 Main Menu .............................................................................................................. 35
5.6 Alarm Menu............................................................................................................. 35
5.6.1 Alarm Status ................................................................................................. 36
5.6.2 Alarm History ................................................................................................36
5.6.3 Alarm Setpoint ..............................................................................................37
5.6.4 Alarm Outputs............................................................................................... 37
5.6.5 Custom Alarm ...............................................................................................38
5.6.6 Service Intervals ...........................................................................................38
5.7 Setpoints.................................................................................................................39
5.8 System Status.........................................................................................................40
5.8.1 T/H Status..................................................................................................... 40
5.8.2 Time/Date ..................................................................................................... 40
5.8.3 Output Status................................................................................................ 41
5.8.4 Run Hours..................................................................................................... 41
5.9 System Menu .......................................................................................................... 41
5.9.1 System Setup ...............................................................................................42
5.9.2 Optional Func................................................................................................43
5.9.3 Sensor Calibrate ...........................................................................................44
5.9.4 Output Diagnose ........................................................................................... 45
5.9.5 Change Password......................................................................................... 45
5.9.6 System Reset................................................................................................46
Chapter 6 Maintenance........................................................................................................47
6.1 Electric Board.......................................................................................................... 47
6.2 Evaporator ..............................................................................................................48
6.2.1 Filter..............................................................................................................48
6.2.2 Blower...........................................................................................................48
6.2.3 Drain Line .....................................................................................................49
6.2.4 Heater ........................................................................................................... 49
6.2.5 Thermal Expansion Valve .............................................................................49
6.2.6 High/Low Pressure Switch ............................................................................ 49
6.2.7 Compressor ..................................................................................................50
6.3 Condenser ..............................................................................................................51
6.3.1 Refrigeration System ....................................................................................51
6.3.2 Air Cooled Condensing Units........................................................................ 51
6.4 Maintenance Inspection Checklist........................................................................... 51
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting................................................................................................... 53
Appendix Control System Menu Structure ........................................................................... 55
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Product Model Information
DM E - 07 M H 1
Revision Level
: Cooling Only O: With Electric Reheat H: With Humidifier and Rehea
: 220V-1 ph-50Hz M: 380V-3 ph-50Hz
: 7kW Evaporator 12: 12kW Evaporator
: Indoor Unit C: Outdoor Unit
DataMate3000 Air Conditioner
1.2 Functions
The DataMate3000 is a small precise environmental control system specially designed for electrical system room cooling. Featuring high reliability, high sensible heat ratio and big air volume, the system is suitable for controlling the temperature and humidity (optional) in system or computer room to maintain a favorable environment for precise systems such as sensitive systems, process control systems, communication systems and computers.
This system has two models with nominal ratings of 7kW and 12kW respectively, which can be selected according to the actual room heat loads.
Each DataMate3000 consists of an indoor direct expansion evaporator module and an outdoor air cooled condensing module. Both modules are installed on the ground.
The system may also include optional heater and humidifier. Models available for cooling only do not include heater and humidifier.
The standard DataMate3000 system includes cooling parts for temperature control. The optional humidity control uses the optional heater and humidifier to keep the favorable humidity.
The DataMate3000 system has a controller that can automatically switch over to the required function (cool/heat, dehumidify/humidify) based on the programmed setpoints and room conditions.
2 Chapter 1 Introduction
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
1.2.1 Controller
The system controller has a 128×64-matrix dot LCD screen with blue backlight. The man-machine-interface is easy-to-use. Multilevel passwords are configured to prevent unauthorized operation. The program is stored in non-volatile memory. The controller also has functions of high-voltage/low-voltage protection, phase failure protection and phase switchover in case of reverse phase rotation. Users can acquire the accurate running time of major parts by browsing the menu. Expert-level troubleshooting system enables the LCD to display the fault information automatically for convenient maintenance. The controller can store up to 30 history alarms. It can communicate to a host through the RS485 port. The control panel is shown in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 Control Panel
1.2.2 Evaporator
The DataMate3000 system uses a highly efficient fin-tube heat exchanger and a centrifugal blower capable of delivering a high volume of air over a long distance. It also includes a compliance scroll compressor, which has a high energy efficiency ratio and ensures the high reliability of the system.
The filter is accessible by opening the front door, which is convenient for maintenance.
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
1.2.3 Condenser
The condenser includes a high efficiency fin-tube heat exchanger. The blower includes a low noise propeller fan driven by a high performance single-phase motor. The motor is customized to adapt to the power network of base stations, so it can work over a wide voltage range with a high reliability.
1.3 Environment Requirement
1.3.1 Operating Environment
Refer to Table 1-1 for detailed operating environmental requirements.
Table 1-1 Operating environmental requirements of DataMate3000 system
Item Requirement
Installation position
The max. equivalent horizontal distance of the evaporator and condensing modules: 50m;
Altitude distance* H: -5m≤ H≤20m
Installation method Vertical
Environmental temperature Indoor: 0°C~30°C; Outdoor: -15°C~45°C
Relative humidity 30%~80%RH
Protection level (Condensing module) IPX4
Altitude <1000m
Range of operation voltage 380V±25%
*: A negative altitude distance means that the condenser is mounted below the compressor.
1.3.2 Storage Environment
Refer to Table 1-2 for detailed storage environmental requirements.
Table 1-2 Storage enriromental requirements of DataMate3000 system
Item Requirement
Storage environment Indoor, without dust
Relative humidity 5%~95%RH
Environmental temperature
Storage time
The shipment and storage time should not exceed 12 months. Otherwise, the system shall be re-tested
4 Chapter 1 Introduction
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
1.4 Main Parts
1.4.1 Evaporator Module
The evaporator module consists of an evaporator, a compressor, a heater (optional), blower, controller, humidifier (optional), thermal expansion valve, sight glass and filter dryer.
1.4.2 Condensing Module
The condensing module consists of a fan, a condenser and a fan motor.
1.4.3 Pressure Switch
High and low pressure switches are used to protect the refrigerant system. The action point of the high pressure switch is 2.76MPa and the recovery point is
2.1MPa. The action point of the low pressure switch is 0.12MPa, and the recovery point is 0.25MPa.
1.4.4 Blower Speed Controller
The controller regulates the air volume of the blower automatically according to the condensate pressure of the system to maintain a favorable temperature. Thus the compressor can work normally even if the outdoor temperature is very low.
1.5 Optional Parts
1.5.1 Humidifier
It adds pure water vapor (up to 2kg/hour) to the room air to control humidity within the levels recommended for computer system.
The humidifier components include the steam canister with automatic flushing circuit, inlet tube, drain, solenoid valve, and steam distributor.
1. The electric humidifier should be factory installed and tested.
2. Humidity control is available only if a humidifier is provided.
Chapter 1 Introduction 5
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
1.5.2 Heater
The optional heater is a ceramic heater with positive temperature coefficient. It is safe and reliable. When the surface temperature is high, it will reduce the heating power to avoid danger caused by over-temperature. There is a temperature switch on the surface of the heater, and it will cut off the power supply of the heater when the surface temperature of the heater is too high. When the surface temperature decreases to normal, the heater will operate again automatically.
1.5.3 Remote Monitoring Software
The DataMate3000 communicates to the host and receives commands from the host by using its remote monitoring software through a RS485 port.
6 Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation
2.1 Installation Considerations
The evaporator should always be mounted on the floor in the system or computer room. The condenser can be mounted outdoors or on the floor in another room.
Before installing the units, check whether the environment complies with the requirement listed in Table 1-1 in section 1.3 and whether any building alteration is required to run piping, wiring, and duct work. Carefully follow the design drawings and reserve proper clearances. Refer to the submittal engineering dimensional drawings of individual units.
2.2 Equipment Inspection
When the DataMate3000 arrives, inspect all items for any visible damage. Do not accept a damaged unit from the shipper.
If possible, do not uncrate the system until it is close to its final location. All required assembles are packed and shipped in containers. If you discover any damage when you uncrate the unit, report it to the shipper and to your supplier immediately.
Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation 7
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
2.3 System Installation Arrangement
2.3.1 General Arrangement
The system general arrangement diagram is shown in Figure 2-1. The recommended line size is shown in Table 2-1.
Check valve*
Traps* every 6m of
vertical lift
Liquid line
Female quick
connect coupling
Male quick
connect coupling
Solenoid valve+
Sight glass
Suction line
Sensing bulb
Scroll compressor
Feeder tubes
Valv e c o r e
Valv e c o r e
Figure 2-1 DataMate3000 general arrangement diagram
Factory piping
Field piping (by others) * Check valve and traps are optional and not supplied by Emerson. But they are recommended for field installation for proper circuit operation and maintenance. They should be installed on site by technical personnel. + Solenoid valve is part of optional extended piping kit.
Table 2-1 Recommended line size
Actual capacity Length Discharge line O.D Liquid line O.D
7.5kW (6500 calories; 2.2 tons) 10m 1/2” (12.7mm) 3/8” (9.52mm)
12.5kW (10800 calories; 3.6 tons) 10m 5/8” (15.88mm) 1/2” (12.7mm)
8 Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
2.3.2 System Installation Illustration
The evaporator and condenser must stand on the floor or ground. The DataMate3000 can be installed in two ways. One is to install the condenser higher than the evaporator and the other is to install the condenser lower than the evaporator, as shown in Figure 2-2.
Liquid line (not be
exposed to sun)
Discharge line(slope)
Insulation floor
Humidifier water supplyline
water supply tube)
Drain line (trapped outside room)
Insulation material
Seal and vapor seal
Max. 20m
(a) Condenser higher than evaporator
Liquid line (not be exposed to sun)
Seal and vapor seal
Max. 5m
Insulation material
Drain line (trapped outside the room)
Insulation floor
1:200 Discharge line (slope)
Protection tube
Humidifier water supply line (from
water supply tube)
(b) Condenser lower than evaporator
Figure 2-2 DataMate3000 installation illustration
Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation 9
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
2.3.3 Unit Mechanical Parameters
The mechanical parameters of the evaporator are shown in Figure 2-3 and Table 2-2.
Figure 2-3 Dimensions of evaporator (unit: mm)
The shadow in Figure 2-3 indicates a reasonable service access area. The evaporator can be installed against a wall.
The mechanical parameters of the condenser are shown in Figure 2-4 and Table 2-2.
10 Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
Figure 2-4 Dimensions of condenser (unit: mm)
Table 2-2 Mechanical parameters of condenser and evaporator
Evaporator Condenser Models
Cooling capacity (kW) 7.5 12.5
Dimensions(W*D*H)(mm) 600%550%1900 600%550%1900 702%353%626 702%353%1238
Net weight (kg) 150 160 34 58
2.4 Evaporator Installation
2.4.1 Room Preparation
The room should be well insulated and must have a sealed vapor barrier. Use polyethylene as the vapor barrier of the ceiling and the wall. Paint on concrete walls or floors should be vapor resistant.
The most important requirement for maintaining environmental control in the conditioned room is the vapor barrier.
Incoming fresh air should be kept to a minimum. Incoming outside air adds to the heating, cooling, humidifying loads of the site. It is recommended that outside air be kept below 5% of the total circulated in the room. Doors and windows should be properly sealed to minimize leaks.
Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation 11
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
2.4.2 Location Consideration
The DataMate3000 generates water. Water leaks can cause damage to sensitive system nearby. Do not mount units near sensitive systems. Be sure to install a field-supplied pan with a drain line.
1. Try to locate the evaporator in a capacious floor space to ensure normal operation.
2. Avoid locations in confined areas that affect the airflow pattern and result in short cycles and abnormal noise.
3. Do no install the unit in an alcove or at the extreme end of a long, narrow room.
4. Do no install multiple units close to each other. This can result in crossing air patterns, uneven loads and competing operating modes.
5. Do not attach additional devices (such as smoke detectors, and so on.) to the cabinet that will interfere with routine maintenance or service.
Figure 2-5 indicates the recommended room location.
Not recommended
Recommended location
Not recommended
Recommended location
Figure 2-5 Recommended room location of evaporator
12 Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
2.4.3 Installation Procedure
1. Secure the floorstand on the selected location. The outline and dimensions of the floorstand are shown in Figure 2-6.
30 30 3 angle iron
or 25
25 2 square tube
Rubber cushion
Rubber cushion 8mm
hole for installing expansive bolt
M6 50
Steel plate 60
60 4
Figure 2-6 Floorstand
2. Lay a rubber cushion with 8~10mm thickness, as shown in Figure 2-6.
3. Uncrate the evaporator and place it onto the floorstand.
4. Rotate the grille to select the desired air discharge direction, as shown in Figure 2-7.
Grille can be rotated in
the arrow direction
Figure 2-7 Changing air discharge direction
Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation 13
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
2.5 Condenser Installation
2.5.1 Location Considerations
1. The condenser should be located for maintenance accessibility and away from residential areas. Avoid ground-level sites with public access.
2. Do no locate the condenser directly in the environment that requires low noise.
3. To ensure a satisfactory air supply, locate the condenser in a clean area, away from loose dirt and foreign matter that may clog the heat exchanger.
4. Do not locate the condenser in the vicinity of steam, hot air, or fume exhausts.
5. Do not locate the condenser closer than 450mm from a wall, obstruction or adjacent unit.
6. Avoid areas where heavy snow will accumulate at air inlet and discharge locations.
7. Install a solid base capable of supporting the weight of the condenser. The base should be at least 50mm higher than the surrounding ground and 50mm larger than the dimensions of the condenser base, as shown in Figure 2-9.
2.5.2 Installation Procedure
1. Uncrate the condenser and place it onto the base.
2. Secure the condenser with expansive bolts. The installation sizes are shown in Figure 2-8.
Figure 2-8 Condenser installation dimensions (unit: mm)
3. If multiple condensers are installed up and down, refer to Figure 2-9.
14 Chapter 2 Mechanical Installation
DataMate 3000 Series Air Conditioner User Manual
Note: Use 5# angle ironas bracket when installing two condensors up and down.
Use 6.5# V-iror as bracket when installing three
condensors up and down.
Condensor base
Condensor Condensor
Figure 2-9 Install multiple condensers up and down
2.6 Piping Connections
2.6.1 General Principle For Piping
1. Use copper pipes to connect the evaporator and the condenser. Connections are quick screw thread connections. If the line is too long and straight copper line is used, piping joints must be brazed.
2. Follow standard industry procedures in selection and placement of pipe supports, system evacuation and charging with refrigerant (only when pipeline is very long). The standard refrigerant of this system is R22.
3. Give considerations to pipeline pressure drop, oil return to the compressor, avoidance of oil logging in parts of the system and minimization of noise and vibration.
4. Consult the factory if the equivalent length exceeds 50m, or if the vertical difference between the evaporator and condenser exceeds the values in Table 2-3.
5. The recommend values in Table 2-3 are equivalent length. The loss of resistance caused by elbows and valves has been taken into consideration. The installer should confirm if these values are appropriate for site conditions.
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