Emerson Daniel 750, Daniel 711, Daniel 760, Daniel 710, Daniel 762, Daniel 770, Daniel 763, Daniel 766, Daniel 765, Daniel 767, Daniel 754, Daniel 710S750, Daniel 710P760, Daniel 788, Daniel 531, Daniel 535, Daniel 588, Daniel 536, Daniel 532, Daniel 578 Technical Manual
Specifications and Main Features
Frequently Asked Questions
User Manual
Technical Guide
Technical Guide
November 2013
February 2008
Daniel® Liquid Control
Valves Technical Guide
Technical Guide
November 2013
Daniel Measurement and Control
Theory, Principle of Operation and Applications
This brochure has been prepared to provide a thorough understanding of the principle of operation and typical applications of the
Daniel Control Valves.
The Daniel Valves operate on a basic hydraulic principle and are of the balanced-piston design, spring biased (loaded). The
valves are self contained, pilot operated for most applications (some exceptions) and use the line product as their power source.
The exceptions are valves with an external power operator that do not require line product to operate. (Ref. Models 531, 532, and
762 Series).
Technical Guide
November 2013
Table of Contents
Section 1 - AN INTRODUCTION TO BASIC HYDRAULICS ..................................................................................3
Pressure Defined ...........................................................................................................................................................................5
Pressure Indicates Work Load ......................................................................................................................................................6
Force is Proportional to Pressure and Area ..................................................................................................................................6
Series Flow Paths .........................................................................................................................................................................7
Pressure Drop Through an Orifice ................................................................................................................................................8
Flow and Pressure Drop ...............................................................................................................................................................9
Fluid Seeks A Level .......................................................................................................................................................................9
Section 2 - PRESSURE VERSUS VARIABLE FORCE REQUIRED ....................................................................10
Section 3 - BASIC VALVE - NO CONTROLS .......................................................................................................12
Section 4 - 700 SERIES VALVES ..........................................................................................................................14
Typical 700 Series Valve .............................................................................................................................................................14
Model 710 (N.C.), Model 711 (N.O.) Solenoid on-off valves .......................................................................................................16
Model 750 Pressure Reducing Control Valve (N.O.) ..................................................................................................................18
Model 760 Back Pressure/761 Pressure Relief Control (N.C.) ...................................................................................................20
Model 770 Minimum Differential Pressure Control (N.C.) ...........................................................................................................22
Model 770 Differential Vapor Pressure Control (N.C.) ................................................................................................................25
Model 762, 763, 765, 766 and 767 Gas Loaded Pressure Relief/Back Pressure Control Valves ..............................................26
Model 754 Rate of Flow Control (N.O.).......................................................................................................................................28
Section 5 - MULTIPLE PILOTS (SERIES AND PARALLEL) ................................................................................30
Model 710S750 Combination Solenoid On-Off and Pressure Reducing Control in Series ........................................................30
Model 710P760 Combination Solenoid On-Off and Back Pressure Control in Parallel ..............................................................32
Section 6 - DIGITAL AND TWO-STAGE ELECTRIC SHUT-OFF VALVES ..........................................................34
Model 788 DVC Digital Control Electric Shut-off Valves .............................................................................................................34
Section 7 - POWER CYLINDER OPERATED VALVES ........................................................................................36
Model 531, 535, 578 and 588 (N.C.) Pressure to Open and Model 532 and 536 (N.O.) Pressure to Close .............................36
Model 588 (N.C.) Digital Control Electric Shut-off Valve .............................................................................................................38
Model 578 (N.C.) Two-stage Electric Shut-off Valve ...................................................................................................................40
Technical Guide
November 2013
Section 1
The study of hydraulics deals with the use and characteristics of liquids. Since the beginning of time, man has used fluids to ease
his burden. It is not hard to imagine a caveman floating down a river, astride a log with his wife, and towing his children and other
belongings aboard a second log with a rope made of twisted vines.
Earliest recorded history shows that devices such as pumps and water wheels were known in very ancient times. It was not,
however, until the 17th century that the branch of hydraulics with which we are to be concerned first came into use. Based upon a
principle discovered by the French scientist Pascal, it relates to the use of confined fluids in transmitting power, multiplying force
and modifying motions.
Pascal’s Law simply stated, says this:
Pressure applied on a confined fluid is transmitted undiminished in all directions, and acts with equal force on equal areas, and at
right angles to them.
This precept explains why a full glass bottle will break if a stopper is forced into the already full chamber. The liquid is practically
non-compressible and transmits the force applied at the stopper throughout the container (Figure 1-1). The result is an
exceedingly higher force on a larger area than the stopper. Thus, it is possible to break out the bottom by pushing on the stopper
with a moderate force.
Perhaps it was the very simplicity of Pascal’s Law that prevented men from realizing its tremendous potential for some two
centuries. Then, in the early stages of the industrial revolution, a British mechanic named Joseph Bramah utilized Pascal’s
discovery in developing a hydraulic press.
The bottle is lled with
a liquid, which is not
A 10 pound force applied to a
stopper with a surface area of
one square in...
Results in 10 pounds of force
on every square in (pressure)
of the container wall.
If the bottom has an area of
20 square inches and each
square inch is pushed on by
10 pounds of force, the entire
bottom receives a 200 pound
Figure 1-1
Technical Guide
November 2013
Figure 1-2 shows how Bramah applied Pascal’s principle to the hydraulic press. The applied force is the same as on the stopper
in Figure 1-1, and the small piston has the same one square inch area. The larger piston, has an area of 10 square inches. The
large piston is pushed on with 10 pounds of force per square inch, so that it can support a total weight or force of 100 pounds.
It can easily be seen that the forces or weights which will balance with this apparatus are proportionate to the piston areas.
Thus, if the output piston area is 200 square inches, the output force will be 2000 pounds, (assuming the same 10 pounds of
push on each square inch). This is the operating principle of the hydraulic jack, as well as the hydraulic press.
It is interesting to note the similarity between this simple press and a mechanical lever (Figure 1-2). As Pascal had previously
stated, force is to force, as distance is to distance.
10 pounds here ...
10 lbs.
If this lever is 10 times as long as ...
An input force of 10 pounds on
a one aquare inch piston ...
... develops a pressure of 10 pounds
per square inch (psi) throughout the container.
10 lbs.
1 sq. in.
will balance 100 pounds here.
100 lbs.
... this arm.
This pressure will support a
100 pound weight if this is a
10 square inch piston.
100 lbs.
10 sq. in.
The forces are proportional to the piston area.
10 lbs.
1 sq. in.
100 lbs.
10 sq. in.
Figure 1-2
Technical Guide
November 2013
Pressure Defined:
In order to determine the total force exerted on a surface, it is necessary to know the pressure or force on a unit of area. We
usually express this pressure in “Pounds per Square Inch”, abbreviated psi. Knowing the pressure and the number of square
inches of area on which it is being exerted, one can readily determine the total force.
(Force in Pounds = Pressure in psi x Area in Sq. In.)
How Pressure is Created:
Pressure results whenever the flow of a fluid is resisted. The resistance may come from (1) a load on an actuator, (2) a control
valve or, (3) a restriction (or orifice) in piping. See Figure 1-3.
When the manual valve is
wide open, all flow is
5 gpm
There is no pressure in this condition.
0 psi
As flow is restricted by
closing the manual valve...
... pressure builds up.
25 psi
With the manual valve
... the pressure gauge reads the
maximum pressure available.
50 psi
Figure 1-3
Technical Guide
November 2013
Pressure Indicates Work Load:
Figure 1-4 illustrates how pressure is generated by resistance of a load. It was noted that the pressure equals the force of the
load divided by the piston area.
We can express this relationship by the general formula:
In this relationship:
P is pressure in psi
F is force in pounds
A is area in square inches
From this we can see that an increase or decrease in the load will result in a like increase or decrease in the operating pressure. In
other words - pressure is proportional to the load, and pressure gauge reading indicates the workload, in psi, at any given moment.
Pressure gauge readings normally ignore atmospheric pressure. That is, a standard gauge reads zero at atmospheric pressure.
An absolute gauge reads 14.7 psi at sea level atmospheric pressure. Absolute pressure is usually designated “psia”.
Force is Proportional to Pressure and Area:
When a hydraulic cylinder is used to clamp or press, its output force can be computed as follows: F = P x A
P is pressure in psi
F is force in pounds
A is area in square inches
500 lbs.
50 psi
10 sq. in.
The force is 500 pounds and ...
The area is 10 sq. in.
The pressure equals force divided by
area equals 500 pounds divided by
10 sq. in. equals 50 psi.
Figure 1-4
Technical Guide
November 2013
Parallel Flow Paths
An inherent characteristic of liquids is that they will always take the path of least resistance. Thus, when two parallel flow paths
offer different resistances, the pressure will increase only to the amount required to take the easier path.
In Figure 1-5 the oil has three possible flow paths. Since valve A opens at 10 psi, the oil will go that way and pressure will build
up to only 10 psi. Should flow be blocked beyond A, pressure would build up to 20 psi, then oil would flow through B. There
would be no flow through C unless the path through valve B should also become blocked.
Series Flow Paths
When resistances to flow are connected in a series, the pressures add up. Figure 1-6 shows the same valves as Figure 1-5,
but connected in a series. Pressure gauges placed in the lines indicate the pressure normally required to open each valve
plus back pressure from the valves down-stream. The pressure at the pump is the sum of the pressures required to open the
individual valves.
The oil can choose 3 paths.
It first chooses path "A" because
only 10 psi is required . A pressure
gauge at the pump will read 10 psi.
10 psi opens valve A
20 psi opens valve B
30 psi opens valve C
Figure 1-5
Technical Guide
November 2013
There is no resistance to
flow here, so ...
At this point, flow is resisted
by a spring equivalent to
10 psi.
Here, flow is resisted by a
20 psi spring PLUS a 10 psi
back pressure from valve A.
10 psi
20 psi
0 psi
10 psi
30 psi
P4 gauge reads zero.
Therefore, P3 gauge
reads 10 psi.
The two pressures are added and
P2 gauge reads 30 psi
With a 30 psi back pressure
30 psi
60 psi
And a 30 psi spring here...
There is 60 psi pressure
at the pump.
Figure 1-6
Pressure Drop Through an Orifice
An orifice is a restricted passage in a hydraulic line or component, used to control flow or create a pressure difference (pressure drop).
In order for oil to flow through an orifice, there must be a pressure difference or pressure drop through the orifice. The term
“drop” comes from the fact that the lower pressure is always downstream. Conversely, if there is no flow, there is no difference in
pressure across the orifice.
An increase in pressure drop across an orifice will always be accompanied by an increase in flow.
If the flow is blocked beyond an orifice, the pressure will immediately equalize on both sides of the orifice in accordance with
Pascal’s Law. This principle is essential to the operation of many control valves.
Note: A control valve is a variable orifice.
Technical Guide
November 2013
Flow and Pressure Drop
Whenever a liquid is flowing, there must be a condition of unbalanced force to cause motion. Therefore, when a fluid flows
through a constant-diameter pipe, the pressure will always be slightly lower downstream than to any point upstream. The
difference in pressure or pressure drop is required to overcome friction in the line.
Figure 1-7 illustrates pressure drop due to friction. The succeeding pressure drops, from maximum pressure to zero pressure, are
shown as differences in head in succeeding vertical pipes.
Fluid Seeks A Level
When there is no pressure difference on a liquid (no flow) it is distributed equally in the pipes as shown in Figure 1-7. If the
pressure changes the liquid levels rise until the weight is sufficient to make up the difference in pressure. The difference in height
(head) in the case of oil is one foot per 0.4 psi. Thus, it can be seen that additional pressure difference will be required to cause
a liquid to flow up a pipe or to lift the fluid, since the force due to the weight of the liquid must be overcome. In circuit design,
naturally, the pressure required to move the oil mass and to overcome friction must be added to the pressure needed to move the
load. In most applications, good design minimizes these pressure “drops” to the point where they become almost negligible.
Pressure is maximum here
because of the head height
of liquid.
The lower level
of liquid in these pipes is
a measure of reduced
pressure at points
downstream from the
(P1 minus P5) equals
maximum differential
pressure available.
Friction in the pipe drops pressure
from maximum to zero.
Figure 1-7
Pressure is zero here as the liquid
flows out unrestricted.
Technical Guide
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
November 2013
Section 2
Pressure, force, and area were discussed in the Pressure Defined section. It was stated that pressure indicates work load, and
force is proportional to pressure and area.
The principle described for Figures 2-2 and 2-3 is the same for Figure 1-4, with the exception of the work load. It is, in this
instance, a variable force (linear spring). The spring exerts 100 pounds of force or resistance in the full position of the power
cylinder (Figure 2-2) and 50 pounds in the down position (Figure 2-3). The spring is linear in force; therefore, if the power cylinder
were at 50% of stroke, the spring force would be 75 pounds (Figure 2-1).
Also, if the spring force were divided by the area in square inches of power cylinder piston, the answer would be the equivalent
force of the spring in psi. Therefore, the force of the spring can be rated as 5 to 10 psi resistance.
Figure 2-1
Technical Guide
Spring force is 100
pounds (compressed).
The pump pressure required equals
the spring force divided by area, equals
100 pounds divided by 10 sq. in equals
10 psi for full stroke.
The area is 10 sq. in.
10 psi
0 psi
10 sq. in.
November 2013
Spring force is 50 pounds.
0 psi
5 psi
Pump pressure is 5 psi.
Available force equals:
Area x Pressure equals 10 sq.
in. x 5 psi equals 50 pounds. The spring
force is equal to the pressure and area.
The power cylinder will not move.
Figure 2-2
10 sq. in.
Figure 2-3
The area is 10 sq. in.
To start the cylinder moving,
minimum pump pressure
required must be more than
5 psi.
Technical Guide
November 2013
Section 3
The Introduction to Basic Hydraulics covered the subjects of pressure, force and area and how the three are combined to perform
various functions. Note the similarity between the spring loaded hydraulic cylinder in Figures 2-2 and 2-3 on Page 11, and the
basic control valve in Figures 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3. P1 is similar to pump pressure, P2 is similar to downstream pressure, and P3 is
similar to spring force. The Basic Control Valve uses the principles of hydraulics as described in Section 1, Introduction to Basic
Hydraulics, and performs the various control functions illustrated and described in the following pages.
The valve as shown serves no useful purpose because it does not have a pilot control loop to regulate the pressure at (P3).
The purpose of these illustrations is to show the effects and force of the main valve spring, which is the total control force of the
basic valve. All main valve springs are linear in force and are rated in psi.
The basic valve operates on a balanced piston principle and is spring biased (loaded). Since the area of the nose (P1 side) of the
main valve piston is exactly the same as the spring side (P3 side), it can be seen that the main valve spring now becomes the
differential force necessary to control the position of the main valve piston.
Three (3) different springs are applicable and selection is based on the intended service. These springs are:
Light - 4 to 6 psi force
Medium - 5 to 10 psi force
Heavy - 10 to 30 psi force
The first number given is seated force and the last is full open force.
CLOSED POSITION - The valve is closed because (P1) is less than the spring force in the seated
position or; (P2) is greater than (P1).
= Inlet Pressure
= Outlet Pressure
= Spring Force
Figure 3-1
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