A Before you start ������������������������������ 1
A1 Orientation (see fig. A1) ............................ 1
A2 Installation, operation and maintenance
reference documents ................................ 1
A3 Operating medium ................................... 1
A4 Product integrity ....................................... 1
A5 Hazardous areas ........................................ 2
A6 Warning ; Moving parts ............................ 2
A7 Prevent moisture entering the actuator .... 2
A8 Warehouse storage ................................... 2
A9 On site storage .......................................... 2
A10 Lifting instructions .................................... 2
1 Introduction ������������������������������������ 3
1.1 Orientation (see fig. 1.1) ........................... 3
2 Installation �������������������������������������� 4
2.1 Before you start......................................... 4
2.2 Failure modes ............................................ 4
2.3 Operating principle ................................... 5
2.4 Actuator assembly codes ......................... 9
2.5 Valve Installation ..................................... 11
2.6 Recommended tubing sizes .................... 12
2.7 Air consumption per stroke at
atmospheric pressure .............................12
3 Mechanical stroke adjustment ������� 13
3.1 Adjusting the “Open” position ................ 13
3.2 Adjusting the “Closed” position .............. 13
3.3 Adjusting the end position with no
electrical wiring connected ..................... 14
4 Removing and mounting of the
Bettis Q-Series Modules ����������������� 15
4.1 Removing the Bettis Q-Series modules ... 15
4.2 Mechanical alignment and mounting
of the control module .............................15
4.3 Tightning moments ................................ 15
4.4 Connecting air supply ............................. 15
5 Speed control option ��������������������� 16
5.1 Mounting Speed Control throttle(s): ...... 16
5.2 Adjusting Speed Control throttle(s): ....... 16
6 Manual Control option ������������������� 17
6.1 Mounting Manual Control ....................... 17
6.2 Manual Control operation ....................... 17
7 Trouble shooting Bettis Q-Series ���� 18
7.1 Mechanical problems .............................. 18
7.2 Pneumatic problems ............................... 18
7.3 Electrical problems .................................19
8 Maintenance ���������������������������������� 20
8.1 General....................................................20
8.2 Single acting / Spring Return actuators ...20
8.3 Bettis Q-Series recommended spare parts . 20
8.4 Position tracking device kits .................... 20
8.5 Conversion kits........................................ 20
8.6 High Temp and Low Temp Conversion kits .. 20
9 Disassembly ����������������������������������� 21
9.1 Before starting ....................................... 21
9.2 Removing end caps all types QD and
QS 40 to QS 350 ...................................... 22
9.3 Removing end caps type QS 600
to 1600 ...................................................23
9.4 Removing limit stop bolts, pistons and
pinion assembly ...................................... 24
10 Reassembly ������������������������������������ 26
10.1 Reassembly guide band and pinion
assembly ................................................. 26
10.2 Reassemble the pistons........................... 28
10.3 Reassembly end caps, all types QD and /
QS 40 to QS 350 ...................................... 29
10.4 Reassembly end caps single acting
actuators QS 600 to QS 1600 .................. 30
10.5 Mounting and setting of limit stops ........ 31
10.6 Final assembly and airtightness test .......32
11 Bettis Q-Series Parts ����������������������� 33
11.1 Exploded view Bettis Q-Series
(base actuator) ........................................33
11.2 Bill Of Material ......................................... 34
11.3 Exploded view Bettis Q-Series
(Control Module) ....................................35